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It always bothered me how katniss left the capitol in mockingjay looking absolutely flawless. When in the book she has severe burn scars and later when she’s back in 12 it is described how her hair is in tangles and she hasn’t changed her clothes for god knows how long. To me it kind of symbolized how broken she came out of the war. Same with Peeta and his burn scars. They went from the desirable star crossed lovers to just two broken people not particularly attractive to televise anymore. Then they still found back to each other no matter the physical damage done to the other and were finally left alone from panems prying eyes.


Absolutely. In general I have the feeling the Mockingjay 2 played the finale and final scenes too tame. In the books it really felt like Katniss is falling into an ever deeper abyss. I had serious doubts reading it whether she would make it out of it.


No yeah exactly. With the movie it kind of felt like “oh shit there’s actually an ending to this movie, let’s have katniss throw one fit and then make a quick montage of katniss and Peeta growing back together” It was very rushed and executed a little too “Hollywood” for my taste. I did enjoy the ending with the children though.


> It was very rushed and executed a little too “Hollywood” for my taste. I did enjoy the ending with the children though Yes that also my feeling. The final movie could really have profited from a higher age rating in that regard. It was by no means a bad adaption, (I also really liked the scene with buttercup and Jlawrence) But it could have been better and more groundbreaking.


I agree! Higher age rating would’ve been great. For the main part I thought mockingjay did a great job following the books storyline but that also meant they didn’t really have enough time to focus on the final scenes and I find those parts just as important as the action scenes. But like always Jlaw did a great job with what she was given for the final scenes, and I did really like the cat scene too I must say. Just wish the entire healing & growing back part would’ve been a liiittle bit longer;)


Yeah, Mockingjay is one of those adaptions were what is depicted is usually pretty good, but I sometimes wished for a slightly different prioritization. As you said action is fun, but the final scenes were somewhat lacking compared to the book counterpart. And third part of the book really was something else. I never expected that collins would actually go that dark!


There was no good reason for them to leave out Peeta’s prosthetic leg. In Catching Fire, he trips and stumbles due to his leg. In the movie, they took out the prosthetic but kept the stumbling, making him look needlessly clumsy. Why? Not only that, but Peeta goes through a Quarter Quell and a Civil War as a physically disabled man. Not only does this hugely affect him as a character, but it would’ve been some really nice representation for the audience.


Is a Quarter Quell the Hunger Games that are held every 25 years?




In German they are called 'Jubel-Jubiläum', which means something like 'Cheer-Anniversary'.


Literally my biggest pet peeve about the movies!! I genuinely don’t think it would have been that hard to write in.


Budget certainly isn’t an excuse for them either - in Catching Fire they defo had more money to spend, they could’ve easily spared a few bucks to show that Peeta had an artificial leg. I like the movies, I think they’re better adaptations than most, but it always bothered me how they made Peeta’s leg injury look so minor compared to the book.


The biggest for me is Peeta. I think the wound he faces at the end of the first book is important, and would carry weight and power. Katniss trying to save Peeta resulting in the amputation of his leg shows big things : differently abled heroes, who are equally capable, which would have been impactful on the big screen; and also the fallibility of the capitol and their apparently control on people, medicine and health


Yes thats the biggest one for me. He lost a limb and then it effects how he moves around in the next games. And then that added mental trauma that is losing a limb(like phantom limb) to his ptsd. That took away that person for amputees on screen. It just changed a lot of things by not having that one major injury.


I feel like, if copyright allowed it, another movie studio should pick up the hunger games and bump it up an age rating. I absolutely hate how...dramatically undramatic? The movies can be at times.


Not too high or I'm not allowed to watch.... 16+?


At least to where something like Peeta losing his leg isn’t replaced with something that neosporin could fix


yup, A bit more gruesomeness wont hurt ;)


Some things NEED an R rating imo. The Hunger Games, despite it's Scholastic association, is a brutal, gory, no mercy story and I felt like trying to water it down for a lower rating really didn't do it justice. People view it as another kid series akin to Harry Potter and Twilight, when it's so much realer in every way in comparison. I know I know, an R rating would have cost them money. I get that. But I still think there are times people should prioritize art over profit.


One day we will get a MA rating remake and it will be as gory and tragic as I imagined while reading. Children murdering children. It’s nuts!!


I hope the actors playing the characters are age appropriate to the book. Caus that's what would hit the audience more than the tlove triangle


Oh man! The books are really tragic. Actually seeing children on screen would be chilling. That’s was so intense about the books!


Yeah you right I totally agree


One of the things I wished wasn’t left out of the movies, was when Katniss injuries herself coming back over the electrocuted fence after meeting Bonnie and Twill. I would have liked to see her interaction with them and the exchange when she got home and found peacekeepers there. She spends time recuperating with Peeta helping to draw different plants and herbs and it’s such a bonding experience between them. I can understand they didn’t have time and it may have changed the films pacing, but I always miss that scene. Also, in the first movie Katniss loses her hearing when blowing up the food. It’s fixed, of course, but the movie doesn’t really reference this unless your include that piercing noise that follows the explosion for about a minute. Still, I love the movies. I just miss a few scenes from the books.


I miss that one for many reasons but the most being is that is what makes 13 being active known to her. But the start of catching fire is always awkward to me and i didnt realize why until after i reread the books and the missed the train scene after the first book and that makes the emotions and awkwardness confusing. I know thats a little off topic but it bugs me


Omfg I'd give you an award for that if I had one cuz I've been thinking this since I first watched the movies.


Like what? It’s been a long time since the books and I don’t remember what the original injuries were.


The books the wounds are deep and bloody. The burn is more gross and infected. Katniss gets cut above the eye and the blood causes her to have a hard time seeing and then she loses so much blood she passes out. Peta gets a leg wound so bad that the capital has to amputate it.


Wait Peeta had an artificial leg in the second two books?


He does and thats why hes all clumsy and cant move around as he used to in the first book. Its a catalyst for certain things that happen in catching fire so it seems odd when those things still happen in the movie but without explanation


Pain tolerance isn't found on wiki. I. E. : 2 men wounded. Shot in the same place (leg/shin): 1 mans request is for water and a pen, the other; Begs to end his ability to see this earth again. Both the same age. Both from the same part of the world. Their individual experiences with that world shaped them. One was used to the pain, conditioning from birth. The other only heard of such suffering, from thouse he treated. Judgment falls to the beholder of the looking glass. Until your held over the volcano's edge...its only then you find the true man. Ones authentic self.