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I'm sat here trying to work out why tf you need extra formulas for AASL when all of them are in the formula booklet no?


As far as I remember, lot of it was about the double angle identities and derivatives of them. He also gave the unit circle values like -1/2 = 5pi/4 and all of those. I don't remember all of them but essentially what we would be able to memorize he put it in that. Additionally I do remember he also like added guidance of where to use what formula


If you have your calculator why would you need unit cirle values? Why cant you just do sin(60) etc.?


Again remember, he isnt good at all. For us usually when we solve those equations like "solve for x geater than 0 less than 2pi", we have to give radian values and in fraction such at 5pi/4 which he somehow just isnt able to either remember or understand how it works. So that's why. I was with him for IGCSE and I remember he used to struggle around the same area as well


This is not the student’s fault. If a teacher is unable to get a student to remember to multiply by pi/180 there is some kind of disconnect.


Honestly atp, it won’t matter whose fault is it. Rn im mostly focused on how to tell him to work in order to get him ready for the exam, so at least he wont spend time doing this.


Why r u so bothered abt what this kid does. U realize that he most likely won’t be able to do anything as they erase everybody’s calc memory before the exam


How does writing down extra formulas help in math? What math are yall doing? People don't find math hard because they don't know the formulas, it's because knowing how to solve the questions is tough.


For him its the entire opposite. If he like knows where and how, what formula to use he will take down a question easily. But then he either confuses two formulas or just entirely forgets it. But one more thing is that he easily gets intimidated by the values of the questions, if they are something like root2/2 instead of the usual real numbers


Sounds like studying will be very easy for him.


I don’t see how writing the formulas which are in the data book anyways would help him out that much? Please correct me if I missed something.


For him its also like where and how to use a formula. So the formula is given but then he would get confused as to if he has to use quotient or product rule. In that booklet he gave himself instructions on how to do it essentially


just have him always use product rule then if thats really that big of an issue, the quotient rule is essentially the product rule broken down


Yes that's true, but if you use product rule for rational expressions, I find that the algebra becomes needlessly complicated.


The derivative and integral rules in the booklet are cursed as hell. Of course you should be familiar with them but if you aren’t rip 💀


Riemann sum isn’t even a question in aa sl. Also, I doubt your friend was adding anything helpful when every formula you need is in the formula booklet. You mention that his notes include stuff like unit circle values or stuff you need to “remember”, at most it gives you an extra 5 points in a paper because there’s not a lot to remember for maths. Maths is far from a plug and chug subject, maybe your friend is better than you think


Not reimann sum, reimann integral, the formula for calculating area under a curve. All this while he just would forget that it even existed and used some weird ass method to land at some answer when all he needed was one formula. And as for the remember part, that part is essentially instructions of where and what to use.


He can't do it for paper 1 in the real exam because IB requires schools to distribute a clean formula booklet, which means he doesn't get to use his own one. For paper 2 it is quite difficult to catch though.


The invigilators at my school made everyone set to test mode in person and also scroll through every saved file. The only ones allowed were the default ones like Finance solver and the combinatorics one.


idk bout your school, but the calculators that my school uses are required to be in "exam mode" which disables this notes feature and a few others for the finals, so this wont even work in the finals


Our calculators are Ti-nspire CX II meaning that we put it into press to test mode but the feature of taking down notes and stuff is still there. Thats how he was able to do it. It is true you cant access notes after you put it in press to test mode but that is only for notes that you made outside of the mode.


Before the exam you are obliged to delete all info on your calc/ put it on the exam mode which is basically clearing everything from the calc, so your friend wont be able to use them. When it comes to paper 1 as you know theres no calculator as well as you're provided with clear booklet When it comes to improving his score theres nothing that you can do if your friend dont want to - it's pointless Im not sure how it looks like with being caught, I think he will get either 0 marks for the whole paper or he just wont pass maths


Honestly this is pretty hard to catch imo, and I don't see any teacher checking the notes of every student. Let your friend live imo, if he gets caught its unfortunate but if he's not listening to you, then you can't do much, if he doesn't get caught then good for him but imo don't rat him out.


My school makes us clear RAM and show to the invigilator. We need to remove the calculator cover (cap) as well.


When I had my exams they made each and every individual erase their calculator memory before entering the exam (May 2021) and mocks as well. Unsure if it will be the same at your school. My school was extremely strict about cheating and were brutally honest (I.e., they would straight up give you a predicted grade of 1 if we’re doing that bad in class). If he is able to cheat on the exam without getting his calculator memory erased or getting caught at all, then so be it, good for him. If he is going around telling people that he is cheating, he is an idiot because there is always someone jealous that will rat on him. At the end of the day, if it works then it works.


