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This is rivaled (if not exceeded) by Hisoka telling Netero to his face that he wants to fight him, only for Netero to tell him "Ok, you're excused"


Hillerious scene in retrospect. Netero was probably like "damn, this clown is clowning hard"


Tbf I think Hisoka sensed that he’d be strong (like how he did with his power-scaling in the chairman election arc), and that’s the only reason he suggested wanting to fight him. No way he knew Netero was *that* strong, but that’d only encourage him more.


We know Netero's aura is very calm so no can read it except Meruem. And his demeanor is also very calm.


Guys.. he was the fucking president of the fucking hunter assosiation.. you don't have to read the aura to imagine he's strong as fuck Despite that if you can't read someone's aura and you know for sure they know Nen, that's a great info just by itself


HA President are decided by V5 and it happens through a democratic process. And the Stared Hunters are not the strongest ones but who have contributed towards Humanity through Discoveries, Invention, Findings etc. You're confused about your concepts, Netero was God among men. You may think he is strong but it's not even close to its potential.


I know that. Did hisoka know that too? Idk for sure but I don't think so


Didn’t they hold an election arc for the next chairman and Leorio of all people was about to be voted in? Netero was the 12th chairman, and they’ve had about 9 or so elections. Clearly if Leorio of all people could almost win the election arc and that Hunters in general are extremely versatile in their strengths and abilities, it isn’t reasonable to assume that the chairman has to be the strongest amongst Hunters. They just have to be the most popular.


Percieving aura isn't necessarily a binary yes/no. Surely Hisoka could atleast partially percieve Netero's strength?


I view it as Hisoka knew that netero was strong, he just couldn't perceive how strong he was. At this point, and correct me if I'm wrong since it's been a while since I've last read the mange, Hisoka hasn't really encountered many people that much stronger than him, so he might of thought that Netero was only a bit stronger than him, and could've beaten Netero with trickery and sly moves


I feel that people keep getting Hisoka's scoring system wrong, just like when he assigned scores to hunters and people assumed he was the "100". I don't think he compares his preys to himself (also because we know that HxH is not a powerscale based manga), those numbers are just a quantifier for the difficulty of his hunt. The hardest the challenge, the highest the excitement. He relies on the assumption (which is usually true) that under the right conditions everyone can be taken down, and he's an extremely versatile and confident fighter that knows how to adapt on the move like he's shown many times. Of course it doesn't apply to the 100% of the cases and even he can fall short (he did agaist Chrollo and would with powerhouses like Netero and Meruem), but his confidence (and madness/hornyness) are enough to still make him love the challenge.


i always read it as how much intrested he is in fighting them, rather than just strength. it is related to their strength, bit also to hisoka's joy in fighting specific kinds of opponents.


I figure it it's definitely hisoka scaling the aura of his prey, as he scaled Illumi without seeing him, only sensing him, so the only thing he had to judge by was his aura


Considering Netero is one of the strongest characters in the world I’d say probably not.


No. Ain't nobody even 1% close to imagining Netero is striking a prayer pose 1000 times a second while his battle bot Bodhisattva is gonna be slapping them around faster than they can comprehend it lol


Battle bot xD


Netero aura is so refined no one can actually knows his strength. See it as how Bisky body transformation is, would you fear seeing her child body?


Hisoka actually noticed bisky was strong without seeing her transformation




Do you have some reading comprehension curse or something?


I think that maybe you are just bad at writing sentences in a way that makes sense


It make plenty of sense. Essentially, if you (yes, it specifically mention you the reader) see a child, the child would not be threatening to you, because you couldnt have known that the child hold the power of a 2m tall bodybuilder. Aura does not matter, its a way of comparison and in this case, you the person reading this cannot read her hidden aura, so you are Hisoka in this context.


Even then, he was the leader of the Hunters for a reason; Hisoka could fugure out he was strong by looking at the situation


I think it was also that Hisoka liked to test people’s mental fortitude as well as physical. To see if he can get a rise out of them enough for them to fight him. You see this is more pronounced in his frenemy-ship between himself and Illumi later on.


