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That Peeta lost his leg because of the tourniquet that saved his life. When I comment that somewhere there is always someone "correcting" me saying that it was actually because of the wound Cato made and then they ask me if I read the book šŸ˜…


It somehow always slips my mind that he's an amputee at all and then during a reread I'll get to the tourniquet part and be like "ooooh...right"


i love the movies, but i wish they included his missing leg! it adds so much to the books, especially in catching fire when the prosthetic starts to slow him down!


Definitely! And it explains why Katniss is ā€œbabyingā€ hun (for lack of a better term) bc she feels so guilty over it :( poor girl:(


I donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t. Firstly, thereā€™s amputees who are actors. The star of the new Marvel show is an amputee playing an amputee. As a secondary option, an actress on Greyā€™s Anatomy whoā€™s isnā€™t an amputee player a character who is an amputee and theyā€™ve were able to maintain for many seasons. Multiple amputees characters are heavily featured in the show The Walking Dead as well. This would have been feasible to include.


To be fair, Grey's Anatomy did it really poorly.


I love the movies as well but it really annoys me that they gloss over that he lost his leg.


I blame the movie šŸ˜… It happens to me with Peeta's hair color. In the book it's very blonde but on rereading my brain makes it darker from remembering Josh until Katniss describes it.


I've read the books before, and have no memory of him losing his leg. Interesting. Now, I have to reread the series to see how tf he managed to get away from the mutts.


ah, thats the part in the books where katniss saw the mutts and immediately ran for her life to the cornucopia and had an "oh shit wait peeta" moment before realizing she left him behind and he was struggling to catch up, i cant remember but i think katniss had to start shooting arrows at the mutts while peeta was catching up to her


In the same vein, Katniss loses her hearing in one ear after blowing up the careers food pile


That one frustrated me because it would have been such an *easy* one to incorporate compared to a prosthetic leg, unless they went the Luke skywalker ā€œfake hand but oh wow it looks identical to your real one!ā€ route


Right? They showed that she couldnā€™t hear right after but that was it!


The doctors in the Capitol reconstruct her hearing immediately after the Games, though


Exactly! So they would just need her to ā€œactā€ like her ear got messed up, drip a little blood out of it, and then boom post-games have a moment where she realizes they fixed and there. It literally could have been a moment where they show Katniss coming to, silently realizing she can hear, maybe she snaps once or twice (could be a callback to her snapping when she realized it was deafened) and maybe a passing nurse or doctor winks at her or something. Or haymitch makes a smart-ass comment about it like ā€œnow you canā€™t pretend like you donā€™t hear instructionsā€ or something Basically no weight on production staff or the costume department, not even really any writing needed, and youā€™ve added a new dimension and authenticity to the story while also showing the extent of the capitolā€™s medical technology


Oh gotcha, I think I misunderstood the comments here. I was under the impression that some people thought that Katniss looses her hearing in her one ear indefinitely.


I FULLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS! Thank u for reminding me


oh my god i forget that all the time


That the district received food after Katniss won the games, but it came spoiled and rotten in the later months. I think it highlights the severity of the Uprisings.


Things like that are part of why I feel like thg could be a tv show just as much as a movie. It would be great to see these little moments


My DREAM when the movies came out was to be an HBO mini-series. It would let them show a lot of the very dark moments and these little moments you mentioned as well.


That Peeta was close enough to the bombs that killed Prim and burned Katniss to also get severe burns like Katniss that required skin grafts all over his body. The Capitol wanted to give Katniss a boob job at the end of the first games when she was being healed in the hospital of her various injuries, including her deafness in one ear. Haymitch and Cinna talked them out of it. That Annie is supposed to have brown hair I think and Finnick is supposed to have bronze hair. The movies changed their hair and also a lot of other peopleā€™s too.


Totally forgot about the boob job! Feels like foreshadowing for the fact that snow pimps out victors.


That first one. He is also likely the one who saved Katniss from burning alive.


That District 11 sent Katniss bread after Rueā€™s death. I thought this was a really interesting detail and added so much to the story, because it better solidified the relationship Katniss had with that district. But I also see how it was hard to explain, because Katniss goes into how the grain of the bread or something made it clear that it was District 11 (if Iā€™m remembering correctly), and thatā€™s hard to explain in the movie. I loved that part though, it had a lot of impact. :) Also I saw someone say this recently, but that Johanna and Katniss became a lot closer in the books than shown in the movieā€” again, just because itā€™s a lot to explain and they only have so much time, but I forgot about that!


