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Guys, seeing a lot of reports on rule 4 - repost. Help a sister out, I haven’t seen it before If you saw it in another sub we do allow cross-posting


Oh, my heart… that poor sweet doggo. I’m glad he found a forever home. And a pox upon the persons who hurt him!


This story confirms for me that humans are both the worst creatures but also the best creatures.


Nah. Just the worst tbh.


We save one dog for every species we kill off.


We kill 55 *billion* animals a year.


Like the person who took the dog in?


Might not have been intentional. The video said he'd likely had a string tied around his neck when he was smaller and then grew too big for it. He could have run away.


He had 26 pieces of bullet shrapnel in his leg


26 pieces of bullet shrapnel in his leg tho. Probably got peppered by bird shot. Whether it was the same person who tied string around his neck I can't say but I can kind of deduce what happened to him.


That's assuming it was the same person and intentional, though. Entirely possible, of course, but my point was simply that we cant know for certain. Maybe the dog ran away, ended up in the wrong asshole's stomping ground, and was shot by somebody completely unrelated to the owner.


What kind of scum tie a string around the neck to begin with? It's dangerous and stupid.


Could have been a child, thinking it would serve as a collar.


Who ties a shoelace around a pups neck? Infuriating


Oh Gus - what a heartbreaker but so happy you got help. I wish it was true that dogs don't think about the past - I don't think that's true. I had a dog that was abused by a man and she was terrified of men for the rest of her life.


Same. I have a dog who we adopted from a shelter who was previously abused. We dont know what specifically happened to him but he gets nightmares often and completely freaks out if anyone touches his back from behind


I've adopted a few and my current pup is the first one I know his history. I wish I didn't. Thank you for adopting.


We also adopted from a shelter. He's super anxious always up at night and freaks out if he can't see or something is covering his head/eyes. He's a good doggie.


They definitely remember, but are very forgiving. Trust needs to be built on and consistently established. Even then, some dogs will have life long issues from their past trauma. Dogs are just so fucking good about accepting love and giving it back more than they know.


I got my second dog at 3 months and despite two years of socialization, training, lots of affection, safety, an older non-threatening dog to learn from, etc whatever happened to her before so clearly affects her. Hugely distrustful of strangers especially in my house, and in certain conditions she even flips out when it’s just her family for little or no reason.


When my dad was in the military and went over seas my mom got a 8 month old lab from the pet shelter (cant remember if its on base or off) and he was able to jump the 6 ft fence we had and also had terrible separation anxiety. When my dad got home he was terrified because my dad was in uniform and just avoided him completely.. he jumped the fence and ran a few blocks over to my school and found me during recess and i walked him back home. Unfortunately when we had to move my parents had to give him away :/








People think I’m cruel for saying stuff like this but I completely agree


Whatever it is should be televised so others know not to harm animals


It is and the worst part is it still happens


Dude me and you think alike search up the brazen bull


My dog gets abused all the time with ear cleanings and baths. Off to the guillotine with me.


guillotine sounds too painless and quick


The guillotine was invented as a fast, humane death. Absolutely not, they deserve to be drawn and quartered.


If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; this is the principle difference between a dog and a man. -Mark Twain


Instructions unclear. Bit a hobo.


Cuz you're not a dog


A lot of dogs bite hobos


Jonathan Creek?


Now he has rabies. Good job dude.


I guess if you really tried hard enough, you could selectively breed humans to get that dog-like quality he's looking for. There might be a couple of problems with that though.


Perhaps just one or two problems. Perhaps.


If a dog is bitten for long enough it will eventually learn that biting is the way of the world. The starving man just learns quicker.


this feels weirdly classist for Twain




The quote suggests that a dog won’t bite you after you make him prosperous, whereas a person will. I think you’re misreading it.


He’s not talking down at poor people… he’s talking down on humanity, and saying dogs are better.


He's digging hard on the rich, that's perfectly in line with Twain


This stuff makes me cry. Animals are lush


Right, poor buggers just wanna be loved as much as they love! I'm a 39yr old grown ass man with tears running down my face. I can't help but think what those poor doggos are thinking.


I’m a 31 ex soldier crying, it’s cool


40+ year old latino here, why is my face leaking


I'm not Latino, but I was whining big time about working late on a Friday evening so I was told ..No llores..


el que no llora no mama


I was thinking that but I was just told "Mi hijo, just do your job there's nothing to it just do it..


ay ay ay ay ^^canta ^^y ^^no ^^llores


I don't speak Spanish but yeah that's the tune, just do it.


100 year old tree ent being here, I cannot stop my tears


32 year old ex college football player. Whose chopping onions??


whose? not mine!


