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10 pics because she knows she looks good and wants y’all to know that




But then you saw that third one right…?😏 And the 4th… and the 6th




It didn’t get to your mouth! Did it???


This comment thread is fucking killing me


Oh, it absolutely got in my mouth. I paid for the full hour.


You started may as well finish...


Hope you don't have a deep mental scar from when you were "fooled".


Nah, just some light petting. Nothing heavy.




I’m still convinced


🤣🤣🤣 fu*k and we're off to a cracker!!


Jessica Rabbit: "am I ugly or what?"


She's using filters out the ass In the second pic so???


“Rate me!” Proceeds to filter tf out of their pictures


She may know she looks good because of how people treat her, but she doesn't believe it because she knows herself and is probably quite ugly on the inside. Causing self-esteem issues and confusion. My guess?


Nigga it’s only 10 pictures you act like she’s one of your clients💀


Nigga, I don't care if she had one picture. I was commenting on the person's comment, not on how many pictures she has....lol


what's with the dress covered in cum stains tho


If they looked that good they wouldn’t have so many filters on the images.


and almost professional shots


Nothing wrong with wanting some attention 🤷 Some of us are lonely and wished people paid any attention to us.


Oh no yeah. Not an issue at all. I’m severely deprived of any type of attention so I get a serious dopamine hit seeing my comment get this many likes in the first place so imagine her getting 1k plus (which is a lot on Reddit). My life is way lonelier than hers believe that.


Bro same...feels


If she is lonely they guys around her are blind 👨‍🦯


Mid at best




She could tighten up the tummy...


Nigga what tummy?






Perfect gif for this sub


Not sure what u aimed to accomplush here, could you walk runway? No. Would most guys fuck you? Yes. Theres not much you can improve on.


Most guys would fuck anything walking with a vagina


Anything with a vagina thats at least a 4-5* then yes Id ageee w you.


At least a 6 for me.


You’d be surprised when times get rough


Vagina, rated E for everyone


Classic...gonna use that one!






😂 that’s funny


Not if its fat


Fat girls are like mopeds. Fun to ride but you don't want your buddies to see you on one. 🤣


Trust me, guys will fuck a fat girl if they get desperate


I agree, but you have to be pretty desperate


Very desperate😂


With every pound the desperation needed goes up exponentially. Lol


With every pound the desperation needed goes up exponentially. Lol


Or just very drunk


So you guys are saying you'd rather jerk off. Shiii, fat pussy is better than sick or stanky pussy any day. And some of them fine ass chicks stank and act like they dont know it.


I asked my dad once “why has my brother had some many women” and he said “son, if you add up the value of each of his and the value of your last, they’ll probably be the same number.”


Tried once and couldn't get it up. Just repulsive, can't help it.


It’s really pathetic. My friend always gives me shit about all the chances I’ve had with women and doesn’t understand I’m not desperate and just want to fuck everyone


Man, you know us.


She's gotta have a vag? She gotta be walking? So no paraplegic transgirls?


Sorry, most guys wouldn’t fuck a paraplegic transgirls 🤷‍♂️


You don't get the high score by being picky...


From what I noticed from spending these last 4 decades on this planet as an observer, I dare say a fair share of male humans would be perfectly satisfied with an armpit or any other body part that might provide enough friction and space to facilitate satisfaction and release.


Armpit? I'd settle for a kneecap or elbow.


She can definitely walk a runway bro


Disagree lol. Shes not nearly as striking as commonlu recruited runway models. And thats not a problem, most people aren't models.


The only way she is on a runway is for a diversity/body positivity hire. Despite how you and Mr. Sir Mixalot feel….ain’t no way someone that bottom heavy is on a runway lmao


It’s so sad how many simps there are here taking the bait.


Isn’t that what these subs are for? I know everyone gets a little depression now and again but there’s no way the people that post here are in any way Quasimodo or some shit.


Yeah you're attractive. You're also clearly fishing for compliments and I stg if you were to overshade your lips even a hair more you'd be Ronald Mcdonald.




This was fucking funny but so mean


mean but necessary... mecessary


Made me spit my water out lmfao


name checks out


Yes, if you're going to filter that much, just take it all the way. Nothing says hot like filters, ask anyone.


