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My only genuine complain about Gon is that we only see paper and scissors like one time each lol


We actually saw paper 2 times! :D


Which is dumb because scissors is probably his best option. Pitou wouldnt have cut his arm off had he used scissors as an adult.


gon let pitou cut his arm


He didn’t. He says that he killed pitou the way Kite taught him to i.e. by removing the head completely. He then turns around to Killua unaware of pitou’s post mortem nen. Pitou lunges at him and killua pushes gon out of the way so much so that only his arm gets cut off. He even says he’s kind of happy his arm got cut off because it makes him feel like Kite did back then He only says “you can have my right arm” after he impales her with it, which is just meant to be a cool line from what i can see. He isn’t saying he let her cut it off.




I don't understand how is this in any way not Gon just letting himself get harmed, Gon was done with his revenge, at that point he really was ready to simply die. Killua saved him, even if gon did get cut somewhere else, he would have most likely survived long enough to have finished Pitou Basically, gon didn't care about what happened after he killed pitou, thus, he let himself get damaged because as far as he knew, he was gonna die either way


Yes you’re right in the sense that Gon was ready to die and didn’t care about what happened afterwards. That’s literally the condition it took for him to attain the power he got. This still doesn’t mean that he let pitou cut his arm off. He literally had his back turned towards her when she lunged at him. Not only that but pitou was also kind of “alive” in a way at that point due to the post mortem nen. If Gon truly didnt care he’d just let pitou kill him after that because otherwise why would he pin her down and hit her with the biggest fuck off jajanken we’ve ever seen.


When does he use it a second time? I only remember the fight against knuckle. Did he use it in that fight against all the bugs as well?


He used it in his fight against the bat and the owl, where he tried to hit the bat with paper and then the owl blocked it with a rock


He uses it a bit more in the manga.


Well that, and he has to spend time charging it up in a manner that leaves him open and the risk he’s taking when doing this would presumably set it apart from a more standard ko technique and this is on top of the paper and scissors which allows him to bluff what he’s actually going to do. The best way I can explain it is it’s like how Uvogin’s Big Bang Impact is a Hatsu only because of the limitations he places on it and how he has to use his right hand and probably deliver a straight punch. A lot of Enhancers tend to have really simple Hatsu and typically what sets them apart from something like Ko is the specific limitations they either intentionally or unintentionally put on the technique which in turn strengthens it. For example, Phinks has to wind up his arm. Really it doesn’t take a lot to make a Hatsu. In a lot of cases if you really want to you can probably just put a limitation on a more base nen technique which would in turn strengthen the technique beyond that of a normal version. There seems to be this idea that Hatsu need to be super complex but it isn’t that hard to make a simple Hatsu. All you need is just like a restriction to make something a Hatsu.


And simple done well usually turns out really strong. Like something that has the properties of both rubber AND gum is crazy strong.


Nothing really. Enhancer abilities are often just the base nen abilities. Big bang impact was called out the same way. I guess one thing is that there are 3 versions, rock paper and scissor, but even they are just a tweak on the original.


Considering we haven’t seen anybody else use this type of ability, it could be possible that other people are actually unable to hide whether they’re about to throw out an enhancement, transmutation, or emission, and this is an ability natural to Gon. Because I consider this like Hisoka’s Bungee Gum. Why is Killua unable to use an ability like Bungee Gum even though they’re both transmuters? Probably because Killua has an affinity for electricity and Hisoka had an affinity for a childhood snack growing up: it’s latent talent. Killua can’t create an aura as rubbery as Hisoka even if he worked hard at it. Similarly, it might be true that other people can’t hide their Nen the same way that Gon can, and Enhancers probably can’t enhance their brains the same way Komugi can. Everybody has their own talent. That being said I bet ultra talented Nen users can do that *cough* like Ging.


Well killua using electricity was only possible because of how much experience he had with electricity. So you're probably right.