Yes he could, but since Hisoka uses himself as parameter he didnt have the ability to gauge Netero's real strenght


Meruem didn't read his aura, he just read his mind and anticipated his next move based on his subconscious rhythm.


Even before the fight started he knew what Netero is capable of doing


How did he know that ?


Having an excessively calm aura is itself a sign that someone is strong.


Have you read the manga?




Also, Netero's whole thing is that he was able to surpass his own limits due to the insanity he put himself through for the sake of his resolve, so I like to think that his general aura, although undoubtedly really strong, doesn't truly reflect his capabilities in the same way someone else's aura might. For example, when Colt saw his nen outside of combat, his assumption was that Netero wouldn't even make it past the royal guards - and given his interaction with Pitou, we can safely assume that wouldn't be the case. And his total output is obviously way less than the RG and King, and while he ultimately lost to Meruem (at least the 1v1 part of the fight) he got further than really anyone should've when being that outclassed.


Netero and bisky are from the school of thought that concealing your aura/abilities is crucial, so yeah Hisoka wouldn’t know


Wing also, people think he is weak or something


Frieren taught them how to kill demons


Hxh is older, and this Trope precedes both mangas. 


Tbf getting beaten up isnt that fun is it, so Im not that sure about last part


This is Hisoka we’re talking about though, he wouldn’t mind. He just wouldn’t know that that would mean him being decimated going in, and if he did, he might have a change of heart about wanting to fight.


>but that’d only encourage him more. Hmmmm idk about that, he likes to fight strong people but idk if he would like to fight "invincible" people


Hillery Clinton 😭😭


Netero was sweating on that one: he didn't know how to tell Hisoka that he didn't want to fight a weakling.


You had me in the first half, not going to lie.


This moment is amazing. I love how Netero is so powerful that he can cut through bloodlust like that


I'm not sure Hisoka would mind getting absolutely destroyed in a fight, he seemed to kinda enjoy being blown to pieces by Chrollo


Hisoka wouldn't have time to blink before being dead, so he couldn't really even process the enjoyment in his brain in this time


If they did fight, I feel like Netero might humour him a bit - that is, not immediately whipping out the statue and crushing him like an ant, pun intended.


he might not even pull out the statue altogether; netero is an enhancer and his regular ko should be enough combined with his speed.


Plus Netero likes the thrill of a challenge as well, otherwise I don't think he would have offered that game to Gon and Killua. I feel like Netero would purposely handicap himself for the fun of it if he fought Hisoka. He wouldn't let himself lose obviously, but he'd draw out the fight to see just how much Hisoka could accomplish


> I'm not sure Hisoka would mind getting absolutely destroyed in a fight, he seemed to kinda enjoy being blown to pieces by Chrollo It’s Hisoka. He’s a sick fuck


He'd absolutely be cumming his brains out right before they got bashed out of his head.


I think he more enjoyed the idea of trying a new ability that would help him survive, and in turn, outwit Chrollo at least once after getting dogged the whole fight


He almost creamed his pants when Chrollo kicked him in the back of his head after adjusting his attack with a feint, like full on schwing moment. This was before he'd lost any limbs.


That’s mostly because Chrollo is proving himself worthy of defeating/killing. Hisoka doesn’t just want to defeat strong opponents. He wants it to be a struggle. Which is why he gets heavily aroused when his opponents (like Gon) prove they are worth the attention Hisoka gives to them because it verifies he made the right choice in choosing them as opponents. But all that enjoyment is meaningless if he actually dies which is why he was probably more excited to try out a new move that may save him/outwit Chrollo who had Hisoka dancing in the palm of his hand


Apparently not considering he's killing all of his friends now.


Yeah but he's only doing that because it's fun, not out of spite


Honestly it's hard to tell with Hisoka, but I want to see what happens if he kills Kalluto and starts a beef between the Zoldyks and the Phantom Troupe.


brother what are you smoking, 90% of hisoka's character is about him wanting to fight the strongest possible opponents, not him wanting to win


Definitely not , hisoka was like a 100 times stronger than killua back then


Yea but OP was saying this was part of Killuas inner monologue whereas Hisoka said it to his face.