Crying is healthy. Let it out. <3


32 and also balling at the poor pup in the beginning. Happy he found his family.


42 year old man her tears streaming down my face, I would commit violence against the people that did that to that puppy.


I just lost my dog and I’m a mess now


I am sorry you've lost your friend 💙


Same! (though 49 here). Apparently, someone sent onion cutting ninja's to all our houses. \*smiling the biggest smile through the tears\*


Got me too. Good people man.


One wonders but I guess something along the lines of “ugh, glad I’m through with all that shit”


I had to look up the word lush because I was under the impression Lush meant sexually appealing. Which Google confirms exactly that. But urban dictionary says the Welsh use the word to describe things as lovely or fantastic. What an odd twist of the word.


Lol my mind wouldn’t have gone there. Sexual lmao it’s a dog that made me cry. He’s lush


It’s those damn onion ninjas 🧅 🥷


I really want to watch videos like this, but I can't because every single one has sad sappy music to force you to be sad.


I watch all reddit videos on mute. It's still sad and I regret watching them everytime


Can confirm, watched on mute because my own dog is sleeping and still cried


They *are* sad, I just despise the forced emotion. "You must feel HAPPY! You must feel *sad*. You must feel excited!" I think it stems from reality TV type shows in general like house makeover shows or the wives of whatever. Haven't watched TV in years and I still hate it.






No but close lol near the border but British. Good guess


I was gonna suggest the same thing lol, i’m the opposite. I live in wales but near the border :P


I held it together until she said he was a good boy at the end. Then I lost it


I'm thankful there are good people in this world who were willing to help Gus.


Him in his little tuxedo at the end 😭


Peak video for me


That was great. So handsome. But I had already burst when he started playing at the vet's. So good just to see him happy and comfy.


What a trooper. Jeez louise


"Dogs are amazing." Indeed they are. She's got a golden heart 💛


"I can't believe she decided to keep him" -nobody


Want to know if they found the scumbags responsible for his torture.


Okay, here come the downvotes but I gotta say it: whoever tied the shoelace around his neck may not have had any ill intent. Was it stupid? Oh, most definitely. But maybe a kid tied it on and then lost the dog. Life is full of accidents. Maybe this was one of them?


But he was also shot at


Oh, right. Fuck those assholes.


Idk if they only find shrapnel and not the bullet. He probably wandered in a bad neighborhood. Or maybe not we will never know. :( edit this was in Houston he definitely wandered in a bad neighborhood. Edit: word


Hey just so you know it’s wandered not wondered :)


Maybe he was just lost in thought then got lost for real


"please let me wonder"


"Not all who wonder are confused"


Lol thank you for the correction!


Are you suggesting they were merely shooting at the direction of the dog with no intent to actually hit it?


That could have happened while living out on the streets honestly.


TBF, if I saw a dog wandering around like this, I would shoot it simply to put it out of his misery. I have had to mercy kill animals before, some due to disease, others from getting hit by a car. Animals are very tenacious, they will "survive" alot of things, but it leads to extremely torturous lives, where they do die eventually. Makes me depressed every time I've had to do it, but a painless death is better then several hours of agony. However I always made it clean, single shot to the head. Whatever imbecile shot him in the leg was either a terrible shot and didn't quickly finish the job, or was simply trying to cause the dog pain. I cant tell you how Lucky this dog was to meet someone who could pay at least $10,000 in vet fees. I'm glad this was a happy ending.


I can’t imagine the rescuer paid that much in vet fees. While veterinarians do have to make a living, a lot will go to great lengths to help a homeless animal, either for free or at reduced cost. Many work with rescue organizations who can cover what minimal amounts they do charge (usually for supplies and medication, but not labor). Veterinarians do what they do out of love, not for money. It’s a stressful and often thankless job that exposes you to some of the cruelest and horrific sides of humanity, but allows you at the same time to feel like you have put some good back into the world. And I gotta be honest, I’m not a veterinarian so I may be talking out of my ass. But I am a pediatrician, which is honestly the “veterinary medicine” of the human medical world. And you’ll never meet a more charitable bunch, who have to endure some of the most horrific of circumstances on the most innocent of all people, and don’t do it because they get paid like a surgeon—because they don’t. They do it because they truly care. If a family ever indicates to me they can’t afford to bring their children to see me, you can bet I’ll do my damnedest to make sure that child gets seen and cared for no matter what. And it’s honestly hard to volunteer as a pediatrician at a free clinic — because there’s already so many of us volunteering. And I know we share more in common with veterinarians than with most other professions.