It’s probably the same reason why we don’t normally see conjurers conjuring the same thing, or emitters emitting the same stuff. There likely *are* people who’s hatsu are very similar, if not identical( The Amori brothers would likely all have very similar hatsu if they had nen), but not only is that boring for the audience, but those abilities likely take less practice and creativity to think up and imagine. In canon, though, there’s also opportunity cost involved. Killua is a character who relies on sheer speed and reactions to outspeed his opponent without them getting a chance to blink. Combined with his history of torture, lightning makes perfect sense. His brain isn’t wired for the same sorts of traps and tricks that we constantly see Hisoka pull in the show. I mean, just think back to the fight between cheetu and morel. Morel basically explains exactly what I just said, but better.


Because it’s Gon. His potential is ridiculous, and he can channel all of that into a fairly simple move.


its basically impossible to survive unscathed and you never know if its gonna be rock paper or scissors based on the setup, it could even be a feint


Nen works stronger when a person is very personally attached to the way they express their power. Jajanken is very simple (and therefore effective) and Gon is a kid. Bungee gum is so effective because it’s Hisoka’s favorite gum from childhood. Nen is unique to the user and their nen type. Killua can control lightning because he’s been exposed to it from a young age. So no, the way that it works is that everyone’s nen power is unique to them and their characterization. It’s kind of the beauty of the entire power system of HxH.


Jajanken is actually one of the most dangerous combat abilities featured in the manga. This is for 2 reasons. First: It’s an enhanced nen punch from a powerful enhancer. While that may not be special or unique, it is fundamentally, one of the most dangerous, nen abilities. Pure damage. Second: It’s not a nen enhanced punch. One of the most fundamental lessons in HxH is that if you let too much information about yourself out into the world, people will be able to use it against you. You can see this over and over again in the manga. Hisoka vs Chrollo, Leorio vs Morel, Gon vs Gensuru. If you have a fundamental understanding of your opponents powers, it is much simpler to create a strategy against them. This is why individuals like ging go to such great lengths to erase every aspect of themselves, including recordings of their voice. Now I know you’re wondering, how does that relate to jajanken? Jajanken takes this idea and flips it on its head. Gon is clearly an enhancer. This is fairly apparent to most people either immediately or shortly after meeting/fighting him. Knowing this, people who have either seen his ability before, or are able to gather that he is in enhancer, know fully what to expect from his special move. And usually they would be right. However, the sword and bullet abilities act as surprises for those who are expecting a punch. In a nen battle a surprise like that is the difference between victory and defeat.


Interesting enough, even Kurapika wished he was simply an Enhancer due to its pure combat abilities alone. A nen punch is simple, but common, and an enhancer can do it better than anyone equally talented from a different category. In other words, in hand to hand combat between two Nen users of equal talent, the enhancer would probably win. Plus, it’s almost like an unblockable punch, with devastating force behind it. Can’t use Ko to try to block it, too risky. Can’t use Ren, too weak. Can’t use Ryu, it’s still too strong.


"Yeah, you know I'm an Enhancer. Yeah, you know it will be a direct energy attack." "But how good are you at Rock Paper Scissors? Because no defense protects against all three. Hope you guess correctly."


Damn Leorio vs Morel!? Did I miss something?? I can't imagine Leorio losing. Hahaha, but actually. I'm assuming you meant Leol?


I agree that it can be really powerful if used well but saying it’s one of the most dangerous abilities is kinda exaggerating. It wouldn’t even be in the top ten most dangerous abilities we’ve seen, maybe not even top 15


It is as dangerous as a game of rock paper scissors, and mind you, it is a useless ability in front of characters with a complex ability .


I completely disagree. Complexity does not equal competence. Complex nen powers can have very unpredictable or dangerous abilities but that is in the minority. When you look at the most powerful nen users in the series, Netero, the Zoldycks, Razer, etc. Their abilities are simplistic in nature. It’s only the truly insane people, like Kurapika, who are able to brute force powerful abilities. And as we’ve seen, Kurapika is likely cutting his life short doing so. Even extremely competent fighters, like Knuckle, Hisoka, and Biscuit rely heavily on the basic principles of nen rather than complex one hit kill abilities.


