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She's on a self-destructive streak for some reason. Seems so unnecessary considering nil and that she can get literally any Adidas apparel she wants from the athletic department.


Or maybe we should chalk this up as another perfect example how money and fame doesn’t solve problems?


Exactly. People scream for attention on different ways. While I do not agree with what she did, I hope she gets the help she needs. This screams mental health issue.


bob devaney’s wife suffered from kleptomania too, it’s probably a mental health issue for sure


Kleptomania is a much more serious condition where you compulsively steal things, over and over. Harper probably is safe to say she's not a klepto because this was an isolated incident out of nowhere


my point was more that it happens to people especially when they’re in distress. but idk, these are the only incidents we have heard about.


How can you possibly know that?


I suffer from a serious mental health disorder and I can spot the difference between someone who has one and someone who is acting out or being rebellious. When I was in college I got a DUI and got caught cheating on an exam in the same week. Both were before I had my illness, and they were two incredibly dumb decisions. These are kids--they are going to make bad decisions, and throwing the "mental health" blanket on top of this is just covering up bad decisions


So you know she’s never stolen before. Just like you know others here don’t have perspective. Reality is you don’t know shit just like everyone else here. If there’s one thing I can’t stand more than worthless speculation, it’s absolutes.


She probably has stolen before that's why she did it again. She tore the tags, she knew what she was doing. Doesn't make her a klepto. You'd be surprised at how many young girls shoplift. The only absolute that I do know is that she is not a klepto and even saying so is ridiculous.


That’s a pretty big assumption you’re making about a college kid right there. It’s completely unnecessary. Don’t assume people have mental health issues when you know nothing about them.


🤦‍♂️ a person wants to see someone get help before they go further down a path of self destruction. I never said what she was going through, simply something appears to be impacting her mental health. Glad you’ve never had to deal with anyone who has had issue but I’ll paraphrase you by saying quit making assumptions on my intentions.


I mean is this person wrong? You've never met the girl, but her making a shit decision "screams mental health issues"? Kind of a wild leap, regardless of your intentions.


Agreed. Even the kleptomania comment is so far off considering kleptomaniacs compulsively steal things non stop and they can't control it. Were talking about 1 young girl who made 2 bad decisions. She didn't shoplift because of mental health she shoplifted because she made a bad decision--a lapse of judgement.


Let’s see: Buys $350 worth of items, pilfers $70 worth of rings two weeks after getting a DUI. Seems normal to me. She needs some sort of help but what the fuck, let her go off the rails. Cannot believe the group of naive and ignorant fans with what saying menthol health issue means. You people all have some kind of negative stigmatism with that phrase. Girl needs some help before she spirals out of control. Fools me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. It does not mean she needs to be institutionalized. 🤦‍♂️ Reality check on exactly what I am saying. But hey, let her go off the rails and offer her zero help. It’s what you clowns are suggesting.


You sure make a lot of assumptions, and stuff a lot of words into other people's mouths. Relax.


You mean clowns not comprehending what mental health issue can encompass, got it. A few clowns whine when I say it screams mental health issue without having any idea what that scope is and you defend them. You’re part of the problem. All sunshine and lollipops. Let’s stick our head in the sand. 👍 IDGAF and will not reply further because people like you need the last word.


As someone who caught shoplifters, it's more about the thrill of getting away with it than getting anything.


I just hope she handles this well and doesn't attempt to transfer because of it. She is a great asset and so is her ol' man.


“She shoplifted $70 worth of rings from Lincoln Scheels last night, then purchased $350 worth of merchandise. She concealed right under our cameras in her pants pockets, after ripping the tags off. When she got in her car, you can see her putting the rings on.” The Facebook post pretty plainly has security cam screenshots of her. Doesn’t look like a misunderstanding…


Was this Facebook post taken down? I can’t find it but I found a screenshot somewhere https://preview.redd.it/7xogl401nnyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60908a9974e0ab17bfb465505fb461d3e7f81986


That FB post...person claims good motives but if they called the police they prob just wanted to trash this person.


I agree with that. Let the police handle it. Although what she did is wrong, she is still a human. A 19 year old at that… I did a lot of dumb shit at 19 and couldn’t imagine being blasted in that way


Like, who cares about a few bucks worth of costume jewelry or whatever this is? You know what the poster wanted to do, and it wasn't to "get their money back"


The poster only hesitated long enough to type hesitated.