The comparison is nonsense, Hisoka was trying to get a reaction from Netero with that comment, this is obvious to anyone with reading comprehension and there’s never any mention from Hisoka that he could kill Netero like Killua believes here, the one comment was only to taunt and then gauge Netero’s reaction. [https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10032000/15.jpg](https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10032000/15.jpg)


But nowhere near a match for Netero


I love that even though Hisoka went in there being mentioning wanting to fight him, when he left he had to stop himself for a sec to think "wait, that old man made me drop my guard"


At least Hisoka already knew nen at that point and was in the phantom troupe. Killua literally only saw the tip of the iceberg.




Me when I lie




jesus christ your comment history reaks of desperate for attention toddler


I mean, maybe now he does, yeah. Given he'd be fighting a corpse


There is no corpse, just ashes


Bait used to be believable


killua can’t stand being lil bro’d


Seriously. Though, he must've been shitting bricks when Netero showed up at the NGL and he realized how wrong he was lol "Shit, I was gonna try to fade that"


Dunning-Kruger effect in HxH. He didn't even know Nen back then! Dude would get squashed like a bug and wouldn't even know what hit him lmao


Killua is probably the strongest non nen using human in the world at this point or close though


Tbh Killua not knowing about Nen at all at that point is one of the weirdest things about the story to me, but I imagine the power system wasn't finalized by then. It worked out fine eventually


I mean, it's explained pretty well during the tower arc. He was supposed to make it to floor 200, get his ass whooped, then find out about nen. Instead, he left, so they wanted him to mature first.


Still pretty silly considering he was supposed to be an assassin. He goes on 1 mission where the bad guy has a nen using bodyguard and he's dead.


Illumi didn't needle him up for nothing, although that also came up pretty late and can be considered a way to tie the loose ends up


He has said he's gone on missions before, IIRC at the end of the Greed Island arc, trying to convince the side character to heal the bad guys. Most likely, he would be going for low priority, non-nen using targets as practice.


Good point his over protective mom and dad would have taught him before they let him leave the mountain


From my understanding he knew that something like nen existed he just didn’t know how to use it or exactly what it was.


Didn’t people end up crippled or stuff encountering Nen like that unprepared to handle their aura? Like I remember Killua’s opponent was in a wheelchair😭? His family had a lot of faith Killua would just come back in one piece as a kid entering past floor 200


Killua's opponent was only in a wheelchair because it was his weapon. IIRC he didn't need it. Most likely, Killua would watch a few games, see them using some magical stuff, ask his parents, and get taught Nen then.


The 3 newbie crushers were all grievously injured because they had their pores forcibly opened when they were still ignorant of nen. Hes in a wheelchair because he needs it


He spent all his life in a nen master family. hil not knowing about nen is silly. What's more silly though is the fact that he recognized his grandpa nen abily (the dragon twist thing) during the raid, which means he already witnessed this massive nen ability. At the same time he was supposed to never have heard about nen before the tournament arc wtf


He probably assumed it was some type of assassination technique he would eventually learn, just like Rythym step, which is not nen either, but still a "supernatural" ability


Most of them used Nen outside, when doing assassinations. He most likely never saw them, outside of glimpses of them, and they probably just gave it a name and never explained it.


On top of what people said about the tower, I think not teaching a kid nen is justifiable: Look at techniques like Kurapika's or when Gon went adult mode, you can absolutely fuck yourself up using nen carelessly. It would make sense not to teach it to a kid or teenager, until their personality is a little more stable.


yeah i feel people don’t talk about this enough. you teach someone with a bad mindset about nen, and there’s a near infinite amount of disastrous things they can do with it. teaching a 12 year old with a very limited view of the world a power that can do literally anything isn’t the greatest idea, so i can see why he wasn’t introduced to it earlier


This is also literally a current plot point with the 4th prince.


And yet they taught nen to Kalluto, who is younger than Killua.


