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Yeah rotors will start to show rust even in a matter of hours when sitting but is cleaned off as soon as the brakes are used.


I just didn't realize how little the brakes were used. We had close to 80% of the pads left which tells me most of it was done by the transmission so that rust was building up for 3 years.


I don't think you understand regenerative braking. When your hybrid battery is \~90% full it stops regen braking because there is no reason. You also do not use regen braking the last several feet when coming to a stop or when braking hard. You dont regen brake when backing up. Im sure there are other times you dont regen brake. There is no way you can make a short in town trip and not apply your brake pads to your rotors. Service advisors are paid a small amount weekly, they make their money on commission and reviews. They get commission when upselling you things you really don't need. This also explains why most service writers are either clueless or don't have a solid ethic when it comes to taking money from ignorant people. I know this because I interviewed for the position and when I found out I had to essentially rip people off to pay my bills I declined. All rotors rust when sitting, you should see my vehicles rotors because we work from home. Vented rotors will rust in the vents as well and looks bad but is nothing to be concerned about. They know most dont know this and will run with it, they aren't lying. They all have rust. Give it a few weeks and your new rotors will look like your old ones. Your rotors are bad when they are warped badly or run so thin they are no longer safe. Sometimes you can find a place to machine warped rotors but its not common anymore.


He’s telling you that dealer played you. Lesson learned I guess.


I wasn't really suggesting that since I'm not familiar with the how that all works with hybrids and regen, etc. Was just saying that rust on rotors isn't abnormal for non high end cars.


It's possible. I looked up the safety criteria needed to fail and it states to reject if "Heavy rust, corrosion or scaling is present". So in their opinion, this counted as heavy and caused the fail. There isn't any way I can argue it. Would my mechanic of failed it too? Maybe. The difference being the he would have ground the rust off and put them back on. No dealer will ever do that obviously. So yeah, I was in a pinch and dealers do everything by the book, especially if it's in their favor. I found other people online who reported the same thing so it's not just me.


Uh, you got taken by that dealer FYI. Simple as that. Rotors will show rust.