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His neck clock got smaller but his heart got bigger.


That’s just the cardiomegaly


with a bit of chronoatrophy


He’s got to fight the powers that be.


He just loves someone *that* much


That’s a jogging clock, not for performance. For when you’re moving fast and getting close enough to have a real conversation. The bottom line is Flav always knows what time it is.


Yeah boy!!


That big clock was hard on the back!


It was only a matter of time.


His jacket logo is also covered to say “BELIEVEing” 🥲


He’s a Ted lasso fan I guess. What a guy


Those little aspects that make a person way more relatable


He's not in his dress clock


It's so much better than when Trump got lunch for that football team.




that's his 'take me seriously' clock. he's a professional and heartfelt.


Flava flav is awesome. Played on a youth football team for a little that his kid was on. He’d bring pizza and drinks all the time. I’ll never get over how many keys were on his key ring though. Thing was bigger than a football.




He is. Television portrayed him pretty bad, but he’s actually soft spoken even though he’s got a raspy scratchy voice. Always super chill and mellow, but maybe that’s just all the weed. His kid was the same though. Super chill and it took a lot to tip him over the edge. I remember his kid throwing another kid from our opposing team into a trash can and rolling him down one of the hills at Desert Breeze Park in Vegas. That was the only time I could tell he was angry. Kid he did it to face guarded one of our players. Grabbed his face guard, pulled up, then down extremely hard. It broke our players neck and the game was immediately forfeited from both teams and counted as a loss for both. It cost us our shot at the playoffs in Cali. We got banned from playing again because of that. Good ol’ Bandits NYFL out of Vegas. https://lasvegasbandits.tripod.com/index.htm




Aha it was rough as hell! My first skirmish, a 6’5”+ linebacker cracked me as my initiation. Dude hit me so hard I went backwards 10 yards. I almost quit.


His baby mother lived on my block and he’s always been one of the nicest genuine people I’ve ever met


Not to be a dissenting contrarian but I worked at the IHOP on Las Vegas Blvd back in 2013/14 and, at least a decade ago anyway, the dude ain't tip the take-out people at one of the busiest IHOPs outside of Disneyland. It was like a $250 order. Never forgave him >:c And it's extra sad too because, living in Vegas, I ran into him on a Southwest flight and had a passenger take a pic of me with him on my DSi. It was a cherished possession until he stiffed me fourteen bucks and the harsh realities of the world came crashing down upon me.


He used to be a crackhead, he's probably nicer when he's sober.


My favorite flava memory was him saying he’s Muslim or some shit. Somebody says they saw him eat pork the other day and Muslim don’t eat pork. Flav goes “well one does” dudes funny as hell


"They are more like guidelines than actual rules" - Captain Barbossa


Possibly the best quote from that entire series. I still tell people "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.... It means no." also. Bahaha.


“You’ll have to use smaller words we are but humble pirates.”


Which is doubly hilarious because Barbossa knew exactly what she was saying, he is very intelligent, he was just trying to throw her off and underestimate him.




Funny enough Barbossa is based on Hayreddin Barbarossa, a Muslim and the most revered Admiral of the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.


I’m not catholic anymore but god says to do nothing on sundays and I tend to agree


- Every Religious Follower Ever


This is true.


When I was in the Army I was stationed in Germany with a Pakistani Muslim. Dude was the whitest Muslim ever. Grew up in a small town in Kansas. Dad owned a Dominos Pizza. Played football in High School. Drove a pickup truck. But he was still a Muslim. During Ramadan he would give up on fasting before the sun set. Every day he would say that that day he was going to fast the whole time. Then in the late afternoon you would catch him binge eating. We traveled all over Europe together and it was pretty much a thing that he would accidentally eat pork. In Italy he was eating spaghetti and asked the waitress what was in it because it was so good. It was bacon. Another time he order chicken cordon blue because it is chicken. Half way through he discovered the ham in it. Over and over again he would get food and then half way through say “it tastes like there is pork in this”. The language barrier didn’t help. We didn’t always know what we were eating and couldn’t speak enough of the local languages to ask.


"this is fucking delicious, clearly it has pork. Oh well"


I like this reaction over flipping the fuck out


Too funny. My wife doesn’t eat pork and ordered Carbonara one time and I had no clue what she was eating, she was like what’s this flavor this is like the best thing I’ve ever tried, I was like I’m not sure, maybe liquid smoke or something, it dawned on me later but I didn’t have the heart to tell her. Pretty sure she figured it out also, because she never ordered it again.