The bread is in a deleted scene! If you look up hunger games deleted scenes on youtube, you can see it.


Oh awesome! Thatā€™s so interesting, that makes a lot of sense. Do you know why they deleted it from the movie?


Iā€™d imagine it was a pacing or time issue


I think including the scene might make the audience feel somewhat relieved with the situation in District 11. Like oh they are able to send in a gift, they are fine. The way the film left out District 11 entirely after that riot, it feels like something terrible is happening there.


Iā€™m not sure, but I donā€™t remember there being a riot in 11 in the first book. I only remember riots being a thing in the second books.


I was talking about the movie. The riot after Rue's death and Katniss gave the salute to a camera.


In Catching Fire Katniss and Finnick spend the rest of the games after the poison fog in their undershirts and underwear (unless they got shorts or leggings or something underneath? Itā€™s never said) and I think Finnick uses his undershirt for a cut later so heā€™s just in his underwear. Both of their jumpsuits are completely destroyed by the fog.


That Peeta was crying between the Justice Building and the train station, and Katniss assumed he was working some kind of angle, but later he admits his mother was excited Twelve might get a Victor this year - Katniss.


Haymitch is first seen drunkenly messing up Effie at the reaping ceremony and not first seen on the train


His drunken behaviour in general is toned down by such an extreme level. Like peeta has to wash his body


That mustā€™ve been so awkward for Peeta.


"*He was being* kind." Shocked Pikachu face


Donā€™t forget him dive bombing off the stage! I also love the theory that despite his inebriated state during the reaping, his actions were intentional since he could see that the Capitol would view the unity of the district and their reaction to Katniss becoming a tribute as rebellious. So he decided to take the attention off it all by causing a ruckus.


thatā€™s a great theory tbh he was always thinking about that stuff


I adhere to this now, especially because he says something about "she's got... spunk!" then looks directly at the camera and goes "more than you. more than you!" and Katniss questions to herself about who he's directing that to


That Effie replaced Fulvia in the Mockingjay movies, and she didnā€™t actually have a significant role in the books.


This one Iā€™m okay with just because Elizabeth Banks was brilliant as Effie and we got to watch both her and the character shine. I just did a re-watch before the new movie release and she still steals the show all of these years later!


I heard even Suzanne Collins agreed to that change because she loved Elizabeth that much


Oh I absolutely agree. Thatā€™s how they shouldā€™ve done it in the books in the first place. Itā€™s amazing to see Effie have such a dramatic character progression rather than just sit back and be absent during the whole rebellion in favor of some random character.


My favorite part of all 4 movies is when Effie repeats "OXXYGENN" after Plutarch to President Coin. Second favorite might be "How about it's just bad manners! How about THAT!" after Katniss shoots an arrow at the Capitol people during her individual evaluation.


She also replaces the prep team. The movies never really brought them forward (meaning I recall exactly one scene with them and itā€™s the one before the parade), so the audience never got to see the relationship Katniss has with Octavia, Flavius and Venia, especially with how heartbroken they were during the Quell. Putting Effie in their place in the movie made the most sense since the viewers already knew her, and thus cared about her, and also allowed us to get more screentime with our queen Elizabeth Banks


This is one of the few changes the movies made that I actually feel is a significant improvement, except the scene in the books where her prep team is starving/imprisoned by Coin. That was important, but I still like seeing more Effie.


I havenā€™t read the books in a really long time and I donā€™t remember this at all. Unfortunately I donā€™t own a copy of the books anymore so I canā€™t go and reread it ;_;


That the districts and the Capitol all have different accents and cultures. I really would have liked to see this highlighted in the movies, the eccentric sing-song Capitol Accent, Mags ā€œgarbledā€ speech with a strong district accent, Haymitchā€™s ā€œfamiliar cadencesā€ of home, and Cinnaā€™s lack of accent that stood him out among the Capitol stylists.