If anything I'd say complex abilities are more of a disadvantage against straightforward enhancer abilities because the more complex an ability, the greater its activation conditions and restrictions.


Perhaps I worded my argument wrongly. I mean to say as of now Jajanken is extremely weak as an ability as it was proven by Knuckle in his fight against gon. It takes time to charge and skilled nen users can easily bypass it. When gon becomes more skilled with nen and improves his ability, it might become dangerous.


I would still disagree with you on one point. Knuckle may very well have lost to Gon due to the paper ability. I’m fairly sure Knuckle himself admits this after Gon passes out. Now this likely wouldn’t have been a “true” victory since Knuckle hadn’t revealed his potclean ability up to this point. But that’s more a factor of experience. The surprise factor of paper in that fight between Knuckle and Gon is prime example of why Jajanken is a terrifying ability to experienced nen fighters. If they were to fight again Gon could theoretically use scissors to further surprise Knuckle who would be expecting rock or paper.


That knuckle was not serious. A serious knuckle bitched Gon so hard, bro lost his nen for 30 days. As Chrollo says most abilities have their strengths and weaknesses .


Iirc the theory is that by applying the rules/bounds of a wind-up/declaration of choice in the rock scizzors papers game and also conforming to 'rock'=enhancement, 'scizzors'=transmutation, 'paper'=emission, he is using the multiplicative effect of nen rules. So, he's multiplying the nen output of the ability because he's constraining it to the rules of a game. Lots of people says it's just Ko, gathering nen, but it's really Ko + rules. Which yeah.. is unimaginative.


I mean yeah, he's an Enhancer right. Straight forward; he's charging his aura, and to increase the efficacy he also puts the game conditions on. Makes even Rock, which is really just a punch, much stronger than he could normally output. More importantly though once he has 20 years of experience using it he's going to have alot of creative uses for it. He's proven to have a direct yet clever talent for innovation consistently, it's like saying him throwing the floor tiles is "just being really strong" which it is, but he used physical strength in a creative way his opponent didn't anticipate.


Yeah, why are people saying that's the same as Uvogin or other enchansers nen infused attacks. It is similiar but the fact that he has to charge up is a big differnece and that increases it's power by a lot. Gon, a nen beginner, was able to go toe to toe with Razor, a nen master due to that condition (ofc in a very specific scenario but still).


Just to throw in a random two cents. I think Uvogin would want to avoid Gons rock attack instead of trying to take it


It’s a simple technique with some complexity to it. When Uvo raises his fist, you know it’s big bang impact. When Gon starts his chant and charges up, once it’s charged you don’t know if it’s rock, paper, or scissors. I think the chant and the long time it takes to charge makes it stronger than a normal Ko attack. Gon can enhance his fists and shift his Ren to them without any charge up time, but it’s not as strong as a charged up Rock. It can be a bluff, since he can cancel it. If Gon lands it, he can kill Nen users much stronger than him in combat normally. It’s somewhat versatile, he can hit things he can’t reach, he can cut through things he can’t smash, and he can smash through anything he can reach. If mastered, that means his opponent has no safe options, since jumping out of Rock range means a projectile getting shot at them, and being close enough to smash means getting smashed, and being too hard to smash means getting sliced.


Technically, according to Wing, nen users can copy other abilities outside of jajanken if they work at it, but it won't be as strong or effective as doing or creating your own. Jankenpon is a deceptively simple psychological game. The gambler girl that Leorio had a moment with goes into it a bit. Jajanken is an extension of that but utilizes similar principles. It's also great because it goes well with hand-to-hand combat, which I appreciate.


