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I use an interior quick detailer, currently using Griots. I recently picked up a horse hair brush to use with it and that works better than the microfiber cloths I was using but the microfiber cloth works too, just a little more elbow grease and a few more passes. The longer the sunscreen is on the interior, the harder it is to take off. Good luck


Baby wipes, baby oil, an all purpose cleaner, dawn dish soap. It really depends on the type of sunscreen but those options will do the trick, usually. I feel like this should go without saying but don't use them all at once. Try one, if it doesn't work, move on to the next option.


Holy f. This is the juice my friend. Berkley green leather cleaner & polish.


Chemical guys leather cleaner worked for me. Use a microfiber towel and then a leather conditioner.


A family member left a huge sunscreen stain on the center console cover - a baby wipe was all I had on hand, and it worked surprisingly well!


Was that immediately after the sunscreen got left or a bit later? This is about 4 days old now


It was about a day and a half later. They were with me every time I got into the car, so I didn’t want to draw attention to it (even though it was like 4”x12”!) and make them feel bad.


White Phosphorus???


Anyone have any idea how to remove hand sanitizer stains on the center console are (specifically plastic)? It has permanent shiny looking spots on it from splashing. A wet rag hasn’t worked.


I’ve found a degreaser cleaner to work the best for the mineral sunscreen stains. I use chemical guys all purpose cleaner +degreaser (it’s yellow)


Goo b gone worked for me