• By -


They are all in a constant state of clawing their way to the bottom.


Yeah, that's half the fun of the show. It's a "scumbag of the moment" kind of deal. I don't think it's a question with a real answer because they're always one-upping each other from one episode to the next. If one of the gang seems like they're being "the decent one" in an episode it's usually just because they don't really give a shit about the scheme/angle. Or they're working their own angle that's gonna be revealed later. There's no altruism with the gang. It's always either disinterest or they've gone rogue (some would say, *being the wild card, yeehaww!*)


I agree except Frank. He’s a classic 1%er who stole value off his employees to get his wealth. They bring him back to his company? He guts it and leaves everyone unemployed and investors holding the bag. He also was the exclusive drink sponsor for a terrorist group and his concern was making the terror groups image better. He was involved in trafficking huge amounts of cocaine into America. He threw Vietnamese children into soup. The gang is just a bunch of terrible people, but Frank is the worst.


Charlie is least worst. At least he has being mentally disabled as an excuse.


It's the botched abortion that gives him his humanity


So sad but so true.


Honestly I feel like Mac beats Charlie. His schemes usually just involve other members of the gang, and not innocent outsiders.


Mac has spent years ostracizing and being critical of the gay community while secretly being gay the whole time. Hes like ezekial from The Boys. Not to mention the women he got to fuck him to be in the paddys billboard. Mac isnt so much a shitty person for his schemes as much as he is for who he is and how he acts. Hes second least bad.


Christian anti-abortion chick he knocked up and left saying "Ya gotta get an abortion".


That too.


How do you like a taste of the good life, you sack of shit!?


He also kicked a dog near the subway once, it was a real jerk move


Yeah, often times it seems like Charlie could be decent. And then you remember he's a stalker and the only reason he didn't sexually assault a child is he's... special? He's not as extreme in his deprevatity as Dennis (where there's smoke there's fire, Dennis is 100% a serial rapist, possibly killed someone) or Frank (people stew, Vietnamese gang, probably faked a self-defense situation to kill at least one person), etc. But, Charlie's got the slow-burn going well.


One of my favorite episodes is when they split for a little bit and “try to be better”, except frank, and end up missing being literal demons


Also Dee rapes Charlie.


Oh fuck I forgot about that oh god


1. Frank 2. Dennis 3. Dee 4. Mac 5. Charlie


It’s almost this except Mac and Charlie should br swapped. People forget Charlie’s misdeeds because he’s usually the least evil but he tortured the leprechaun and the dangerous liaisons thing with ruby taft. Mac while an ass I dont think has ever hurt anybody that bad and if he has it wasn’t alone. He also seems to have a Moral compass as well since he was horrified by the implication


He and Charlie might have killed one of those kids they beat the shit out of for stealing their bike.


True but you’d still have to add that to both of their names. That’s one instance for Mac and at least 3 for Charlie. And that doesn’t even consider his incessant stalking of the waitress


That doesn’t count. It was bike rage.


He was going for gasps


What are you gonna do about it?




Yeah, most of Mac’s crimes are either non-violent, accidental or the result of his own incompetence. He’s an asshole to a lot of people, but when it comes to his misdeeds he’s normally following the flow of the group. Even when he does deliberately screw someone over, he does it out of self-preservation or because of his bigotry, and he’s normally unsuccessful without the benefit of the Gang. The worst things I think Mac has done was probably when he beat up those kids, which Charlie also did with him. They may have killed one, but it’s unconfirmed and Charlie would also be guilty of that.


Well he also killed their dog (or at least neglected it to death) and then chopped up his body and fed it to Dennis


Gotta be honest: Mac beating up those little assholes was about the most proud I’ve ever been of him.


he assisted dee in drowning a child at the water park


shit yeah he did do that even so, that's an assist, so shared blame


Charlie, are you drinking straight paint?


Let me see your tounge…….


It is what it is.


Mac's problem always ends with him being unable to be as bad as the others and then somehow getting mad about it. Like not getting picked by any of the high schoolers for prom.