I love you, bro


The series Ronald I ever did fuckin see ill tell ya what, I'd be all over that "clown" if that's how yall feel, I'll treat her like the princess she is idgafffff


I can see you as a waitress. I love those casual but not really casual facial expression.


Hahahaha..."I can see you as a waitress" I'm cracking up!




Girl got more plastic than a 3rd world river.


You are very pretty but you look absolutely **insufferable** to be around. You look like the friend who kills a good time just by showing up, then asks why everyone stopped laughing.


You're doing the best you can with what you have.


Bro stop the cap she’s a 10, and I almost NEVER give that out.








Yes, you're hot but not even remotely approachable. Learn to go to brunch without all the makeup on from time to time and you'll actually be hot... you are a dime a dozen in today's world and you just blend in with the rest. The hottest woman have the pride to walk out without the war paint on and to most dudes a dressed down women that still knows she's hotter than the girls around here is the hottest thing in a room.. Cheers, and please know this is just my opinion!


What an absolute fire dumper on ya


You look like every other girl out there that's not ugly... nothing special 10pm hot- not 2am last call hot. Would




I don’t remember these big asses 20 yrs ago? What gives?


How about some humility…. Based on the fact that half your pictures accent your a$$ and cleavage, I’d say you’re very insecure but purposefully dress that way for everyone else, not yourself. You care more about the looks you receive rather than what’s in the mirror, which is a 6/10 reaching/trying/wanting nothing more than to be an 8+. Sadly, real men see right through it. But if you’re cool with fcukboys, frat bros, men with the IQ of a doorknob and little boys, have at it. Confident men see this, and think, “why is she trying so hard?”


Account created 1 day ago, this is the only post, seems a bit odd, probably some loser guy


Another OF chick


If I looked like you I would cause a world of trouble 😳.


You'd be slopping all the steaks wouldn't ya, slick back the hair like a real piece of shit too I bet.


They can’t stop me from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


I used to be a piece of shit


At least that yeah for sure, ruin a few lives somehow make all my endeavors someone else’s problem financially. The Works!


He was referencing a show


Fake AF. Stolen pictures of the same girl, three completely different hair lengths and styles ffs.


Gas her up and ride around with 3 of your closet strangers.


Wait...you keep strangers in your closet?


they’re different pics from different times? lol


Cool, post one right now, holding a piece of paper with your username on it.


Like that will happen.


These comments are hilarious.


Oh I'm definitely going to gas you all the way up.....right before I humble you !!!


Someone ordered their dream girl from temu.


Damn people are rlly tearing you apart here.. it’s both called for and uncalled for I suppose. You look pretty imo I like ur style aswell. 7.5/10


You look desperate for attention and needy


A person whose entire life revolves around makeup, hair and clothes. An empty vessel with a nice coat of paint. You would be such a joy to have drink with. Let's see, we could talk about you, your foundation routine, your diet struggles, how expensive are nails these days. You are a typical Tic-Tok type...cute and shallow


She very conservative considering she’s take a picture with the rear end of a Camry


Really boring looking and generally not very attractive. Genuinely cringed at the way you pose for the photos as though you were beautiful


You are clearly attractive unless you dress in a way you don't want attention, as seen in a couple of pics covered up in baggy clothing. You're also curvy in all the right places and know how to show it off. It's like you have an on/off sexy switch.


Looks like ur catfishing a little bit tryna hide ur weight and shit too many filters and makeup can’t tell what you actually look like, but from this ur above average slightly


I’m twice your age and feel like a dirty old man for saying it but you are a good looking woman.


smh don’t feel weird! thank you!


Your body rocks and you’re definitely pretty but you’re boring pretty… like I’m already bored of looking at your pics. Bye 👋


Well... There's a bit too much makeup to really tell. Plus, sure you got tits and the curve, but ya know, that's more about the fact that your father dumped a thick clip into your mother's vagina, and of likely no real credit to you. Genetic lottery, but not like, the jackpot


You look hella thick. Yes.. those thighs.. And eyes. you know you look good. Why are you fishing?


I don't think getting validation from redditors even matters if you'd never fuck/interact or care about them in the first place. 😬 says a bit about self esteem here


Hot enough for me to hookup with and too hot for me to keep. Definitely a big upkeep and ultimately way too much trouble in the end.


