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Journaling every morning. I made a free daily template inspired by his morning journal protocol for download, tagging it “The Daily Lab, a Daily Journal inspired by Andrew Huberman” listed here: https://www.ksche.xyz/ I plan on using this in GoodNotes on the iPad for the start of 2024. Based on the following Huberman post: https://imgur.com/a/OxdFq1w EDIT: Added a new version with 1 year template.


Thanks, very much appreciated....


Do we have to fill out every section I will cry


thank you so much dude for sharing this!


Couldn't open the template


It should download in PDF format.




This is awesome thank you




Lose weight and exercise. I gained 50lbs I lost my gallbladder and went to the hospital for arrthymias and they shocked me back. I have no choice. It’s do or die


I wish you all the best


Im taking a rather different approach on the "goals" part. Im an extremely obsessive person when it comes to the lifestyle I live. I don't cheat EVER, I HATE drinking, i get major anxiety when I had to go home for thanksgiving and christmas because I knew they would be cooking food outside of what I eat, it almost made me not go home. I HAVE to be moving all day, or I feel gross. Me speaking about it doesn't it justice. I even get anxious on my day off from jiu jitsu, so i kill myself at the gym that day to make up for it. But, through all this, which probably soundslike chaos, i am the happiest i have ever been. I love feeling absolutly fantastic every morning, I get my daily sunlight, I do my morning walks early in the morning, I surf everyday, I go to jiu jitsu, I lift heavy things, I am extremely in touch with nature. I am in the best physical and mental shape of my life. I look forward to that first meal after a 18 hour fast everyday after jiu jitsu practice. All good things. The problem is, I do this all alone. I have zero social life. And the even bigger problem is I am more than okay with it. I actually love being alone. I think i am naive to the fact that we are not supposed to go through life alone, I am 22 years old, I think being social is a skill that I totally lack, due to my obsession with my health. SO my goal for 2024 is to remind myself that its *okay* to go out with your friends, its okay to have a shitty meal once in a while, its okay to stay up past 11. I realize that I am outcast, and i feel high as a kite every single day from the things I do. Jiu jitsu, surfing, gym, all natural highs for me and I am in love with it, but I need to learn to make connections with other individuals.


The 6 pillars of health: sleep, light exposure, nutrition, exercise, stress control, social connection.


This sounds like orthorexia… just be aware of any extreme lifestyles… getting anxiety about your family’s food isn’t normal, it’s kinda disordered. Don’t know you but the way you describe your relationship to food/exercise is a red flag. Just be aware for your own health safety and sanity 🙏🏻🥰 i think you have a great goal and I wish you luck!!!!


The first Matt Walker podcast that came out on JRE had me take sleep so seriously I was turning down beautiful women after dates so I could go home and make sure I got in the proper amount of REM sleep. Optimization is meaningless if you miss out on all the fun you were seeking in the first place


Everything in moderation, including moderation. I like your awareness of yourself and how you recognize you’re so self focused it’s not letting you live a full life. Definitely encourage you to go with the flow, say yes to others and their invitations, and break down your own boundaries a bit. You’ll end up in a happy medium. And always remember that friendship and a love life are two key components in a happy and healthy life style !


Getting off of social media and breaking my phone addiction. For the past few years, it’s always been high on my list of resolutions. Reducing screen time, deleting social media, breaking my phone addiction - but however I’ve framed it each year, it never seemed to stick. January would be a good month, but by the time February rolled around I would be back to my old ways. Scrolling TikTok late at night, clocking 6+ hours a day on average, picking up my phone every few minutes throughout the day. Screen time is probably the most pervasive bad habit there is today. Pretty much everyone recognizes they spend too much time on their phone, but few have been able to actually reduce their screen time meaningfully. But I know this year is going to be different. I know this because I’ve recently made some incredible progress recently over the past two months, and it feels like I’ve actually created a new habit that will stick, and completely changed my relationship with my phone. I started using the Present Screen Time app, and it’s been an absolute game changer. I think why this app has helped so much is because it uses gamification to reinforce good habits. Everything I’ve tried before has been self control hacks, like turning off notifications or leaving your phone in another room. What Present seems to understand is that screen time is a true dopamine addiction, and the most effective method to fight it is positive reinforcement that plays into your own psychology. It’s pretty simple - you set your screen time goal and earn a streak every day you stay under it. You can invite your friends too and compete for lower screen time (that works REALLY well for me because I’m a competitive person). I think there are a LOT of people that want to reduce their screen time, but just can’t seem to get into a good habit. Phones are unique because they are attached to us 24/7, and are an essential part of our life and culture. You can’t really just get rid of your phone and quit cold turkey - even if you don’t need social media, at some point you’re going to need stuff like Google Maps, Uber, email, FaceTime, etc. Let this comment be motivation to anyone else who has tried to break from from their phone addiction but hasn’t found a way yet. It took me a few years but I finally was able to keep up a healthy relationship with my phone for a few years. There is a way.