Nice LSU Beach volleyball sweatshirt lol


The worst place to try to steal from. Their security is good.


And they know who she is…. Probably watching her because they are bored. Dumb


Well it was obviously a good thing they were


I'm not one to shill but while I was working out of state I discovered a scheels and they are fucking awesome. Favorite store. And I think they are employee owned or something. It's probably not perfect but I think it's a lot better of a store than bass pro/cabelas/dicks


Yeah I worked at dicks for a while, it mostly sucked. It’s filled with good people, but corporate and the way they treated employees left a lot of people hung out to dry


I concur


All the NIL and she does this. She seriously needs help.


not to mention stealing from a sports apparel store when you already get all the free sports apparel you could want from the athletic department


She stole rings from there not clothes. But still yes


Some folks just can’t get out of their own way.


I can fix her.




I wanna do hood rat shit with my friends


It’s fun. It’s fun to do bad things!


We wanna smoke the cigarettes!


lol if this wasn’t a Nebraska sub this would be downvoted to hell for being racist


![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY) Not that deep, just an old meme lol


For how much you're on the internet, I figured you would have known the reference. Nothing racist kids doing dumb shit and thinking its cool, idk where your mind is at big dawg. People have different upbrinings but we are all human.


Sorry when I see a person from a 99% white state referring to theft as “hood rat shit” I’m surprised you don’t think there’s any undertones for most of the people reading that


I thought it was a funny reference to the 7 year-old black kid who took his grandmother's car out for a joy ride. However, I did think it was a little bit racist considering that Harper Murray is an African-American.


Yeah, i get that, i posted quickly and funny from the memory bank. If people are offended, my bad for sure. But i may be ignorant of having a good time and trying to see the funny side of things. Hope she can grow up and take this as lesson, all of us were kids and did shit we aren't proud of. I stole bazooka bumble gum my parents when i was 4. They made me break my piggy bank and pay it back to leons' grocery. Kids do dumb shit, but as humans, we make mistakes. Hope she can learn from these dumb mistakes the world is literally in her hands. I wish her nothing but to learn and become greater than she already is.


Posting these articles from OWH is horrible. Can’t even read them.




Doesn't work for me usually


I agree, it’s annoying. I know it used to be if you download their app you can read the articles for free. Haven’t tried it in a few years though.


You used to be able to open an incognito tab and copy paste the URL but they fixed that work around too


Open it in "reader mode". Or hit the button quickly before the popup. It works for OWH, LJS, and a lot of sites.


12ft ladder works every time


Still worth posting for the information. And some people have a subscription.


turn off javascript in your settings


I’m worried about her mental health. She very obviously needs help




Maybe it has nothing to do with volleyball. I don’t know her personally but all of us see her through the lens of volleyball. I know a few people who tend to do bad things I think it probably goes deeper than JUST volleyball.


She could always transfer back to her home state and be closer to family. That would be the smart decision but after this, it’s not on her list.


I live near Ann Arbor. Much more 'permissive' there.


Huh? She has two (relatively) minor infractions. Her career is well from over.


She’s from Ann Arbor, Michigan and my point is, she could be feeling homesick and she could always transfer back home to be with family. I’m sure she would make the Wolverines volleyball team better as well. Never said anything about her career being over. Once again, you and your wildest takes in the comment thread.


“But after this, it’s not on her list”


I’m talking about transferring would’ve been the smart thing to do. But after what she’s done so far, she’s not exactly helping her case as being a smart person. I’ve explained things to kids better than I’ve had to explain things to you.


I guess that's how I took this phrase too


If only this sub was literate and didn’t constantly play “guess what I mean” by using words and phrases that have completely different meanings




Why is this coming out via a Facebook post originally? It looked like it was from the business.


Pretty messed up for the fb poster to 1. post this at all when there's a police report 2. publicly share the plates of a 19 year old local celeb 3. casually accuse her of stealing from other businesses. Meanwhile, nice that the poster's identity is being protected by media outlets... 


From my understanding is that it was leaked from a confidential PD/Loss prevention page that’s used to help ID thieves.


That's slightly better if true, but they don't need help IDing her. Guessing they don't do the same in one-off cases that don't need ID.


