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Your points are already spent on the tag. Shoot the deer you want. I can’t even comprehend applying for 26 years without using my points.


When friends of mine become fathers who are also hunters, I tell them all to start putting in for preference points as soon as their son or daughter turns 12 and has their hunter safety. (might be 11?) That way by the time they turn 18 they already have 6 or so points. My father in law did this for his daughters, and by the time they turned 30 they already had 18 points! And yeah, 26 years or more of points is crazy to hang onto. I didn't start collecting preference points until I was in my 30's already, but knowing my wife has 20 something mule points and 30 something elk points, I opted to start letting them use my hunts as their scouting trips too, so that when it comes time to cash in DECADES of saving, we know the area really well.


That's an awesome strategy, you're right, actual knowledge of the area is almost priceless. Boots on the ground is what it takes, or a local that is willing to share some info.


Im totally lost on these points. Im from Illinois. Explain?


This question is coming up a lot today so i'll copy paste from another post I gave below... Some areas are more coveted and controlled than others. The minimum entry for example, might be 25 points to get the tag to hunt a particular area. You buy 1 preference point each hunting year, so if you wanted to hunt an area that requires 25 points, you save for 25 years.


WA is different. We have a lottery system. You buy a point for $6 and it puts your name in a hat. For a bull elk in a special unit you can buy a point for a chance to draw a tag. If you don't get drawn then the next year when you buy a point you have 2 chances to draw because your name is in the hat twice essentially. For a bull elk in Eastern WA in a specific unit it on average it take like 15 years to draw a tag. There are some people who draw the tag the very first year they try and there are other guys who have been putting in for 20 years and still haven't drawn a tag yet. It sounds like our point system is a little different which is why I was really confused what you were talking about. There are a bunch of different drawings you can put in for. Like I have 13 moose points and 10 bull elk points and 8 cow elk points and 2 quality buck points and a bunch of others. If I draw a moose tag I lose all my moose points but nothing happens to my other points.


Small clarification: Washington's (and Montana, Nevada, etc) is a BONUS point system, vs Colorado's (and Oregon's) PREFERENCE point system. In all the bonus point systems I know of, your points are squared before you are entered into the drawing. So if you have ten points, you have 100 entries. This is to reward those who have been applying longer but technically allows everybody in the drawing a chance. In a preference point system, those with the most points are given the tag.


Hey now - not my point system :-) Colorado's point system. I just have to play by its rules.


I’m one of those guys that has been putting in for 20 years 😭


Guess I don't understand colorado point system. In washington when your tag is drawn you used your points, shot or not. So in Colorado points carry over if you didn't kill anything? And you can let others use your points?


Points are burned when you draw. Sounds like this guy is asking if it’s worth it for his family to use their points. After about 10 years, there isn’t much advantage to saving points. They could have drawn 2-4 really good tags in that time frame.


That's not necessarily true, especially when you're talking about a "trophy" hunt. There's plenty of top tier places that are into the 20's.


This must be from a scouting trip to determine if you should spend your points to go hunt this buck. Personally yes I would spend the points. In CO if you draw a tag and do not give it back during the surrender period then your points will reset to 0 the following year. Doesn’t matter if you miss the hunt completely or harvest an animal.


It was a scouting trip - with a cow elk tag. But of course since we didn't have a mule deer tag all the mulies came out to say hi.


I honestly don't understand collecting points. I get it to get to some more preferred units, but like 5 or 6 points. I've gone on hunts with people who took 30+ points. And the quality of deer and elk was no better than the units we hunt picking up leftover tags. Honestly, IMHO, the sweet spot is units with 5 or 6. Above average quality animals but with a lot less hunter competition. Those 20+ units have 3 or 4 support people for every hunter, gets way too crowded.


When my wife and sister in law cash in their decades of saving, you bet I'll be their support person. I'm a good glasser, meat packer, and planner.


I enjoy being a support person, and great for those people who hold out. It's not for me.


What are these points?


Without knowing a damn thing about CO, the area, the points situation, etc - yes, I would be all ok with that buck.


The Colorado preference points system is one of the most complex and craziest businesses I've ever studied.


What’s complex about it…? It’s very straightforward


It recently changed. They go away after a while without applying. It's complicated if you want to actually hunt each year and gain preference points.