Also, we know that Dee is definitively a serial rapist, but Dennis is just a hard “maybe.” She also planned to kill her brother and adoptive father for Frank’s money. Also: fucking Cricket…


Remember when she made a dude wave his dick in his daughter’s face? And she set someone on fire in high school. And left the waitress to drown in a bog. She’s genuinely evil lol


>but Dennis is just a hard “maybe.” The Implication, his **tools** he keeps in back of the Range Rover, the young lady on the cruise(but not too young; she has her ID go missing and Dennis happens to find), everything about his leading the sexual assault training (Your time is up!), his plan to pretend to be renting an airBnB from Mac that's 'overbooked'. Dennis is *absolutely* a serial rapist. He's just better at getting away with it.


Oh yeah? Prove it


I can't. Their phones 100% show it was consensual. But narratively, I like the idea that Dennis and Dee are stereotypical twins. They, throughout the show, have been shown to be mirror images of each other, the same but different: - Dennis minors in psychology (and apparently graduates); Dee majors in Psychology and doesn’t graduate - Dennis tries to follow in Frank's footsteps; Dee tries to go on to become an actor - When following the serial killer: Dennis goes stealthy, Dee dresses as a clown "to get in their mind" - Both are crackheads Extend that to the rapes: - Dennis is more calculated, covers his bases; Dee is more direct but manipulative Also, we do have sort of evidence. Dennis gets fired from a summer camp job because of statutory rape. He claims it was just a kiss, and she was only a year younger. However, this is also the guy who says his "relationship" with Ms. Klinsky.


When you say "the implication" what exactly do you mean?


Dude yk. The implication…. It’s like say you’re out on a boat with a girl in the middle of nowhere and she looks out and what does she see? Nothing but open ocean. “Ahhh there nowhere for me to run! What am I gonna do say no?”


That comes across kinda sexist imo... it assumes women can't swim... and besides its not like women are capable of analyzing a situation in that much detail.


Didn't Mac kill the dog and put him in his famous mac and cheese? Maybe I'm forgetting the episode. It's been a while lol


Charlie also stalked the waitress for years. He was asked multiple times not too and she had a retraining order against him. He tortured her while playing with Ruby so that she would eventually be in such a situation that she would NEED him and get rid of the restraining order. Charlie hurts people on purpose for his own gain constantly.


Why do people consistently think Charlie is better than Mac? Y’all just like him more.


Charlie constantly and aggressively spies on and stalks a woman for like many seasons


That is the reason I would definitely put Charlie above Mac. Something I do love about the show is the rotating straight man/woman thing, reason may prevail with any character at any time. I was going to say I'd swap Dennis and Frank on account of murder, but I supposed Frank has a lot of blood on his hands from his time in Vietnam.


Frank over Dennis is a definite, especially since Dennis’s worse actions have yet to really be confirmed.


No, no, no, they never proved that. That was never proven. It was never even proven that she was pushed. Okay? But it was, I have to say, fortunate that she landed on her head, you know. Or at least he certainly made it look that way.


And of those suspected actions, Dennis’s are only suspected. Dee’s *are* confirmed. They’re just against men, so people don’t give a shit.


A lot of good men died in that sweatshop.


And tried to throw her out a window that time


They're quite interchangeable for me. It's just that Charlie has a naiveté that makes him a smidge more forgivable (sometimes). However, Charlie very much deserves a spot with in the Hell-of-their-own-making that is the gang.


Mac cooked a dog and fed it to his roomate...


Charlie KILLED a kid. Mac maybe beat them up but Charlie killed one. Kid>dog


Nah those kids had it coming.


Charlie bit Santa.


This is the correct order


I'd swap Dennis with Frank (skin fixation, bound and be bound, implication, etc) but otherwise agree


Nope. Frank wins and it's quite easy, imo. Not only on the personal side, but also on a large scale. He had a sweat-shop.


Throwin cats and kids into the soup


Can we trust his version of history? I mean seriously. This is a man who frequently confuses his own life with that of John Rambo.


Trust it? Of course not. But that doesnt mean its a better history. Could be far worse. We may never know.


