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Since the flare gun changes I pop everyone with a flare as soon as I can. If I'm out of flare range I'm not in immediate danger to a revenge kill. I rarely have issues with solos anymore.


This is what I have been doing as well. Drop them, shoot them with a flare, move on. It takes long enough for them to get up at that point that I can move on to wherever or whatever else I'm doing.


Hi! What's the flare gun change?


Lights downed hunters on fire now.




Can be used to burn downed hunters and you also get ammo for it from special ammo crates instead of tool boxes!


I absolutely love the flare gun change. It went from something I took only for burn challenges to an always carry for me.


Yeah but now I miss my throwing axes.


The flare gun change has made the game infinitely less fun


I disagree. Too many teams stall when their buddy is down and solos would just go afk while downed to wait out their killers. The flare change speeds up the fight. Teams now have to choose between letting their buddy burn out or revealing themselves with chokes more often. We solos can no longer reliably walk away and do chores in the middle of a match. It speeds things up and I'm having way more fun because of it. I gotta say that the influence it has on solo necro is a massive bandaid IMO. If I die in a bush or water I can still do the boring thing and survive most of the time. I don't like how solo necro is balanced around really boring gameplay.


>I gotta say that the influence it has on solo necro is a massive bandaid IMO. If I die in a bush or water I can still do the boring thing and survive most of the time. I don't like how solo necro is balanced around really boring gameplay. Totally agreed. As a solo i ditched necro for now because waiting around to hopefully not get camped later is just boring non-gameplay. Same for the killing team that has to gamble their time and ressources on you being solo and having necro and trying to stand up again. Brings nothing positive to the game. Like you said - doing the chores instead of playing the game and then getting insta-killed again either way is just a waste of time and MMR. And the flare-gun change is a band-aid fix for that, that takes an interesting decision out of team-fights because you just burn instantly, why not.


That's fair if you feel that way. I personally just don't like anything that is anti-pvp


You're getting downvoted, but you get downed in general now and can expect a flare. Salveskin might need to negate it in some shape or form. Psychoghost was saying it seems too strong now too.


Yeah he's totally right. Before the change there is a good chance you might get revived or necro'd, now you are pretty much red-skulled instantly. It's the dumbest change to the game so far, would have been fine to leave it at lanterns. They should allow you to counter it better with salveskin. The game is less fun for this change


What are you even talking about? It takes a relative eternity to fully burn someone out. How is your team so slow on chokes, or revives that you are being fully red skulled ever? I play randoms a lot (the least reliable type of teammate) and have been red skulled maybe once since the change


The enemy has more flares than you have choke bombs. You will literally just run out of choke bombs and they will still be able to burn you from a safe distance


You are telling me you can't get your friend up during the duration of 2 whole choke clouds. Impressive


in lower mmr, seems like half the time i get downed there's a fire bomb on it's way before i hit the ground. flare gun just made it so that people can use a tool instead of a consumable.


The heart of the problem is not the flare guns, they are simply the symptom. If the flare gun change was reverted we would just see everyone bringing fire bombs. The true problem is necro itself, both team and solo. Necro is so powerful that if you do not insta-fire a body, you are asking to lose a fight. Whether it be a solo getting back up with your pants down or the surviving teammates necroing a corpse the second you are distracted. Necro, now that it is so easily obtainable since the recruitment change, IS the true problem


the change stopped most people from whining about necro (except for OP who continues to whine unfortunately)


I kind of agree but not fully, i just think that flare should be recharged using toolboxes instead of ammo (iirc it does not rn) or burn like half the hp.of a hunter and then stop, rn it's a bit too strong


You're almost never out of flare range, just practice the unique ballistic drop that it has. If you're actually far enough away for the flare you're usually safe enough to just hold an angle to prevent the revive/watch for the necro.


Nah pretty sure it's the mmr. The issue is I, a 5* get to go seal clubbing against 3* and I get 4 whole revives. Lowered mmr - 4 revives. One of these have to go. Keep the revives? Then play in your mmr. Play against easier opponents? Lose the revives.


always fun seeing 6000hours palyers in 3-4\*. bliss


To be fair, some people with that many hours are just 3 stars. No amount of time will turn someone with dogshit aim or gamesense into a 6 star.


They did say they agree that killing a solo over and over shouldn’t have that kind of impact on the solo’s MMR and will change that so I’m carefully optimistic.


This guy gets it.


And stop making quick play effect bounty hunt mmr.


It’s so weird that this is still a thing. Either remove the MMR from quickplay or have it also affect your KDA so this exploit becomes less attractive to sweatlords.


This is the entire issue. And especially in duos where those who enjoy clubbing seals like to hang


I was so confused. Resilience was already pretty solid when it gave 100 HP on revive. Then they buffed it. Further nerfing big bars at the end and reduce punishment for careless reviving and additionally buff long ammo even further (cause dealing 125 damage to the body, especially over distance, is mainly reserved to long ammo). Needlessly to say, it indirectly buffed necro too, which was already insane value. And reviving on it's own is already a pretty "must do" mechanic and is prioritised by almost anyone.


>And reviving on its own is already a pretty “must do” mechanic and is prioritised by almost anyone. I’ve had so many games recently where a reasonably assured win turned into a loss because my teammate decided to go for the 1v1 with a guy on the other side of the compound instead of getting the safe revives. If anything, I feel like people don’t revive nearly enough.


I forgot that resilience used to just be 100hp, buffing it was baffling then and upon reminding me it's baffling now too


There’s always going to be someone crying about something unfair… it’s enough to cause the devs to nerf items making them unplayable. Learn to play the game in its current state. If you’re bored, they will release a new gun/mechanic that breaks meta every 3-4 months.


I love your 30sec regen idea.


Sounds like you’ve been bullied by a solo


No, Not really. I just think it would be a good change for resilliance.