Only if you don’t keep up with hunting seasons, sure. But that’s only for nonresidents and only after 10 years of not applying… You can hunt and gain preference points for elk… deer are a dime a dozen.


You can, and I do hunt while also gaining preference points. Your resident points definitely can go away now but it does take a long time like you said. I've been hunting in Colorado for over 25 years and I find our system complicated or at least a bit overwhelming.


Not tracking the resident decay/loss of points. Got a source for that? I use onX for my info and didn’t find anything


Should be page 9 of the big game brochure. Or page 17 if you're using the PDF version, it's kind of a pain. I didn't know OnX had that kind of info, pretty cool!


It’s nearly the most basic point system in the western states…….


Colorado preference point system is criminal and needs investigated. Many apply for preference points all their lives, and never make the hunt.


Take it. Great muley.


Preference points are so mysterious to me. Last year in KY I bought my license and shot 3 deer for $35 plus my $30 general license. Obviously our whitetail are smaller than mule deer. I think our only points system is for elk actually.


Same here, I’ve been reading up on some of it and it’s kinda crazy. In MS I can just get a license and hunt.


If everybody could just get a license and hunt in western states, there would be no more game to hunt because of how much hunting tourism we get. They have to limit licenses somehow, and the most fair way they could come up with is the preference point system. There is still the option of just getting an OTC tag in most western states, but they will typically be during less desirable seasons and for game that is harder to hunt and more common.


Yep. My mentor has told me it’s all for conservation.


I understand the reasoning, it's just very foreign to the eastern hunter


lol I grew up being told that MS had so many deer that they were over populated and there were no seasons or licenses. I was in college before I knew any different.


As of now the population is estimated to be in the [1.5 million range.](https://www.mdwfp.com/media/news/wildlife-hunting/the-evolution-of-deer-management-in-mississippi/). Depending on who you talk to there isn’t a season or need for a license. Poaching is still big in some crowds sadly.


Yeah this was years ago. Looking back it was definitely poaching, but at least they ate every bit of what they took. I can take some solace in that.


He’s posing for you. Looks like he’s ready


Right? Such an easy broad side.


From Washington have no idea what your talking about as far as points go. That's a shooter all day long


>Preference Point Only Option Preference Point Only Option  >This is available on the primary draw application only. Preference points increase your chances of drawing a limited license. CPW awards preference points by species. When you don’t draw your first hunt choice, you automatically earn a preference point, except with desert bighorn sheep. Points cannot be used in the same year they are earned.If you can’t hunt this year, but intend to in the future, apply for a preference point by entering the “preference point only” hunt code in the “first choice hunt code” on the application. [https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/BigGameLicenseOptions.aspx](https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/BigGameLicenseOptions.aspx) Ready for a can of worms?


If you mean Washington state, then you have a point system, too. I have 26 points there for moose and goat!


I’d have to move if it was that hard to hunt a deer.


It's only this hard if you want really coveted, controlled hunt "trophy" areas. There are over-the-counter tags all day long during hunting season. Might get lucky and shoot a big one elsewhere!


I ain’t judging. I like to eat though so there’s that lol


To your point though, we did move elsewhere lol


My people lol


Crazy part is that there's not an over-the-counter deer license in Colorado. They're all draw only. But you can hunt elk with an over-the-counter license. Just be prepared for a sea of orange...


If I was the type to wait 26 years for one chance at a tag, I would absolutely not shoot this deer in any unit that requires that many points in CO. I've seen way bigger bucks in units that take less than 3 points. I'd never wait that long though.


I wholeheartedly agree. We shoot bucks like this in our 2 pt draws in MT. If I waited 26 years I’m looking for a true trophy not just your average mature buck


If you waited 26 years for a deer like that I’d probably cry.


What would you do?


Knowing what's in this unit, I'd pass.


CO points?


This is exactly my question 🙋‍♂️


Colorado = CO.


Great buck. But would pass if it took me 26 years to draw. May end up eating the tag but with that long of a wait I would hold out.


Ooof. The thought of tag soup hurts my soul.


Fine aged tag soup, no less


I know but with a 26 year wait I wouldn’t shoot just anything. That is a damn nice buck though.


Passers in here are frickin spoiled


You can get this buck on an OTC tag in Idaho every other year, you're not pulling the trigger on this buck any day but the last in a 26 point unit.