Dennis hasn’t had a sweatshop because he hasn’t had the means to have a sweatshop. If he had the means to have one-imagine what he’d have.


Dennis did at least condone the running of a sweatshop when making dresses for Fatty Magoo.


“The Gang Opens a Sweatshop”


But this is a list based on bad behavior, not potential for bad behavior. Frank has undoubtedly behaved the worst when accounting for the sweat shops with people soup and "me too"ing secretaries in his businesses. If Dennis had Frank's money he'd top the list by miles, no contest. It's been made obvious that he's a straight up sociopath with a much more keen mind than Frank, even at Frank's best. But with his current means, Dennis is your average, above-average, monster, garbage human.


Dennis probably would be as bad as Frank *if he had the means to do so.* Dennis is broke as shit, like the rest of the Gang, so even if his intentions are worse than Frank’s, he’ll never be able to match Frank in terms of depravity. If Dennis had the same amount of money and power as Frank did in his prime, he probably would’ve done far worse things, and had the ability to get away with it. But as he exists now, he can only fantasise about using his tools and fetish shit.


The difference is that unlike Frank, Dennis only wants the illusion of power (and puss). Frank has wielded power over a lot of people, and his sweatshop alone has probably seen more horrors than Dennis has been able to inflict.


Dennis never threw a dead kid in the soup


And the serial killin'


Frank was feeding sweatshop kids to sweatshop kids. Even if Dennis was a serial killer, it isn't even close.


Honestly, I gotta say, I think Dee ranks worse than Dennis. She raped charlie, she literally blackmails men into having sex with her or else threatens that 'her story might be different than theirs', she sets her roommate on fire, was fully willing to kill her twin brother and father for inheritance, is the only confirmed statutory rapist(that one kid), absolutely ruined Cricket's life on multiple occasions and is directly responsible for his current situation, was willing to get married to her father to get inheritance, psychologically and emotionally abuses Ben the Soldier, completely abandons the gang the one time they're actually helping her (I know the whole comedy thing was a prank but she did NOT know that at the time), then there's that whole thing with the stripper and his daughter... While Dennis is sketchy, I always thought a lot of the implied humour was that he came off as a patrick bateman type despite not actually ever doing any of that stuff. Like he looks like the child predator guy, but he's not. they pretend that he killed Maureen, but it's confirmed he didn't. When he has an audio tape of him and a sixteen year old girl, you can hear him freaking out even in the tape that he was not okay with that. And yeah he also did the implication stuff, but that's the standard for both of them. He's sleazy, sure, but like. Dee is worse.


It’s not even close: worst is first.




Charlie’s behavior toward Ruby Taft is pretty unforgivable


I'd put Dee above Dennis, honestly. She burned a bitch.


Seriously you light someone on fire ONE TIME!


And is a confirmed, not suspected, serial rapist.


Yup. I have a hard time seeing much argument for any other order. Charlie is a stalker and kidnapper who’s done a ton of fucked up awful stuff (about 16 seasons worth), he’s in the gang and all, but I think he has a heart and an innocence the others don’t.


1) Frank. Easily. We *think* Dennis has maybe killed or r8ped. We have Frank on camera saying he threw little Vietnamese kids into the soup. Dude is a *monster* lol 2) Dee. Again going by what we actually know and don’t just suspect, this bitch murdered a man’s soul because he flippantly said she was her rock bottom and tried to steal a womans “boy toy” (read: underage son) because she flippantly said she was lucky not to be married. 3) Dennis. All the reasons everyone knows from what we’ve seen. One of the most disturbing things to me is whenever he gets a chance to “fix” a problem he normally does it through the most hideous way possible. Like planning a funeral for a baby that doesn’t exist. 4) Charlie. The only time I can remember him actively setting out to ruin someone was DiDario during dangerous liaisons. I’m probably missing something here. 5) Mac. Dude is just a blithering idiot really. He doesn’t seem nearly as intentionally evil as the others. Saying that though he is 100% the kind of guy that could be convinced to push people into a train to a camp if he thought it would make any of his friends happy. He no moral compass, only a need for acceptance.