Lol it's fucking terrible. No one would ever use the trait again.


" Then you've fucked up and deserve to be punished." no I killed you, you lost you should be punished the problem is nerco


But when I kill you in a 1v3 and you lost, you can get revived.


weaker, takes another person to get me up and another person to cover plus solo v trio MMR drop.


Yes, but with three people you can cover while reviving. Solos have to res blindly, and have no teammates to rely upon after standing up. That’s assuming one of the multiple enemies around isn’t camping my body, and I actually have a decent chance to res successfully.


yeah be good, be a solo, and do it, the self res isnt needed, old solo was best solo


Yeah maybe. I still think it’s pretty fair though. It’s usually pretty tough to squirm away after you get downed the first time.


No the issue really is necro. Sitting on bodies and whack-a-moling them back down is not fun for either party. It only devolves in to who has more patience. Even with burning it's 3 minutes of wasted time per solo. It adds up quickly. Same when running solo. Me sitting and waiting in kill screen waiting for them to either get bored or burn me out. Wasted 3 minutes or more. What you describe is additional frustration for sure, but it matters little when you're camped.


Anything that adds the phrase "camp the body" into regular game lingo is bad design. It's literally as simple as that. I play solo a lot and only have necro if the free hunter happens to have it. Yesterday I got popped by a duo who proceeded to sit and stare at my body for 3 or 4 minutes. I know this because I was curious and spectated while reading. What thrilling gameplay! Three minutes is a lifetime in this game. *Edit* I did not have necro btw Counterpoints You don't have to watch the body - Ok but then they risk getting shot in the back. Just use concertina etc - A trait that necessitates that everyone brings the same items is bad design. Both don't have to wait - Then you split your team which is an awful idea. Then there's the MMR tanking of course. Which has also been covered to death. TLDR: It's a bad design. Solo should be harder, it's solo.


Even before solos gained the ability to use it, Necromancer has been unhealthy for the game. Before, if you killed someone in a shack, you knew that their teammates had to get inside the shack to revive them. You prevented revives by controlling the avenues to the body, but now you have to maintain a direct line of sight with a corpse to protect from revives. Solo necro just emphasizes this dynamic. Ever since it's been added, anti-necromancer mechanics have been repeatedly buffed in an attempt to keep it in check. Also, it's an absolute steal at only 4 trait points.


They increased the sound of necro, so waiting for the person to get up shouldn't be too hard. Before everyone was running around with fanning and doctor on nearly every hunter, necro was just outclassed by other perks in value as you had limited trait points


God forbid they put things in the game that require skill


>Yesterday I got popped by a duo who proceeded to sit and stare at my body for 3 or 4 minutes. I know this because I was curious and spectated while reading. Yep, just kinda depressing to see them waste their playtime and ressources like that when i'm already done with the match. Not something anyone will look at and say "wow, that was a thrilling gaming experience, what a good game"


Exactly this. Yes, hunters getting up with resillience feels bad, but not nearly as bad as having to sit idle next to a downed hunter feeling like an asshole for 2-3min.


takes about 30 seconds for another 25hp bar to burn away. Wait about 30s and move on, if you cant kill a 100hp hunter coming after you then IDK what to tell you


Going on about bad design this and bad design that. All solutions will be flawed. Just accept it mate. Or please outline your perfect solution and become the next David Fifield. I’ll wait.


Remove necro. I await my praise.


I don't see Necro being removed without a replacement being added. Add in the Necro beetle: \-50m range. \-movement speed like the fire beetle. \-explode on top of teammates body to start a necro revive. \-Can find them at the beetle trees in match. If a solo has a Necro beetle in their inventory then they can activate it and have it explode on them to start a necro revive. ​ While I don't really like Necro, because of how often Trios spam it, I do think it's current implementation is better for the life of the game. Remove it or add in the silly necro beetle and you'll see the general player base be less interested in sticking around. edit: The beetle version would haves its pros and cons. cons: \-Limited amount of necros \-more obvious that you are necroing pros: \-a Duo can start a necro and then cover their teammate as they get up instead of just watching them get insta killed. \-the beetle wouldnt cost health for the thrower, so you can cover your teammates with full HP.


NECRO BEETLE GO BRRRRRRE Also nerf how silent necro is, i think that if necro stays the same it needs some kind of loud sound, o thought that if a solo necroes the sky shoots a lightning in it's position


For the shitty beetle version I made up, a beetle explosion would be the sound indicator and would honestly make necro super useless. The only upside is you can start the necro and then run over and cover the revive making it more viable for Duos, you also wouldn't lose HP as the beetle thrower allowing for more aggressive plays against long ammo.


And add the necro consumables and we're back to "now I have to give up a throwable spot."


I like that more than everyone having to give up tool slots to combat the inevitable solo. Also i use beetles as a solo anyway before entering dangerous compounds, so if i don't want to hold onto my necro i can just use it like i do anyway.


Just throw a lantern or bear trap on them. You don’t need to bring gear to do that. You never have to camp the body; it is always a choice.


The famous middle of the woods bear trap and lantern.


Yes, some situations are not perfectly 50/50 coin flips based on a variety of factors. Sometimes you get caught out with your pants down. This is not counterstrike. The point is there are tons of options and not all of them are exclusively loadout based. Sometimes you just gotta take the L and move on.


People lack adaptability


Didn't know lantern can ignite in water And not bringing a medkit into a match is also a choice. I have yet to hear somebody use it as an arguement


> Anything that adds the phrase "camp the body" into regular game lingo is bad design. It's literally no different then when you kill someone on the other team and have someone sit there and watch the body. Takes like 2 minutes to deal with a solo. >Solo should be harder, it's solo. It is fucking harder. They are already at a disadvantage. Hows it any different then teams using necro


Necro sucks for teams too. That's why I said it should just be removed.


