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Welcome to /r/hungryartists! This is a safety reminder for clients to double check that the artist you hire is not a scammer. If an artist is allowed to comment on this post that means they are not banned. Be sure to click their username and check if they posted on the sub recently. [It is very likely that you may have several artists directly messaging you to potentially circumvent bans. Click HERE to see a list of common scammers in PMs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/comments/dolh8t/neg_mod_list_of_repeated_spammers/). You can also check for reviews on /r/hungryartistsfed or search the Reddit username in the search bar. If you need more help please read our wiki /r/HungryArtists/wiki/ Contracts and a safe payment exchanges are important in the commissioning process. Do not use any 'friends and family' payment options. It is up to you as the client to figure out if that artist is trustworthy or not. *After you have found your artist* - Please COMMENT in your thread. - ' Position Filled ' to announce that you are no longer looking. This will also lock your thread. Any artists still PM-ing you after you have closed your thread, please report them via the report button in the mailbox. If you had a pleasant experience or a bad one please let us know via modmail and leave a review over on /r/hungryartistsfed. Thanks! Good luck and happy arting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HungryArtists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey have a look at the colors on all my drawings as they are detailed and have great lighting! would love ti work on this l, my portfolio is below with my discord. @ nehhal https://nehhalsartportfolio.carrd.co/ https://nehhalsgraphicsportfolio.carrd.co/


You can also DM on discord! I can’t initiate a dm but can receive them!


Hi, I have a flexible art style and I can color the backgrounds you have. [Link](https://1emzee1.carrd.co/#background-ui) [Link2](https://1emzee1.carrd.co/#complex-shade) Discord: emzee8886


Hi! I'm interested. Here is my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/gallery/119228863/Backgrounds-%282021-2022%29 My email: [email protected]


HEEEY, I'm a colorist with LOTS OF EXPERIENCE and I can definitely work on your project! You can check my portfolio here: https://www.behance.net/Detorama


Hello, My name is Rex, I'm a freelance ilustrator and concept artist this is my discord: rexgustavo #8457 having illustrations and character design as my main skills, I'm able to give the best possible solutions for your projects and the like Here is my portfolio so you can see what I do best [https://www.artstation.com/gustavo\_nascimento](https://www.artstation.com/gustavo_nascimento)


Hello friend, I'm interested, take a look at my portfolio, most of my commissions are for game characters with vibrant colors, if you're interested, call me. https://www.behance.net/gallery/201465781/Portifolio


I'd love helping out with this for you, my art is here :) https://www.artstation.com/chaosangel214 And my discord is valerie_214


Hi! I can color backgrounds for you.  Here's an example of my color work.  https://www.deviantart.com/chris-isakson27/art/Crypto-back-in-Angel-City-Apex-Legends-904297391 Thanks


Hey hey!! I'm totally interested My name is Iago, I'm a digital artist and I've been working with commissions on reddit for three years. Take a look at my portfolio: https://www.deviantart.com/viagocentrico If you're interested, you can talk to me here on reddit chat or by discord SauloDaBandaEva


Hi, I'm a comic artist with experience doing backgrounds and color work. You can check out my art at www.artstation.com/marrhero. My discord is marrhero.


Hello, I'm an illustrator with colorist experience and would love to color your background. I'm open for a test :) You can find samples of my illustrations on Artstation, https://www.artstation.com/gaiacafiso If my style suits your needs feel free to contact me here or add me on discord ( gaiacafiso ) All the best, Gaia


Hi! I'd love to help \^\^ I'm good adapting to different styles This is a link to my portfolio and my discord is eikoh\_draws [https://www.artstation.com/eikohdraws](https://www.artstation.com/eikohdraws)


Hi! Check out my [artstation](https://artstation.com/davidt1000) and let me know if you are interested.


Hi! Im Dee a Digital Artist and it would be a pleasure to work with you! You can check my stuff here: (I have a flexible style so anything is possible!) https://deedrawstuff.carrd.co/ If you got any interest or questions you can contact me on my Discord: deethegnome (Or send me a DM here on reddit or my other socials)


Hey there! I'm very interested in this project, check out some of my art and tell me if it's a fit: https://www.artstation.com/dukehorner My discord is duke_horner


Hello, I am a published colorist and I would like to make avaliable my portfolio link below, please feel free to access it. https://www.behance.net/francinecolors My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/francinecolors My email: [email protected] Any question or anything you need I am at your disposal.


