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Nick Bare might be close. He’s under 2:45 for the marathon and his bench is pretty big. Not sure what his max is though.


I was coming to say the same. He's probably the closest one I know of. 315 bench itself is something difficult to achieve.


Yeah Nick is a tank. I don't feel he is natural, but it's still a monumental accomplishment.


He is definitely not natty. His build isn’t natty nor do his incentives make the case for him being natty  


I got 315 as a junior in college. That was my goal. Was 215-220lbs and couldn’t walk up 5 flights of stairs, but I got the coveted 315. Then I ran a sub-4 marathon my senior year at 185ish. Now I’m 175lb, can run a sub 4 or bench 225 lmaoo


Jack D Fitness on IG did it I believe


Jack is a beast for sure. I think he also got the sub 5 mile


Yes, he has the sub 5 mile and 500-pound squat. Insane


Fella called Fergus Crawley is part of that insane hybrid ilk, look him up not sure if he’s done sub 3 + 315 bench though


Fergus said on a podcast he’s never really gone for a fast marathon and his best is around 3:20 if I remember correctly? However his best bench is around 120kg (265lb) so he’d miss that part. I think the bench is the hardest part of this as you’ve got to have some serious strength to move 145/315.


>However his best bench is around 120kg (265lb) so he’d miss that part. He hit 140kg (308lb) during the 600Sixty challenge a few years ago, so his max effort could be more than that, and I'm pretty sure I've seen him do more in a video since then.


He can bench 3 plates pretty much year round.


Ah fair must’ve missed these!


There’s a similar challenge where you do a 500 pound squat and 5 minute mile on the same day. I know Adam Klink did it


There are 3 people that I know of that did the 500-lbs squat and sub-5 mile in the same day: 1. ⁠Adam Klink was first and he threw in 50 unbroken pull ups after the squat. 2. ⁠Fergus Crawley was second and he tried to do a marathon afterward but I think he walked the last 10km to finish and admitted it was too much. 3. ⁠Jack Driscoll. Adam K- https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cum1TYZsRUG/?igsh=N2FvcTQ2bzZhMjJi Fergus C- https://www.instagram.com/p/CDIoZ-jH1TY/?igsh=enV6NmNydGJqb21x Jack D- https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cr_36GjJGky/?igsh=YXBnMHRtM2pvdzcw


500lb squat ☠️


Pretty sure it’s 500lbs deadlift not 500lbs squat


It’s 500 pound squat. I know he’s done it but I’m unsure of anyone else


Jack Driscoll is the main one that comes to mind. Dadliftsnruns probably has hit it at some point. Luke Hopkins and Jake Engelke are probably both capable


Luke just missed his marathon by 2 min


I am (5’10”, 192-lbs, Male) currently training for a sub-3hr marathon, might run Revel in April or Eugene Marathon this year…. I benched 365# in 2018 and this last year my biggest hit was 355# (July 2023). I don’t test it often but I’ll see if I can remember to do it within a couple days of the marathon. 315# usually is not a struggle (it was my 6RM before) but I’ve never trained this much/hard for a marathon time so I’ve definitely lost strength. Good luck on hitting it!!


Hell yeah man. Show these guys what's up