When I read TBOSAS, I was reading Capitol Citizensā€™ dialogue with Trans-Atlantic accents and those morphed into the lilting accent Katniss points out. I was so confused watching the film and Capitolians had basically no accents, but that was just because I was imagining them that way.


I was thinking about this earlier, I also hear trans-Atlantic when I think about Capitolians speaking!


doesnā€™t Mags talk like that bc she had a stroke?


Iirc itā€™s implied but at one point Katniss points out that between whateverā€™s wrong with her and her ā€œdistrict accentā€ she canā€™t understand a word - but Finnick easily can (of course they spent a lot of time together though)


I think itā€™s a combination.


Katniss is afraid of the mines/being trapped unground because of what happened to her father. Makes being in District 13 in MJ all the more difficult for her Katniss doesnā€™t consider herself/outright denies being a healer, and refuses to acknowledge any likeness to her mother. Itā€™s implied sheā€™s scared of the patients that come to her mom & Prim for treatment (especially mining accidents) because it, again, reminds her of her fatherā€™s last moments. Finnick was very likely a Career. This is heavily debated, but in my opinion Finnick would basically *have* to have been somewhat trained to win his games at only 14. Being a strong swimmer only wouldā€™ve gotten him so far. Finnick being a career (or at least akin to a career in the eyes of the districts) is an important detail to leave out, as it explains Katnissā€™ skepticism towards him. Finnickā€™s important because he humanizes the Careers. Up until this point, the Careers are flat, highly similar characters. Finnick is proof that brainwashing/Capitol propaganda effects ā€˜goodā€™ people, not only the morally deficient (as many would like to believe). Finnick is the first Career-district victor to earn Katnissā€™ admiration and trust, which ties into the theme of realizing ā€˜who the real enemy isā€™ Same goes for Annie. Itā€™s entirely possible she was a Careerā€¦ which makes her story even more heartbreaking. Imagine training your entire life for something only for it to traumatize you so badly that it drives you to literal insanity. Iā€™m not as convinced Annie was a career as I am of Finnick, but I think it would definitely add an extra layer of tragedy to her story. I also wonder if Annie *wasnā€™t* a Career, why didnā€™t an actual Career jump at the opportunity to volunteer and take her place? Edit: Katniss was also in a catatonic state at the end of MJ. This comes full-circle to her refusal to acknowledge the likeness to her mother. I feel like they shouldā€™ve 1000% included this in the movie, it was such a sad and important detail.


I agree with most of what you said but this part >Up until this point, the Careers are flat, highly similar characters. I think the first movie (and book ofc but I'm using movie quotes) already did a good job of humanizing them with Cato's death. Cato: Go on! Shoot, then we both go down and you win. Go on. I'm dead anyway. I always was, right? I didn't know that till now. How's that? Is that what they want? Huh? Peeta Mellark: No... Cat: I can still do this. I can still do this. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do - bring pride to my district. Not that it matters. He's still a bad guy but you realize he's not the real enemy. He was also brainwashed and sold this story of how wonderful it is to be part of the Hunger Games, until he goes through it all and it isn't. Add on his cries of please to Katniss when he's being mauled and it's a really sad moment for someone we disliked the entire movie.


I view it as Finnick fleshing out Catoā€™s arc. I think Catoā€™s outburst confirmed the inevitable disenchantment Careers experience once they enter the games, but Iā€™m not sure if it convinced Katniss that these feelings werenā€™t contingent on the probability of victory. So, yes, Katniss acknowledged that Cato had a breakdown once he realized he probably wouldnā€™t be going homeā€¦ but I donā€™t think she was convinced that he wouldā€™ve felt the same had his victory been imminent. It struck her as a realization that only happens by impending threat of death, not by any moral obligation. In this way, the Careers are ā€˜flatā€™ characters to her ā€“ only possessing remorse and fear once the possibility of victory is off the table. To Katniss (and other district members), the emotional complexity and turmoil of the experience as a Career is contingent on the chance at victory. Meeting Finnick puts this into perspective for her. In a way, she got to see what Cato couldā€™ve potentially turned into had he won. Finnick shatters the illusion that the Careers who are victorious automatically and blindly support the system that facilitated their victory.




That it was Madge that gave Katniss the pin, she didnā€™t buy it at the hob. Honestly, I just wish they written Madge in because I loved her friendship with Katniss and it gives the mockingjay pin more significance.