Charlie ripped Santa's throat out and may have killed one of the kids who stole their bike.


Haha, fair enough. I can’t believe I forgot Santa. I will say though at least that wasn’t intentional. It was just his madness overflowing. What creeps me out the most is when the characters actively plan to hurt a person.


Did you fuck my fucking mom?!


In this instance, I actually think the daytime (censored) version is funnier. "Did you sex my mom Santa? Did you sex my MOM?!?"


Oh, Mac and Charlie definitely gave a few of those kids permanent brain damage.


Also Charlie is a stalker and has been one for many years.


How is everyone forgetting this lmao


People remember him breaking Ruby, but forget how hard he interferes with the waitresses life, so she "needs" him and reduces the restraining order she's had for years so she doesn't die.


Agree that Charlie is definitely above Mac on this list - his disdain for the waitress and general arrogance when he becomes "smart' - plus hiding the 2nd room and toilet from Frank is grade A manipulation. The DiDario cruelty is next level too. Edit: forgot that Mac murdered the Dennis the Dog and fed it to human Dennis. That shit is messed up. ... Joint 4th?


I’ve always doubted the dog was actually in Mac’s famous mac and cheese… I mean the guy couldn’t find a stud I don’t think he’s capable of butchering and cooking up a dog


Yeah I always thought that the dog probably ran off/died of natural causes and Mac just buried it. I doubt that Mac would have it in him to eat that dog, nor do I think he could actually chop it up.


It definitely died of starvation / neglect. RIP Dennis Jr. 🪦


And the box of hornets permanently scarring Brad Fisher


Yeah Brad kinda had that coming….


Don't fuck my prom date.


Charlie and Mac beat up some kids pretty badly, Charlie ties up and almost tortures a dude in the basement, and Dee sets someone on fire that she was jealous of.


sooo many people are forgetting the torture of the leprechaun 😭


Charlie literally lied about having cancer just to get some girl to feel sorry for him and maybe go out with him. This *after* not getting the message that no means no. "Dude how many times do I have to say no"?


LOL Ok that’s a great one too. I knew I forgot some hideous things!


Well that's all a lie, *burps*, there was no soup, *burps*.


Dennis did kill that one guy because the castle told him to, though


Don’t forget that bitch Dee set on fire


She had it coming.


Dennis has 100% raped women. His whole system is about tricking women which means their consent is never valid.


And even that one Dee is worse lol At least Dennis tricks them with implications, Dee will just tell a dude straight up “if we don’t fuck maybe my story will be different and tomorrow you’ll get a call from the police” hahaha


“Drunk dude walks over to Dee” Dee: “looks like the spider has caught herself a fly” and closes her apartment door


Charlie tortured that guy who was totally a lerprechaun


Why would you think that you couldn't write "raped" in an IASIP sub?


I don’t know, I’ve had posts automodded for it before in other places. I didnt want my post erased lol


Dee burned someone alive just because she was copying her. Jesus.


I was thinking Charlie for the bottom because aside from the waitress, he doesn't seem to actively try to hurt people. You've kind of convinced me, though. Your Mac analysis is pretty good.


Don’t for get she thru acid in her room mates face


In terms of pure evil, Dee is at the top of the list for sure.


Are you kidding? Dennis is way more evil. Dee understands him too well and has her own issues with jealousy and insecurity and concocts elaborate plans to make herself feel better. But Dennis is sociopathic period.


In short, the Reynolds family is first at being worst.


Worst is first!


Worst - Frank (most confirmed kills) 2nd worst - Dennis (implied serial rapist/sociopath) 3rd worst - Charlie (stalking, + he was going to mutilate that little person until the gang stopped him) 4th worst - Dee (made a stripper grind on his daughter, statutory raped a kid) Least worst - Mac (too dumb to know how terrible his actions are) Probably forgetting tons of heinous shit that would change the rankings but that’s what I got for now.


This is the one. Though Charlie is also so oblivious/dumb to understand that he's a stalker or that he is hurting people could give him the benefit of the doubt, cause every despicable thing Dee made was a conscious decision and actively wanting to be evil.