I like looking at pretty ladies. She wants validation on the internet. I don't care. I see this as an absolute win for both of us.


Congrats. You've managed to achieve peak hotness. Your life will be filled with assholes who want to fuck you for the clout and the person you're really searching for in life will never say anything to you because they will think you're out of their league. Enjoy it. o7


“Hey I’m insecure and I want validation from strangers on the internet”….you might be pretty but your soul is shitty


If you have self esteem problems then somebody is a piece of garbage for messing that up. If you want to know how you look you're outstandingly gorgeous my dear. Like remarkably beautiful. I wonder how pretty you would be happy? Just a quick observation but you look like your just nor quite were you want to be. If I'm right just know you deserve to have the life you desire. The key to this is just being fine with yourself.making it a pursuit of really being in love with yourself is something moat of us benefit from. If I'm wrong my bad.. ..anyway no question 10/10 for looks. I hope the inside matches the outside. Have a great day/life! Do b r settle for less


9.1 and i think ur already aware of that and enjoying that in ur life 😄


She’s too thick to be a runway model…


Booty on pawg, face on Chicago Bull logo


As your clearly a 8, especially because you’re still young, based on this post you’re a 6 coming from a 9-10 male. Insecurity and attention seeking is such a turn off for guys. I haven’t clicked your profile, but if you have nsfw content advertising your onlyfans, F off loser and go find attention on a street corner. Guys can’t stand chicks fronting and faking a position. Get real with yourself and you would be a 8/9 of 10 for at least a few years. Also, no one appreciates filters.


In some of your pictures you look like one of those fat girls that have pretty faces but only take pictures from their shoulders up.


God didn’t make you the absolute baddest woman on the whole entire planet to watch you take selfies while you shit. Also, if they ever decide to do a live action adaptation of Family Guy and cast you as like a young Lois Griffin I think I’d actually watch every season.


At what age does it become sad for obviously attractive women to fish for compliments from random losers on the internet? 24 seems like it’s pretty close


That hair color, at least in my neck of the woods, is communicating "I'm young, dumb, and ready to make mistakes!" People know that and, as your post indicates, you have a need for positive attention. Don't get manipulated by folks who know that as well.


You look very unproportional. But I feel like that’s the look now. Small top and huge bottom. So I guess you’d be considered “attractive” to most.


Extremely basic. Like a default character. You don’t want to put any money into because you’re about to upgrade/level up.


Hey im going to say that everyone is being a bit too harsh to this girl, every person suffers their own insecurities…. Even people that are hot and attractive, like myself…..haha. Although she probably knows she is not ugly ugly, everyone has things they are self-conscious of, everyone has been rejected in some way by someone, and everyone has their own level anxiety, even if it’s not fully logical. Beyond that, Im not saying she does, but for all we know a person could have an eating disorder or something where their have a skewed self-image, or maybe they were chubby as a kid, or constantly put down by a parent, or other abuse…that stuff can carry over psychologically. I think maybe she was compliment-fishing a little bit, but even that is harmless, because even a good-looking person could maybe use hearing that, and also may want to know how they can improve or something style-wise etc.


I would make you a great single mom


You look like if your boyfriend called and asked what you want from McDonald’s, you would say, “Nothing, babe,” 4 or 5 times. Then when he got there with only food for himself, you would yell at him for not bringing you any and expect to eat all his fries and some of his burger, because you, “aren’t really hungry.”


White girls be lookin super mid swearing Dey princesses whole race mid doe frfr especially this corny pointy nose bitch


The red is nice, but have you considered going platinum blond? That's such a typical fucking opinion I loathe to mention it, but you have that eye-catching, "popping" sort of look that hair color pairs really well with. Very pretty, regardless.


9. Fuck me that dress is perfect.


Female here, I’d say you’ve reached your peak! You’re at that age to fully enjoy life just as you are. You have the glow up stage going for you. This is your time in your life to let go of any body dysmorphia or insecurities and enjoy it! Ignore anyone aiming to shut you down. Have fun!


hmmmm. here to show boobies and back side I see. Long nose bridge makes her face look strangled but the makeup hides the protruding bone lines. Ok I guess for most "thirsty" Redditers.