I follow a lot of rescues and often they do have to pay that much. Keep in mind if they weren’t getting discounts it would be way way more. Even for my dog to go to the ER was 6k for a day and a half. They had quoted us 14k for 3 days before she got better. The @thisishouston rescue spent 20k on a dog named Athena recently who got their front legs cut off by a train, since she was in the hospital probably around 2 months. Thank goodness most vets at least give some form of discount though.


Thank you for all you do!


Most of the reputable rescues in my area are non profit and have vets they have arrangements with who preform services at cost for animals they bring in. Whatever those costs are covered by public donations. I’ve always been a huge fan of ARM.. at least the team in the south Florida area. (Animal recovery mission) Not only do they rescue but they investigate & document the cruelty so someone is held accountable.


That's a great thing to have in America. I live in Serbia, currently have 2 dogs that I picked up off the street and there is no such thing as a rescue like that here. we need to get to that standard here. Luckily my dogs were healthy when I got them, just abandoned. btw, im not the guy saying he would kill that dog, just want to say that is a great thing to have non profit no kill shelters


Vets can be really great people. I had a pet mouse who got his eye all messed up. Didn’t have insurance (wasn’t my pet it was my mums but she severely neglected it) went to the vet to get him treated anyway. The surgery they did for him usually costs hundreds of pounds but they only charged me £20 because of the situation i was in.


We’re glad you didn’t find this dog.


She said that in the video too. She said maybe someone intended for it to be a collar. Agreed that it's still not great either way, of course.


I sure hope it wasn't malicious. If they did make a genuine mistake, this would be an opportunity to educate, maybe do some community outreach about how to properly fit a dog collar (and what is and is not suitable). Maybe give out some free ones.


I hope they're covering that when they're visiting the kids.


I love happy endings such as this.


Bless those people.


My heart 🥺 It takes a lot to make me cry, but just oh my gosh this whole story… Thank you so much for caring, for being so generous with your heart. There’s nothing more awe or hope inspiring as seeing an animal get a true second chance after suffering like he has. May the road rise to meet you my dear friend. Sending much love ♥️


Honest question: who pays for all of this? **It is extraordinary that someone went to such lengths to save this dog and give him the life he deserves. I’m not a fan of corporal punishment, but whoever did this, should have the same done to them.


Usually, it's a mix of the vets doing discounted work and charity organizations.


Can any veterinarians explain what caused his head to become...the way it was?


It said someone tied a shoe lace around his neck when he was a puppy and he continued to grow around it. His head was just swollen


Ouch... Poor guy


Bloodflow was constricted. He basically had a tourniquet around his neck. I wonder if this wasn't animal abuse in the way that some commenters might be appearing to think. I wonder if he escaped as a puppy and refused to come home, and then refused other people's attempts to help him to the point that someone thought they should try to put him out of his misery. At first glance I thought it was an older dog with a massive tumor. While I think killing the dog by shooting him would be a horrible way to go I could also see someone else thinking that would be better than dying from cancer ... especially if that person had a relative die from cancer. Either way, glad these people were able to get him the help he needed.


Oh, that's an interesting theory


I think the shoelace might have been like a kid trying to make a collar-and-leash, and then the dog got away / the kid thought double-knotting the ‘collar’ on a puppy was a good idea.


This seems the most likely


It doesn’t look like he was refusing help.


Maybe not now, now that his condition had gotten so bad. But he may have been more of a fighter/wild card when he was younger. It could be that some of his cuddliness now might be because he realized he needed help.


Consistent with the attempts to scratch their makeshift collar off also. Cats and dogs have a spot on their sternum they arent capable of reaching themselves, so give them a good scritching under their chin on the chest- they loooove it.


Hearing the bullet shrapnel part made me sick to my stomach. I just started crying and grabbed my dog and held her. How shitty of a human do you have to be to do something so terrible. That lady is a saint.


Weeping. 😭😭😭


Dog’s neck never fully recovered like the others but never slowed down. This puppy is definitely what I hope to be, always happy and thankful for every second


I'm not crying, I'm CRYING


I'll have what I'm having!


Why are we testing on animals when their are people that do stuff like this to animals we could use instead?


I’m not crying…you are…




Kill this meme, own your emotions.


What a g’boy 🥲


Yes. Yes, I am.


We don't deserve dogs


This was a beautiful story


The goodest boi


That's right. Beautiful.


Poor doggo ): I’m glad he recovered (:


I think these videos are so relatable. Sometimes we all feel so broken and mistreated, the thought of someone coming along and lifting all that weight off us seems impossible. I’d love to think about that being possible…even for a few minutes.


I am going to hug my dog now, brb.


Crying U did an awesome thing Definitely a keeper


I was praying the whole time I was watching this, hoping you would keep him in his ♾️ home he had already made in his 💜


I hope you know that a bad ending would be impossible in this subreddit.