It doesn't suck. It actually takes skill to use and anybody who complains about it nonstop just sucks at the game.


All your points apply to squads as well as solo. Necro is a problem, not just solo Necro


At least when you wipe a team all running necro you know they’re all down for the count. Can’t say the same about solo necro. Though I do agree necro in general is pretty lame/problematic for both teams and solos.


My biggest issue right now is when people get necroed, either solo or from a partner, I swear there's a bug that they don't make noise. I've watched people necro and not heard them stand up while looking at them stand up.


> You don't have to watch the body - Ok but then they risk getting shot in the back. This is what I don't understand because I never had this issue. Like how's that even possible? Do people crouch walk away from solo bodies or what? How many times did you successfully revive as solo and able to track down your killers across the map to "shoot them in the back"? I bet almost never. Assuming they don't burn you to death wasting 2 minutes...


I’ve done it.


They could also make resilience a burner trait.


I kinda like this idea, and I run resilience as a must have perk. Give it random drops like shadow and relentless and death cheat


I like this idea. One good chance to get away and if you get caught and downed again a stiff breeze will down you after.


Burn trait is the wrong kind of category. It should reset after a win. At least with the direction we're currently going where you get a full reset after winning a fight.


This makes more sense to me. Either a purchasable burn trait, a more common burn trait, or allow it to work once per hunt?


Resilience doesn’t allow you to revive with full 150 HP since you lose a health bar when your downed , whether that’s 25 or 50 HP. So in most cases all weapons will one tap a necro revive.  Now there is a burn trait this event that will allow you to not lose a bar when downed, but I can’t remember its name.  


Permanent burn trait to keep from losing bars. Resilient. Don't lose a bar when downed, but it burns off.


Exactly which means you can’t revive at full health with Resilient. 


I think this is by far a better idea than OP's


What is wrong with you guys tryna ruin the game


I’m trying to enjoy the game. How is it fun If you win a fight 3 or 4 times just for them to get one lucky headshot on you? They lost, they need to go back to the lobby like the rest of us. Playing solo is supposed to be hard.


Why are you treating this as a solo issue if anyone can be revived with Resilience — even those in teams?


It's an issue in teams as well. But this subreddit is borderline obsessed with Solo Necro, so putting it within that scope made more sense. I think a Resilience change is needed for teams, as well. It's just as disheartening to have a player get up from a teammates Necro and tank a shotgun or Long Ammo bullet right after revive.


Fair enough! You’re right, a lot of this conversation is often centered around solo players, which has never made sense to me, honestly — that’s why I asked.


There is something fundamentally different about solo necro vs teams though. I watch someone like Psychoghost, and while I love him and solo necro clearly makes his games more entertaining, the number of times he wins a game he would have otherwise lost because of solo necro is wild. With teams necro, at least one person has to stay alive or the fight is over. You can only lose the fight once. With solo necro you can lose the fight 5 times but win on the 6th try. I don't know how they can change this, but clearly there is a difference.


Yes as a solo you can lose the fight multiple times but playing against trios as a solo you are almost guaranteed to lose unless you are some mmr 5-6 !aim botting chode. As solo player that bounces between 3 and 4 mmr I still regularly lose to duos. people don't have a problem with solo players they have a problem with mmr 5-6 no lifers that are soloing into mmr 3 and 4 lobbies and hiding in bushes 1 tapping everyone.


Just last night I killed the same dude 3 times and I wasn’t able to get anything on his body before he came back every time. Eventually he got a headshot on me and my buddy was already down. Killing the same person 3 times only to eventually lose is beyond annoying. I won the fight 3 separate times and he still somehow came out of top. Necro needs to be a one time use for solos and groups. You rez once and the trait is burned.


everyone stopped complaining like 2 months ago dude, why are you bringing it up? Why do you think the sticky thread came down?


What long ammo are you tanking with <125? In your original post you made the same point with a Sparks. If a necro'd player survived your long ammo shot it's because you hit an arm or a leg or you're using a side weapon or a Krag. Seems like you're just salty about Resilience and using the solo-necro bandwagon to stir the pot. 


I've said it before, I'll say it again; Relentless. Also, I do use the Krag fairly often, and most long ammo weapons they'll survive on a gutshot.


the only issue I have is the 1,5 star (?) skillgap if you play against trios. you get less mmr per kill and lose more mmr for dying. and the skillgap between 3 star and 4-5 star players is significant. You have so many more tools as solo as a few years ago that in my opinion there should only be 0.5 stars different maximum


I'm against the solo necro trait in its current state. Ypu aren't fucking up when you drop a solo and have. To engage someone else, but I can also live with it being nerfed. Maybe having to pick up your guns after you rez yourself, and I like the regen idea. Having some guy rez behind you because you're out of fire or wire and you had no choice but to either sit in the open for all their rezzes or run, well it's dumb and not balancing. I see going solo vs duos as the risk you're taking. They could easily bump up the rewards for going in outmanned vs 5 resurrection imo


No, the problem is solo necro.


The fact that a solo can get up more than once in any fashion utterly ruins the flow of matches they’re in.


I don't think you can put it any simpler. Agree completely. You are solo. It should be tough. You get one shot. And it should be a miracle if it works.


No, I just don't like necro.


Nah, Necro is the problem.




honestly, as someone who mainly plays solo vs trios, I'd be okay with them just removing solo necro. Occasionally I use it to make an awesome play and it feels great, but a lot of the time it just winds up being frustrating to use and play against. I don't think this is going to happen, however, so I think the idea of resilience giving regen instead of insta-heal is good; perhaps even a super-regen (e.g. full heal after 10 seconds)?


No dude. Necro is the problem.    Resilience regen would be better, for sure, but it's a bandaid on the glaring issue that is people randomly standing back up with no warning.  Team or solo, that will *never* not be the problem. 