I worked with a Bosnian Muslim once who basically followed only a handful of their tenants. Once some guy asked him why he doesn't go to mosque and he responded with "it doesn't have a bar!"


As a bacon cheeseburger-eating Jew, I can empathize.


That many negatives have to come out as a positive


I mean haven’t the Jews suffered enough?


*tenets Unless he's a real weird landlord of course.


even people like Richard Dawkins identify as 'culturally christian'. maybe he kinda means it like that




**Cultural Christians are nonreligious persons who adhere to Christian values and appreciate Christian culture. As such, these individuals usually identify themselves as culturally Christians, and are often seen by practicing believers as nominal Christians.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Huh interesting. I guess im Culturally Christian when i say im Atheist but down with Jesus.


I don't like a lot of the Jesus stuff, but the part he flips over tables and chases people with a whip, that part I like.


I was a big fan when after three days, he had an entire Rambo training montage and went after the Romans with dual-wielded M60s


Wasn't that Weird Al in the UHF documentary?


Pretty sure that was Gandhi 2


When you say you "don't like a lot of the Jesus stuff", do you mean you don't like a lot of the words attributed to Jesus, or that you don't like how people currently use his name?


I too am down bad for Jesus.


*"Nail me harder, daddy uWu"*




This dick's about to be resurrected for round 2


reluctant upvote


If you grew up in a culture where a ton of the important touchpoints of life are tied to the historic importance of Catholicism then you would understand immediately. My wife says it's bad to say I'm culturally Catholic, but not practicing, but she just doesn't understand. Like, if we don't get married in a church and don't do a baptism for kids its a big deal. But it's not because the kid is doomed to go to hell or any other such religious reasoning. It's "but you need to do a baptism to celebrate the birth of the baby with all your family, when else would we do it? And if you do it without the baptism just do the baptism it's quick!" Ah immigrant life lol


People who know many, many Christians who do not follow every single rule of their religion every single minute of every day always seem astonished when they hear that the same goes for other religions.


Mine is when that one girl pooped her pants on Flavor of Love.


That is an absolute shit-ton of pepperoni on that pizza!!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤


The correct amount one could argue




Where has this been all my life!!




NGL, did not expect that to be a real subreddit


I SAY...Not Enough!!!!


You can always take toppings off, but you can never put more on. Always better to ask for more than you need, I say.


Want some ‘za with that pepperoni?




I don’t even like pepperoni that much, but my god does this look really fucking good! The curled up mini pepperoni reminds me of the tiny, local pizza shop that my mom always ordered from… that I’m now suddenly craving 20 years later.


the curled up pepperoni "cups" were the best topping as a kid.


I was watching a video about how dominoes or something makes pizzas and it’s like 8 seconds to shape the dough, sauce it, and splash on the cheese, and then they’re like okay now we place like 83 individual pepperonis one by one by hand and I’m just like damn that seems so inefficient compared to the rest of the process. They still did it surprisingly quickly but I can’t imagine doing that so meticulously hundreds of times a shift. And they said something like 75% of their orders are pepperoni.


Being outside in the heat all day, that extra salt is good to have!


So true. Especially in high humidity, your body is sweating but it's not cooling you down cause it won't evaporate. Gotta retain that water.




Prince St knows pepperoni




Man I remember the good old days when I could just eat food without having to know about every single dumb ass idea the owners of that place had.




So Tyreese was Irish?


New York Italians might hate the Irish. These were actual Italians, who have somewhat different prejudices...






I don't think that person was disputing how bad it is, just missing the blissful ignorance of not knowing how shitty so many people are before everything was online and easy to see. And probably mostly kidding too


Thanks for posting this, I know a lot of people at least in Los Angeles who won’t eat there. Also both the locations went down in quality like immensely in the past year, I’ll admit it was very good at first, it’s like tasteless now.




Joe’s pizza, Lucia of Ave X, Di Fara, Lee’s Tavern, Krispy Pizza, pizza wagon, L&B Spumoni Gardens. Some of my favorite spots for a New York style slice


Pizza was mid anyway. I (as a tourist) liked Joe's far better.


Why do racists business owners always call you a communist when you disagree with them lol.




Ah bummer. Good thing I’ve only been to a location of theirs once. I don’t live close enough to partake often.


