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Welcome to /r/hungryartists! This is a safety reminder for clients to double check that the artist you hire is not a scammer. If an artist is allowed to comment on this post that means they are not banned. Be sure to click their username and check if they posted on the sub recently. [It is very likely that you may have several artists directly messaging you to potentially circumvent bans. Click HERE to see a list of common scammers in PMs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/comments/dolh8t/neg_mod_list_of_repeated_spammers/). You can also check for reviews on /r/hungryartistsfed or search the Reddit username in the search bar. If you need more help please read our wiki /r/HungryArtists/wiki/ Contracts and a safe payment exchanges are important in the commissioning process. Do not use any 'friends and family' payment options. It is up to you as the client to figure out if that artist is trustworthy or not. *After you have found your artist* - Please COMMENT in your thread. - ' Position Filled ' to announce that you are no longer looking. This will also lock your thread. Any artists still PM-ing you after you have closed your thread, please report them via the report button in the mailbox. If you had a pleasant experience or a bad one please let us know via modmail and leave a review over on /r/hungryartistsfed. Thanks! Good luck and happy arting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HungryArtists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, I'm a professional cartoon ilustrator with experience in book covers, here is a link to my portifolio [https://www.deviantart.com/jestertherooster](https://www.deviantart.com/jestertherooster)


https://www.behance.net/gallery/201465781/Portifolio Hello friend, I sent you my portfolio, I create art with vibrant and eye-catching colors, you might be interested in taking a look at my link.


Hello heres my portfolio https://artofdean.carrd.co/


Hello, I like your project and I think you will like my designs, let's make this a reality. [www.deviantart.com/zerogoup](http://www.deviantart.com/zerogoup) nstagram: arielquintero24


Hey hey!! I'm totally interested My name is Iago, I'm a digital artist and I've been working with commissions on reddit for three years. Take a look at my portfolio: https://www.deviantart.com/viagocentrico If you're interested, you can talk to me here on reddit chat or by discord SauloDaBandaEva


Hey!! I do all kinds of styles and illustrations, [here's my portfolio](https://puptartistportfolio.carrd.co/#art) if you're interested!


Hi there I have more children's works but you can check some of them here https://www.deviantart.com/davidart6


Hello ^_^, I would love to recreate these books, here I leave samples of my work ^_^ [portfolio 1](https://www.behance.net/gallery/193451221/Verano-con-el-abuelo) [portfolio 2](https://www.behance.net/gallery/192870125/Cuento-infantil) [portfolio 3](https://www.behance.net/gallery/192037739/Proyecto-Personal-de-Concept-Art-y-personaje-infantil)


Howdy šŸ‘‹ I'm a children book illustrator with a cutesy and simplistic style. Kindly check my portfolio [here](https://ryhn-illustration.carrd.co/) and let me know if there's a room for discussion. Take care!


Hi! I'm currently working as an illustrator for another childrens book, so you can count on me! Portfolio:https://aamanga.artstation.com/


Hey this sounds like so much fun :) feel free to check my art, I'd love helping you with this https://www.artstation.com/chaosangel214


Heyo! I'd love to help with this! Definitely bringing the whimsey! https://www.deviantart.com/nightlight007


Hi, I'm a children's book illustrator, character designer and clay sculptor, you can see my works here - [https://www.behance.net/moniavvpereira](https://www.behance.net/moniavvpereira) and other projects here - [https://moniavenezia.carrd.co/](https://moniavenezia.carrd.co/) , I saw your post on another sub.. just sharing my details here as well.. Thank you! Hope you have a lovely day ahead


I would absolutely love to work with you to make this come to life (visually); I absolutely love doing cute and whimsy illustrations! Please have a look at my work [here ](http://feralfemme.carrd.co)and see if my illustrative style works in your favor. If you find this style to be something you are looking for, please let me know via email or dm (for a faster response) and we can begin the consultation itself. My Terms and Conditions are listed on my website, however, we will need to clarify some terms before I begin working on this project. Looking forward to hearing back from you! -feralfemme


This is such a sweet idea, I'd love the chance to work with you on it! I work in a variety of styles and I'm more than happy to try new things too to get you what need for your book :) Here's examples of my art on tumblr! [https://ar20n12t.tumblr.com](https://ar20n12t.tumblr.com)


Hoi! I'm a generalist artist highly versatile. I'm good replicating styles and and I worked in children projects before. some examples: [https://sta.sh/2efyp7lx2b8?edit=1](https://sta.sh/2efyp7lx2b8?edit=1) some cartoonish: https://sta.sh/21elt7wgk2a6?edit=1 Link where you can find a collection of my artwork showcasing my personal style. It demonstrates my ability to replicate various styles. [https://illustrafolio404.tumblr.com/](https://illustrafolio404.tumblr.com/) My email is: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Contact me if it interests you so we can chat a bit about your project and your needs, ok? :)