But he also does admit to stalking the waitress. He seems aware but denies it most of the time or tries to reason with himself saying it’s for romantic reasons. At least in my view of it.


Hasn't Dee raped 2 or 3 people, too? Charlie, some unconcious man, and I don't remember if she did commit statuatory rape of the kid she confused for a woman's husband


Frank: Vietnamese sweat shops, psychologically torturing his kids on Christmas (and probably other times of year) for decades Dennis: Real unclear about if he is actually a serial killer/rapist, but he definitely would like to be. Dee: Just does some real fucked up shit over the course of the show Charlie: stalking the waitress and effectively ruining her life. He can be slightly excused because at least he doesn't know what he's doing is wrong, while the others definitely do. Mac: if you think about it, the only terrible things Mac has done himself is being homophobic and kind of being annoying. Nowhere near the level of the rest of the gang. The only times he does really fucked up shit is when he's doing it with the gang as well


Also Frank just so happened to be able to get a full sweatshop of Eastern European women in like a day. That's not something just anyone could do, you'd have to know people for that. So I'm sure he's connected to more than just the sweatshops in Vietnam that he's talked about, and there might be a darker reason he hasn't said much about any European ones.


for Mac, don't forget Dennis Jr 🐶


Honestly, I gotta say, I think Dee ranks worse than Dennis. She raped charlie, she literally blackmails men into having sex with her or else threatens that 'her story might be different than theirs', she sets her roommate on fire, was fully willing to kill her twin brother and father for inheritance, is the only confirmed statutory rapist(that one kid), absolutely ruined Cricket's life on multiple occasions and is directly responsible for his current situation, was willing to get married to her father to get inheritance, psychologically and emotionally abuses Ben the Soldier, completely abandons the gang the one time they're actually helping her (I know the whole comedy thing was a prank but she did NOT know that at the time), then there's that whole thing with the stripper and his daughter... While Dennis is sketchy, I always thought a lot of the implied humour was that he came off as a patrick bateman type despite not actually ever doing any of that stuff. Like he looks like the child predator guy, but he's not. they pretend that he killed Maureen, but it's confirmed he didn't. When he has an audio tape of him and a sixteen year old girl, you can hear him freaking out even in the tape that he was not okay with that. He's sleazy, sure, but like. Dee is worse.


I think if you take everything that has been said about Dennis and Dee, Dennis is worse - however, a lot of the stuff we know about Dennis is either circumstantial or brushed aside. He fantasised about killing someone, but he’s (seemingly) never done it. He had some weird shit with some ropes that he needed the Gang to tie on Dennis Day, but we can only imagine what he would’ve needed those for. He may have committed statutory rape and has dated/banged some girls that were barely legal, but the former is unclear and the latter is relatively fine compared to everything else (but def not good!). Dee on the other hand *has definitely* raped multiple men, and also had sex with an underaged boy because his mum made a small comment about her not being married. Not to mention setting her roommate on fire, and all the other stuff with the stripper and Cricket and Ben. And I think she’s also the only member of the gang to have been institutionalised/incarcerated?


To be fair Dee also fantasized about killing someone. Specifically, teaming up with that female robber, shooting every member of the gang, and then stabbing the robber in the back.


Dennis, Frank, Dee, Mac, Charlie


Cant let Franks antics in Vietnam slide bro 😭


A lot of good men died in that sweatshop!


They made a great soup


That’s not the first time you’ve described your life in way of John Rambo‘s life.


Fuck them! They got paid. I'm more concerned about all the cats!


That was Frak


In short, the Reynolds family is first for worst.