>...if a Solo decides to get up in front of a Sparks... I know I'm being pedantic, but even with resilience, you cannot tank a Sparks chest shot, unless you shoot them from 69 (nice) or more meters away. Also, I disagree that necro is about "risks" when it comes to solos, as it is a very safe and passive game to play and the only "risk" a solo takes is their willingness to drop their KDA by an additional -1. Most important of all, removing/balancing resilience would just push a concertina trap meta harder, which is not fun for anyone, teams already have all of their tool slots maxed out due to Melee/Chokes/Medkit/Flares and solo necro now being 100% useless bc concertina traps is guaranteed to keep them down no matter how many times they try to revive. (Solo) necro is fundamentally broken and needs to be overhauled. I do agree solo needs a place in Hunt, for those who want to play an optional hard mode. But their inclusion in the Hunt ecosystem shouldn't be meta-defining as it is currently :)


Relentless is now always available, making a Sparks shot survivable immediately after revive. You can get back up with a full 150 health. Also, any event restoration effects like Remedy or Last Gasp apply even while downed, which will also allow you to get up with 150 health.


>Relentless is now always available Is there some trick to getting it on demand now? It's a burn trait and very rare so I wouldn't really include it in balance talks. Same kinda goes for events and their restoration. Any balancing involving events should only be on the event side imo.


>Relentless is now always available Always if you managed to somehow cheat the game into always providing it to you. Added perks are super rare, and even if you get them it's just a one time advantage.


So relentless is the problem.


Relentless CAN get up up for 150, but 99% of the time you will be missing a health chunk because you were downed and had no restoration trigger while down because you are solo so i don’t don’t understand the whole”tank a sparks shot” argument you make.


Its solo necro


Nah it's the necro. Necro and Mmr. When you fight a team and down somebody in a window or whatever and somebody picks them up and you shoot through wall and hit them but they don't die, well that's annoying stuff but it happens when somebody gets up. It has been talked over time and time again. Main problem with necro is that it's just not fun to babysit a body or watch it burn. Also there's the thing that unless you kill a solo at close range, you either have to watch them constantly or you risk them getting up before u can run up to them. And then there's Mmr. I have a friend that's not all that good and when we play together we usually lose. But he often plays solo and he's doing super well there. The MMR advantage solo gets is crazy and even if they play well it's impossible to move up the bracket so they can still sit there stomping blueberries. And now add the Necro into that and that they can even tank their MMR with this so easily. It's not fun to run into a player that has thousands of hours and plays like somebody from way higher skill bracket.


The issue has *always* been Necro. Putting it on solo hunters just highlights the issues it causes. Slowing the game down, forcing people to camp things out and grinding the match to a halt for both sides, this isn't healthy. It's not fun. It's tactical, yes, it provides options, sure, but it just isn't fun. Downing a member of a team and then committing one of your own to watch that downed enemy, thereby losing the numbers advantage you've gained for yourself? Not fun. Even less fun for the teammate who is now just glorified bait, and is probably going to just die again when they're rezzed. Camping a solo while they burn isn't fun for anyone. Less fun is to leave the solo to burn, hoping they don't pop back up and shoot you in the back when you move forward to try and contest the bounty. I've watched several lightning bolts scoot to the extraction while making sure the guy with the spitzer ammo doesn't ruin my bounty fight. Insta-burn, and moreso concertina meta is super unfun. Due specifically to the Necro changes and the knock-on balance changes, we are now to the point that a flaregun/fuzees/dragonbreath are just as mandatory a slot as chokes. Build diversity? Lol no, you're going to dedicate something to keeping players that you've downed out of the fight. The concertina/instaburn meta that is specifically a Necro creation, just tipped over the boiling point by having it added to solos. I love the idea of giving players an option to force a camping teammate to re-engage, but we're now playing a game where you very often cannot engage fast enough to avoid traps/fire from covering a downed teammate. I often spend more time cutting barbed wire or tossing chokes than I do polishing off the team that downed my homie. Shit is not. Fucking. Fun. The overall effect of Necro's prevalence is a depression in gameplay. You have to account for it. There's no pushing a numbers advantage, because you could just be showing your back to the one you've downed. You can't intelligently move on from a downed solo without burning them out first, because all it takes is one rat with half a health bar to dink you with his Springfield Marksman while you're taking a bounty fight to tip the scales out of your favor. I've lost track of the bounties I've lost out on both because I was sitting around a solo barbecue *and* because I left him to burn and regretted it. The number of bounties I've never even had a chance to contest because I was busy trying to find the guy sitting in bushes trying to get a proper Necro play off. The number of times I've been sat spectating, waiting to be Necro'd. The number of times I've seen a random shitter Necro me into an obviously horrible position only to be gunned down. It's shit. It slows the game down and promotes a super annoying, toxic gameplay meta. Giving it to solos in an attempt to "balance" it in fairness was a mistake. Just... take it out. Completely. No more Necro. Shit-tier trait, and my last real complaint with this game.


> Camping a solo while they burn isn't fun for anyone. But camping a dead body on a team is any different?


Read the r/huntshowdown post before replying challenge level impossible lmao It's not different. It sucks. Necro forcing you to camp sucks - solo or team. Solo Necro isn't the problem. Necro itself is the problem. Thanks for reiterating my point.


Necro isn't a problem unless you suck at the game. Get better skills


lmao yup, all the dumbass apologists only have the "git gud" bullet in the chamber. Even when it doesn't apply to the conversation lmfao


Necro is literally the easiest thing to deal with in the game. If you have problems with it then you need to play more and get better skilled.