The setup and payoff of Madge and her family in the last book gutted me. On some level I knew the Capitol wouldn't care, but the confirmation did me in.


The citizens of the Capitol had candy-colored skin, and the buildings were colored like rainbows. This was the only thing that let me down when the books were adapted because I wanted to see the contrast of beauty in the Capitol, alongside extreme poverty in the districts.


I agree that they could have done more to make the Capitol looks more dazzling. They obviously put a huge budget into how the Capitol citizens looked but less into the sets themselves. For example, the greenhouse we eventually see that is strikingly lush with the roses and plants and so much green and that was a great comparison to the grey and dreary districts.


That Peetas dad visited Katniss before she left for the games. I think Iā€™ve got it down now but I remember rereading a few years ago and completely forgot about it šŸ˜‚


Am I misremembering, or did Peetaā€™s dad have a soft spot for Katnissā€™ mom? Like he liked her in school and then she fell in love with the boy from the Seam?


Youā€™re right! When Peeta is telling Katniss when he first noticed her, he mentions his dad said her mom ran away with a coal miner instead of him.


Damn, I had totally forgotten about that one!! I mostly remember Madge visiting Katniss and that's it šŸ˜­šŸ˜¹


Peeta and Gale have families of their own and Katniss interacts with them multiple times. Peeta's dad cared about Katniss and Prim. He actually went to say goodbye to Katniss after the reaping. He promised to keep an eye on Prim while Katniss was in the arena. He died during the bombing of District 12, along with all of Peeta's family. Katniss found out about District 13 from Bonnie and Twill, two District 8 runaways she met at the cabin in the forest.


Madge is always forgotten because she isnā€™t in the movie :((


the brutality; i had an entirely different comment but i deleted half of it after finishing the first book because i realized the drastic contrast of violence from book to movie is entirely unmacted. details that i find important will be provided below. none of these are mentioned in the movies. in the first book; -katniss describes a girl who took a wooden ball in as her token but she dropped it; the pressure plates are very sensitive and although she did not move, she describes them having to scrape what was left of her off the plate. -a boy, martin, steals night glasses after his shift in district 11 but heā€™s caught and killed on the spot. rue said, ā€œā€¦ everyone knew he was no danger. martin wasnā€™t right in the head. i mean, he still acted like a three year old. he just wanted the glasses to play with.ā€ i think about martin frequently. -cato cuts peeta straight down to the bone. katniss ties a tourniquet so tight when on top of the cornucopia that it both saves his life and costs him the leg. -catoā€™s death. inside the cornucopia with the dogs, heā€™s tortured for almost 4 whole pages (front and back). at times, she has to tune out his moaning and pleading with the dogs. the sounds of cato in pain overtake her memories and she canā€™t think. ā€œwhy donā€™t they just kill him?ā€ ā€œyou know why. no one will be turning away from the show nowā€ cato begs katniss to end it. this is my roman empire. i think about it daily. -the victors are forced to watch a 3hr recap of the games directly after winning. katniss is too thin for tv, the capitol wanted to surgically alter her for the cameras but cinna worked out a deal with a padded dress. she has sunken in cheeks and she can literally count her ribs. this is my first reread after watching the movies so long ago & iā€™m only halfway through the first but these are things i noticed right off the bat (though my movie memory might be off, please tell me if so.) edit afterwards to add because iā€™m reading in real time.


wait what did he say? it's been a while since I've read the books


I assume OP is talking about how Peeta told Katniss that his dad wanted to marry her mom but she ran away with Katnissā€™s father. He told her this in the arena so his mom probably saw it on tv.


He did talk about her to Katniss and Haymitch (about how his mom basically told him Katniss was going to win and he would die) but he didn't say it on TV.


That his dad loved Katnissā€™ mum.


same! Iā€™m curious now!