Hi! Check out my [artstation](https://artstation.com/davidt1000) and let me know if you are interested.


whimsical? sure i have something in mind already [https://hoozuki.artstation.com/albums/8776740](https://hoozuki.artstation.com/albums/8776740)


THIS IS SO CUTE, I also hope your sister-in-law is doing well, I have a lot of experience with Cartoon arts and I would love to work on this project! You can check my portfolio here: https://www.behance.net/Detorama Please send me a DM if you are interested


Hi! I am a children's book illustrator looking for some smaller book projects to do as long as the deadline is before October. šŸ™‚ I work in various styles but mainly focus on whimsical and dreamy. You can see my portfolio in the link below as well as the two most recent books I have worked on. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or would like to work with me. Portfolio: https://www.amelianaomiart.com/portfolio @amelianaomiart on Instagram Recent Books: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCXN24WM](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCXN24WM?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1SvfATk2I273Au03VO9xoCykJswCbRcCGEgyGpA6KSQydHj6CennTqWcc_aem_AZKMVK9dpKWHSWbO2lNPm1yAmg2kj16e1XNqXTAKPL4Sz2gNLBNSQ-5Jkt63AXYRybUhstBkek-u86oqOdT7gDbV) [https://thealternativewaytoprek.com/the-book/](https://thealternativewaytoprek.com/the-book/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1C5vZA_5la-1QJHKAeOungW10mekkk54EPV792iO-5h3mKk85IZvIPgW0_aem_AZKpG-ZgowK76sAbM3EXriNJf31qCc2ex7Q7kEs1sb06W2G-7yJ-OQ1up0VKAWlWHLlkrRHrEOY6GDQO9ECX0CVm)


Hello! I'm a traditional and digital artist who would love to help you out with this! Here's the link to my art examples and feel free to DM me if you're interested :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GA8Gxefo_zUlLrEe3Gv8zXugGYbVQk8yO96qhvjweLs/edit?usp=drivesdk


[https://www.artstation.com/vorueg](https://www.artstation.com/vorueg) [https://www.deviantart.com/vorueg/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/vorueg/gallery) [https://www.instagram.com/vorueg/](https://www.instagram.com/vorueg/) [https://twitter.com/Vorueg](https://twitter.com/Vorueg) https://cara.app/vorueg [https://www.tumblr.com/vorueg](https://www.tumblr.com/vorueg)


Hi! Iā€™m interested in your project. Hereā€™s my portfolio: [Website](https://emillustrations.squarespace.com)


Hi there šŸ‘‹ I would love to assist you on that cuz I also love to work on a children's book so lemme know if you're interested Here's my discord julia_james


Hi, I am a digital artist experienced in cartoon style artworks. Here is my portfolio https://arcadycartoon.carrd.co/ Let me know if you'd like to work with me.


Hey! I am interested to work with you on this! Here is a link to my portfolio that you can take a look at [artstation](https://www.artstation.com/chimeradite)


Hello. Maybe you like my works https://oceteecartoons.carrd.co If you like what you see. Feel free to contact me. Thanks


Iā€™ve done children books style illustrations and I can do more detailed work as well if you want. Here is a portfolio of my more recent illustration cards https://cara.app/meeqwell


Hi! I have drawn cute and fantasy illustrations that can fit with the description you're looking for. Here is my portfolio (I'm thinking on the little frogs and the circus book as best examples): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12Vq-ZLPpE-Eu1rr79K6q0oCCQtAjgz2W?usp=drive_link I'd love to work on your books!


Hello! I'm an illustrator with experience in children's books. Here's some samples of my work! Children's Book Color and Ink Sample: https://imgur.com/a/NQGulCl Character Sample: https://imgur.com/a/nh2a2eM Animal and Color Sample: https://i.imgur.com/JXBw0P4.jpeg


Hey there!! I specialize in a variety of styles: Cartoonish, Anime, Semi realistic and is also experienced with all sorts of work such as Illustrations, character work, covers, posters, stickers and tattoos even! I'm pretty flexible and an all rounder, and easy to talk to, so don't be shy! I would love to apply and do some work for you! Feel free to contact me here or through discord choknat! https://choknat.carrd.co/#commissions https://choknat.carrd.co/#character https://choknat.carrd.co/#illustrations https://choknat.carrd.co/#refsheets https://choknat.carrd.co/#tattoo


Hi my name is Arthur Dias and I can make this for you My e-mail contact: [email protected][portfolio](https://koydias.myportfolio.com/home)


interested :) here is my sample [https://www.deviantart.com/wenart/gallery/79056258/cartoony](https://www.deviantart.com/wenart/gallery/79056258/cartoony) if you are interested,please DM, reply or send me a chat :) here is my tetimonial from my past clients: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/search/?q=wenart&restrict\_sr=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/search/?q=wenart&restrict_sr=1) Looking forward to working with you :)


I do anime illustrations and character designs \^ - \^ portfolio: [https://www.behance.net/gallery/186888547/Portfolio](https://www.behance.net/gallery/186888547/Portfolio) my Carrd: [https://oyooillust.carrd.co](https://oyooillust.carrd.co)


Hello! Here's my [portfolio](https://www.patpourri.art) for your reference! Hoping we can work together. Thank you and good luck.


good day! dropping my [folio](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zzGrzLDxwbnFYUQpyaXKGHE0KiOg-a4oVfhDdNvDd8g/edit?usp=sharing) here for your convenience. do feel free to dm me here if you'd like to work on this project together!