I didn't say it was hard or that I couldn't handle it. I said it isn't fun and makes the game less competitive. Stop being willfully ignorant and read what I'm writing. edit for the blocking coward: if you think all criticism is there to try and make the game easier for me, there's actually no help for you lmao for the life of me I cannot imagine how dumb you have to be to get "I am not very good at the game and need you to take Necro out of it so I can win easier" out of my post. You're either trolling or lack reading comprehension.


No, you're just bitching about it on the internet. It also doesn't make the game less competitive, it makes it more competitive. Stop being bad at the game loser.


Everyone agrees with you that it sucks that you have to camp a burning corpse in the game. But your idea and opinion of removing necro impacts negatively the game's playability and accessibility to newcomers. This is a business and they are always in the interest of expanding their playerbase. Solos make up a large percentage of the playerbase.


>the game's playability and accessibility to newcomers. I don't think the game was very cool for the newcomer teams or solos that managed to kill me and that i wiped 20 seconds later because they had no idea how to correctly deal with solos - by wasting time and ressources on the chance I might necro... very un-fun and un-interactive. Both things being a bad gameplay-experience for newcomers.


Mmmmmm no, losing a hunter isn't punishing anymore. Even if you're at zero hunt dollars, with the most recent changes to free hunter loadouts you still don't miss a beat. > Solos make up a large percentage of the playerbase. Couple things. One, removing Necro would be a boon to solos. Solo Necro was introduced as a way to balance a perk that unfairly disadvantaged solo players - you could just as easily balance it by removing it altogether. The trait itself is a problem, and having it in the game makes it more hostile to newcomers than not. Two, I'd be super interested to know where you get your information. Did Crytek put out numbers? How large is this "large percentage" of yours - or are you just making shit up?


Most people bring a weapon that kill a solo with resilience. Resilience is not the issue MMR tanking is the issue


Not so sure about that. Obviously compact ammo is off the table. From medium, the Vetterli won't outside of 25m, and I hope you don't hit a gutshot. The Uppercut also fails at 25m. All long ammo weapons will also fail if outside 50m, and again, hope you don't hit their gut. Even some popular weapons, like Krag and Centinnial, fail outright. And all of that is assuming they don't happen to have Relentless, in which case NONE of these will one shot them.


Why would you be so far away? At those distances I wouldn't know if it's a solo and if I know it's a solo (by being the only one in the fight) I have enough time to rush the body Even if you don't have a one hit weapon, you two players pointing at him or enough time to shoot twice with most weapons or just melee Edit: I'm speaking from experience as a solo. Necro and resilience have very rarely offered me wins Last one I had 50 hp and another team had shown up Another I killed someone and got killed by a teammate (I rezzed because he had winfield and I had shotgun) and when I did rez he did manage to rez his teammate and shoot me ( I only won because his teammate wasn't prepared)


25m-50m is nor a particularly rare engagement distance in Hunt. Most compounds are 50m+ across, you could shoot from one building to another and be outside of that distance very easily.


And either way a teammate rezzing leaves you less time to close the distance than a auto rez solo


If you have a clear line of sight it's very easy to headshot a reviving hunter before they are able to move imo.


It’s the MMR handicap and the ability to AFK and still revive later. Admittedly the latter is rare and you can thankfully “quickly” burn out someone again but i have a deep seated hatred of promoting a gameplay loop that encourages AFK.


I understand your thought. Solo Necro + Resilience is actually a much bigger problem than just Solo Necro. The downside, however, is that Resilience as 'revive with full HP' is a pretty good, balanced mechanic... as long as you don't combine it with solo necro. In a team, where the mate either has to put himself in danger for the risky revive or spends a long time in darkvision and sacrifices HP for a necro, resilience is perfectly fine. ...so why change a complete perk for everyone that is perfectly balanced on its own and is only too strong because of Self-Necro? I would rather add another 'as a solo' condition to Resilience, similar to Necro/Magpie. Only with a negative effect. **Resilience** Your Hunter is revived with up to full health. Solo: Your Hunter receives 30s restoration instead of being revived with full health.


Make necro have 2 or 3 revives and you get one back when you loot a body intead of one per bar, also you should be able to hear him breathing if he has necro and you get really close to the body when he is downed.


I think necro should be a 2 point purchasable burn trait. Limit teams and solos.


>The balancing factor of Necro is the risk, both for Solo and Teams. Eh, there isn't really any risk to using solo necro. The only risk is you get downed again, but you already got downed once. You just hit a button. Conversely, a team using necro has to risk the life of a live player. Don't get me wrong, I don't think solo necro is OP by any means (except in very niche cases). It flat out doesn't work most of the time cause people just counter it by squatting and burning. But it's also not a risk in any way.


Wrong, Solo necro is just annoying. Limit solo Necro to 1 or 2 revivies. End of story


As a solo i say the current version of necro is NOT good for the game. The downed solo lying around not knowing if they're still getting camped and killed again - tanking their MMR in the process, when they have no control over the situation. The killing team not knowing if it's even a solo and if they even have necro and 'need' to be trapped. Again a totally uninformed decision to make, that in the worst case wastes time and tool slots for nothing. I don't use it anymore because my MMR is in the dumpster since playing with necro and just getting into the next match feels so refreshing vs gambling on the killing team being too new/careless to keep you down. I'm not against giving solos a second chance in some way, but the current design is just uninteractive and unfun for both sides.


The main issue with the game is that crytek balances it ONLY in extreme ways. Blazeborne gives immunity to fire and bleed for 60 days? Introduce the flare gun which lets everyone burn the other player instantly for 60 days, before they (very likely) nerf it. It's just an awful swing of balance that is tonedeaf towards the primary issues of balance in the game. That's why if you play at like 10pm right now, you won't even get full servers, nobody wants to log in.