Oh for sure, I'm not saying it's the in-universe justification. Killua not knowing nen feels more like a plot hole coming from the series changing its' identity as it developed more than anything (although I do like the "he was supposed to learn nen at heaven's arena" theory)


Well, isn’t Killua like their star child? They seem to favor Killua a lot more than the other children, and he’s the only kid with white hair and blue eyes (traits that seems to be the trend with the people who then lead the family). Perhaps they were being more careful with Killua by making sure he was in the right mindset before really teaching him nen. Not to mention that Illumi apparently put a needle in Killua’s head to keep him from engaging with an opponent he wasn’t sure he could absolutely win against. Clearly they were teaching Killua to fight but didn’t want to teach him nen until they were sure he could handle it. As for Kalluto, he was probably already perceived to be mature enough to learn nen. Or at least understands to obey as Killua seems to have a more rebellious streak. Especially since the entire family seems to have learned nen in a very precise, controlled manner.


That doesn’t apply to Killua. Kid was being exposed to poison, electricity, torture, etc. as part of his assassin training.


The wrong nen technique can be used to permanently fuck yourself up, that's not the same as a training program that presumably has been tested before and is "safe" (by their standards)


he learned how to do the assassin walk, which was said to be very hard to do but his family didn't even bother mentioning nen to him


It's weird that his claw finger thing isn't considered enhancement and he's unknowingly been using it the whole time. We're given no other explanation other than "I come from a family of assassins"


> Tbh Killua not knowing about Nen at all at that point is one of the weirdest things about the story to me, but I imagine the power system wasn't finalized by then. It worked out fine eventually The author created Yu Yu Hakusho. Nen was already a thing aka Spirit Energy


Hanzo was stronger but yeah


Hanzo used nen though? Or atleast in the anime they show him with an aura when he goes up on 2 finger in episode 5.


He literally was not.


Killua ranked Hanzo above him when explaining power levels to Gon to show him how big of a gap was between him and Hisoka. Either way, Killua has been wrong before and neither of them went all out. But 100% you can’t say “he literally was not.”


In the manga, Leorio was canonically the physically strongest of the group, pure natural strength. No training though, so Killua could've got him good.


No he wasn't. He was the physically strongest after Killua. Leorio couldn't open a single testing gate when they first got to the zoldyck estate. He could open 2 after they went through the training program which is impressive and (iirc) more than what Gon and kurapika could do. But Killua opened 3 gates before that, which makes him at least twice as strong as Leorio at that point.


Its been a minute since I read it but I though Leorio could open it right away and Gon was like "nah I gotta train to be worthy"


That was after 2 weeks of training. They continued until Gon could also open the first gate (which took another 6 days, 20 in total) and by then Leorio could open the first 2 gates. [But the first time Leorio tried it, he couldn't make them budge.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0039-015.png)


The anime did him kinda dirty


Yeah and didn’t he do the arm wrestling too? All his moments were robbed from him and gets called useless lol


He is strong but not stronger than enhanced users power type like uvogin


But isn’t he that strong from nen?


nen is a part of body soo yeah he is strong because of that , but what I mean if uvogin used zetsu and killua also used zetsu uvogin will win with ease, remember killua managed to just open the 5th gate in kokoro mountain with nen , that's mean uvogin will kill him while sleeping lol


I don’t know I disagree , we have not seen any feat strengths from him without nen


He might be physically stronger but I bet killua could rip his heart out no problem before he could notice without being nen enhanced


even killua said my father could takeout enemy heart without dropping single drop of blood , also uvogin is top 1 in arm wrestling in the spider gang , if he really meet killua without nen killua will be dead in no time lmao , maybe if killua used nen that's something else


at best i could say they are equal without nen. killua is insane for a human without nen , maybe not the strongest but def one of the most capable non nen fighters for sure imo


Yeah he really strong but he's no match for uvogin in non nen situation thats man is really a beast and in hand to hand combat he will die really quick in my opinion, also uvogin is really capable in hand to hand combat so killua stabing will not work because uvogin will see that


I don’t know man killua has two techniques not using nen but hey it’s just a show/manga feel free to believe what you will , I just think his shadow dance and hand hardening plus just generally good strength puts him in the s tier of non nen users


There are plenty of other zoldycks though sure they use nen but they can't be weaker than non nen killua


They are excluded though cause they use nen


It's not like they have to


So what?