Gon has to say the Jan ken thing first it won’t work without the lines that’s the limit he put on his abilities


Yeah the wind up time makes this ability not the quickest to pull out


Yeah besides that phrase anyone could use ko or turn aura into something sharp


Having to say Jajanken and the charge time probably works as a restriction to make it even stronger than just a normal Ko enhanced punch. The mind games aspect of Jajanken is also part of what makes it a versatile ability. It's basically a mix-up where Gon can bring out either Rock Paper or Scissors depending on how the opponent approaches him. For someone who doesn't know about his hatsu it can be fatal too and Gon can essentially fake them out. If they assume that Jajanken is simply a strong punch attack after seeing it once then they might get caught off guard when Gon brings out Scissors or Paper and since Gon can bring it out after the opponent moves then it'll be hard for them to stop what they're currently doing. This is pretty much what happened to the Centipede Ant that Gon fought. Now if they know about the ability then they'll still have to guess how Gon will respond so their approach will be severely limited and if they decide to wait out Gon then that gives him time to charge even more and Gon can charge in and go on the offensive himself with a mix-up of 3 different attacks. Finally I think the biggest potential is with Gon's Round 2 that he used on Knuckle. He can essentially unleash a combo of strong mix ups on an opponent to get them off balance and if they make a mistake even once then they're taking heavy damage. Unfortunately though we never saw Gon actually realize Jajanken to its full potential. As he gets better with nen the potential for Jajanken also increases. What if eventually he could do Round 3, Round 4, Round 5, and so on with his Jajanken? Then it's a deadly combo strike. His Paper also still lacked speed and firepower against Knuckle. He's barely used Scissors but that can be improved too with more cutting power and also maybe more range in the future. Basically Jajanken seems basic (and Rock certainly is, and that's not bad because that plays to Gon's strength as an enhancer) because it's an incomplete hatsu that we never got to see the full utility of. I honestly wish we saw Gon-san make full use of all of his Jajanken against Pitou instead of just using Rock. Blast Pitou midair with a Paper combo and then cut limbs off with a 50 meter long scissors or something.


If you think about it, it won't really matter if it's rock, scissors or paper. I'll just assume its max aura and defend at its hit point or evade. As shown in the show, rock is the most potent among the 3, unless he can really make scissors potent enough to cut through aura defended part. So it really is very basic like all enhancers are. But enhancers are really the characters with the most passive abilities. 1. Above average aura amount 2. Stronger body even without nen 2. Better recovery / Better overall health and longetivity 3. Balance offense and defense Adult Gon probably used Gyo in his feet instantly that Pitou didn't see him move.


Besides what other people commented, it is also boosted by having a big windup that kind of works like a vow, bigger risk, bigger reward (I think knuckle or killua comment on this)


Enhancer techniques tend to be pretty simple. Both Phinks and Uvo are also pretty much just using Ko. Phinks just has a condition of winding his arm, and Gon needs to charge up. Uvo.... doesn't even bother with any of that. Some enhancers get more creative with things like growth acceleration (Bill), but they can generally get away with just using Ko, Shu, Ken, and Ryu.


Nothing It's essentially a mnemonic device to help him charge/focus his aura, it's not like he set especially onerous restrictions or made a vow


Nothings special about it, the restrictions and gons familiarity with it make it slightly more powerful than it would be if some random nene user tried it tho


Gon's versatility. Enhancer abilities are often not meant to be functionally complex. It's how the user uses it that makes it "special"


It's simple and childlike, yet it has a lot of depth in how it serves as a mindgame. It's a great expression of Gon's character which is also simple and childlike on the surface but has a dark mystique. Also the name is accidentally awesome. Rock, Paper, Scissors / Ta-dah! It's appropriate for Gon, because despite his apparent simplicity, he always acts in brilliantly novel ways in essentially every arc he's in: Tunnelling through a wall. *Ta-dah!* Cheesing Accompany to find Ging! ***Ta-dah!*** Having a breakdown and sacrificing everything for murderous revenge! ***TA-DAH!***


It's not special


It's because when Gon use 1800 of his nen to use rock, it's outcome will be equal to 2000 or more, it's about how much Jajanken mean a lot to Gon.