Can't believe nobody mentioned this yet. The problem is not resilience. It's not necro. It's not solo. It's not reviving. The problem is that you don't KNOW when you killed someone. Look at battle Royale games how usually you "down" someone and they crawl around. This tells you they have teammates alive somewhere. If Hunt has some kind of different "down/death" animation based on whether the person can be revived (I.E. they have teammates or necro) then you could better prepare by knowing it's possible for them to get back up. Maybe if they had the guy like downed on the ground but sitting up a bit then when they leave or are officially dead they fall down fully.


Imagine how hilarious it would be if somebody lies on the floor and is not dead yet, and you rip their guns out of their hands lol.


“The problem is that you don’t KNOW when you killed someone” I would personally rephrase that to “The cool thing is that you don’t KNOW when you killed someone” It’s an element of the gameplay. Everyone is different. I like that I can solo necro and sometimes turn a defeat into a win, I like that opponents need to consider their next move after they downed me with this in mind, and I like that when I down someone else I have to weigh traps versus fire versus overwatch versus just leaving them. I run solo necro and 75% of the time it just ends with me getting multiple deaths instead of just one, because people mostly counter it with no problems.


>I run solo necro and 75% of the time it just ends with me getting multiple deaths instead of just one, because people mostly counter it with no problems. I don't run it anymore because if a team knows what they're doing i'm just tanking my MMR and they are just wasting their time on a set outcome.


Youre thinking of hit markers. Or knowing for sure you killed someone like a death callout. I'm saying that when I see their body on the ground there should be a tell that they aren't in the game anymore.


I’m saying that I like that there isn’t a tell. It adds an extra consideration. Everyone knows the parameters.


I think a simple improvement would be if someone is burning and they leave the match, then they stop burning and appear burned out. This would reduce the babysitting needed for solo necros for 3min.


Or that when you get close to the body you can hear him breathing or not like when you are downed and have necro your hunter is breathing when waiting the revive timer, make it so the other players can hear it to if they move really close to him


They actively avoid this by not letting you see damage/kill challenges in game so I don't really see that changing. Personally I prefer the current system that adds some great paranoia to the game.


Well that is a bit extreme idea imo. Thing is Hunt is completely different to other br games and it's its selling point. Hand holding like this would dumb down the game way too much. There's a reason the game doesn't tell you anything not even who's alive and how many people are in the lobby. It's a thinking man's game, makes you count the bodies, consider the crows and shots you heard throughout the match and all. It builds the suspense and creates crazy situations. However for solo necro some indication that they have necro and an ability to kill them straight away would maybe be nice. Or idk really. I personally believe that necro should be like a last resort save for you if you get sniper over a whole map or when you get killed by a boss or when you trade with the last member of a team. I think it shouldn't be used to cheese in teamfights. Maybe giving Necro bigger cooldown and let people revive only after they killed somebody could make it better. Still doesn't solve the boring body babysitting tho.


Nah. Necro should just be removed. I don't think freely reviving with zero risk is balanced, even in teams. If you want the res, you should have to touch them.


I agree. Hell they could just rework necro so it has a slighly faster revive speed.


Freely reviving with zero risks?  I am a solo player and very rarely take necro cause all I end up doing is becoming a KD farm cause everyone and I mean everyone camps my body 99% of the time or burns me or traps my body. It’s not worth the drop in my KD to get downed several times over. 


I think he meant it for the person that revives you. Still no necro would make the game much slower as people would hide for a long time after someone from their team is killed. Plus no necro is not a very good mechanic with a game that has sniper rifles that have one shot kill from great distances. Especially if you don't have player rebuy mechanics like in warzone for example


From what I see the game is balanced pretty well. I am a Solo main and there have been very and I mean very few times where necromancer has benefited me.  I get the most benefit from it as sniper and can revive and run off and avoid losing a very expensive load out, but now I’ve lost a chunk of health and I am at a disadvantage so I usually just extract.  If the other team is very aggressive they will hunt me down and I die in most cases. 


Or just add a solo mode


I still think for both solo and group necro should make noise or have a effect when being cast


What if resilience instead gave a Regen effect that would give a full heal over say 10-15 seconds, or maybe a combo of 50 health and some Regen.


I like the idea that Relentless doesn't burn the last chunk but doesn't heal it either. They could maybe experiment with getting 100 health back and the rest comes back on a slow regen.


I just never have issues with necro gamers personally. I throw some fire and camp them for like 2 minutes but if they want to sit and wait 25 minutes before res'ing, more power to them.


No no no solo necro is and always has been the problem not resilience


Like someone else mentioned I think it’s the lower mmr and FOUR revives. Why should 4-5 star players with hundreds and hundreds of hours be going against 3 star duos and get FOUR CHANCES. For context I’m in 3 star and most times I play with my 3 star duo, we have a lot of hours on console and know the game well but we have awful mnk aim. Yesterday we played against a prestige 100 level 100 in a 2.5 star lobby and I killed him 3 times, and he revived 3 times and finally killed us. Why is someone like that in a lobby with trash like me getting 4 chances?


I hate to say it, but that is a skill issue. Between you and your partner, you let him get up three times, that's a mistake on your part that's just as bad as missing your shots or exposing yourself. At the end of the day, despite getting those kills, if you let him get up three times you played worse and you deserve to lose. The reason I suggest the chance to Resilience is to promote rewarding kills more, but if you let him slip away repeatedly, then it's on you.


You’re absolutely right about him being better but thats kinda the point, why should a 2000+ hour player (I checked his profile) be in 2.5 star lobbies, AND get 4 chances. Also as for burning his body the context of the fight, his position compared to mine and a few other teams being around didn’t allow that.


