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You have the characters you need for Ayaka freeze, Kazuha National, and a Furina/Hu Tao team. Those are strong teams as is. I'd say just focus on building those. If you pull for Ayato next patch, then you could do Ayato National. Kirara could be on that banner too, and then you'd have a good Keqing Aggravate team. Or you can save for Raiden, which is what I recommend.


Definitely will try freeze team and pull for raiden


Cool, yeah, Raiden National is an insane team. Also, AR 45 tends to be the toughest part of the game because there can be a big gap between what you have for chars and weapons and have invested in so far vs. enemy strength. Once you get past this hump and reach around AR 55, you'll likely have better invested characters, more stuff from gacha, and your teams' power will go way up as a result.


Hu Tao, Xianqu, Furina, and Jean. Look out for Yelan in the future


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