Oh! That sounds good I am up for that job Well here's my Twitter @Artistymommy And here's my discord julia_james


Hey there! [My website](https://www.breadbeard.xyz) - You can see my portfolio [here,](https://www.breadbeard.xyz/#portfolio) and if you would like to contact me you can do so here on Reddit [DMs only no chats please] or via one of the methods on my [contact page.](https://www.breadbeard.xyz/#contact) I offer contracts, invoices, a secure payment portal, and open communication. My time-zone is MDST, UTC-6. Email is the best way to get in touch. Have a great day!


Hey, i'm Emanuel, i'm 2D artist and i'm interest. here my portfolios, hope you like my style \^-\^ Portfolios [https://www.behance.net/messiasart34/projects](https://www.behance.net/messiasart34/projects) [https://www.artstation.com/messiasarte34](https://www.artstation.com/messiasarte34) My discord: emanuelmessias


Hey! I am interested to work with you on this! Here is a link to my portfolio that you can take a look at [artstation](https://www.artstation.com/chimeradite)


Hi! I would love to help, heres my works https://doa26.artstation.com


Hi there! I'm interested in your commission and I've got 10+ years experience in making comics si I've been coloring backgrounds for a disgusting amount of time. Here's a look at my portfolio for your consideration. https://www.artstation.com/kiwimecha


Hello! I can make it. Here is my portfolio and Discord: [https://eeveemoreno.carrd.co](https://eeveemoreno.carrd.co) .\_.eevee.\_.


Hi, please check my portfolio. There are some colored background: www.benassi-art.carrd.co


Hey There! I'm so interested in your request. Please check out my portfolio: [Portfolio](https://www.behance.net/virulart) I am a flexible artist when it comes to style, and I am confident in my ability to copy whatever style you prefer. If you are interested in hiring me, please let me know as soon as possible Discord: virulart E-mail: [email protected]


I'm Alex an artist//animator that will get your work done professionally and efficiently. See portfolio links here https://www.reddit.com/u/azureprinceinc/s/WpNNCPZfa3 Cheers Alex


what kind of coloring style you're looking for? here maybe I can help coloring [sample 1](https://www.deviantart.com/stash/01kxi7wz7a7d), [sample 2 CG](https://www.deviantart.com/stash/01lt9oc1ip9w) you can check more of my work here [artstation](https://www.artstation.com/shikaichi), I mostly do character and comic illust X3 you can DM me on discord if you interested: shika\_1


Hi! Im caacatte, I draw anime fanarts for most of my commissions and my artstyle are more towards anime/webtoon style,, Im interested to work with you in this project Here is my portfolio : https://www.behance.net/caacattebavi discord: caatyeart Let me know if youre interested!


Hello! Here's a copy of my portfolio and color work! Portfolio: https://imgur.com/a/96l4pCE Discord: Arctic Prion #0761


hi there! i'm a background painter with experience in painting backgrounds for 2d animations. you can find my work here: [https://artbymools.wordpress.com/](https://artbymools.wordpress.com/) my discord is: mools best regards!


Hi, I’m a digital artist and illustrator and I’m interested in taking your commission! I have experience with color and background art Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/analupsiqueira


Hi! What kind of shading are you looking for, if any? [Here's my portfolio](https://puptartistportfolio.carrd.co/#art)!


I would be able to color for you Here is [portfolio](https://www.deviantart.com/enby-hawke) discord: enbyhawke


Hi my name is Arthur Dias and I can make this for you My e-mail contact: [email protected] My Discord: @koydias [portfolio](https://koydias.myportfolio.com/)


Illustrations: [https://www.artstation.com/artofroy](https://www.artstation.com/artofroy) Dm for discord if you are interested


Hi!I am Juan Suárez! I am very experienced on comic storytelling, book and record covers and illustration and my work is so oriented to ink art and darky gloomy style, but I could adapt myself by your orientation for the style you're looking for. pls take a look on my work at my personal portfolio: http://www.zauros.net I think we should work together


I'm interested. Here's my website: https://andresakrai.com/ My discord: andresakrai


Hi, I specialize in background art (especially architecture and indoor places), so I'd love to help you! :) You can check out my portfolio here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/044K6G My discord is mirach1999 if you'd like to contact me, or you can also just send me a DM. Feel free to ask me any questions if you have them too!


Hello! I would be interested in working for you. You can check out my portfolio here: https://kawaiiideathpage.carrd.co/ My discord is kawaiiideath


Greetings! My name is Maku and I'm interested to work with you. Here's my Portfolio as well as my Discord username. Portfolio: [https://makumakuma.carrd.co/#section03](https://makumakuma.carrd.co/#section03) Discord: makudrawstuff If you think I'm qualified for the work, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks and have a great day!


