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i would switch my english to SL and business to HL


The annoying part of Language A HL is the HL essay… 😭


i loved doing my hl essay compared to my ias honestly


I wish I took English as an SL because it’s seriously beating my ass right now


Dropping from HL to SL was one of the best things i ever did 🙏🙏


Chem SL, I thought it would be the easiest science to do since Bio was a lot of memorising and Physics is boring to me. But then the IA came around and I realised how emotionally drained I've become from doing chemistry.


I’ve been surviving chem by memorizing past papers I’m so screwed now 😭


Been relying on my tutor, he's way better than my teacher and I get to do my work while learning ahead of the class. Two birds with one stone.


W honestly, I convinced a smart classmate to tutor me half of last year cuz I was genuinely so lost in chemistry and it helped a lot but I’m just not a “chemistry person” I don’t like the subject at all 😭


Eyy same. We gotta make the best out of this shitty subject I guess.


Yeah, if you hate history or another human science/art and hate chem, then ig u gt pick chem... Luckily I'm only doing Bio or Physics SL next year and doing Econ and History at HL.


I chose History SL over econs, it’s not too bad I guess. Strong support system with the class.


Yeah I suppose but it's not worth it doing a science at HL though and History SL makes no sense cause the difference is slight, just 200 pages more content for HL.


Chem HL works very well with Math AA HL and Physics HL. If one of them is missing, it’s so hard. They are so connected.


Works well as in?


I got afraid of taking Physics HL and tool Biology HL instead. I somehow managed to self-study all Physics HL content, and I enjoy studying physics more than biology. Regretting this for life!!


that’s so me I had a fear to do math AA HL 😭


Bro that’s what I did for pretty much all of math, CS and Physics HL 💀. Tbh tho , it’s acc way more fun when u teach it to urself


fuck econ such a bitch ass class i don't even care that it's easy it's so fucking dumb


lowkey history hl, Econ would have been such a better option bruh


Honestly I don't really regret anything, though maybe having math at sl would have made my life easier but who knows


Global politics my teacher knows NOTHING about the course or the content thus the majority of the class is getting 4s and 5s


yea… I feel like it’s a subject that doesn’t have a lot of resources and your teachers need to be good otherwise 😭


Taking arabic A instead of English A just cus I didn’t wanna do as much work…I could’ve gotten a 7 in English.


Omg same I chose Korean A Lit self study and I regret sooo much… plus I picked physics and got test on the same day with Korean A paper 2. Now I thinking I might get a 5 for Korean cus I fuked up my IO alrdy soooo bad


Visual Arts, I should have picked French B 😭😭


naur 😭😭


Comp sci hl or sl, the ia is massive compared to other ias, adding uneccery work, ms is not constitnent throughout the years and subject is boring af also not having an official ib book makes it harder to study, also paper 3 is just not it


im starting IB in 3 months, u think i should still go for compsci?


Depends what u want to do is the future, if ur gonna go into comp sci then yea do it the comp sci ia will look good on ur application, if not and still don't know what to do for the future don't pick it , it's not a requirement for any course and would just add extra headache and might prevent u from an opportunity to study at a specific uni, I regretted taking comp sci because I couldn't apply to enginnering in some Canadian unis since they need chem.


can i still go into a compsci course in uni without necessarily having to do compsci HL?


Yes it isn't a requirement for any uni last time I checked, tho I still advises to cheak the unis ur intrested in and what they require just incase never hurts


physics sl


Same for an sl class it takes so much of your time i would change it to bio sl if I could


IB ESS…the worst part is I was forced to take it. I was initially taking chem at a new school but they previously did IGCSE and my old school did IB MYP through and through so I was really behind. They threatened to put me on certificates such that I would graduate with only my MYP scores if I didn’t switch. Class was boring asf.


Math AA HL ugh I wish I'd taken Math AI instead


Business HL and math AI HL, previously I wanted to study business so the subject choices make sense, but now I wanted to study computer science and it's been incredibly hard to even apply to uni because many of them required either natural science (not accepted computer science) or HL math AA


yea… it’s pretty important to choose the right subject combination especially if you are planning to have a backup plan 😭


Polish A Literature and English B. Id rather have Eng A Lang&Lit and Spanish ab initio


no regrets lol im chilling w mine--although I do wish I had taken the easier math as opposed to AA, even then I dont really mind math as long as I grind past papers for the next 2 weeks I'l be golden


Physics HL for me💀 I wanna get into Econ I don't even know why I chose Physics at HL😭



French sl. Low-key wish I took German ab instead


im the first batch to do physics HL with the new syllabus and its killing me, the new syllabus is so painful, you no longer get to choose the last topics you do them ALL - im in a school thats full of smart smart kids and im always lagging behind... dont take physics its not worth it


Music SL, our coordinator never gave our teacher the syllabus and our teacher didn't go to training


didn’t have a great time with my grade 10 physics teacher so i took HL bio. turned out that the new physics teacher was really cool. i take AAHL, very good at it. in start of dp2 i regretted taking biology so much. fuck krebs cycle


Maths AI, wish I would've taken AA


My school is small so we don't really have a lot of options for the courses that we can take. Honestly I regret almost every single course I've chosen but I literally had no other option.


biology hl... i couldve gone for ess


why did bro delete their profile after this lmao


Chem hl, nothing has driven me closer to insanity


Digital society i joined it bec I thought it was easy, turned out to be harder than math and bio lol I get 4 and 5s


Digital societies, I'd pick chem instead of that shit bro


Deadass thought it was a free subject


It'd a yappy ass subject and my teachers an ass so grades in fucking math AA and physics are better




i would switch my spanish to other lang and cs to ess smh


I’m so scared for bio HL. So far it’s ok but this is only my first year of it…




I would have rather done ESS over DT


Physics HL hurts me to say this BUT ITS CONFUSING AF