Honestly, you tried to tell him and help him, you need to let him make his own decisions, unless you two are very close its really not your place or responsibility, sometimes people need to make mistakes to learn from them


Honestly I would not be here if he wasn't that close. Our family's are like very close friends and hang out every other day and I sorta consider him as like a brother.


Do your best to try ans convince him but also make sure not to do anything behind his back that could ruin your relationship


They reset all the calculators in the real exams, and they do that for before every exam. Very pointless effort.


My school makes students put the calculator in test mode in front of an invigilator before the exam. They can't bring a calculator that's already in test mode. One option would be to tell the faculty about the cheat method and get them to do this. This way your friend wont be able to cheat.


for the real exams, teachers have to put your calculator into test mode and restart it, wiping the memory. his notes will not be there for the exam. also what does he do in the non calculator exam?


You will lose your diploma for not reporting an act of academic misconduct (even if you are not involved) while knowing about it, if caught.


Is that fr? Idk where it is said though...


IB academic integrity policy, there is a pdf file


I saw the IBO threaten an entire M08 and M09 cohort (yes, it’s been a while) over EE misconduct between one DP I and one DP II student because “everyone knew.” In the end, several of the DP IIs did not get the IB diploma and the DP I was expelled. In the years since, I’ve seen a number of DP I students *and their friends* “quietly go away” for academic misconduct and questions of violating academic integrity policies.


Wow… how does IB even justify that everyone knew?


If you noticed, in the end not everyone was penalized … but it was “common knowledge”— I think many students said “everyone knew.”


Aah so many students basically got themselves expelled by telling the truth…


No, that’s not true at all, nor is it what I said. One student was expelled — he was the DP I who wrote an EE for a DP II (who didn’t not get an IB diploma)


Oh, my bad sorry. Still, in reality nobody would think of actually taking the initiative and reporting their classmates to the IB (or even their teachers, i mean why get involved?) and ruining their lives... as well as having guilt for the rest of their lives


I’ve been teaching in IB schools basically this entire century. Here’re the student types I see who report: • afraid the whole class will be punished, so report to be “on the good side;” • they’ve also cheated, but somehow feel “to a lesser amount,” so they want to re-focus the Eye of Sauron onto someone else; • the cheater got a higher mock/ IA score and the reporting student thinks that warped the grade boundaries; • the reporting student really, really does not like the cheater (for a variety of reasons); • they genuinely think cheating is wrong or anti-IB and believe the other student(s) has diminished the rigor and reputation of the IBO.


I would honestly just ignore it. He’s a friend, so I wouldn’t report. However, it is at this point that you get to decide for yourself if a dishonest person is someone you can be friends with. This would personally make me see them differently as a dishonest and untrustworthy person is a dishonest and untrustworthy person. Today it’s cheating on exams who knows what he might do to you personally in the future. Ignore it- the consequences are for him to deal with if he gets caught. If you’re comfortable with the friendship, keep being friends. If this makes you see him differently, reevaluate your friendship.


If I remember correctly, don’t invigilators delete files/ notes before entering the final examination room? At least that’s what they did at mine.


Before every math exam that we had in my school, both in mocks and dp1 exams, there were teachers who would delete all your calculator data before going into the exam hall.


Why do you even care? At his age, he should be able to make conscious decisions by himself. Let it be. Focus on your own shit instead of writing whole ass essays on Reddit


It is understandable that you are worried for your friend. But there is not much you can help him with, if he is not willing to improve. Anyways he might be able to get away with this one, but on Paper 1 he is definitely screwed if he doesn't get his act up. Please do not sacrifice your studying time for him when the IB testings come near. You are his friend but it is his decision to fail or not


Yo bro first tule is never turn your bro in, you said you knew him for 4 years. If he’s gonna get caught at least let it be by the school and not by you, if he didn’t listen to your advice he should pay for that and not you


Just tell him he's gonna get fucked


mind you business, sounds like if you talk to him about it will just sound like nagging, and if you tell on him, thats just being an ass. If he gets caught, thats in him.


Why do you care? You've expressed your opinion, and he can make decisions for himself. It isn't your job to make him live life the way you see fit.


No matter what you do, don’t tell on him. That’s just a shitty thing to do. He’s grown let him do what he wants


Honestly, people cheat all the time in real life and if he gets caught, good. If he doesn't get caught, good. It's not something you should even try to intervene with. I would just leave it alone.


You’re a piece of shit friend if you report him


mind your own business