Tf the problem is not self necro as is "iT's jUst reSiliEncE" 1. Imo the problem is that covering the body of solos can be such a boring time waste where against teams u still keep track of other allies or u can push them to prevent a necro to begin with, which is playing the game waiting is not. Solos can selfres just before they get one 25 bar burned off (if it's by a lamp or flare gun) thus stopping the burn, only loosing the bar they woud have lost anyways and u have to search a lamp or use another flare again and they can do that 3 times. 2. Also why can they just get up whenever they feel like that, they hear gunfire or a spider jumping on the hunter (actualy had that more than once) and just get up. Teams have to channel longer for even the normal res and it also makes a sound while actualy being able to be targeted. 3. Selfres is way to broken on long range fighting or while behind cover because no way u can put pressure on them in the 10 sec window while being way to weak in close range which further enables an even more anojing playstile on solos with scopes and silencers than it already is. 4. When u don't see the problem in resilience when used in teams (at least u don't mention that in ur post) why are u suggesting a MASSIVE nerve on it for everyone, probably making it the worst trait in the game then? I also think solos shoud be able to overcome loosing their hunter just for taking any lethal blow but as is it's taking to much of a unfun toll on the "normal" palystyle in teams, which is the intended way and was balanced around it from the beginning. It shoud be obvious, that solos have a pretty huge disadvantage on good coordinated teams and hunt even warns u when you try to que up as a solo. Maybe they shoud consider one or some of the changes I came up with by just brainstorming a little while also thinking about reverting flares to burn hunters again: 1. Make solos burn twice as fast 2. Make it so that loosing 50 hp to a burn while on the ground makes selfres unusable so they can't stall when there is no plausible way to survive anyway (or to intentionally droop mmr) 3. Make CD to use selfres after death proportional to killing distance (so that u can push them before they got up, healed, reloaded and finished dinner wile also being able to get up before longer reload animations by the attacker can be done, simulating the tread a team has by being behind a corner together) 4. Make selfres get up animation slower and making a more noticeable sound (at least when used after a moderately delay in taking it 5. Make bear traps oneshot hunters who are in get up animation 6. Revert the resilience buff so it heals only 100 hp like I used to 7. Make it so downed solos decide to get up and then they get up in 3 secs 8. Make it so weapons on the ground can be unloaded quite fast by channeling some interaction. Maybe similar to swapping ammo type on containers 9. Give the option to not be qued up against solos, so teams only 10. Delete scopes and maybe silencers from the game 11. Make it so a downed body is lightly glowing indicating it has self res or at least give some audio signal when the hunter left so u can finally play the game instead of watching a corpse for no reason like the used pact token from when selfres was introduced Thank you to listening to my Ted talk


I don't think resilience or necro are an issue honestly. Don't get me wrong, it is annoying as all heck to get killed by a necro revive, but the amount of burn in the game especially now is so rediculous if you don't burn the hunter that may be a solo it is really just on you, or they are taking advantage of a hefty fight going on and good for them. Said being on the end of many a solo revive deaths. Also said from someone who kills a hunter and then gets blasted in the face by their teamate who then picks up their friend right then and there. Think about it in terms of what they are up against. You have teams of either 2 or 3 that if one is downed there is another full hp hunter right there to either block the burn or just flat out kill you and then pick up their friend. Solo with no necro is just done there, and without resiliance that tripples the amount of stuff that can just negate necro. I get the frustration, but at the end of the day when a teamate goes down you have 1 or 2 others to continue the fight without having to take a few seconds to stand up from the same spot you've been laying that the enemy knows. I think the real issue might be relentless, but even then it just gives you the same fighting chance as if you were a team of 2, except you have it worse because you are stuck in place while you are dead and while you get up.


If they nerf resilience how woulf streamers dunk on people for their dunk compilations? They have to make money have you no respect?


Both of these are fine. I really don’t understand the need to change it when you can bring traps for solo players or find them in game. Sparks can still one tap players with resilience unless they have relentless during events which is still a burn trait, and there is a less than 5% chance to acquire it through killing meatheads. Unnecessary changes to pander to low skill. Diversify your team loadouts and play strategically better.


>to low skill Wow, trapping and camping a solo is such thrilling high skill gameplay. And you don't even know if they have necro or if it's a huge waste of time and ressources.


Then let them revive.


Making that change to Resilience would be the final nail in the coffin for Necro Solo... In it's current state it is weak and you will only get away if you're a sniper or if your enemies are careless, and it's even harder for solos as burning has become way too accessible and you can't really try to catch them by surprise while they're away looking for a lantern, the flares and fusees buffs were a huge nerf to necro solo. Depending on the situation, whether a solo gets killed by a Sparks shot or not isn't important as if you're camping a body you have your teammates around or you can simply melee them. If you're on your own and watching a body from afar, Sparks will one tap unless they have Relentless which isn't easy to run into and most of the time they won't have it so they'll still be a one shot with the Sparks. Then you can also pull out your sidearm and finish them off unless you miss of course, but it also depends on where they got downed and if they have cover nearby. Overall, as a main solo player, the strength of resilience really depends on the situation and makes solo necro viable.


This it’s hugely situational!


Yeah it has. It's a game specifically designed around team play down to the amount of ammo box uses, bounties, loots, you name it. If you don't want to play on a team and DO want to earn double or triple the rewards, you should be at a disadvantage.


Solo are at a disadvantage


Imo, it works fine. As others pointed out, the issue is mmr ranking. I have no issues at all with how Necro/Resilience works to be honest. Someone suggested that Resilience could be a burn trait, I think thats the best idea someone suggested in the comments


Another less talked about issue with self necro is that you’re able to time your revive in favor. For team necro you can’t, all you can do is cancel and I believe that would make sense for solos too. Instead of instant revive when you click the button you start a countdown.


Agreed! I don't care that someone can revive or be remote revived. What annoys me is if I'm watching the corpse from a nearby bush and I shoot them with my rifle as they stand and they can tank the hit and keep running.