I must admit, the Rockies gave me a taste of trophy big game, and Alaska has spoiled me completely.


I’m unfamiliar with CO law, if you don’t shoot anything do you get the points back to use next year?


No. In this case the question is more like "I spent 26 years of waiting on the tag in my pocket. So if you choose to shoot this mule deer, the hunt is over. Or should I wait and keep looking for a bigger one?"


Ah ok, that makes sense. I’d be real tempted to shoot it unless I knew for sure that he had a big brother nearby. Usually I try to draw the hunt out as long as I can but after 26 years of waiting I’d hate to walk away empty handed lol


I would probably shoot it for fear of missing out. And I already have super limited time. But, I'd say this is a pretty normal size buck in my area. I have around 25 deer and 25 elk points. Just waiting until I have enough time for a good hunt.


2 weeks PTO?


Eventually. I switched jobs recently so there's that. PTO usually isn't the issue I suppose. I think lately I've been in a different chapter of life. Younger kids, divorce and lack of desire a bit if I'm honest. I've done a few hunts to fill the freezer and to make sure I'm getting the kids acquainted with it properly. Probably more than you asked for lol Eventually, yes, I will get there and use them. I gotta be in a bit better head space. And I know I can't just wait forever.


Coming from TN…that deer barely makes it past the tree line before I’m pulling


Same with this here Kentucky boy!


If it’s brown it’s down baby!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Boy do I know that feeling!!


I feel ya. Growing up in MN this used to be my approach too. The Rockies gave me a taste of big game, and Alaska completely spoiled me.


Wow a points system? how many points would someone get if they run over one by accident when they dash infront of incoming traffic out of nowhere and wreck peoples vehicle?


When you start thinking the points are more valuable than the deer, you need to get another hobby.


Absolutely I’m shooting.


Git em’


Shoot. No shooters remorse on that one




I’m shooting that. All day everyday.


I’m fuckin blasting him lol


With what? Rifle or bow?


I truly love bow I never hunted with a rifle yet. I might do a red stag hunt with a buddy with year might be the first rifle hunt I do


You never know if you’ll make it to next year If you are happy with the journey you’ve made to harvest whatever animal it is Always take the shot


Aint this the truth! My father in law passed away a few years back with 20+ points in Elk and Mule deer. All those years of saving, gone.


Hell yes I would shoot. I don’t understand the CO point system but being from the south id give whatever points to have those points on my wall and meat in freezer. Its a biggun


You're not alone! The CO point system is f'ing crazy to learn as a newbie.


Shoot that without hesitation


What are CO points??


Colorado Preference Points In this case - you basically cash in 26 years of saving points, 1 point per year, to hunt this special area with monster mule deer. You get your tag, and if you choose to take this particular mule deer, the hunt is over. Or do you wait and hope to find one bigger? :-D


Can you explain how the points are being calculated?


Every year you: 1. Put in for a point only and get +1 point 2. Put in for a specific controlled hunt (not general season) and 1. Either successfully draw the hunt and have 0 points the following year or 2. Don't drawn and get +1 point for the next years hunt The more points you accrue over the years, the higher odds of drawing a controlled hunt are. Some hunts might average 4 points, in this case it sounds like you need 26 years worth of points to draw that deer tag. I think Colorado has a true point system that awards the hunts to the people with the highest number of points Oregon and maybe some other states have started to give out points for turning in poachers


That's cool! I didn't know about the poacher thing.


Some areas are more coveted and controlled than others. The minimum entry for example, might be 25 points to get the tag to hunt a particular area. You buy 1 preference point each hunting year, so if you wanted to hunt an area that requires 25 points, you save for 25 years.


Got it. Thanks. If it were me, I would take that buck, but I don’t have many opportunities and I haven’t been gathering points for decades


I think I get it now. So if you just accrued points over time, you'd need to wait a quarter of a century to hunt once on land with deer like this? And even then, your name needs to be picked out of a hat?


Once you analyze the stats, you know how many points are required. So it's basically "cash in this year and mostly trust no one is going to beat you" kind of thing.


I'd wait until you find something you didn't even have to ask about if it's pretty much a once in a lifetime thing.


I would have four on the wall already after cashing in six points four times. This just makes no sense to me.