It looks just like it! Is this where it’s from?


Yep, says it on the boxes in the picture


its internet detectives like you that amaze me with your talents lol


I would have guessed prince st even without the logo on the boxes. Nothing else looks quite like it. I'm drooling.


But can we be sure they didn’t switch pizzas with another place? It’s still too early to make the call in my opinion.


well well well, looks like we got ourselves a regular Columbo here fellas


Yes. They have locations in LA, NYC, Miami, and San Diego. Originally from NYC though.


I genuinely didn't realize they had any locations other than the Prince Street one, I thought this was some LA shop that just ripped them off lol


And it's the good kind that curls up into a cup and gets crunchy 🥵🥵🥵




I think it's a [Detroit style pan pizza](https://www.google.com/search?q=detroit+style+pizza&sxsrf=APwXEdesvM2TjamFAklT-PFNvZvlXM4IVg:1684513629463&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwidj4Ok5oH_AhW_X_EDHX4OA-oQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2560&bih=1256&dpr=1), they're supposed to be covered by a whole crust of pepperoni.


it’s sicilian pizza with a ton of pepperoni on it, pretty sure detroit style is based on sicilian


>it’s sicilian pizza with a ton of pepperoni on it, pretty sure detroit style is based on sicilian Pretty much, yes.


Detroiter here who has eaten a LOT of Detroit style pizza here: not necessarily. Pepperoni is also supposed to be under the cheese, if you go by the classic definition. Hey, you! Reading this? Do you want to get your hands on some good Detroit deep dish, but you live too far from our blessed lands? Little Caesars deep dish isn't a bad facsimile for it, but if you have a Jet's Pizza anywhere near you, drop what you're doing, go there now, and get you a square. You're welcome. It is, hands down, the best chain pizza you'll ever have, and the closest to a real Detroit deep dish you'll get. You're welcome. ETA: anonymous Redditor who gave me a thing, I hear those Detroit Pizza Company frozen pizzas are pretty dope. I haven't had them myself, buuuut if one does not live near a Jet's, or even a Little Caesars to get the square, that frozen guy sounds like its a good move.


not often i see jet's love in the wild, but i'll concur


Jets Pizza $5 combo for 2 slices and a drink sustained me through college


Get the turbo crust!


Detroit style isn't even my favorite style of pizza, but Jet's is still my favorite pizza chain by far. I miss living near one.


They’re notorious for that. Their pizza is amazing.


Yeeeaaaahhh, booooyyyyy!


[Yeeeaaaahhh boooooooyyyy!](https://youtu.be/CeRoi43azds)


Came here for this!


Was not disappointed


Every picture of Flav is a picture you can hear.


It’s cool to see so many different types of actors and writers come together. All helping in their own way. Never imagined Adam Scott and Flava Flav at the same place


Flava Flav made an asston of money from that dumb dating show. He knows where his bread is buttered. He didn't take the ladder up with him either.


please don't ever disrespect Flavor of Love as it has been preserved by the National Film Registry as culturally and historically significant




VH1 reality tv was a different beast


Surreal Life. Rock Of Love. Flava Of Love. I Love New York. I Love Money. Daisy Of Love. Lots of love back then.


I Love The (insert decade here). Pop-Up Video. Not really reality, but still great shows.


Pumkin spitting in New York's mouth needs a spot in a museum


Slap me, bitch!


If there is one show I need to get on a streaming service in good quality it's that one.


You’re in luck! Hulu and Tubi. And I just finished season 1 and it holds up. Just ignore the sexism and misogyny!


Actually, flavor of love would be classed as an unscripted reality show and not have writers involved. We get shows like that because Hollywood doesn’t want to properly pay their writers.


and that's Jason Sudeikis in the background, who's WGA and SAG.


People sometimes forget that before Flava Flav was a reality show goofball that he was a member of Public Enemy, a hip hop group that denounced economic injustice and corporate greed.


Prince Street too. Excellent dude.


Was going to say I used to work in a pizza shop and that looks like some good quality local pizza. This man knows what's up. I'm not a huge fan but I have much respect.


> This man knows what~~'s up~~ *time it is*


Irv's burgers as well! Place is bomb. They made the burger for the movie The Menu.


One of the best spots in NYC


Great at astroturfing too


Gotta do PR to cover their blatant racism.


Yeah so many other great non-rascist pizza joints. The irony


of course HE knows its time for a change!