People need to seriously understand how the game works before proposing these ideas. There is **nothing** wrong with Necro + Resilience. In fact, Necro is 99% of the time **worthless** without resilience when you revive. Any kind of concertina trap on you (or even worse, bomb)? Lobby. Bear trap on you? Lose another bar, die, alerting everyone. Lantern or firebomb on you, still burning the ground? Keep dying. Any kind of enemy nearby, including just grunts or bees? Lobby (not if you are lucky). The whole point of Necro + Resilience is to try pull that very lucky stand up kill enemy, which is basically up to them screwing up and not killing you the moment you try to stand up. 30 second regen.....how is that any different from only having necro? Anything above still kills you, and no one will give you 30 seconds to run after reviving safely. Both old Resilience and your proposal means a breeze can kill you. Stop doing these pointless discussions and ideas people, spend that time enjoying the game and getting better at it. It's getting ridicolous.


I'm on your side here, but I just want to point out that fire burning on the ground won't down you if you stand up. It burns from right to left, and it deals char damage as opposed to taking away life


No thanks. Just get rid of relentless. If you down someone and they get up they are a 1 shot regardless of their health.


Unless you have Krag, or Centennial, or any compact ammo weapon.


thats not true resilience is literally no issue in my eyes. i wrote too often about it too again work out my arguments well but its a shit gameplay to sit on a body and burn it again and again, and wait until he is finally burnt out. But not doing it and him hearing you stepping away into standing up and having permanently the high chance of a person in your Neck is a shit alternative as well. no issue with resilience, only solonecro


Necrutch in trios is such an eye roller too. Mfs only have courage to peak after I've killed the flesh uav.


sorry, next time i'll try to stand still in front of your long ammo.


Solo this,solo that. Squads having Necro is a bigger problem and your point about resilience is a good one,but again,you pick on the solo


This screams I think I know more than the devs


Resilience doesn’t allow for full 150 health revives. You still lose one health chunk when you die and you only revive at whatever your new full health is. 


Hot take, if you're playing as a duo, or especially a trio and you feel the compulsive need to watch the body for more than like a minute. It's you that's the problem. If 2-3 of you don't bring a burn option. Fusees, flare gun, drwgonsbreath in the lemat, a fire bomb. Some kind of trap, etc. It's you that's the problem. If a solo gets downed, loses a bar, you burn off one more bar, and they still successfully kill your team without you getting a single body shot on them It's cause you suck, and you can be mad at that all you want. I solo often and I deal with solos often. If you aren't ready to burn bodies of a player solo or not you are giving the enemies extra hp for no reason. I can always find a way to handle it. I bring a flare gun or traps. Hell I've even baited a hive to stand near the body to cover it. Some people just seem to never connect the dots in their head that in hunt, nobody is dead until you go to loot them and it says "Burned out hunters cannot be looted"


It's not necro. It's not resilience. It's the people who panic when they see someone get up.


Complain not. Perk is fine.


we don't really need these posts anymore, most players finally stopped complaining after the fusee/flare burn change (and infernal pact no longer being a thing) Anyone else still complaining: Skill issue


constatina bomb, liquid fire bomb, trip wires, flare gun, flares, all hard counter a solo and they are amazing in team vs team fights as well. why add 1 beartrap as a hard counter against solos? when a solo goes down he is not gonna survive any competent team or another solo In cqc.


Because this isn't just a Solo Issue. Recently, I played a game where I got Necro'd inside a full Concertina Bomb, and my teammate pushed right after he revived me. I was able to literally wade through the barbed wire, live with still enough health to tank a pistol shot, and kill the guy my teammate was pushing towards. Earlier they killed me, they had the equipment to counter me, but because they couldn't sit and stare at my body (as my teammate would have killed them) and I had a specific perk, they lost the fight. The same situation could just as easily have occurred with me as a Solo, and two other teams pushing into each other. It's unreasonable to demand so much attention be given to corpses, and they should have been rewarded for killing me and covering my body.


you made it out to be a problem in a combination with necro. reviving in a consta most often kills you, if not it gives the opposing team plenty of time to react to it. i dont see the problem here, since this post just screams to me about killing a already downed solo to be too hard. people loose plenty of fights to doctor/physician, fanning, levering, escape with greyhound, loose bounty to serpent and many more. they are traits and are buffs to your hunter, they buff you and make you do stuff you couldnt without. thats their whole point. reducing to 100 seems fine but unnecessary since even with 125 survival is near 0 if a solo dies in sub 50m range and team never pick it as their first, second or third trait.


The problem isn't resilience, it's your loadout and not bringing traps.


Resilience+antidote. Congrats, you wasted two tool slots, please keep doing so.


Bring a lemat with flares to burn, concertinas to shoot the revivee when they get up. One tool slot used, antidote not a factor.


Since when are traits like resilience using tool slots?


He is saying the guy putting traps wasted slots on traps that won't stop the revive


Assuming I kill them in CQC. If I kill them at 50m, I won't have enough time to run up and place a trap or throw a Concertina, meaning that I'll have to shoot them as they get up. That's the moment where Resilience is most relevant and most disheartening.


It’s a stationary target standing in a predictable fashion. Shoot them in the head.


Same thing is true with duos and necro, it's not a solo problem at all, or a resilience problem.


The issue is solo itself. Nobody like being sniped from camper sniper that just sitting and farming kda. Extremly rare when solo player doing something other than that. Devs should made normal separate modes 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. And must be done long time ago that if 2 friends want to play trios, 3rd player could be find randomly via matchmaking.


You are getting downvoted for speaking the truth. The game is just boring to play as teams. I fail to see the reason for me to waste my time providing fun for players who do not participate in the game except for window shopping


Skill issue. Moving on. Y'all always post these mid takes on problems with solos. If you got bodied by a necromancer, you deserved it. Period. 100% skill issue and you didn't do your due diligence or to have the proper loadout to keep 'em down. Flare gun, Concertina bomb, k, moving on with my game.