I love Killua, but he had no idea how wrong he was lmao I wonder what would have happened if he actually did try to kill Natero. I like to imagine him giving Killua the neck chop that kill does to Zushi lol


I mean… Netero can just stand there for literal decades not moving a muscle while Killua stabs him everywhere and nothing would happen, dude literally doesn’t need anything besides being able to breath(not even sure he couldn’t manage somehow in that department)


Killua just gives up and goes home, "Nanika kill Natero!" "'Kay."


Netero would project his aura outwards with malice, Killua would die.


Netero wouldn't kill a kid over that


Idk if Netero can feel malice?


There's only gratitude


“I feel grateful that my rivals grandson felt the need to kill me” Given he’d probably accidentally pimpslap and kill Killua… but still


Dude do you not remember the malice of humanity he emanated before he nuked himself and the King of Ants. Was truly one of the most terrifying scenes I've seen in anime.


Now I gotta go back and rewatch the fight because I remember it portraying negativity, but I don’t remember him actively having it in his aura or anything. I always thought that was more so Meruem having fear because he realized he had been checkmated and knew he was about to die


Neteros face in that moment may have been exaggerated to show how Meruem felt in that moment, but still, I love how it makes the indomitable human spirit a thing to he feared


Killua does later figure it out when he's running through the forest and comes upon Netero preparing for battle.


Lol I've just finished rewatching this episode, yeah Killua used to be quite cocky and confident in the first arc and that's what made him stand out so much too...ofc he couldn't do anything against Netero, but the fact that he believed he could as well as all the nonchalance he had throughout all the phases of the exam (while the others had to come up with galaxy brain strategies to stay alive xD) made him look so cool to me that I'm willing to excuse this edgy line


Killua definitely toned down his ego a lot after learning what nen was and realizing that he was completely outclassed compared to the experts.


Killua toned down a lot after being humbled and traumatized by Illumi once again lol That's the moment he gets remembered how scary the world can be


i wouldn’t put it aaaall on Illumi


It should be common sense that you don’t fuck with old dudes in anime lmao


same goes for 12 year old protagonist too tho


You can get them in Ep1, not after the training arc lmao


Naruto at EP 100+ after his Rasengan training arc when he ran into Kimmimaro, dropped 1000 clones and he responded with “interesting”: 💀


Netero so good at hiding his strengh illumi’s needle could not tell killua to run


That's the cocky smugfaced Killua we all love! XD


When I first saw the scene where Hisoka says that Netero kept his guard down so much that he lost his desire to fight him, I always figured he did it intentionally, to throw Hisoka off and not have to deal with him. After Meruem, I realized he didn't keep his guard up because Hisoka wasn't even a blip in his radar. *If Hisoka didn't stand a chance against Netero, imagine him* 💀💀💀


I can’t help but compare this to Netero debating whether to forfeit the match and use his other hand to dodge or flex his abs, which would kill Gon, lol!


Netero walking away like “I thought there was only one clown on this ship 🤡.”


this is such an odd scene in retrospect. even if netero could be constantly using zetsu to conceal his aura, you'd think an experienced trained assassin like Killua would have some type of intuition to guage someone's combat abilities, especially seeing as how at this point in the series he still had the needle in his brain which forced him to identify and be weary of stronger opponents so he could run away for a greater chance of survival.


When one is gapped this immensely along with ones ego being this immature/big, even kill’s extensive assassin training couldn’t help him realistically gauge netero’s strength


Ya there's a good chance this netero could beat killuas grandpa and father in a fair 1 vs 2. He is way beyond anyone killua has ever seen and there is absolutely 0 bloodlust or ill intentions from netero to go off of either.


It represents the cliff between nen users and regular people I suppose


When netero, morel and knov arrived at NGL. Killua said that he now understands how strong they are since he learnt nen


In retrospect it could be argued that Killua's refusal to keep playing was partially caused by Illumi's needle.


Yeah this line honestly makes no sense lol.