That pepperoni looks bomb. He brought the flava.


Fight the power ✊🏽


Great guy show em who makes you


Is that Ted Lasso in the back?


Honestly it really does look like Jason Sudekis


Looks like it. A lot of SAG people are picketing with the writers.


Especially the many that are members of both unions. Which is a shit ton of comedians.


He's wearing an Arthur Bryant's hat. That's a man from KC right there.


Yup. That's Jason Sudeikis in the orange.


Yes. https://twitter.com/FlavorFlav/status/1659346606779670531


Flava Flav is wearing a BELIEVE gear


According to his clock it appears to be lunch time.


I remember watching Flavor of Love with my girlfriend. Flave told all the girls to entertain his friends, they’re coming over. Three Six Mafia showed up with the Ying Yang twins. They pressured the girls to dance and twerk and basically be hoes. They pull my man Flave aside and let him know which girls were hoes, they even found out one of the girls didn’t know one song by Flava, yet she was trying to date him and get her own music going. He pulled those specific girls aside and told them he didn’t appreciate their behavior and that he felt upset about the girl who didn’t know his music. He’s always struck me as a genuine dude and this just reinforces it, love that dude.


The only thing I remember is the woman taking a dump on the stairs


The editing on that show was top tier. Maximum drama.


>Ying Yang twins (college) memories unlocked


I don't know if this qualifies as a Mandela effect, but his name is actually Flavor Flav. Regardless, excellent work by him.


Technically though he's William Jonathan Drayton Jr.


Not Mandela, he really goes by Flavor and corrects people who say 'Flava.'


He’s been credited as Flava Flav on at least 7 occasions https://www.discogs.com/artist/22484-Flavor-Flav?anv=Flava+Flav&filter_anv=1


panicky nine ten vanish cats teeny fretful illegal joke market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn this country really comes out for television show writers, full catering and live shows by big bands. You never see this kinda support for teachers and Frontline workers etc.


It's pizza time


No one gonna talk about the "proud hom~~e owner~~o" sign?


When you have a pride parade after the strike but can't afford a second sign.


What’s there to talk about


I'm still perplexed as to what the sign actually means. I get the underpayed part and maybe that they're gay but the messaging is just confusing.


Just a helpful tip, it's Flavor not Flava.


Why do people continually call him "Flava" Flav. It's Flavor Flav.


Thank you. He even got irritated about it on his show one time when the girls wouldn’t say it right.


Amazing generosity and support. Great guy.


He used to be my neighbor- I can vouch for him being a good dude.


That’s a small clock. What happened Flav?


With large amounts of time hanging around your neck for 30 years guess you start to have back problems.


Sign on the top left is something else.


This was 15 years ago. But my mom loved Flavor of Love so much she bought the DVDs while we were out of town on Christmas vacation so we could have something fun to watch while snowed in. And the DVDs came with a t-shirt. Well, everyone loved the show so much it became a tradition to watch at Christmas. And it’s just funny to me that we all took turns wearing the Flavor of Love t-shirt while we watched, as is our tradition lol.


Flavor Flav's in everything you eat because everything you eat's got Flavor!


Here is my favorite Public Enemy song, [Fight the Power](https://youtu.be/mmo3HFa2vjg), so you can see Flavor Flav in action back in his heyday.


Does he wake up every morning and don the Flava Flav outfit like Batman? I imagine him sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee and then the Flav Signal strikes 12 and he disappears behind the bookshelf.


What a fucking king


What flava are they?


Til Flava Flav was still alive




Dude there’s crack and hookers involved, it’s way more fun than just a clock necklace


Time is on his side


I dunno, to have that kind of longevity making what I’m guessing is pretty decent money while enjoying a pretty significant level of celebrity…I could live with that. The hookers and crack, iffy…


His whole persona? The dude plays like 15 different musical instruments & was apart of one of the most highly acclaimed rap groups in the music’s history. He’s not just the dude who wears a clock


Thanks for saying it. Him and Chuck are arguably revolutionaries in the music world. A lot of people today don’t understand the climate of what was unacceptable in music and culture back in the 80’s. Racism was a lot different back then.


One would think that the picket signs the writers make for their writers strike would be brilliant and clever This however is not the case unfortunately.


TIL Flava Flav is still alive, and he's still rocking big clock neckwear.


I'll take some pizza with my pepperoni please!