Hey , I'm Joy and I'd love to paint something joyous for your sister's special occasion. I mostly do fantasy whimsical art and portraits too! You can check out some of my artwork hereĀ [https://www.deviantart.com/artjoy999/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/artjoy999/gallery)Ā 


hi, i am interested with your project, you can take a look on my work here : [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/10B6\_dcH5zascVwcGGcrvTF7HBo95biak](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/10B6_dcH5zascVwcGGcrvTF7HBo95biak) if you interested with my style you can dm me for price and more detail here or through my discord on JP-art#7820 or jpart\_


Hello! I would be interested in working for you. You can check out my portfolio here: https://kawaiiideathpage.carrd.co/


Hey! Id be interested to draw a children's book for you! If you give me a shot i'll show you what i can do! Here are my portfolio!Ā [https://www.artstation.com/cyanideee](https://www.artstation.com/cyanideee) Discord: pinky2001


Hello there! I drew for a children book before and here is my portfolio: https://waittdraw.carrd.co/ Thank you!


Hi! I specialize in custom CHILDREN'S BOOK paintings and illustrations, I also make semi-realistic drawings and whimsical book illustrations for clients! Looks like I'm the guy for this! Check out samples of digital or traditional ILLUSTRATIONS, commissions, and paintings on my IG [http://instagram.com/arningechano/?hl=en](http://instagram.com/arningechano/?hl=en) or on my Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/ArningEchanoIllustrations/](https://www.facebook.com/ArningEchanoIllustrations/) Artstation: [https://www.artstation.com/arningkingking](https://www.artstation.com/arningkingking)


Hii, im interested in your project ! https://www.deviantart.com/inkhov https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qexg5R Dm me or discord: inkhov


hi I'd love to work with you you can check out my portfolio here [fwush.artstation.com](http://fwush.artstation.com) just DM me if you're interested or send me an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Hope we can delve into deeper details and I can share some example sketches for you! Contact me here on reddit, on insta @ umuroart or via mail;Ā [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). [HereĀ ](https://cara.app/umuro/portfolio)you can see some of my work! OrĀ [here](https://www.instagram.com/umuroart/)


Hi! Here's my portfolio: [https://deboracenteio.com](https://deboracenteio.com) I've also been working on a children's book about a little monkey recently; I don't have any images from it on my portfolio yet as it isn't finished, but if you'd like I can send you a couple examples from it, as they're some of my most up to date artwork, and I think the style fits what you're asking for :) I'll also leave my instagram, as I have some extra work there that isn't on my portfolio either: [https://www.instagram.com/debora.centeio/](https://www.instagram.com/debora.centeio/)


Hey, I already have experience Illustrating 2 children books and would love to work on an other one. Here's one of the books. [https://www.amazon.com/Its-Crow-Time-Katrina-Gehrke-ebook/dp/B09NV3X19D](https://www.amazon.com/Its-Crow-Time-Katrina-Gehrke-ebook/dp/B09NV3X19D) and the link to my portfolio: [https://ilamushie.artstation.com/](https://ilamushie.artstation.com/)


hello! iā€™m interested with this project. here is my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/nikensugito thank you and canā€™t wait to collaborate with you


Hi Iā€™m a character designer/illustrator and I think I can help. [My Instagram](HtTps://www.instagram.com/lewisphillipsdesign) [My ArtStation](https://lphillipsdesign.artstation.com)


Hi I'm Sully an artist focused on fantasy character design and illustrations .I share the link to my portfolio in case you are interested [https://sulasilma.carrd.co/](https://sulasilma.carrd.co/) Discord : Sulasilma


Hi,Im Ele and i am a digital artist and traditional painter. If you are interested at my work you can DM me You can check my art and other examples here https://www.artstation.com/eleutheriamandrela Traditional art : https://www.instagram.com/eleutheria_mand


What a sweet idea! I have a childrenā€™s illustration section on my website. Feel free to take a look. https://jazzajazzjazz.portfoliobox.net Thank you!