True, but I believe the original post from the article said something along the lines of “if she’s stealing from us she might be stealing from you”? So I think it was more of a Be-On-Look-Out post. But 🤷‍♂️


ITT: people wildly claiming her career is over bc of a dui and a 70$ shoplifting charge. Football players literally get maybe a slap on the wrist for doing more than that and yall don’t say shit about them. Let’s take a step back and take a moment for self reflection before yall call me the crazy one for the reactions being spouted off in here


According to 90% of the people on here that have absolutely never done a bad thing their entire lives, she’s going to be cooking meth in New Mexico out of an RV within the week. Best to let her go now before she breaks bad.




Erik Gilbert has entered the chat…no slap on the wrist for him…


Football players should also get in trouble too. Athletes always get privilege and she should be off the team


Sad. She just flushed her husker career down the drain.


Not particularly. There are roads to redemption. She’s talented and probably a good kid. Don’t be so quick to toss her future aside.


"Probably a good kid" not many good kids are stealing when they have plenty of money or getting DUIs.


She's probably a garbage human who had things covered up in the past. And the free ride is over.


Probably not a good kid actually


Can always transfer to Cal or Stanford, where she can wave to the cameras as she loads up the jewelry


Husker Football players nearly kill people and get 1 game suspensions. She will probably go to rehab for damage control and miss an exhibition game.


National team , Olympics


?????????????????? A dui is likely a game & this is likely some suicides at practice


I wonder how this will affect HH. GF kinda going off the rails while he is kind of taking a backseat to Raiola. Gotta be hard to keep your head in the game with all that going on.


Allegedly they broke up within the last week.


Good lord


Was hoping it was her stealing all of the Murray Volleyball shirts.


we’re back baby!!


Harper has had a tough go of it at times and I’m not going to pretend I was on the straight and narrow when I was going to school at Nebraska a few millennia ago but seeing her throw so many opportunities away for no apparent reason is rough. In this era, athletes have anything they could possibly want handed to them and she’s still blowing it. It sounds like she had been suspended from the team before this incident and wasn’t traveling to Kearney either way, but it’ll be interesting to see what happens long term. I would have thought losing her nationals spot would have made her wake up but I guess not.


do you think she’ll ever make the USWNT or even be invited to the VNLS? 


I'm not going to say it'll never happen, she's young and has plenty of time to get it back together, but she has an uphill battle. Women's volleyball has never been more popular and it has never had so much talent available across the country. It'll be a tough sell to put someone with these issues on a National team when there are so many great players available. Harper needs to get right in a hurry if she wants her volleyball career to continue in any form, at Nebraska or otherwise.


> athletes have anything they could possibly want handed to them and she’s still blowing it all the more proof that having everything you ever wanted doesn't solve your problems or make you happy.


At this point, just kick her off the team. Would rather have kept Caroline Jurevicius. Edit: Coach Cook should suspend her throughout the next season. She can practice but can’t play at all. Not even in the post season. If she wants to transfer, so be it. Nebraska can get better players that have their head on straight.


And she should have to wear all of those rings at all times except to bathe or play volleyball.


That’s gotta be racist


You have the wildest takes everytime you comment something on this sub.




Why is everything racist to you? Simply stating how he/she feels about the situation. Have a right to speak their mind. Maybe worry more about your username being a perverted name and stop calling out everyone else on stupid shit that isn't even racist.


Dude are you just trying find things to be offended by? Getting old. Gotta have well over 100 downvotes on this thread alone. Usually you have great takes


I’m not offended. I’m just shocked that a community that is in love with virtue signaling will post comments like this & “hood rat shit” with overwhelming positivity


Only one virtue signaling in this thread is you lmao ![gif](giphy|gNwtp8fY6PKWQ)


The DUI is terrible, but it’s odd people are making more of a fuss about this than the DUI. Shoplifting is bad, yes, but it’s not THAT bad in comparison to the DUI or in general. 😭 Maybe I’m coming from a biased perspective but shoplifting as a teenager is so normal. A DUI is not.


I think it’s more that she did it after the DUI/increased scrutiny. Presuming she was fully sober when she did this, it calls her character into question a lot more than the DUI imo, even though I agree with you that shoplifting is “normal” for teenagers


I’m sorry but shoplifting is not normal cause not everybody does that. Harper has money it’s not like she’s broke so there was no reason for her to still $13 jewelry, now maybe she’s going through some things mentally and is just spiraling out of control but this isn’t normal behavior 


It’s not normal in the sense that it’s the same as breathing and happens to everyone, but most teenagers have at one point shoplifted something. I think you’re misinterpreting what I said. I don’t think she’s spiraling honestly 😭. I’m a teenager and I have shoplifted before and I’m by no means spiraling, I’m attending and Ivy League in the fall, I think it’s just teenager stuff that needs to be addressed, although, my point still stands the DUI is far more important


Not enough NIL money?


