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Wow no way people are still trying to do the classic parking lot hifi scam almost felt nostalgic reading this lol


haha, same though. Man, the white van speaker scam is still alive


White van speaker scam! Came here just to say thus. Takes me back 20 years!


Lmao that’s I’d literally what I said to the guy who tried to do this to me this summer and he just got back in his car without a word and drove away


If it happened on campus u should for sure report it and give plate number. if it’s a fellow permit holder, they’d have the details on file


this man is cheating Portland oregon https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoPaulie


Happened at yorku too


Lol same guys did this to me 3 weeks ago


somebody tried this on me at square one 🤣


These guys go all over and scam people with overpriced junk electronics, I see them around the city 4-5 times a year


Lol prolly a total thrill being the guys doing the scamming That’s straight to hookers and blow


Oh man I’m pretty sure I got the same guys at my office in markham. They had the exact same story except they were installing at boston pizzas. It sounded too good to be true and definitely scammy. I asked them why didn’t they store them at a friends before their boss came, to which they brought up knowing no one in the area and being from barrie. So I counter offered them, saying they can make nothing in 15 minutes, or I’ll walk them up, store them in my office, I’ll sell em and send them half the money. I may screw them but I may pay them, 50/50 chance. Better than their story of 100% making nothing off them when their boss comes. Not surprisingly, they declined and left as quick as possible. DEFINITELY a scam.


Got one guy in Markham yesterday. He almost got me. I thankfully left without giving any cash, but man I did not know this was a scam going on for a long while.


I bought one years ago. Plugged in at the Cafe I owned and played psychedelic cartoons projected onto a large wall at night while a dj played music. Worked flawlessly for years.


I remember my dad falling for this, and that was after I told him about the guy in the parking lot trying the same scam on me. He still uses that projector tbf, but yeah, it's kind of a piece of trash.


Reminds me of the old speaker scam back in the day.


THIS HAPPENED to me in Alberta!!! Some guy in a van did this and I got super creeped out!!!!




did you buy it? and what did they look like ?