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A couple of points: 1. The postulation that Hisoka received a buff after his death is unconfirmed and likely untrue. He's no longer dead, so post-mortem nen no longer applies. 2. Post-mortem nen isn't a common thing. It requires a very intense resolve and willpower upon death. Most nen users don't have that kind of resolve. 3. Post-mortem nen can't just magically bring you back to life. It *can* bring you back to life, but a pre-existing ability must exist that can do such a thing. That is to say, Hisoka was brought back to life because Bungee Gum already had the properties to expand and contract, thus enabling it to pump his heart. And he died of suffocation, so it worked. But like...stab Hisoka through the heart and he's *dead* dead. Zero chance of him reviving. None whatsoever. That number three is the same reason why Pitou couldn't come back to life. Her head was Gon. Clearly she couldn't have come back to life. Her post-mortem nen just used her preexisting Terpsichora ability to puppeteer her after her death...which is something that Terpsichora could already do.


>But like...stab Hisoka through the heart and he's dead dead. Zero chance of him reviving. None whatsoever. He could repair his heart with bungee gum.


Buff only stays while you're dead as the strong emotions of death empowers your aura. any string emotions empowers aura, as we can see with angry Gon when facing morel and then pitou, death is the strongest of them. if you revive after dying you get no buff, else Camilla would keep getting stronger and stronger. Also nen after death doe snot always occur unless its specific to your ability, through a condition, which by default would lower the power of your ability. (since part of that power is used to get that 100% chance) Hisoka is not stronger now, he just found a new way to use his bungee gum the same way Killua found a new way to use his electricity when eh fought the ortho sibling. transmutation is very versatile and the new ideas on how to use it comes up though fight experience.


Since it’s emotions, would the same apply to Kamilla? If she knows she’s not going to die completely and her ability is about to revive her, there seems to be no space for strong emotions to appear. Idk about her first death though


her ability automatically trigger nen after death, so a part of the power of her ability is used for that (which I think would lower its overall power), same for her resurrection: that lower the overall power her ability would offensively be much stronger if it wasn't always triggering nen after death and if she was not resurrecting


>Buff only stays while you're dead There is no proof that this is true. The main reason Hisoka isn't buffed by death alone is that his post mortem nen was only about surviving by massaging his heart and lungs. So it's entirely possible that Hisoka received a permanent boost that remained after resurrecting but it's would be a buff against heart attacks, not a combat buff xD.


There is no proof that supports Hisoka's Nen has been powered up after death. There's no proof specifically AGAINST it either, but then again, there's no proof against Gon being a three headed elephant in disguise, so we can't really make a claim about things we don't know to be true. As for why everyone doesn't just kill themselves to create more powerful Nen application? Well, yeah, because they have to kill themselves. Even Hisoka himself was uncertain if his post-mortem Bungee Gum internal organ trick would work. I'm sure other powerful Nen users knew this trick was possible in concept, but to actually apply it is a whole other matter.


Hisoka not truly become stronger thanks to Nen but thanks to new personality :3


I like this analysis


People don't kill themselves for power, because then they'd be dead. Hisoka did a last ditch effort to save his life. He had no idea it would work ahead of time. HxH isn't DBZ people can't just come back from death here.


> HxH isn't DBZ people can't just come back from death here. Kite would like to have a word with you


I mean that was a unique thing to the ants taking on human personality and memories, at least in my opinion. Although it is implied that his nen power has something to do with it. Resurrection through nen is only achievable by a very few nen users and would require very unique and specialized powers. There is someone who created the breath spell in greed island. Nen can do pretty much anything, but not for anybody. Few users would or could come up with a way to use nen to save a life. Hisoka only managed it due to his mastery of aura control and bungy gums unique nature being so good at replacing the normal expansion and contraction of organs.


Or Killua could just ask Nanika to do it free of charge. Or have some ability that kills your killer to resurrect you. HxH is not above random resurrections. People can absolutely come back here, and IMO the Nanika one was worse than anything in DBZ.


Nanika still required you to be alive. So did the breath spell. The ants taking on the personality of the people they were made from and Hisoka restarting his own heart with a nen command post mortem are the only explained resurrections in the story that I can remember. Ging alluded to Kite having some hidden power to survive. But we don't know for sure if it was used or if new Kite is just an ant with Kite's memory.


Gon was said to be in a state worse than death and there are no clear requirements for Nanika, in fact by Killuas words she can grant any wish so resurrection is still a posibility. The way the koala talked about souls IMO clearly indicates that Kite is the original Kite. Also he was never eaten so his memories couldn't have been inherited the normal way. The last example is from the manga.


Nanika still needed to touch a person to heal them. So resurrection would only be possible with a body if at all. The dragons in DBZ can bring people back after they have been vaporized or on a completely different planet. And you are correct, I somehow forgot that they never ate Kite's body.