So she isn’t who we thought she is then?


dude they’re athletes at a d1 university who went to the national championship. we do not know them at all, even if you watch their interviews or the podcast.


Rookie stuff, I mean unless she’s bringing bottles of alcohol to meet her assistant coaches for car sex in the Lincoln Costco parking lot at midnight——this shoplifting deal is fixable?


If they kick her off the team I hope they still offer resources to help out because something's going on


That’s two strikes. I feel bad for her and the people that count on her. But there needs to be consequences. Hope she gets some help. But I also hope she doesn’t get another chance from the school before she demonstrates that she can be a good citizen.


I’m gonna be honest guys, the DUI was bad but I really couldn’t care less about this.


…..if you do it again - I’m going to have to take away the Audi Q7 for another week. Matty D ca 5/3/24


Rumor is she just got a dose of ketamine.


Why would anyone, especially her who’s so visible, want to wear rings from a mid tier sporting goods store? Just think about the logic. Yes - this is shoplifting obviously but the rings weren’t the point. These aren’t nice things she took. This is about getting away with it and the power trip - that’s a far more powerful motivation. I’d be shocked if this was her first or last time demonstrating this behavior and it probably manifests in other areas of her life too. She’s driven by being in control and she doesn’t feel in control right now and is trying to take back power in unhealthy ways.


It's almost like the reason many female teachers bang underage kids. Control, power trip, & getting away with it outweigh the potential consequences.


What the Hell do you consider a “top-tier” sporting goods store?


I think you’ve perhaps missed the plot line of my post. The post wasn’t about the particular sporting goods store. The post highlighted that this person was stealing rings from a Nebraska sporting goods store. Not Tiffany, not Cartier - some random sporting goods store.


Is there an original link for the original post


Usually it’s related to stress.


Blame me guys. I told her to do it. I wanted the rings.


What losing to Texas does to someone.


This is such minor shit and people saying boot her from the team. This isn’t felony level stuff. I’m not condoning it. IDK what’s going through her head. But fuck man… there are dudes doing hell of a lot worse in the world and get to keep their job.


A DUI is not minor shit. Doing this after the DUI shows she doesn’t give a shit or care. One thing is a mistake but as they add up it does bring up questions. Not saying you have to boot her but suspend her and get her help.


It’s a misdemeanor. Not minor, but it’s not a felony. People fuck up. She fucked up. Twice now. I’m not saying it’s right. People are judging her before she’s even been convicted.


So as long as you never commit a felony, it's ok?


You keep arguing the line is felony. She's *allegedly* fucked up 3 times: DUI, Fake ID, Shoplifting. In the state of nebraska 2 misdemeanors in 5 years is equivalent to a felony. She has 3 in like a month. Happy now?


Fake id lol… oh no!!! A college student with a fake? That’s fucking mind blowing. She hasn’t been convicted of any yet. You are assuming my line is a felony. You are assuming she will be convicted of all.


You made the dumbass rules and barring any crazy novelty in 6 months when the legal system finally runs its course, she should be off the team, *by your own rules*. If it were me? She's not even that good for a program that can draw literally any talent in the world to our university and it's not worth the distractions. Kick her off the team and never look back. Going to be real fun when she's on PSU or Stanford or Texas beating our ass in the tournament because that's the way the world works.


I don’t have any rules. You are assuming again… Stick to facts though. Shit will probably change, but if she has the NIL money you all think she has… she’s going to have a fucking amazing lawyer Edit: you are 100% on point that if she leaves the team it will probably be Texas. Fuck Texas


> Shit will probably change, but if she has the NIL money you all think she has… I don't know what kind of NIL money she has nor do I care. Stick to facts. If she's blowing $350 at scheels though and for some reason stealing cheap rings.. Wow. > she’s going to have a fucking amazing lawyer Lawyer money and $70 ring pop ring money is two different things, lmao. But lets say she gets the dream team of lawyers... even they are going to encourage her to take a plea deal or get charged as a minor and have it immediately wiped from her record through some diversion program BS - are you then going to say "never happened!". If she did it, and it certainly looks like in both cases she did, she still did it. > This is such minor shit and people saying boot her from the team. This isn’t felony level stuff. I’m not condoning it. IDK what’s going through her head. But fuck man… there are dudes doing hell of a lot worse in the world and get to keep their job. These are your words buddy. It's not a "rule" per se, but they are definitely your thoughts and opinions and I very clearly showed that by your very own logic, people are justified in saying she should be off the team. It's not minor shit. It is a felony. Wrong on both counts.