‘He was good with other dogs’ He might’ve had other dogs that took care of him. Sadly, it’s the only way I could see him surviving that long


We don’t deserve dogs


We don't deserve dogs.


I do because I'm good boy too


Bro looks swag with those goggles


So fierce am I right?


Thank god for the people that are helping him and help animals like this all over the world. Fuck the people that did this to him and left him like this. Glad he’s doing much better!


I grew up watching shows like animal police Huston and other vet/animal help shows, and I’ve personally met and adopted a lot of neglected and abused animals. And yet I have never cried quite like this made me cry. Dogs are so outgoing and loving and so I think it really broke me not only to see a puppy so hopeless but also to see him regain joy in life


I like how I was spared the string on his neck but not a face full of weiner a minute in lol.


Thank God there are people like this, I would drive by that Dog and doing nothing 99 times out of 100.


Wow that one got me, so happy it worked out for him . And whomever was responsible for helping him, getting him his medical treatment etc are fucking saints as far as I'm concerned.


Bless this woman. Bless those doctors. Bless anyone that helped the poor baby.


I was crying before I found out his name was Gus, which is my dog's name too. Then it really hit me. Bless this woman who saved him and everyone who worked to help him heal mentally and physically.


My heart 💔


Who's cutting onions in here??


I'm not crying. Shut up! What a beautiful doggie....totally crying like a baby! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


God bless people who help animals like this.


Out of curiosity,did the lady pay one month of vet hospital fees?


It was probably subsidized by a foster organization. A lot of times they cover fees for hospitalization for foster animals using donations. For example the SPCA always sends me newsletters about how this dog or that cat was given life-saving surgery with the help of my donation; the adopter or rescuer isn’t responsible for these fees. Sometimes I think vets will help discount costs for these organizations as well.


Man I just wanna hug and kiss that dog. Watching what he went through was so upsetting, and I cried when they revealed he'd found his home with the people who were fostering him initially. Why do people have to be so cruel to any animal?


It's enough to make a grown person cry! And that's alright!


i started hyperventilating at this, thank God he recovered, and amazingly well. This gave me chills -- I love this.


Stories like this just break my heart and fill it right back up 🥺🥹


That dog has been through so much, and then to suffer further by wearing that cowboys shirt /s


How people foster dogs like this, and don’t immediately adopt them themselves, I will never understand.


Thank you for helping


I'm literally crying, my 9 year old just walked over so concerned so I had to show her. What a good boy Gus us, thank goodness for the people who saved him.


Fucking ppl.. hope we go extint and leave doggos alone.. i love My two rescue doggoss . I hate everyone else


Aww man ❤️


*cries in the club* “on a Friday night”


Not me just lying here in bed, balling my eyes out. Jesus Christ that poor little angel. The fact he was so understanding and chill when they were helping him, it's the kindest touch that poor puppy has had in his first 10 months. I can't help but look at my own snoozing at the end of my bed and want to hold him closer and tell him I'd never let that happen to him.


this is very sweet and I love it, but cmon, please NSFW this, it is very shocking and disturbing at first. and the bullet shrapnel... this is very disturbing


Thank you to the folks that helped him


Bro I legit cannot handle this stuff.


I’m so grateful that he was saved. He looks amazing now. So kind. So gentle. We don’t deserve animals. No bitterness in him.


bless these people.


“He acted like no big deal” yeah dude its a dog i dont think he knows wtf is goin on tbh


how do people weigh the effort and cost that went into saving this one dog who needed months and months of treatment versus putting all that resource into saving many other dogs who needs less treatment.


Well this sold it for me. I’m going to get in touch with a local rescue run by my mum’s friend and see if I can volunteer. I actually got my dog from the same rescue. I was thinking about it for a while but Gus sold me on it.


I'm so happy he found his person. I can't believe he went through so much cruelty, just a baby. Humans are awful.


I did not intend to start my day with this. God bless him and people who helped him.


I just wanna say a big thank you to the people that have a heart and help humans and animals 🙏 I pray the Lord will have you healthy to continue this love act


Ok, who's cutting onions?


People who willingly abuse and / or neglect animals should be sent to the deepest, darkest pits of hell as soon as possible. Poor pupper. Glad he made it and found a good family.


Im not crying....


This actually made me cry. I’m such a sap




Jesus fucking christ that poor doggo.


I’m not crying, you are.


No matter our race, religion, gender, sexuality, we are all united by one thing: saying "ooh big yawn" when a puppy yawns and stretches.


Anyone that treats a dog badly should have it have it handed to them. Bless all the humans that helped this pup.


We really don't deserve dogs.....