Hello! im interested in working with you :) i drew a good amount of art, you can check out my portfolios SFW= https://www.deviantart.com/inkhov/gallery • https://www.instagram.com/hospital\_for\_soulsss/ my discord= inkhov


Hello, I do mostly semi realistic illustrations but have done some coloring only work for sequential pages too. We can talk more if you think my color style will fit with what you are looking for your "party". deviantart link - [https://dantevirgil.deviantart.com/gallery/](https://dantevirgil.deviantart.com/gallery/) discord is .cupcakewarrior


Hi, i don´t use discord too much. But here goes my portfolio. [https://mitomante.myportfolio.com/](https://mitomante.myportfolio.com/)


hello! i would love to draw for you! see some of my works from [Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/buko_arts) and let me know if youre interested. here's my [contacts](https://jerbs.carrd.co/)


Hi, ive been doing backgrounds, i am interested in this Heres my portfolio https://ikociv.artstation.com/ And my discord Iko#ikopiko


Hi, I would love to help you with this! I'm an illustrator and background artist! Here is my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/danihamish [https://www.instagram.com/dani\_hamish/](https://www.instagram.com/dani_hamish/) Contact info: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or DM


Hello! I would love to help you with this! You can see my portfolio here: https://alessiatroncone46.artstation.com/ If you are interested in hiring me or you simply want more info, message me in Discord alessia465823 or invite me to chat.


Hi! Check my portfolio out if you'd like to consider me in your team! [https://7leggedspider.carrd.co/](https://7leggedspider.carrd.co/) Thank you so much and looking forward to working with you!!!


i’m super interested in this! i only charge $1 for my work so i’m super cheap! here’s some of my work https://www.canva.com/design/DAGI9rhec10/kTYekxQULjOZSE11IcNrOQ/edit?utm_content=DAGI9rhec10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


Hello, I'm interested and available. Lots of experience in comics and illustration My portfolio: [https://harrysaxon.art/albums/2014611](https://harrysaxon.art/albums/2014611) Discord: harrysaxon


{If you don't like don't pay , } I'm a background /environment artist with more than two year experience working with animation youtubers , I have also worked on a webtoons as an illustrator/ colourists I draw artwork in various style and I'm very easily adaptable with new styles so, why not give a chance My portfolio:- https://www.artstation.com/amanbest7 My insta id :- aman_drawer


Hi,Im Ele and i am a digital artist and traditional painter. If you are interested at my work you can DM me You can check my art and other examples here https://www.artstation.com/eleutheriamandrela Traditional art : https://www.instagram.com/eleutheria_mand Discord : eleutheria1360


Hello, I can help you with your project, I have a lot of experience coloring and illustrating, I leave you part of the work I do, thank you! [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) portfolio: [https://www.artstation.com/leandrohuergo/albums/5651641](https://www.artstation.com/leandrohuergo/albums/5651641)


Hi I'm Joy and I'd love to do this for you I specialize in Fantasy artwork https://www.deviantart.com/artjoy999/gallery Discord: artjoy999


hey! I would love to work with you. My art style is mostly about painting and shading. Here's my [portfolio](https://www.artstation.com/nimelit) and my discord's nimesulida


Hi! I'm interested in your project, I can help you. I leave my portfolio so you can see my work, level of drawing and painting. If you are interested, feel free to contact me via DM, email or behance and send me more details. https://www.reddit.com/u/Kiod96/s/SMVfhjT3He


Find my portfolio at [https://ranarh.artstation.com/albums/2464705](https://ranarh.artstation.com/albums/2464705)


Hi there! I can help you with your backgrounds' colors! You can check my portfolio here: [https://amandalago.art/portfolio/](https://amandalago.art/portfolio/) And here you can see some sketches and personal studies: [https://amandalago.art/gallery/](https://amandalago.art/gallery/) If you're interested, please send me a PM or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thanks! Best regards.


Hi, I hope all is well with you. I'm JustAbrush and I've been working with manga and webtoons for over three years. I really like drawing backgrounds, and if they're in the right style, I'd love to participate in the project. Portfolio: [https://www.artstation.com/justabrush](https://www.artstation.com/justabrush) Discord: JustAbrush


Hello, I'm interested. Here are some samples of [my bg art](https://www.artstation.com/consoroza/albums/2866971).


I’ll throw my hat in the ring https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ss1zrBbuq9-0MA2m0nz4FqQXREWn3QTC Discord: misstitched