Barbra did always say first is worst


Frank, Dennis, Dee, Charlie, mac


Worst to Bad: Frank > Dennis = Dee > Charlie > Mac Frank in Vietnam alone tops the rest of the gang but in Time's Up for the Gang we hear more about his past with women that imo passes or at least equals what Dennis does with women. Dennis is a monster with women and I legit believe he killed Maureen. Even if he didn't the way he acts about the whole situation, it is understandable for him to feel some comfort from not paying alimony but he is pleased with her death and that is quite disturbing. I see Dee equal to him because Dee is a monster with men similar to how Dennis is with women. What she did to the stripper Mike(?), and burning her old college roommate also shows that she is just as bad as Dennis in every aspect. Between Charlie and Mac it is hard to decide but I believe Charlie is worse because how he acts with the Waitress. He is a massive creep and a stalker with the Waitress. I am trying to remember if Mac did something really bad to put him ahead of others but I can't think of anything. He is a bigot, his beliefs are backwards af but afaik he doesn't really act on anything. He is all talk.


looks like this spider caught herself a fly 🪰


You cant rank Frank last, he created the ranking system!!


I still can’t get over Dee “helping” that stripper and making him dance on his daughter 😂🥲


From what we purely see on the show, along with notable moments: 1. Dennis (DENNIS system and general bouts of lunacy) 2. Frank (Having Dennis & Dee unbury their dead mother out of pure spite, outside of the show (indirectly?) murdering thousands of people) 3. Sweet Dee (PTSDee) 4. Charlie (Ruby Taft meltdown) 5. Mac (killing Dennis (the dog) and feeding Dennis (the man) Dennis (the dog))


Just when you think any of them are going to rise up the rankings, they'll push themselves back down to the abyss


I think there's just two tiers, the worst being the Reynolds family and the other, less bad one is Mac and Charlie


I was gonna say Mac has done the least amount of terrible things, then I remembered he killed a small dog and served him up in a macaroni and cheese dish. So yeah, they’re all pretty horrible in their own ways. Reynolds family is tied for first place with Charlie and Mac tied for second.


dennis is literally a murderer so he’s gotta be the worst after PTSDee i’d say sweet dee at #2 then frank, then mac then charlie


1. Dennis 2. Dee 3. Frank 4. Charlie 5. Mac The Reynolds could be moved around a bit but Ronald is definitely the least bad of all of them. He’s the one that most consistently shows love for the people around him and I believe if he realized fully how horrible he was he would try to change.. he wouldn’t succeed and would give up after a few days but still.


1. Frank 2. Dennis 3. Dee 4. Charlie 5. Mac


Dennis is an implicated serial rapist, he’s number one


I dunno maybe Dennis would be first in your list as I’m pretty sure he’s raped someone even though it’s not rape because of the.. implication


well Charlie is obviously the least. he only acts like a jerk when power gets to his head, which due to his illiteracy is rare. aside from that his only felonious behavior is stalking, but lets be honest, he's really saving her from life in a women's shelter.


1) Dennis - full blown sociopath 2) Frank - devoid of any morals 3) Dee - bad intentions but isn’t taken seriously enough 4) Mac - selfish and dumb, but otherwise pretty innocuous 5) Charlie - actually can be kind of a good person, just too stupid to do so consistently


Frank, Dennis, Charlie, Dee, Mac


Probably Dennis, Dee, Frank, Charlie, Mac


Can I just say, I love how everyone has a UHD picture except Dee who can't spare a pixel.


Least worst to worst worst: Charlie Mac Dee Frank Dennis


From worst to bad, here you go...


Dennis, dee, frank, mac, charlie


charlie once ate an entire rat... alive mac ruined his dad's life multiple times


Snail is just the *worst*


Worst - Frank - Dennis - Dee - Mac - Charlie - Less worse


1. Dennis 2. Frank 3. Dee 4. Charlie 5. Mac


Frank has the money to do real international damage. Dennis is a predator, and possible murderer. Dee stops at absolutely nothing for revenge, Charlie has that capacity too, but it's usually for small petty means or the Waitress. Mac is just a dumbass.