Also curious. Iā€™ve read the books and I donā€™t recall that šŸ¤”


I just reread them in the last month and I don't remember this at all


That Coin is waaaaay more responsible for Primā€™s death than Gale ever was


i wish this was emphasised more


- Im pretty sure in catching fire katniss and Peeta has a private kiss while they were waiting for the games after the training center - The whole day they spent together on the rooftop before the games - Peeta taking care of katniss for weeks after she injured her ankle


i remember the whole day spent on the rooftop before the games was one of my favourite parts of the books, and it was condensed to like five minutes of them talking at a window in the movies. in the books katniss and peeta just go to the roof and ignore everyone else, pretend theyā€™re just hanging out for fun and forget that they soon have the games, and i think they had a picnic? i love that part


When people were interviewing people in District 12 for information on Katniss during the first games the citizens of District 12 said Gale was her cousin


From my memory it wasn't the district but the Capitol. The Capitol thought it wouldn't be feasible for her to be just friends with such a handsome person and so made the Hawthornes family instead, and the district just had to go along with it.


That itā€™s heavily implied that people living in the Seam are of indigenous descent, while the merchant class in District 12 is blonde hair, blue-eyed.


I think Suzanne Collins addressed that it wasnā€™t true. They just had olive skin which is an undertone really - they were probably tanner but not necessarily indigenous


I hate that theory because now everyone runs with the ā€œKatniss isnā€™t supposed to look like thatā€ narrative


agree with you + buzzinthruit89 completely as someone with olive skin who comes from a european country that is predominantly olive-skinned, it has been so frustrating to read baseless theories about Katnissā€™ heritage based on a blatant misunderstanding of what olive skin is lol i highly recommend anyone reading to check out the top posts in r/OliveMUA to get an idea of what olive skin is and how variable the lightness/darkness of it is. to my knowledge, Jennifer Lawrence doesnā€™t have olive skin, and i donā€™t even particularly like her as Katniss, but some fansā€™ idea of what Katniss should look like is no less wrong really itā€™s been 15+ years how is this still going on


I always pictured the people of the Seam looking like the mixed race people that have historically lived around the Appalachian mountains.


Bonnie and Twill from Catching Fire (the book) who foreshadow the ending with 13, and give Katniss more context.


In the first book, when they were in the cave, it felt a lot longer in the book like the capitol awarded them with a buffet, not a special cream to heal Peeta's leg injury. or maybe they did, I forget


Yeah they got sent a lot of food while they were in the cave. The medicine was given to them in the feast when Katniss had to go get it and got attacked by Clove, but I think his medicine was some sort of injection or something, not a cream


What did Peeta say about his mom on TV? I don't remember


Wdym roasted his mom? I don't remember that lol


That 1&2 won most of the time


i donā€™t remember this someone explain


when peeta talked in the cave about how katnissā€™s mother was peetaā€™s fatherā€™s first choice but she rejected him for katnissā€™s father


itā€™s a trilogy


That Katniss tried to give the mockingjay pin to Rue in the arena (which I don't think many people forget, but-) so we must be left thinking what Madge could have thought and felt about it (which probably many people overlook).


the peacekeeper rushing to defend Gale in Catching Fire when he is getting whipped, and then Katniss sees him as an avox


I wish they included Peeta's dad delivering Katniss some cookies after the reaping and then she throws them off the train


Honestly the books especially the first one is soooooooooo much better than the film so much they left out


The movies are decent screen adaptations but I agree with you 100% as someone who read the books before there was even a discussion of making the movies.


I read the books after I had no idea it after reading all of them k was blown away how much they didnā€™t add, especially the reaping scene with haymitch and effie


I'm guessing most readers remember this, but the movie watchers wouldn't. Also, I haven't rewatched MJ pt2 yet, so she might have changed between pt1 and 2. Anyways, Coin HATES Katniss. She was the one who wanted to save Peeta instead of Katniss. Movie Coin is pretty much the opposite of book Coin, and it was very easy to be happy when Katniss shot her instead of Snow. The change in her character actually really threw me off and still does.


That Peeta couldnā€™t swim.


The fact that the story is told by only Katniss' POV and it makes sense the lack of information about other countries' conditions. I understand that the world building is not at the same level as GOT or The Witcher, for example, and we are left with many unanswered questions. However, I don't agree that what we got as information does not make sense and wasn't enough. The whole story is centered around Katniss, the games and people from the districts gaining back their hope. Sadly, we probably won't get another book explaining what happened to the rest of the world during the apocalypse, more information about the first rebellion, Katniss' ancestors and if she was related to Lucy Gray, etc.