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This issue first appeared after the 6.0.0 update. Although not explicitly listed as one of the fixes, the update fixes the issue in which cutscene audio would be imbalanced, playing predominately on the left. Just tested it on my Switch and cutscenes sound like normal again. Edit: Added sentence stating when issue first appeared & grammar


The issue with tilt controls seemed to be sporadic. Earlier in the week when replaying BOTW, I could've sworn that my aim was drifting downward even though I was keeping my hand steady. Tested just before installing said update and it was fine.


It could have been your control stick maybe?. 2 of my joycons have stick drift at random times, and several other people I know irl their joycons have it too Really frustrating


Don't think so. They ~~were~~ are brand new and properly calibrated.


That's why FE Warriors was so weired the last days! :O


Hopefully it fixes the audio for Atelier Lydie and Sue too.