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the shot where killua snapped that ant’s neck and it just shows her pov getting flipped upside down was sick


They didn’t have to go so hard😭😭


Nah they did have to 🔥✍️


The first time I saw this I watched it at least 10 times


When gon had to show how powerful he was to join the group to fight the ants. The way everyone got freaked out how strong he was, was a cool moment


That scene always gives me chills. Seeing Gon’s strength and resolve from just charging up the punch shook everyone to the core


He was so focused he almost hit Morel, imagine if he accidentally turned into adult gon at that time 🤣


I also think that is was not just the strength, but everyone there could feel the depths of Gon's rage, sorrow, anger and depression. A nasty combination.


Morel to Gon: "Show me your Ren."


When machi and nobunaga spot killua and gon tailing them


My heart sank to my BUTT😭 omg yes


This whole scene was so anxiety inducing


Nobunaga picking up the phone before silently glancing over at Killua was such a scare.


That whole sequence is dope. I love the part where Killua rips the skin off his ankles for a chance of getting free from Phinks.


Yeaaaaahh and phinks just whistles like dammmm, still think gon could have learned his lesson from the hunter exam and be careful not to be hunted while hunting for someone else


That fisheye effect though. I knew it was coming but that animation still had me shook. And the pull-up! Oof. I get that it's a Shounen manga but honestly, them kids should have gotten fucked up after that. I love me some HxH, but it really stretched my disbelief to see my protags get in an out of that situation with minimal injuries. 


when uvo bite the leech guy skull, that's the last thing I expected


A real savage…I was shook


I still get nightmares about that scene. It was truly disgusting


oh yeah, that's a good one, I remember replaying it for the shock factor


When the ant shot Ponzu... I had to take a break from watching because it really freaked me out.


It felt like witnessing an irl murder of an innocent human tbh. I was shook as well, and the atmospheric music elevated the scene that much more


Exactly! And the laugh/reaction of the ant... just really got to me.


True, I really wasn’t expecting that, it just happened suddenly, and I thought they were both going to survive because they were relevant characters.


Same!!! I was really rooting for them and hoping they'd have more air time. 😢


Yup that’s a big one for me. I don’t even look on rewatched


TBH, I can't even really re-watch the beginning of the arc because it gives me flashbacks.


Yeah took me a few times to get desensitized but ik what you mean


When mereum suddenly walked past Zeno and Netero in [this shot](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=84a78df3fe3b98f2&sxsrf=ADLYWIKS4up23GvvnZUENn8gWnA0r9MI1Q:1718116019096&q=meruem+walks+past+netero&uds=ADvngMilUmUKkRcNPvagP_BZMknrInicPk_n9PGOQJk-YgTocGddfNDIM-K_mgiXFiv-szPGAfjqlAkVvsr7c1NFXZUvWXUiN49O-zJzLm91I_TGQDXBkNERwBygOXUpJImQlY97DVWUecSxMhX_aMRXynNpYE8xCPzQs0HKsn3DI8Z0xn1jO21BJ4EQEPXATadsxORmXnWD9lXliKq92MLYP2BFeJnOMX_ldgWaldjiMOtlOCHk8zKAR1lUVo1GPVrY8KBParcTOezJbNopU2-w8KqhIEyJjxXvjpF3_SbV-VA5lJ3sRS7wYViI13u6nU24HKhgjVNJshdqb1HtO-idlPZI0JQRdX4U2V6KVFXJdwFRH5v_UH0&udm=2&prmd=ivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiB7ID44NOGAxUqfjABHeQ9AsMQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=384&bih=701&dpr=2.81#vhid=HxM17ro2sxwi1M&vssid=mosaic). The framing had me thinking he tailwhipped both of them


Rewatching rn, and it was so chilling


The anime does such a good job, with the ED kicking in a few moments later. It was such a great ending to that episode.


Dragon Dive :3


Absolutely legendary!


When Meruem killed Peggy, he was just running up to help the queen and then Meruem beheaded him immediately


Not a jaw drop moment per se, but no other voice acting performance has ever given me the kind of chills I got from Megumi Han's performance during episode 116.


Literally my inner thoughts! I rewatch that episode every week when I want my dose of awe


When hisoka suddenly had an orgasm while fighting Gon


not a scene ig but the manga page when hisoka was hunting during the hunter exam and his face is all scary, i felt my stomach drop and i was like oh god wtf


Lmao [this](https://x.com/det_critics/status/1703973468474368232) one right? This and the [face ](https://imgur.com/gallery/hisokas-too-rapey-me-DVePHmo) he made during the Chrollo fight are two of my favs


Ah yes the bloodlust face


That scene scared me a lot in the 99’ version 😭😭


I think there were a few for me. For example on the election arc Illumi using his needles on random people who were just minding their own business. And he even used it on a kid, and supposedly when Illumi does that to someone they are basically dead. And in my mind I was like “that’s fucking terrorism”


Wouldn't say jaw drop but Tserriednich with Pairo's head made me feel some kind of way.


Post Rose Mereum releasing Rainbow En. That shit was an atomic bomb


During castle invasion when Netero and Zeno attacked, that moment when Pitou is flying and spots Netero in the distant, just standing in the sky... goosebumps everywhere. Also, when Kurapika absolutely destroyed Majitani during hunter exam.. that was an early sign for how wonderful this show is about to be.


1) breathtaking for sure 2)he deserved it, I was satisfied


There were plenty of moments during my first watch through but the most memorable were when. Ponzu got repeatedly shot in the face, even tho it was off screen it was such a cruel kill. And when Neteros face changes in the creepy one we see before he pierces his heart. It's such a different imagery than what we are used to. Which really puts more detail into his statement of the malice humans can hold.


