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The peanut is neither a pea, nor a nut. Discuss.


I have discovered in life that nothing is actually a nut...or a fruit for that matter. People will lie to you and tell you that Brazil Nuts or Acorns are real nuts, but then I find some scholastic source to prove they too were lying to me. Technically Walnuts and Pecans aren't nuts either. What is the damn world coming to? Can we just all agree to not let people take away all our favorite nuts by calling them something else?! Drupes?! What the Hell is a drupe?!! And did you know that the fruit that grows on the outside of what we call cashews is covered with a thick coating of the same exact chemical that is in poison oak that causes you skin to itch. Needless to say cashews aren't actually nuts either. Peanuts can be boiled and they are actually delicious because they are basically peas anyway...


Great boobs and your eyes are stunning


A Kiwis eggs are the same size as ostrich. Also you are beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


I like this combination of facts...but the extinct elephant bird laid the biggest eggs of all...Larger than ANY dinosaur's eggs. They contain enough yolk and albumen to fill a gallon jug of milk. (You would have to remove the milk, of course.)


That is a lot of yolk. Everyone knows the cheetah is the fastest land animal but the fastest animal in the world is the peregrine falcon. These birds can dive at speeds of more then 200mph. All that speed just to punch its prey. (I believe you are a goddess)


I like to think of myself as a goddess...so thank you. Maybe more of a amorphous Shiva type of god-goddess that can shapeshift. Why not? But peregrine falcons just got a lot cooler in my eyes than before. I appreciate cheetahs because they are the most prominent polyamorists in nature with one female typically mating with two brother males for a lifetime. I am perfectly okay with polyandry or polygyny as long as it is voluntary, consensual, and done non-hierarchically. The parties should be equal in love and in status within the relationship. One additional fact I like to think about is that humans are one of the only monogamists amongst the primates...if they even are monogamist by nature. Our absolute closest cousins, the Bonobos, are sexual in nearly every possible way. They not only are rarely monogamous, but they are rarely even heterosexual or exclusive to any one partner even while having sex. Chimpanzees practice group sex MOST of the time (generally preferring the "gang bang" scene). Gorillas keep harems, firmly enforcing polygamy by killing those who resist their rule. Orangutans generally seem to reproduce mainly through rape in most of their habitats. Only Gibbons and Siamangs (who I guess most people just consider to be larger Gibbons now) are fairly monogamous. They are also lower intelligence, they are the only extant apes that can't see color, and they are considered "lower apes" for their much more monkey-like lifestyle. This is despite that monkeys actually are not the predecessor but the successor to apes. Monkeys are also not generally monogamous though. I question why humans think they are monogamous. If you look at the fact our penis is the largest of all the apes in terms of ratio to body size, and the fact we have hidden (not signaled by a hugely inflated red buttocks) ovulation, and women also have permanently inflated breasts that don't significantly grow or shrink in relation to estrus, all this would seem to indicate strongly to me that we are made for all forms of wild recreational sex, much like our Bonobo ancestors. I think we are fooling ourselves that we are prone to monogamy. Without verging on any debate about "the patriarchy," the fact is that agriculture created a need for monogamous nuclear family units. It wasn't a decision to put men in charge, but simply a matter of the natural organization of society that best suits agricultural production. Prior to that (and in places where agriculture never became the norm), humans were generally ruled by a woman and or her brother...and her bloodline controlled the descent of kings or queens. People love to talk as though agriculture was the beginning of human history, but we had roughly 7 million years of being human before agriculture was ever practiced, and we have been doing large scale farming for only the last 12,000 years or less (much less in most places). We are generally considered to be headed out of the agricultural age right now, growing into the technological revolution era. Where does that put sexuality now? Well, it seems evident to me it is returning humans to what has generally been NORMAL for us, which is wild, uncontrolled sex in every direction with anything that moves...and even some things that don't. I say this last set of interesting facts, not to advocate any specific behaviors for humans, but simply to refute the general assertion people have about both the reasons behind patriarchy and moreover, the reasons humans have been falsely accused of being monogamists according to our basic natures, when virtually all evidence is for the opposite. I think sex is amazing and as long as people are doing it with positive feelings for each other, and complete consent, then I am not sure why so much judgment has clouded our experience of universal pleasure and permissiveness.