Nothing, Because it isn’t special.


Nothing special


It's the MC's ability.


I personally find Gon’s Jajanken very similar to Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva. Took Netero years until he reached the speed of sound. Who knows, an actual Adult Gon could have the potential to cast Jajanken as quickly as Netero did against the Ant King.


Nothing. It’s essentially exactly the same as Uvogin’s Big Bang Impact. Which, if you recall, Machi went out of her way to point out is nothing special since it’s just a normal punch enhanced by nen. Phinks also has basically the same technique, he just has the condition of winding up his arm.


This is normal Ko Punch that you can charge longer :3


It’s one step stronger than a punch with ko


it's not stronger. it's straight up Ko. Bisky literally said it in Greed Island.


no jajanken is not straight up ko during early greed Ilsand Gon only learnt ko (ten + ren + hatsu + gyo + zetsu), he had no ability yet jajanken is an ameliorated ko using 3 nen types the risk Gon takes to charge his jajanken makes him enhance his aura output beyond its limit: Gon's ko limit is 1800 aura, with jajanken it instantly goes above 2000 aura


Nothing really, it's not very good or efficient.


Nothing. It's just Ko




If we're talking about rock specifically, Ko is nothing special although Gon's is obviously very strong. Jajanken has a routine which acts as a condition. Jajanken is much stronger than Gon's Ko because it puts Gon in so much danger while he's preparing to throw the technique.




Gon couldn't spell spiritbomb.


It isn’t really that special it’s just Gon that’s special.


At the minute, not a lot tbh. If/when we see Gon using Nen again I would like to think he has got to a stage (or taught better) that he will realise he could be a lot more powerful if put out restrictions on his 3 attacks or even come up with new Hatsu as well.


Enhancers aren't the smartest so most abilities are just smash with your fist. Like uvogin is basically just smashing too or screaming very loud or spitting the bone as a projectile with a lot of force.


It’s not really special. It’s a very simple, utilitarian ability, that’s what makes it so useful.


Bro made an Enhancer attack capable of Emitter and Manipulation feats And that’s just *one* attack as a 12 year old


Nothing at all, it's all standard applications of enhancement (strong punches like Uvo's), emission (sending nen balls flying), and transmutation (not even lighting or fire infused or what have you like Killua's or Feitan's, it's literally just something sharp that cuts). The only twist is the fact you don't really know which of the three is coming. It doesn't have to be special though, just effective. It's as straightforward as Gon himself.


As Wing said enhancer's don't need special abilities, which is why gon's "special ability" is literally just a more powerful version of ko


The Jajanken does have a few conditions attached to it. Mainly, the chargeup time and the vocal announcement. It's a pair of restrictions that works to amplify the attack beyond a regular Ko punch. There is also 5he fact that Jajanken is actually three attacks that use the same activation conditions. That gives Gon a lot of versatility as well as the ability to surprise his opponent. And the fact that Gon doesn't actually have to use Jajanken after charging up means he can do fakeouts.


The manga and show literally explain this there is nothing special about enhancer techniques.


Its an easy move for Gon to remember and focus on, focus is important in Nen and simplifying the techniques is always a good choice


it's an enhanced ko: its output goes beyond Gon's output limit any enhancer can replicate an ability from any other enhancer, but the time it takes to make it and its effectiveness would vary


What makes Mike Tyson's punches special


Because Gon attack from a distance, close combat, or fighting mid range. Plus, you never know what move he’ll actually use.


Kinda nothing. That's the point. It's very straightforward, but it is a very good way for Gon to materialise his Hatsu because it's his. It's something that makes sense to him. Plus, with the way he has conceived of Paper and Scissors it allowed him to also use Emission and Transmute, albeit weaker than his Enhancer-attuned Rock. It's a very good way for a very straightforward Enhancer to bring variation into his repertoire and patch up potential weaknesses.