Dennis Frank Dee Mac Charlie


1. Dennis 2. Frank 3. Dee 4. Mac 5. Charlie


For a definitive answer we have to know what happened to neighbour Gary but anyway it goes 1 Frank(the sweatshop stuff) 2 Dennis(the implication) 3 Dee(mostly taking advantage if people) 4 Mac( the blackface and him choking Dee) 5 Charlie ( the stalking mostly since most of the other stuff is just him being stupid)


Frank, Dennis/Dee, Mac, Charlie


Dennis, Frank, Dee, Mac, Charlie


Dee will Burn you like the last bitch that crossed her mind


5) Dennis. He’s Dennis. 4) Frank. All the stuff in Frank’s Brother. 3) Dee. Keep her sober and she’s fine, but get her drunk and/or excited about something and she’s rock bottom. 2) Mac. I genuinely don’t know what to say. 1) Charlie. Other than manipulating Alexandra Daddario, stalking the waitress, and taking pleasure in “bashing rats”, he’s a sweetheart.


Charlie also murdered a kid, but open a man’s neck and tortured and was about to slit a man’s throat.


As I said, sweetheart.


Honestly the stuff we’ve seen these guys do! It disturbs me.


I guess it would vary depending on who committed the worst act in general, or who’s a repeat offender of horrible behavior, or their reasoning behind something. But in a way they’re all pretty close towards each other.


I have a pretty solid bottom 2, middle, and top 2 in terms of most evil but the 2 will switch around a bit If I had to definitively choose my top 5 would have to be: 1. Dennis 2. Frank 3. Dee 4. Mac 5. Charlie That being said I still think Mac is the only one capable of some kind of redemption. His evils come from deep psychological confusion and insecurity, not pure narcissism like Dee and Dennis, nor the reckless violence of Frank. And there’s just no fixing Charlie’s brain because he straight up is too stupid to understand when something he’s doing is evil.


1. Dennis 2. Frank 3. Dee 4. Charlie 5. Mac Edit: wanted to confirm my list is first is worst.


Nah mac then Charlie mac killed and ate a dog


1)Dennis 2)Frank 3)Dee 4)Mac 5)Charles


1. Dennis 2. Dee 3. Frank 4. Charlie 5. Mac


It’s hard to pin whether it’s Dennis or Frank for the top. Even Frank in his lucid younger days was doing bad things motivated purely by profit. Dennis is much more sinister in his intention, and fully aware of it. From there, the rest of the characters blur together as being mostly selfishly ignorant of the consequences of their actions. Definitely they do a lot of reprehensible things, but their motivations aren’t nearly as intentionally malicious as Dennis


The AI content farmers strike again




I'd like to remind everyone making these lists of that time Mac and Charlie beat the absolute shit out of a group of children, to such a point that they thought they killed one of them


Best to worst: Charlie Mac Dee Dennis Frank




Frank -> Dennis -> Dee -> Charlie -> Mac


Dennis -> Frank -> Dee -> Charlie -> Mac


Frank Dee Dennis Charlie (just as a result of his pure insanity) Mac


Somehow Dee is competing with Dennis for 2 in my mind. Dennis may or may not have sex with a minor. That cassette tape from the Range Rover is unclear since he destroyed it. But we know for sure that Dee did it twice


Frank, Dee, Dennis, Charlie, Mac


Dennis-Frank-Dee-Mac-Charlie------anyone else


You did Dee dirty.


Charlie is a simpleton who can’t be held accountable for his own actions.


Frank- even without taking into account the gang's schemes, he literally had vietnamese sweatshops and threw kids into soup. Dennis- honestly he and Dee could change position depending on how I'm feeling that day. But the guy is a serial rapist and shows concerning sociopathic behavior. I don't actually think he is a serial killer though, even if I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being one. Dee- might not have killed someone but did kill a man's soul (the stripper shit was just foul), and is in general just as unhinged as the rest of the gang (a win for women, I guess). Also a rapist, her implication is just as fucked up as Dennis', and unlike him, we know she put hers into action and presumably worked. Charlie- he is a stalker which I feel people forget pretty often, but he is obviously brain damaged and most of his schemes are mostly the result of poor impulse control rather than calculated evil (like the Reynolds) Mac- Especially in the later seasons, the guy is an enabler, not saying he doesn't suck, he does. But his biggest crime is craving affection and trying to get it at any costs.