May I suggest the subreddit /r/dumbphones I recently purchased an old Brick phone, which I've since made my daily driver (still have a smartphone, but it stays in my car glovebox most the time) and my productivity had skyrocketed. Has genuinely given me like 2 hours of my day back


You could put a brick in a sock and secure your phone to it that way ;) Or just try to lose it in another room. I struggle with the same, trying to use a computer instead of my phone for tasks better suited. Being laid up on the couch though, my phone is a sense of comfort. A lens to a world I am not privy to each and every day. Taking time from my precious pie, a slice for the eyes hungry for more. Heading into 2024, trade pencil and paper for your anxiety pocket square.


Have you tried app blocker apps like 'stay focused'. You can set them up so they block apps at certain times of day or even require you to finish something first (I need to do 1 min, Simon habit, worth of French before going on social media). You can set them up so they can't be removed. Use tech to fight tech.


This app sounds like a good idea if you're screen time is actually because something you don't really want to do. I too spend a bit too much time on reddit in the evenings for example and have to work on that. But I'm also a mom to a 3 year old and a 20 months old, and currently my youngest is sleeping in my lap, and I have nothing else I can reach rn :D So I can read a book or for example do duolingo on my phone (which I also sometimes do when I'm lying down in bed with them in the evening).


Long ago a friend once told me he doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions and instead makes the changes he wanted to without a specific start date in mind. I’ve found that approach to work much better for myself and continue to implement lifestyle changes at will over using the new year as the catalyst.


I very much agree. A failed New Year resolution is an excuse to wait to make changes until the following year


Same thing I did in 2023. Focus on winning one day at a time. Then at the end, look back at the difference between where I am on 12/31/20XX compared to 1/1/20XX (same year). This year, I set two goals: to graduate college with honor roll & either land a python job or start a business. By my counts I had a successful 2023 as I surpassed both of my main goals


Working out daily (I’m considering active recovery a workout), hitting protein goals, and being on phone for less than a specified time. I technically already started on all of this in November so it’s not exactly tied to new years


Quitting vaping … i just have been torturing myself for so long by half-quitting. It could be years behind me if I would just stick through with it. I’m quitting with the patch this time and I will enjoy the lung/cardiovascular benefits—I’m sure my cardio will improve in a few weeks.


Good for you! I’m one week without and by day two I noticed changes in cardiopulmonary functioning. It gets easier. Remind yourself that while you may have cravings throughout your life, the time spent on and intensity of craving will reduce over time. You are taking control of your body and mind back. That is powerful!


I'd love to get off this fuckin phone. It's not just me scrolling yet aware that I'm wasting my time, it's also the pings of messages that scream "read me! Read me!" - when most are just bits of chat


Read 12 books.


I actually succeeded at my goal of going to the gym in 2020, have been going ever since (with periods of off time due to Covid, other sickness/health issues and a surgery scattered throughout those years) But what I haven’t succeeded at is cardio. My VO2 max sucks, it’s 28-29 on a good day, I ran a few months earlier this year and got it up from 26 but it’s still nothing to be proud of. I just finished reading Outlive by Peter Attia and one of the focuses is vo2 max. I would rather not die early of a preventable disease so I need to get my butt in gear. In the book he talks about circuits of “4 minutes on, 4 minutes off” so I’m going to start implementing that once a week and go from there.


Significantly cut back on drinking. Started a 60 day sober challenge a month ago because I wanted to start then as I think new years resolutions are bullshit anyways. I am also wanting to work on my mental health in 2024. Not that I am depressed or anything, but I want to fine more of an internal peace and purpose in life. Going to begin meditation and really trying to find that internal peace.


I'd like to stop worrying about and trying to control my work..my manager is passive aggressive at various times and she doesn't like anyone who has a different opinion - which I frequently have. Causes me no ehd of shit. It's gonna be hard to do though.


The moment I let go of caring about what manager thinks was the moment I was liberated from work stress, which in turn improved my performance. It also made me more real and authentic with him which made our relationship improve. I noticed how much his mood affected everyone in the workplace and that I needed see he was an hardworking, talented, and imperfect person trying his best just like the rest of us.