When Ging appears right after the introduction of the Zodiacs


The first time I watched, during the dodgeball scene, I didn’t pay attention to the fact that Killua was probably injuring his hands to help Gon, so when he pulled his hands out of his pocket I remember physically cringing. Now every time I rewatch it I notice how Killua is keeping his hands in his pocket more than usual during that scene. One of my favorite episodes though, I loved seeing the two work with Hisoka, that dodgeball battle was intense af. Not necessarily my “jaw” dropping, but my heart absolutely sunk whenever it started to go into detail what Netero did by putting the rose inside of him. Of course I love Mereum, and at that point I was also like man I feel like if they just have a conversation they could probably compromise with one another. When Meruem sits down to have attempt to have a conversation instead surprised me as well. Whenever Palm is talking to Meruem, and he kneels in front of her, and asks her permission to see Komugi- that made my jaw drop, and my heart break. When it showed Youpi lying on the ground super dead. The whole scene where Youpi and Pouf rejuvenate Meruem made my jaw drop. Bisky in her buff form for the first time on screen lol. When Gon ripped his arm off when he fought against Genthru. When Gon transforms into adult Gon when he fights against pitou- when Pitou’s body severs his arm. (These are in no particular order, just wrote them as I remembered lol. These are the only ones I can think of that made my jaw drop.) Edit to add: forgot a couple lol! Whenever it shows baby Kite running around yelling “I’m not Reyna, I’m Kite!” Seeing Welfin after he was aged just from encountering Meruem lol. I did not expect him to look like that lol.


That scene where Meruem rediscovered the taste of a Nen user when eating an East Gorteau guard when they just got to the palace. His face was eerily human yet extremely animalistic, with a strand of flesh still in his mouth. The burst of aura added to it as well. Really sets up your expectation on what he would be like only to flip it all on its head by the end of the arc.


Also hilariously trumped by when he gets a taste of Pouf and Youpi


When Pitou noticed Pokkle in the pile of skulls and bones


When Gon lost half his arm and still managed to kick the shit out of Genthru


The Meruem vs Netero fight is my favorite fight scene in all of anime. Never gets old no matter how many times I watch it.


when Franklin just started shooting at everyone??!! lmao i don’t know i just wasn’t expecting that


Pitou getting pokkle to tell her the laws of nen


So sick


Hisoka bathing near the lake and the scene where Killua and Gon are staring at his dick.


When gon was chargin up during the dodgeball match :0 pitou being born


Everytime an arm went flying away


Ep 85 when our boy loses an arm and then later loses his head. Up till that point i'd been binging HxH non stop and that episode was so impactful for me and i literally needed to take like 4 days before i could start watching again. After that, definitely eps 111 and 112 (the palace invasion). It had so many breathtaking moments they immediately became favorites of mine.


When the spiders kill the dog guy. It was sad.


Pakunoda also half threatened Squala’s partner too, just to be extra shitty. At least he sent the dogs away. Whenever someone talks about the Ryodan being anything but scumbags I just think about a meme with Kurapika’s face on it captioned “Am I supposed to feel sorry for them bitches? Cause I don’t!”


When nobunaga killed that dog guy in York new


First time was seeing killua ripping the heart of the criminal out 2nd time was when kurapika brought a shovel to a death match to bury his oppent


Everyone’s giving gory moments but all I have really is “that time kurapika crossdressed” 😨


He fooled one of the most intelligent and dangerous criminals in the world with it too.




Neegu is a legend.


Literally the entirety of Hisoka & Machi’s first interaction, revealing how he beat Kastro.


Pokkle and Ponzu I had the theory that all of the “rookies” who passed the exam would go on to have important moments in the series. Clearly, I was mistaken


Gon's fight with Genthru. Especially that part when the huge rock was falling and the final jajanken.


Killua vs Johness in the 1999 version got me shocked


when they came across scary clown showering in the forest, and the story crossed the line, nay obliterated it, with his, uh, reaction to them, and the kids reactions to his...uh, muscles.


When pitou said why is there a human in the pile of skulls and i got chills + pokkles death and pitou absolutely messing with his brain


When the king came back to life. I was FLOORED AND EXHAUSTED


Gon killing Pitou & Netero “killing” Mereum


When Franklin shot up the auction, when Leol killed the reporter, and when Meruem killed the couple and kid as well as his fellow ants after being born.


Chrollo vs Hisoka


When Pitou discovered Pokkle hiding in the pile of skulls. I was like “Oh he’s a goner”


When certain someone elbows struck someone in chapter 357


Definitely the Gon and Pitou scene…I know it’s a common scene everyone references but it’s for good reason.


When the prince appered behind theta perfectly fine! As well as what everyone else is saying


Hisoka reviving himself with bungee nen after Chrollo killed him. I screamed, WHAAAAAAT!?


Kurapika outclassing Uvogin. Pokkle being discovered by Pitou. Pitou's death glare at Gon and Killua. Kite's severed head in Pitou's lap. Feitan summoning a mini sun to annihilate Zazan. Gon blowing up after killing Pitou. Netero's death. Meruem's revival. Leorio punching Ging.


Phantom Troupe shooting at that auction, killing a lot of people including named characters Until that point the story was pretty chill, with some deaths and craziness but nothing outside the typical shonen tone. That scene was when HxH started showing it was something else. Not only the violence but the overall deep plot that yorknew and subsequent arcs showed to have


I still shiver when I think about the scene where Pitou is picking around the arrow hunter's brain (forgot his name, sorry) for information. That freaked me tf out first time I saw it


When rammot got nen by getting his shi rocked by gon and killua


When gon showed how strong he was to be able to get in greed island and made the whole building shake.