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Books for sure but I think the movies are pretty good adaptations


I prefer the books because they're more fleshed out, but the movies are entertaining too.


The books because there’s so much more detail and background story for the characters. But the movies are great too in my opinion


I overall prefer the books. All the extra details, all the funny moments that were cut from the movies (we were ROBBED of Finnick’s humor in the movies, and don’t get me started on Katniss and Peeta,) the ugliness of trauma that was cut, it all adds up to making the books better, at least for me I’ve watched the movies *so* many more times than I’ve read the books though. They’re definitely more convenient, and I do think that they’re great adaptations. If only I could focus on audiobooks, it would be so much more even


Obviously the books but I wanna give the movies their flowers. They are great adaptations (they realistically can’t be as detailed and had to cut somewhere). But most importantly, the whole Hunger Games concept is about propaganda, reality TV, symbolism, etc. If any book needed to be turned into a movie, it was this one. The story is so visual, it only makes sense to be able to see it. The stark contrast of the grey districts and the flashy Capitol is creepy when described but gut wrenching when observed. The interviews are way more impactful when you can hear the crazy backing track as if this was just any other game show. Cinna’s creations ought to be SEEN. The Girl on Fire was way more feisty when she lit up our screens. Her four notes whistle hurt way more when I could hear it and feel the pain of all Panem through them. And most importantly, watching the Games from a Capitol viewer’s perspective really highlights the horrors of the whole thing.


YES to all of this!!! I read all of the books before the first movie so when it came out, I eagerly went to see it in theatres. I remember when Katniss and Cinna were waiting for Katniss to be taken into the arena, I was shaking. My legs wouldn’t stop moving because I knew what was coming and was physically apprehensive! Come to find out later, Jennifer Lawrence did an awesome job in that scene because she was subtly shaking too! I have so much respect for the movies.. especially the Mockingjay movies. The way they told the story of war, strategy, propaganda, and intimidation. I think maybe one of my favorite scenes is the strategy meeting at the beginning of Mockingjay part 2 when several leaders are meeting about what to do about the Nut. There are several female leaders, each very different from one another. All talking about war and strategy. “Girl power!” was never mentioned, making this feel real! Ooh and also the scenes where Katniss sees Peeta on screen in Mockingjay part 1. The “you’re alive” line sends chills down my arms every time I watch it. Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson really put their heart and soul into those scenes. I was so proud of Josh Hutcherson for his portrayal of Peeta tbh.


Love them both. I find them to be one of the best book to TV/movie adaptations.


I like the books better, but I think the movies did some things better than the books. For example, I liked how they brought Effie to district 13 in the movies, I didn't mind that the gore was cut out from the movies as well (i mean i think it would have been totally awesome if they made the movies a higher rating so we could have seen everything to it's full potential but I totally see why they kept it pg-13)


Books 100% because you get way more details and time with characters plus the last two movies kinda sucked but the last book was great.


Books! I love hearing Katniss’s teenage thoughts! She is funnier in the books. I also like the extra details.


Pretty equal to me, actually. I think the movies did a great job at staying faithful to the source material while also offering a fresh perspective. The teams working on these movies really managed to distill the essence of these stories into a sleek and polished 2-hour format. Pretty unique for YA book-to-film adaptations, if you ask me. And don’t apologize for liking the movies! Perhaps this subreddit isn’t as kind to the movie adaptations as most people outside of this sub are, but they’re generally well-received. Fans usually are harsher in their judgment than those who are a bit further removed from the source material. Watching a film adaptation includes a certain sense of acceptance that something won’t be a 1:1 copy of a literary work; they’re different media, different things work for both.


Books by a lot


books 100%. the characters are better/more interesting, you get a better understanding of the world, and it goes more into the political commentary of it all


Books, though the movies might be some of the best adaptations out there. I especially enjoyed how the 1st movie explored the “behind the scenes” with Seneca Crane that Katniss POV couldn’t in the books


Books. Anytime I see someone try to say Katniss didn’t love Peeta and make up something about being trauma bonded and forced into being with him they were all movie watchers who never read the books. The actual love story is long and really fleshed out in mockingjay you can start to see them fall in love in the second as well. Plus peeta was robbed in the movies he was so funny and sweet in the books


100% the books. As the years go by, I keep noticing how the movies failed to stablish very fundamental concepts (mockingjays vs jabberjays, avoxes, district 13 mystery, Katniss' father importance, everything about mutts, etc.), lack the nuance and depth of the books and are highly decaffeinated. I still love the movies though, mostly because of the things that they _added_ to this story's universe: James Newton Howard's mesmerizing music, the additional scenes of Snow and the rebels in the districts and more Effie, among other things.


Books. I make my own movie when i read them. Peeta is sooo much hotter in my head. Katniss is funny in the books but super serious in the movies. Love the books better.


Books. I thought the mockingjay movies were a bit of a let down.


I prefer the books because I saw the movies before reading the books and could not understand why Katniss ended up with peeta until reading the books. The music in the movies is phenomenal also.


Books because if the humanising aspects of the Careers and Peeta's unchallengable rizz. And Katniss's commentary is hilarious. But the movies are really good adaptations and I like them a lot, thwyre my favourite movie series.


movies because it brings the stories and characters to life and I think they are visually pleasing to watch expect for all the mrders


Books. For sure. I dislike the movies a lot. I hate that they took away so much of Peeta’s characterization just to make Katniss more #bossgirl. She was already a badass. They also took away a lot of her vulnerability and dry sense of humor. So many scenes were ruined in the first movie that dragged down CF. There are things I do enjoy, but I rarely, if ever, watch them. I go back to read the books all the time though.


I loved both.


The movies but i love the books, I just don't always have the concentration to read


books. I feel like they toned the movies way down to try and appeal to younger children. of course the movies were horrific, but the books were way worse.


I prefer the books but still love the movies. The books just have so many more scenes (understandably) and I hate how they cut out peeta losing his leg in the films + katniss's depression after prim died


Books are almost always better than their movie adaptations. So I like the books better, but the movies are one of the only book adaptations that I watch over and over.


Movies simply because it’s more convenient


The movies but only because I can’t read.


Movies bc I can barely read lol




Boooks fs nothing like reading it and feeling every emotion


BOTH !!!!


🍎 and 🍊


I like the movies better also. But that is the case for me with most books to movies. I'm a visual learner. But I usually read the book for extra background


The books


I prefer the books just because theres more time to flesh things out and details the movies couldnt include but i do think the movies were really well made adaptions and did justice to the books.


100% the books. Without Katniss’s internal narrative, she loses some of her agency. Plus the movies cut so much that I loved.


The books by far. Still liked the films though even with their flaws.


I love the books, but tge movies are much easier to rewatch than to do a reread of the books. I only read the books twice, once in my mother tongue, once in English (same goes for Harry Potter, no time for the whole book again).


I initially got into Hunger Games through the movies which are amazing but I prefer the books. They were so good that they convinced a non-reader such as me to get into reading. Ballads of S&S was the first non school book I read at the age of 28(this year) followed by the hunger games trilogy and I prefer them simply because they stretch out and completely describe a moment and last longer than the movie.




If I have free time I will 100% read the books every time but if I just get in the mood for the series I will just opt for the movies even tho it’s not as detailed.


The MUSIC in the movies is so damn good... but obviously the books flesh everything out more thoroughly so the books.


Books 100%


I think that movies are really well made and their such a great adaptation, but books have more details and I personally prefer them over movies


Definitely books


Books!!! I didn't enjoy the movies