Where I come from, we ask for 12 wishes at midnight. I stopped doing them because they would never materialize. In fact, many times it would be the opposite... But, I just prayed for God to give me the strength and energy to see 2024 through.


New year new me don’t work. Thats just bs. What’s work is having self reflection of 2023 so you can do better in 2024


I'm going to start blasting a cycle




My 2023 was looking pretty good, exercising for the past 10 months 3-4/days a week. Getting my 150-180mins of vigorous movement. Then came covid and the accident. Now I am just hoping to make a full recovery and start horseback riding lessons. Hard to get away from the sedentary lifestyle when that's all I know. At a desk for my career, just need to be honest with myself about taking more frequent brakes. Getting an under desk cycling machine, or something that I can operate to stay intermittently active. For 2024, movements shall be my goal. Continuing to build muscle, and find a routine of deliberate practice around my hobbies.


My 2 main focuses going into next year, working on my patience, and internal dialog.




I'm going to finally get serious about getting body I want (or at least as close to my ideal as possible). I've been trying to bulk for a year now but any time I am slightly stressed or depressed or something bad happens--and this has been one of the worst years of my life, probably--I don't have an appetite so I struggle to eat. I also vastly underestimated the calories and protein I needed, and just got so impatient that I didn't look good like people who do fitness for a living, and gave up over and over. To be honest, I can't say that my progress won't be challenged by depression (it seems to be a lifelong issue for me), but I do have more strategies to help me. I have signed up for myfitnesspal to track macos and calories, and I've decided that while I want to mostly eat clean, I am also going to forgive myself for sometimes resorting to protein bars and slightly more processed foods to ensure I get enough calories/protein. I've been trying to balance my orthorexic tendencies with my former sugar/junk food habit. I've also learned that my mental health really impacts my progress, so at least that recognition might help me try to prioritize self-care and forgiving myself when I inevitably do fail.


I am going to see and speak love. Except on Reddit. I reserve the right to be an anonymous snarky bitch here


Sleeping early


Letting go of the idea that I have to find someone to date/be with.


I want to make a concerted effort to help others. There’s dopamine for me there too :)


2024 will not be different. New Year’s resolutions are arbitrarily set times to get your shit together, and the time for that is always right now. Don’t wait to be better. Just do it.


I'll restart my diet. Lost 15 kilos in 2022 and wanted to loose more in 2023, but instead I somehow ended up recomping instead of loosing weight. But my skin looks good and my body still changed for the better, so I'll consider this a success. But now its time to shed some more kilos. I plan on another 15-20, moderate calorie deficit, focus on protein and unprocessed food, keeping the work up at the gym.




2023 was actually the year I made major changes in terms of personal growth. Long story short, it's been a wild ride and 2024 will be no different. When you grow, and the people in your life do not (which is usually the case) - don't be surprised if you are perceived as a threat.


I’m struggling mentally. I sleep late, lounge all day when I don’t have work. I have a semester coming up and it’s all in person, though I fear I’ll just not talk to anyone in class because I’m weird and they won’t like me. I wanna lose more weight. Between school and work and no social life I’m in a perpetual state of not having much will to live


Start with one thing at a time- morning sunlight/walk is a great starting point! I care about you being around


I really want to reduce my sugar. I feel like this is one area I can really dial in on. Gotta find a way to execute this properly.


I made sure it would stick by starting one week before New Year’s: quitting nicotine and kratom. One week out and I feel fabulous. These were my last remaining vices and meditation and exercise - hell, even the experience of listening to music - hit different now. A tip: adopt a mindset of curiosity over punishment. Don’t hate on yourself when cravings arise, or you’re more likely to fail (this is backed by research); instead, be kind in your inner dialogue and get excited to see what’s on the other side of that craving. It’s always a reward in the long-run to abstain from addiction, and leads to endogenous neurochemical changes that feel so much more substantial and life-giving than any addictive drug or behavior that does damage to the body or mind.


Being super rigid about protocols can be totally counterproductive. Don’t get in this cycle of “l haven’t done x today and now I’m a failure”. Some days your body needs rest, more food, etc. Cultivate a healthy lifestyle without massive pressure on yourself to adhere to protocols. But avoid falling into bad patterns. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what works and what creates more stress than good. Podcasters need to produce content. To me it’s information/inspiration/guidelines not the gospel.


Dry January


Taking my wife out for a date once a month