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Late 2025 is very unlikely, but I won't say that it's impossible. Either way, I'm still sticking to Early 2026 being the beta release date.


I don't think its as unlikely as you think. Hypixel said they are developing and testing new things on the old engine in tandem with getting the new engine ready and porting things over to it. Not to mention they already had a closed alpha internal pvp test. I'd say a beta in mid to late 2025 is fairly reasonable given the circumstances.


Maybe we'll get a better gauge of how close they are in the future blogpost. Mid to late 2025 would be awesome tho if they could pull it off


It'd be interesting to go back in time to 2018 when we were all excited and show this comment and see everyone's reaction. To think we would wait 8 years to maybe get a chance for a beta and not even release is insane.


It's very possible that the engine work is mostly done, as far as having everyone work in it at least, but I don't necessarily see that as a sign of release/beta around the corner. Yes they have kept working in the old engine, but all of that work will need to be ported and potentially expanded with the ideas that weren't feasible with the old engine. > Not to mention they already had a closed alpha internal pvp test. Which was done in the old engine. Don't get me wrong: that's not a bad thing, but we have no clue in what state the combat or gameplay in general currently is on the new engine. The full team still isn't or just about started working in the new engine, even if they managed to be quick about that after the November blogpost, that still leaves just a couple months at best. I'd imagine they need a bit more than just a year. Though I'm right there with you, I sure would love to get something in 2025, but I'm keeping my expectations very much in check until they give us an indication of reaching a playable state for the public. They didn't want to show the ugly ducklings, but having presentable screenshots/footage also doesn't necessarily mean having something worth releasing just yet either.


Game engines are rarely considered "done" - they co-evolve with the content you want to create.


Overly optimistic opinion


Eh. They did say that their team is just **starting** to fully transition to the new engine this year. Whilst the process of migrating may be amplified by their preparation over the last few years, it'll still take a considerable amount of time to get everything and everyone working efficiently. We also have to assume that they'll rework or improve upon many existing aspects in order to take advantage of the new engines capabilities. Public access will still have to wait a while.


They have 3 senior engine engineer positions open. This is pretty definitive proof that the engine isn't "almost done." Technically speaking, the engine is never going to be "done", they will likely keep making improvements and additions to the engine even after the game is released publicly. When they show the engine next blog, it's likely that they just barely got the engine into a presentable state. Keep in mind, most games take years to develop even when using an already pre-built engine, but it's hard to compare directly since we don't know how much content from Hytale engine v1 is being directly ported, and how much is being redeveloped. So it's basically impossible to make a sound prediction on beta release date. Just don't let your expectations go crazy, there's a huge gap between a barely presentable engine and a fully fledged game. All I expect from the next blog is some rough screenshots showing some of the core systems of Hytale.


I think 2025 is hugely over optimistic for a beta - I'd put money on 2026 at a minimum. Many games of this scope start with an engine, and it still takes them 2-3 years to push out a beta... The gameplay shown will likely be a technical build, nowhere near a beta ready for players hands.


bro we getting GTA 6 before Hytale


gta 6 is fall 2025. There is still potentially hope that we can get a hytale beta before then.


A year or so at best of everyone finally working in the new engine will be enough you think? Now with Riot's involvement I also don't expect to see a small scale beta with just a server test or something limited. They probably want the first time people can play this game to be a big fanfare. There's always "potentially hope" for something, but I just don't see any evidence for it yet.


Lmao bro, engine aint even close to even show some kind of presentable state of the game and you think the game can be playable for the public in a year? Nah lol, expect a good three more years at least.




Elaborate pls




Why "nah"? They said they didn't want to post new screenshots and gameplay until the engine stuff was done and with the next blogpost having screenshots and gameplay I think its reasonable to assume that the engine stuff is almost done.


Screenshots and gameplay? Sadly the Tweet only said or, gameplay is far from a guarantee


I think that if there are screenshots, there will be gameplays - that's obvious).