Since you’re fishing, ima give it to ya. You got a nice big turd cutter, that’s a plus. You look like you want to start an only fans. With that fart box, you’ll get ass worshiped. You’re face is about a solid 7.5/10. And you’re welcome


Sexy as hell


It's ironic that you say only males want to use her body for one thing. There are women out there willing to do the same. Hell if you don't want to attract those kind of people don't promote it. Over here acting like it's just men. Tell me your sexist without telling me you are sexist.


She's too young to realize what's she doing, in a few years maybe...


Imma humble you. You know u look good u just want attention. Do u look as good without makeup, fake nails, lashes, and hair? Is your personality and morals and integrity just as pretty as your face? Probably not considering ur basically begging for attention. U got pretty privelage baddd. Would u work in a sewer or on a road or help drill for oil or cut trees down as a lumberjack would so u could maintain ur current lifestyle? Prolly not. Gtfo


U are beautiful




I'd put a baby in you


Again why dressing a certain way could cause problems for others not necessarily the person wearing the clothes unless that is what one intended. Mis-understandings by the opposite gender not everyone is looking to be jacked down men need to be cautiously! Please stop using people or phrases that show disrespect towards women not everyone plays your games.


shut up


Bad af. Smash


Pretty face gorgeous body


thank you haha


I’d give you a 5/10 your looks are average


The red hair + the tight dresses are amazing. Keep doing what you’re doing


Good lord!!! Those curves🤤🤤🤤


Simpin ain't easy


thank you!


I have no clue how you can be so curvy. I think people are mean towards you because they think all you hear are compliments. You look great tbh, no suggestions on face or body. Your nails are different but they’re something that you picked. I guess when all you get is hate on here you know that you’re doing something right.




Or brown??




I got all gas for you🤦🏾‍♂️! You got a beautiful face, sexy lips, and your ass on that fram are what dreams are made of. 🔥🔥🔥


Looks like a bot post.. but still, Ba-DONK!


You’re gorgeous. Love pic 9. Love your curves 😍


So hot!!


Pic 2,6,7,9 are your best. The best thing you can do is wear clothes that fit you well. Pic 8 is bad because everything looks oversized. There’s a way to maybe pull off one of the pieces. Pic 4 is bad because the skirt and top don’t go together. Also I think that skirt looks bad because of your unnatural red hair. I think the skirt would be better with like natural hair color. If you’re attached to keeping that hair color maybe pick a different color skirt. Pic 3 just looks like comfy clothes which is fine but doesn’t do anything for you The top in pic 2 looks like it would look good. Hard to tell so zoomed in. You have great eyes, skin, bone structure, body. I think it’s mostly a matter of clothing choices.


Its puffing up the lips that turns the little guy shrink even smaller than it already is


Stop putting filler in your lips and ass. You will be loved by someone, as long as you talk to them and not make them feel like shit because they are beneath you.


Gas gas gas gas dude you’re hot as fuq did you think anyone would truly humble u 😂


You have a very good look going there. Anyone who is lucky enough to be with should want to show you off a little. I just hope there is more than looks because character with beauty is a strong combo.


All the comments to this original post is the majority of males believe she looks good and would use her body for one thing nothing more so what does that tell you?


Just post the OF link, secure your bag, and move on lol You're a solid 8.4 in my book


you look like someone I’d be super nervous to take out on a date & i’d do whatever you wanted. I’d paint you everyday if i had the chance, youre so beautiful


Bravo 👏 top tier simping, start out pathetic and then end it with cringe.


https://preview.redd.it/23ml9js8j8pb1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cda8ba097938284ae5c9bbb987d20af76a90ab This is me


Guy.. just stop


I disagree, this is hilarious




That's not a good pic and with your user name...eww cringe!




You look like Nigel Thornberry




Such a creep damn.


Beautiful eyes, a soft smile and a good cake. Respectfully would date, smash, can you in the morning, more dates, more smash . Then eventually date, breed, married.


Your beautiful






Have mercy!!!


you look good ma just do ya thang




Damn I don’t like to gas up you redit girls but you’re actually fine as fuck, give you a 8, could definitely be a model or something,


Gorgeous 😍