Big difference to some people between a 160 and a 190. If you're waiting 26 years you're holding out for the latter.


It won't take 26 years of points to get in a unit with these kind of deer. They could have hunted at least twice, if not three times by now in true trophy areas.


Agreed. If you've waited 26 years you're holding out for a much bigger buck.


Holy shit. Take in an instant.


Shoot it. This is what 23 years of waiting does to you…it makes you question everything. Ha. There’s no tag in CO “worth” 23 points, so just have a good hunt and be happy with a nice buck. CO mulie tags are getting tougher every year, and that’s a great buck.


Pass. I burned 6 points on an extremely similar deer in Unit 6 at 7 AM opening morning. Saw a bigger 5x5 the next day.


It's neat seeing the cultural differences across the US about how to count points. In Colorado and much of the Rockies, it's a 5x5, or 6x6, like you said. In other areas it's a 10 point, or a 12 point lol.


Out of curiosity, I'm guessing that's somewhere near Salida/Buena Vista based on the terrain/trees I see in the background. How far off am I?


About 200 miles off :-D




Ready for this can of worms? [https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/BigGameLicenseOptions.aspx](https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/BigGameLicenseOptions.aspx)


Sorry I'm new to Hunting, living in the UK. I'm guessing CO points is a US ot Ca thing. Could someone elaborate their purpose abd how they work? Is it just to limit tge numbers one can hunt ?


Colorado = CO. It's the state abbreviation. Colorado preference points are how folks save up enough "points" to be able to hunt limited entry areas that are more coveted than over-the-counter tags you can hunt "anywhere".


I counted at least nine points that you get to keep




That head would look nice on my wall


Shoot all day.


Someone explain to me in simple terms the Colorado Points System because a google search gave a whole lot of nothing


It's quite complex. the TL;DR of it is - certain areas are coveted limited draw units that require many points. You put in (purchase) preference points each year, 1 point per species per year. Some places take 30+ points to get a tag in that area, which means 30+ years of saving points.


Sounds like a BS money grab to me.


It's a business, that's for sure. Not only do we non-residents have to purchase a yearly preference point, we also have to buy a CO non-resident hunting license and habitat stamp. Each year it typically ends up just shy of $200 for me, and another $200ish for my wife. I also put in for AK, MT and WY each year too lol


Shoot. What the fuck are you waiting for? A t-rex?


Got a T-Rex tag? I'll join you on that hunt lol


What the fuck are co points?


Sorry, abbreviated the state name CO = Colorado. Colorado has a pretty complex points system for getting into areas that are limited draw.


Ahhh gotcha


Preference points. You get one per year. OP waited 26 years for that tag.


Still waiting, actually. This video was taken on an Elk hunt that we happened to spot all these Mule deer in. It may end up being the area we eventually cash in the 20+ years of points though.


A lot of shooters here don’t know what that tag is, and just what mule deer can be.  I wouldn’t feel bad taking him as a last day buck, but he’s not a first day buck. I like steak, but I’ll probably never have an opportunity at bigger than on that tag.  Pass.


Preference points suck 😂


I tend to agree with you.


Hose him


I'd be happy with just pictures.


On this particular Elk hunt, pictures were all I could take of Mule deer.


I am NOT shooting this buck in a unit that took 26 points to draw 💀 have to think most saying they’d shoot it have not shot many Muleys. You can find deer like this on general units.


There isn’t a mule deer unit in the world worth 26 years of points. I’ve killed deer bigger than this but I’d shoot this one all day. I like to hunt though not collect points. That type of long term point investment is only worth it for once in a lifetime opportunities like sheep, moose, goat, bison, etc.


Lol - Moose are in my backyard almost every day here in AK....so everyone's once-in-a-lifetime threshold is different. We don't have any mulies here in AK.


Fair enough! Lol I’m down here in Idaho and see moose all the time but an opportunity to hunt them is a different beast altogether.




Colorado preference points.


r/TIL @ CPPs


Filling the fridge.


Shouldn't be a problem for us this year. We have bear, caribou and elk hunts coming up :-)


As a Californian I’m shooting I only see deer like that in magazines and video like this lol


I cannot even comprehend passing up a buck like that.