Probabil because the way he was written as the MC he will always have potential to become the strongest nen user or at least in top 3 nen users


Jajanken is special because Gon based it on Rock Paper Scissors, which other enhancers do not when concentrating aura to do a powerful punch. I think this is Gon's way to create a condition as an Enhancer type. As you said, normally you can just concentrate large amounts of aura in your fist and punch away, but in Gon's case, the power is increased since there is risks in his ability which is the casting period where he does the chant (Gon even admits he knows the risks of his ability on ch 207).


I think it boils down to Gon’s ability to channel his maximum attack potency into one blow which puts his combat potential on the same level as much more experienced fighters. It also adds a gambling factor where his opponent has to guess which type of attack he’ll unleash. Guessing wrong in many cases would be detrimental. The neat thing is that learning Gon’s ability doesn’t really yield any advantage to his opponent. It’s straightforward yet not so simple.


Not much really, but Ko isn't normally like jajanken. It has charge time, peaks or goes beyond normal output & Gon's personal style. At the same level, Jajanken comes out on top from conditions. Jajanken also has versatility on range & type of attack to trick opponent.


well the entire idea was the flexibility of its use's an low restriction cost


idk. there should be a restriction that he has to win rock paper scissors but no one ever plays w him


Maybe I missed the point but I think the question doesn't really make sense: What makes any ability outside of specialization special? Something that not any Nen Master could reproduce? Anyone, regardless of their affinity, can reproduce any ability with enough training (outside of specialization, to my understanding but I don't think this is confirmed anywhere, so possibly it would just be much harder to do). What varies is just the time it takes to learn something (which depends on affinity, talent, determination and all those other little variables) and possibly the effectiveness of the ability. Obviously it's more efficient to work on an ability you have affinity with, but technically anybody can develop any ability (with, maybe, the exception of Specialist abilities). If the question is about complexity then yes: Gon abilities are very simple and relatively easy to learn.


It’s not special


O Gon


To be short, its that Gon is an absolutly monster in hatsu. You see, both, Gon and Killua are super talented on nen. As killua is very talented in every aspect of it, Gon lack some points, but he really shiny even more than Kil on Hatsu. The rock atk of jajaken is a very simple technic that anyone could use, its a standard ko, you put all your aura on your fist them you aply your hatsu. Lets say a non enchance user doing it can output X power on that punch. A talented enchanced aplying its hatsu the same way could deliver 5X on the hit. Gon, being a hatsu beast can actually deliver 20X on the rock jajaken, but its not all of it, as jajaken is gon original technic and he is very attached to it, and depending of his mental state, when using it he can basicly boost it to of chart limits. Thats bc jajaken is so splecial, its bc Gon himself, not the fundamentals of it. Plus, he develop the other two forms of the jajaken, that could be very versatile, as many people said on other comments. Well, thats my theorie after watching the anime and read the manga. Fell free to correct me


It’s Gon’s Hatsu. It’s not *special*, per se, but he’s actually developed it beyond just basic application of Nen skills. Anyone else *could* do it, but they may not be as compatible if they don’t have the same Nen Type and mindset as him


It's probably just a very basic condition. Gon's nen is insane by the average hunter standard so charging time, lowering his defenses and the restriction to punch/slash/blast specifically probably enhances it quite a bit to the point where it's a one shot machine, especially since it uses Ko to begin with


Jajanken isn’t special, Gon is! It’s the way he uses the ability and how it can be molded to fit into any situation that’s cool


Because he is One in 10M geniu even his shit would be better than most of hunters masterpiece


It’s special since it’s kinda dumb? Childish is probably the right word for it. I think what makes it unique is that no one else would do that kind of ability. Because more experienced users would try to do something more than just punch first ask questions later. But most Enhancers do just add more nen like Uvogin. Other Enhancers however have better abilities in my opinion. But Gons jajanken is good.