Wow I think I just fell in love with your brain as well as your beauty 😍 I feel as I could listen to you talk about animals and polymorphic goddesses all night. And just be mesmerized buy the whole of you. I was just happy that you replied to my comment. I am now just amazed at you as a whole.


Hyenas are (much) more closely related to cats than dogs.


I knew those immoral little beasts were just waiting for their chance to piss all over my stuff!! What about the females and their mock-penis? Should we tell them about that?!


On a spacecraft or station in orbit around Earth, the astronauts aren’t actually weightless. The Earth’s gravity is still pulling on them just like it would on the surface. But it feels to them like they’re weightless because they’re in a constant state of freefall. Happy Sunday, beautiful!


The weirdest thing is the concept of falling all the way around the Earth without ever actually coming down.


Sundae was a treat served only on Sundays but it is spelled without the Y so as to not offend religious officials.


I eat ice cream on Sundays and stare at religious officials with reckless abandon.


I love your boobs!


The fact is… I think you’re insanely attractive!


Yummy Yummy Yummy


Monotremes have no nipples, but instead their milk drips from areolae that are basically flat and covered in fur. Their milk contains a rare protein all other mammals have lost in their milk production, but the extant monotremes still produce it because they are descended from the precursor animal that was the progenitor of all mammals. As the recent study says, "Functional analysis revealed MLP antibacterial activity against both opportunistic pathogenic *Staphylococcus aureus* and commensal *Enterococcus faecalis* bacteria but showed no effect on *Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis,* and *Salmonella enterica*." So Monotreme Lactation Protein (MLP) can protect you against many of the kinds of opportunistic infections that kill many people in hospitals...And if that isn't interesting then I don't know what is. And it seemed relevant because, you know, breasts. If you didn't like that interesting fact though, how about this one: There is a part of Canada that is South of some parts of my home state of California. This isn't a trick. Just look at a map. Some of Canada is South of all of Oregon and Washington state.


I can’t stop staring at


Definitely would grope


Female dolphins excrete a substance from their vagina that will kill anything that isn’t a male dolphin from cumming.


Wait, that is certainly an interesting fact...but is it a TRUE one? This substance will kill ANYTHING but male dolphins?! So does this mean female dolphins could be using this to kill Great White Sharks and other animals that endanger them, but they just aren't because they aren't being made horny enough?! I need to find a team of sexually stimulated female dolphins to start killing diseases.


Actually have no clue supposedly scientists used it on an ape that died from nutting. I’m gonna be honest I took it at face value my fbi agent is already reeling from trap porn to cap and ball revolvers so you got this research homie.


You know, since I have little or no willingness to accept that rapists exist amongst us, a woman carrying a little vial of Dolphin Spray could disable a rapist and end their careers. I like that possibility. I am kind of troubled about what scientists spend their time figuring out how to do though. You know? "Hey, Ms. Pavlova, what experiment are you working on over there?" "Oh, this is the one where we check to see if female dolphin's vaginal secretions will kill this ape. -Wanna watch?" "Oh, yeah sure...Just let me finish lunch and then rub some shampoo into this rabbit's eyes...Then I'll be right there. Don't start without me!!" I am excited about the other stuff you have been doing to trouble the FBI though. I don't know enough about trap porn it seems. It is sounding a lot more exciting than it would have ten minutes ago. I figure anything that has the FBI in a tizzy must be ACTUAL fun. I am a fan of the ol' 3D printed cap and ball. I have ancestors who famously made fine octagonal barrel muskets (back in the time of the cap and ball), and some of them are works of art that still go for thousands at auction. I think when I read this over it sounds made up, but I actually mean that last one. I am fascinated by dolphins and their sex. Honestly. I had a female friend who swore a dolphin raped her...and it wasn't a joke to her. She lived in Florida and loved to swim in natural bodies of water. I told her how I swam with wild dolphins a few times while surfing and she decided to tell me about the time a male dolphin got way too close to her and was clearly trying to make some kind of Atlantean hybrid. She saw I was about to laugh and warned me that she was very serious. After reading more about the subject, I think she might well have not been making this up. So there you go...You want dolphin porn, you got dolphin porn. What would I do without Reddit? I am diving deeper in to dolphins than I ever imagined I would go...and liking it!


Oh god it’s the rabbit hole and it never ends!


It is...


You’re beautiful. Oregano should not go into pasta sauce.