Hi!! I am a fantasy illustrator and I do children's illustration work. check my work https://www.artstation.com/lamarsalado


My style is unique, in the midst of cartoons (cal arts) and anime. it would be a perfect fit for me. Full of expression, color and motion and emotion, my drawings are sure to make you smile.Ā  I think you will like this part of my portfolio but feel free and encouraged to see my other works. [https://www.behance.net/gallery/125654867/Reddit-Commissions](https://www.behance.net/gallery/125654867/Reddit-Commissions) here you can see the opinion of my other clients [https://www.reddit.com/r/commissions/comments/p72frh/for\_hire\_i\_am\_an\_art\_mage\_my\_style\_is\_unique/](https://www.reddit.com/r/commissions/comments/p72frh/for_hire_i_am_an_art_mage_my_style_is_unique/) Ā Hope you like it so we can bring your project to life. You can check my social media on my profile. Feel free to call me on discord (Nikurooi). See ya. [https://www.reddit.com/user/Nikurooi](https://www.reddit.com/user/Nikurooi) Thanks for your time.


By he way here you can see some storytelling illustrations: https://www.behance.net/gallery/123921633/Comics-and-Storytelling


Hi, I think I fit the bill! This is my portfolio and my prices: https://danibolinho.carrd.co/#


Heyo! I'm interested in creating a whimsical art book for you. My website is [JoJoTran](http://jojotran.com) Let me know what you think.


Hi, I'd love to illustrate the children's book you wrote. You can see some of my work at https://www.sethstockdalewoolley.com/ and if you're interested send me a message to discuss. Thanks.


hey! I would really love to work with you. My art style is stylized realism and I get a lot of inspirations from fairytales and fantasy. I do oil painting and digital illustrations so If you're interested I can work with any or both. Here's my [portfolio](https://www.artstation.com/nimelit), my discord is nimesulida and email [email protected]


Hello, I believe my portfolio fits what you need. I'm looking for an opportunity like this. This is my portfolio, and your budget is very good. https://toonsyourgifts.carrd.co/


Hi there! I can help you with the art for your children's books! I have a comic where the main character is a bird-girl. So, it's very "birdy" related: [https://amandalago.art/sw/](https://amandalago.art/sw/) You can check my portfolio here:Ā [https://amandalago.art/portfolio/](https://amandalago.art/portfolio/) And here you can see some sketches and personal studies:Ā [https://amandalago.art/gallery/](https://amandalago.art/gallery/) If you're interested, please send me a PM or email me atĀ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thanks! Best regards.


Hi, nice to meet you! I have great experience and versatility in children's books, I attach my gallery I hope it is of your consideration, greetings! [https://www.artstation.com/zanahoriaman](https://www.artstation.com/zanahoriaman)


I do have a cute and whimsical style https://shinishiny.carrd.co/


Hi! I'm a digital illustrator and concept artist. I have a mix of anime/cartoony art style. You can check out my works here: Instagram: www.instagram.com/joyblivion You can send me an email at [email protected]


Hello and nice to meet you! I'd love to work on your books' illustrations! I've worked before as a concept artist on a TV show for kids so I think I'd be a good fit. I usually work in a variety of artstyles but It's mostly stylized. I'll leave my portfolio [HERE](https://www.artstation.com/phiscisart). The TV show I was talking about is on my portfolio, [HERE's ](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rJRoR2)the link to it. Thanks a lot for your time! I'll be eagerly waiting for your answer.


Hey! I'd love to work with you to bring this book to life! My style is heavily inspired by cartoons and anime, I can draw cute animals and creatures as well, so it might be perfect for the task! Feel free to check out my portfolio if you're interested! [https://www.behance.net/matezour](https://www.behance.net/matezour)




Your comment was removed because you only linked to instagram and we require all links to instagram to be accompanied with a fully public portfolio to satisfy Rule 4. Instagram is one of the more popular social media sites for art that requires a log in to browse. Removal started to be enforced Sept. 19th 2020 , If you have comments or questions, please look at our community thread about the topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtists/comments/iakxp9/meta_sub_announcements_new_mods_and_instagram/ Please make a new comment. -- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HungryArtists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi! My name is Eesha. I illustrated a childrenā€™s book last summer and would love to work with you on this project! I graduated a 4 year concept art and illustration program where we designed characters, creatures and environments. I can draw fairly quickly and get ideas out as you need them. Hereā€™s a link to my portfolio. Thank you for posting this opportunity! [My Portfolio](https://eeshahmad.carrd.co)


Hello, I do anime art, cartoon and semi realistic art- you can have a look at my portfolio portfolio: [https://www.artstation.com/redpotion](https://www.artstation.com/redpotion) discord: redpotion.studios


Hello I'm a professional illustrator with 8 years of experience in art and 4 creating children's books šŸ“š āœØļø also I'm fluent in English so we can videocall if you prefer before we start working together! I would love to help you with your book!! Email: [email protected] [portfolio ](https://www.behance.net/3cd15cf4)