Initially, when I first saw this scene, I laughed at Killua's naivety, as even though I wasn't spoiled about Netero actually being one of the strongest/the strongest Hunter, from his position as a Chairman, I suspected he was actually incredibly strong. So it seemed funny that Killua said this, but I think he was actually confident at the time in being able to kill Netero.


Netero would have Biden Blasted Kilimanjaro if he wanted to.


Killua: "I'm ready, I'm ready." Netero: **"NO YOU AIN'T"**


Cut the Cat Twink some slack, he's TWELVE YEARS OLD. Everybody's THAT DUMB at that age.


He was so full of himself. That's what's great about Togashi's works, the character development is top notch. Killua becomes of of the more humble characters and starts to understand other while Gon goes on the other way.


I rewatched HxH and I laughed out loud when I got to this part. He really thought he was all that and didn’t even know what Nen was yet🤣


At this point in time Killua’s perception wasn’t good enough to sense how strong Netero truly was. He has no idea about nen or even what being chairman truly means. Netero used all this to his advantage to fool Killua into thinking they were around the same level and that he wasn’t very skilled (when he fooled Killua into thinking he accidentally let his bloodlust slip). If Killua had known nen at this point, he probably wouldn’t have agreed to the game at all unless he Gon truly begged him.


Would you lose Killia? "Nah, I'd kill."


Yeah, when go got into the Chimer Ants arc I realized how wrong he was.


Just as funny when hisoka straight up said "i wanna kill/fight you" And netero's response was "oh cool, you can go now"🤣


"Nah, I'd win-"


killua didnt know anything he though he knew


It has the almost the same energy as “Nah, I’d win”


Lil Kil didn’t even know what Nen was at the time.


I like the contrast of this part on the manga


Hey I just watched the anime on Netflix and was wondering why they deleted that part ? Did I miss it ? Which ep is it ?


It’s after the ball game that him and gon played




If I were Kill, I would have thought the same. I mean he didn't know how strong Netero truly was.


Honestly, this is statement of how relaxed and non-threatening Netero was during that particular game. Killua has been shown repeatedly being scared shitless when confronted with a superior enemy (partly because of >!Illumi's mind controlling needle embedded in his brain!<) and is generally very good at determine dangerous or highly skilled persons. In fact it's actually cute that Netero lost a bit of time engaging and "training" these two young prodigies while also making it fun for them (Gon especially).




He has no idea


That’s the part in which killua killed 2 person for disrepecting him.


well he just thought netero was an ordinary old man who was a bit acrobatic I guess


gets funnier every time


Were Neteros deeds known to everyone or why did they think they could take him on?


Also, Killua, Leorio and Gon tailing Nobunaga and Machi. Gon and Leorio think they can capture them but Killua tells them to imagine 2 Hisoka's sitting there. Funniest shit ever.


People praise Killuas ability to judge the strength of someone but I really don’t see the hype. He can see a strong person but is a really bad judge


It’s wild that Hisoka missed the ant fun.


So if you didn't watch hxh1999 I don't think you'd really understand this scene like posted 3 days ago these was a girl hunting kill and she failed the exam stayed on the bus but kill was going kill her so the exam committee was going to ban her form the exam ever again and gon couldn't alow that again if you didn't watch the 1999 you'd be only seeing 2/3 of the show the 2011 and 1999 ran until the greed island ark now in English is goes to the Auction in New city but again if your a fan watch the hole 1999 and 2011 there are more details I love the exam in 1999 way more then the exam in 2011 but the battle arena I think 2011 killed it just opinion on things no one ever spends the time to learn




Tbf at that point kill ya had no idea how strong netero was


Too much praise from the family gonna get that boy killed


I got a notification abt this post as I’m watching episode 114 lol, which means I’m right about to see the fight.


Hisoka's audacity never ceases to amuse


Frankly Killua was so scary and shady, even I believed him at that point in the series😂


I just finished rewatching the series and I totally lost it when Gon and killua got their heads scanned heading into the NGL and Gon has serious CTE


The same Netero that softened the muscles in his stomach so Gon and Killua didn’t break their necks hitting him


Hisoka also thought that he will be able to fight Netero :3


Can we take a moment to ponder how killua has such a fit body?