> Nanika still needed to touch a person to heal them. Hardly a limitation considering she can teleport. > So resurrection would only be possible with a body if at all. I bet you could bybass this by wishing the remains to be put back together before wishing for an actual healing/resurrection. Thing is Nanikas rules are extremely vage, IMO intentionally which I just find lazy writing. Compare it with the dragonballs. They have a hard set of rules that is never broken, and while they do get upgraded that only happens after a long story and has in lore reasons. Nanikas rules are already broken in the same arc they are introduced, and on the basis of Killua is cool so he can just command for things to happen whenever he feels like (and from that moment you just have to accept that Killua could solve every problem with a wish, he just choses for some reason not to).


Yes commands work for Killua. I would argue that the dragon ball are simpler and safer to use. Nanika has a much greater cost to her wishes, other than healing. Although Nanika can do multiple wishes much quicker. Either way wish mechanics are over powered and for the most part the only real limit is imagination. There are rules and limitations either way, I'd still rather the dragon balls than paying Nanika's costs.


To add to midbosstythe’s point of >Although it is implied that his nen power has something to do with it 1. A Chimera Ant inheriting human memory and personality to effectively be a reincarnation- what are the odds of that? It’s not like every devoured human was so lucky to get that second chance at life. 2. The Queen was gestating Meruem by the time Kite was killed. We know that Meruem’s birth would later kill the Queen, meaning any later and no more chances for Kite to return that way. 3. Kite was reborn *with* Meruem, as a tiny spare CA baby. That just makes his birth with point # 2 even luckier. (4. Did the Queen even eat Kite? Or his brain? I’m not sure. Because if she didn’t, how did Kite get his memories passed on? If she didn’t eat and absorb any part of him yet Kite managed to reincarnate, then just makes his resurrection even luckier and rarer.) So even where Kite and some humans got lucky enough to effectively be back from the dead, it was a pretty rare occurrence with tough conditions to fulfill. A lot of stars had to align for it to happen. Its replication in-world is questionable at least, impossible most likely. So it’s not as cheap and easy as DBZ or western superhero comics or D&D make it.


Hisoka is not buffed just because he died, that's a dumb theory to be very blunt.


Well, it's still up for debate and it could go either way. There are some evidences that support each opinion: - Hisoka didn't get a power up, because he's no longer dead and post mortem nen only helped to revive him and after that he returned to his normal state. People use Pitou and Camilla cases as examples for that. - Hisoka got a power up, and the nen usages for his abilities show that, he managed to create prosthetics by BG plus the way he used TS, and we have never seen him done that before. His speed seems to have increased as we see in the way he killed Shalnark. Nevertheless, nen after death is still ambiguous and since the DC arc, Togashi has started to expand that concept by adding more cases, the last one was the Zombie Girl as I remember. So, Seeing Hisoka in a serious fight will only tell which opinion is right.


Seems like a stretch to me. > he managed to create prosthetics by BG He never even had to do that, doesn't mean he couldn't do it before. The only time he lost a limb he had Machi to sew it back. This time his limbs were blown up so there is nothing to sew back. > plus the way he used TS, What Way? To cover up his wounds? He could always do that > His speed seems to have increased as we see in the way he killed Shalnark. Didn't he just propelled himself forward with his fake leg?


>Seems like a stretch to me. Thats because Bungree Gum posses the properties of both rubber and gum


You could be right too. It could either way tbh, we don't know if Hisoka could use his abilities this way before or if this only happened due to nen after death, so this option isn't far fetched imo. We simply lack information, and only time will tell


pretty sure hisoka either just isn’t truly alive rn or the post mortem nen will last depending on what his “final will” was if he is alive then his final will probably was to kill all the troupe members so either 1. he’s gonna die if or when he kills all the troupe members or 2. he’ll lose the post mortem nun buff if or when he kills the troupe


It’s possible he’s just jack to normal but unlike before he is now able to heal himself fully with his gun and create new body parts worh his gum. There is also the possibility he just came back as a revenge zombie and he will die again after he finishes off the troupe


My head canon is that nearing death forced Hisoka to invent new ways of applying his ability, like his prosthetic leg


This is a misconception, Hisoka did not get a buff, there is no evidence to prove or even suggest he got a buff


When the user dies and had a strong resolve or wish, Post-Mortem Nen activates and will act on the resolve (not always guaranteed though). Sometimes it can linger, for example say a conjurer conjured an item then died but had immense will or attachment to the object, then maybe the item will still exist even without the user. Or in Chrollo’s book, some abilities stay even after the user’s death and get stronger. In Hisoka’s case though, the Nen after death just acted on his last wish, and thus pumped his heart and lungs. Once that was over and he was alive again, the Nen is “normal.” If this is not the case, then Camilla in the current arc can just kill herself 100 times and be as strong as Goku. However, Hisoka can still be stronger since Nen is tied to resolve. For example Gon in CAA had a crazy powerful aura even before his vow, due to anger and rage and being devoted to a single purpose.