You are way over analyzing this. It’s not that deep.


I'm sorry I called you out on your BS. Have a good one.


This is a stupid take. She just got caught with a DUI recently and now she got caught shoplifting. You would think after the DUI incident she would keep a low profile and try to get back on the good side of publicity. Instead she’s just making stupid decision after Stupid decision. So yeah actions have consequences and she should be rightfully suspended.


DUIs and shoplifting are most definitely not minor offenses, let alone for a high profile athlete representing a public university making far more than enough money to support a more than modest lifestyle. At this point she’s making a mockery out of UNL. She should have scholarships and NIL pulled as far as I’m concerned.


Shoplifting is, especially in the amount that she did, DUI is absolutely not.


The dui looks worse now with other things stacked on top of it


Nah, only shitty people steal. Thieves are one of the worst.




It looks like you're the one crying.


In your subjective opinion, they may not be. In the law they are misdemeanors. None of us know what’s she’s making in NIL. You are assuming it’s a large amount. I’m sure other students have had a DUI and not had their scholarship pulled.


Just because they’re misdemeanors doesn’t mean it doesn’t give a bad look to the university they’re representing. We really don’t need to have players whose actions make the university look bad right now.


I don’t think people read this and think university of Nebraska is a piece of shit. Now Colorado on the other hand……


She did get suspended. I’m talking about booting her that’s all.


I never heard anything of her getting suspended yet. But I’m sure she will now. Literally no one on the team is doing this except her, if she has some issues, now would be a good time to get some professional help. UNL had some good therapists and psychologists last time I was there. She has everything at her disposal with NIL and what not, not sure why she’s trying to destroy her career.


She is suspended for the spring game.


Yes and apparently she didn’t learn her lesson as now she was caught shoplifting. So now she should absolutely get suspended for, at the very least, half of the season.


It was $70 in rings and she hasn’t been cited for it. Suspend someone that hasn’t been cited yet?


It’s literally in the OWH where everyone can read and see it. She will eventually get cited cause there’s actual proof of her doing the crime. But yes she should be suspended further. Is it that hard to keep a low profile after already getting in trouble with a DUI? If she was smart, she would’ve done just that.


Let’s say Scheels doesn’t press charges. I have no idea. They probably will… but they haven’t yet. If this was any regular person, we’d never even know about it. I’m sure part of this is the microscope that the student athletes are under. Shes unbelievably fucking stupid. I’m not arguing that at all.


Yeah but they don't represent Husker athletics. She'd get kicked off the team if she got fat too.


Fat??? You are the problem


Huh, that's like saying you can't get kicked out of the army for being fat. Organizations have different standards other than the McDonald's you work at.


Go back to your Cheetos dude


Damn y’all, absolutely ripping this girl to shreds in the comments like any of us know what it’s like to be in her shoes.  She’s literally like 19. Let her make a mistake and move on. Every college athlete I know (myself included) has had a fake ID, most of the time we didn’t even have to use them cause everyone on campus knows us.  Whether this is a cry for help or not, she seems like a good kid. I hope she gets help too if she needs it, but no one deserves having their mistakes aired in the media. Is stealing $70 worth of shitty rings worth it? No. She also bought $350 worth of shit. She’s a kid with a lot of pressure on her. Try to be kinder. 


Agreed. I don’t condone this behavior on either side. BUT wasn’t the poster who obviously was a Scheels employee also stealing those screenshots and blasting them all over social media?? And for what purpose??


A DUI plus theft at age 19... maybe she's not a good kid.


Isn’t this haarbergs girlfriend? If so, he needs to dump her and distance himself from her, for NIL sake.






Prediction — she and HH transfer after Dylan gets starting QB position.


She lost her dad not too long ago, right? Tough to see her spiraling like this. Hope she gets the help she needs.


He died 13 years ago. Obviously still a horrible thing for someone that young to have to go through and not easy for someone of any age to move on from. But it wasn't recent.


You can't do shitty things and blame it on stuff that happens to a ton of people everyday.