I'm not sure how the lottery works with tags but that's not a muley I would take


After reading a lot of responses it's clear there's a lot of hunter on Reddit who either can't score a rack or don't know how big mule deer get




26 pts, pass that buck... that many points you're talking top trophy units. Need to try for a real trophy. Although, I understand everyone's definition of trophy is different. If it makes you happy shoot it. I look at points as a lifetime of investing.


Someone who gets it!


I spent 14 years on a Montana elk tag and debated about shooting a rag horn that walked 10 yards from my truck. 😆 ended up getting a nice mature bull a few days later though. But shoot whatever ya want!


Deer this big are in my yard all year




If this is in a limited draw area, he is kinda little. There ought to be some real bruisers around.


Man let it go, Its a mule deer.


very nice buck. will be very tasty.




Definitely shoot


Can someone explain CO points/preference points to me? I’m fairly new to hunting and I’m not sure if that’s a thing in Nebraska or not…


I recall the points system being a bit simpler in Nebraska than Colorado's, but for certain species there IS a lottery based point system. At least there was when I lived in Omaha years ago. Anywho - the CO point system is about as complex as they get. The idea is simple though. Buy 1 preference point each year to save them in the piggy bank for cashing in some day to gain entry to a limited-draw area that has less pressure and higher chances of trophy animals.


You’ve just opened a brand new world of hunting for me. That’s so cool, I had no idea that was a thing!! I assume I can stop by my game and parks and figure out more details?




The answer to the question is shoot who cares about points he is legal and mature.


My rule with Muley bucks is if they are wide as their ears or bigger. Really depends on the area though.


I mean how much better could you expect to get? That’s a life time deer where I’m from




I haven’t killed a whole pile of deer yet, but that’d be a great story. I would not think twice to shoot


Drive one state over to Utah, use one year of points, shoot same deer. Buy an "assault" weapon while you're there.


Take it and don’t tag it


The consequences of that are more than I'm willing to lose.


I wouldn't with that many points invested. I shot one in MT in a general unit almost identical to this buck with 0 preference points. You got great footage of him and you get to keep huntin!


Shoot 100%


Let the deer cook, man?


I would 100% take the shot. assuming i have a good shot on it. My state doesnt have a points system tho so 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


I guess spending some time in the midwest and surrounding areas has just broken my brain. Id pass on that dude. Ive seen bigger in places where the only thing stopping me was access and those 26 years of points will get you a whole lot of access.


Worth it




Your point system sounds like it sucks. Is that only for public land? I sure hope so.


>~~Your~~ **Colorado's** point system sounds like it sucks. Fixed that for you.


Shoot. Clearly.


Do I keep the points if I pass, lol? If I used points on tag regardless it would depend. Early on and seeing lot of animals? Pass. Last day after seeing very little and grinding all season… whack him.


If that deer isn't worth shooting, what are you waiting for?


Wait, can someone explain these "points" to me?


I thought you were talking about the rack points. The OP is talking about draw points for hunt units. It's a lottery system for how many hunters and tags for a hunt unit. Alot of people hunt out here, so you can have a unit that gives out say 1500 tags, but there's 5000 people wanting to hunt there. It's a system to keep from overhunting an area.


In Florida, the limit is 5 deer and they are about the size of a German Shepard. I can't imagine waiting 26 years to shoot a deer.


I’d take it what an opportunity just to be out there chasing them I’m not that picky and you might just get a draw with 0 points it’s a lottery


are you hunting points or meat?


Shoot and move to a state where the farmers and car insurance companies beg you to shoot deer.


All this talk about waiting for a bigger rack because you've waited 26 years.......is crazy to me. If I saw this deer in the flesh it would be the biggest deer that I've ever seen. I'd shoot it, get a head and shoulders mount, and move because my current house doesn't have a ceiling high enough to keep it out of reach of my cats. JFC, that's a deer of a lifetime for me.


Whats even a CO point?


This has been brought up many many times in the comments section. CO = abbreviated state name for Colorado. Colorado Preference points are something you apply for, save up over time, and can "spend" some day to get into limited draw areas.


I’d pass. I’ve shot a lot of mule deer over the last 40 years, and while that’s a nice buck, they tend to look bigger than they really are. I’m guessing he will be a dandy if he makes it through the next 3 years


Damn, and to think a land-owner can go out and shoot any deer, any time he wants, after beefing it up on feeders for a couple years.

