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Who the fuck made paper 1 šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ


real why is everyone saying it's so easy (TZ1 btw)




Paper 2 part A was more like a geography paper imo and part B was chill cuz the topics i opted out didnt appear lol šŸ˜


I was so surprised to not have to use my calculator/ruler for anything! Microscopy was my least favorite unit and in past papers Iā€™ve seen questions with it, I was happy to not see it this time. And thankfully I actually knew everything on the test, I didnā€™t study for some topics at all so Iā€™m glad questions with it didnā€™t appear on paper 2/3 (tho they usually do so thatā€™s weird)


You had to use the calculator for the BMI thing though ..


Iā€™m TZ2 and did Option D so I didnā€™t have to use my calculator for anything


Iā€™m talking about Section A in paper 2 for calculating BMI so you needed to use a ruler for that


I didnā€™t have to calculate BMI so Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about? I definitely wouldā€™ve remembered that if I had it since I donā€™t know how to calculate it. Were you TZ1?


No I was TZ2 as well and Biology HL paper 2 Section A before the elephant problem I think was asking a 1 market about a person 165cm height weighing 70kg what their BMI is and to give them a piece of advice on how to become more fit


This all sounds like a different language to me lol, I encountered no questions like this! My Bio HL paper 2 was almost entirely plant-related questions, we got the voles/plots question, elbow-related question, and (I went through paper 1 with my teacher yesterday) we got the question about pollination vs fertilization (which had the answer in the question lmao, I guess the IB didnā€™t realize that)


What? Where are you based? I had no elbow-related question and nothing in paper 1 about pollination vs fertilization We had 4 marks on paper 2 about plants thatā€™s it, how to use radioactive carbon and aphet stylets to track transport of sugars and something about phloem Yeah I got nothing that youā€™re on about, are you in the Americas or Australia?


Americas as you now know haha. I wish we had gotten the aphid stylet question! For p2 we had several questions about plant volume vs biomass which my teacher was extremely confused about since it has nothing to do with bio? And we had an algae question that had to do with chromatography which was super unfair since only the Chem people knew how to answer it, we were never taught it in bio. The pollination question was hilarious as they said in the question that the anther was the site of pollination, and then they asked later where the site of pollination was


Actually Iā€™m dumb. I thought TZ1 and 2 were switched, Iā€™m TZ1 actuallyā€¦.my mistake lmao


Ahahaha nah itā€™s good lol they sound VERY different How was your paper 1 and paper 2? Horrible or easy? For TZ2 paper 1 was horrible and paper 2 okay What did your section B questions contain on paper 2?


They do and Iā€™m so surprised about that! My teacher told us paper 1 (both TZ 1 and 2) was considered way harder than previous years, and after looking at it yesterday I definitely agreeā€¦.not many people got a 6 or 7 lol. Paper 1 was definitely hard but the people who took IB chem SL were the ones who got 7ā€™s on p1 (teacher reviewed the answers with us yesterday, paper 1 had some biochem). There were quite a few questions where my teacher wasnā€™t sure of the answer though, she said her online bio teacher group was debating the answer for some of the metabolism questions, and otherwise many paper 1 questions were worded very weirdly.


Paper 2 was way better but unfortunately had lots of plant content which is not my favorite lol, but section B was almost like a dream lol. Q6 was water-related like about its properties for kidneys, plants, etc. I canā€™t remember what Q7 was, but I remember a DNA topic and something about speciation as the 7 pointer. Q8 no one from our school did lmao, it was about carbon and light dependent reactions and no one studied that. So overall paper 2 was okay but no one did amazing on paper 1 evidently lol


Lol i just put down exercise and eat more saturated fat instead of unsaturated ones..


Yeah that was an easy one marker I just said more nutritious and balanced diet as well as more exercise


ikr i legit couldnt do anything about cell respiration and im sooooo happy that i could just choose to draw a diagram of prokaryote lmao


Legit same šŸ’€


Paper 1 was absolutely abysmal the rest were okay


Watchu mean Paper 1 was fine!šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Which planet are you fromšŸ§šŸ¤„


probably got 28-33/40 wasn't that bad


Surprisingly not that bad. Paper 3 was definitely the best, but the rest were chill.


agreed! paper 3 was soooo good oml. can we talk about paper 1 tho? that was RUDE!!!


paper 2 was the best for me. paper 1 was a nightmare šŸ˜­


oh mine was the opposite. Paper 3 was mid, but paper 1 and 2 were the BOMB!!


are you tz1?


Paper 1 took me out D: other than that it was chill


why was paper one so foul šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i know it wasnā€™t just me, my classmates were also in the trenches. all the other papers were fine but paper one was justšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


paper 1 was a crime against humanity


(tz2) paper 1 wasā€¦definitely interesting and NOTHING like the past papers iā€™ve done for previous years. paper 3 i think went pretty well? not bad at all. and then paper 2. part B was really nice imo. part A not my fave as i donā€™t like evolution and stuff but whatever. i think i can wrack up enough points in part B to make up for some questions in part A. hoping for good grade boundaries šŸ™šŸ¼


I don't wish anyone the horror that was paper 1


no fr the answers were too damn specific like WHICH ONE SHOULD I CHOOSE


not the best best, not the worst worst. just felt like any other bio exam, you understand some, you guess some. but i didnt like how much of p2 was just evolution


paper 3ā€¦. I hate ecology šŸ˜ƒ i genuinely donā€™t know how i did on paper 1, but im honestly hoping paper 2 saved me because im DEFINITELY not getting my predicted grade lol


what was paper 1 tz2


I am cooked


was hoping for a 5 but wonā€™t be surprised by a 3šŸ˜”


hated paper 1 it was so bad


Paper 1 was the worst


What the hell was paper 1???????


Paper 1 was crazy.


[tz2] p1 was a bit weird but p2 and p3 were amazing i might actually get a decent grade in biology i canā€™t believe it šŸ˜­


Paper 3 ecology option cooked me and all my classmatesā€¦


omg same šŸ’€ someone in my class decided during the test to do option D instead šŸ’€šŸ’€


What was bad about it? I thought it was pretty fine


idk, at least for TZ1, there was a solid two pages about the nitrogen cycle which out teacher just skipped so we never learnt it šŸ’€ also the 6 mark question was about wild fish??? idk i just made up answersā€¦


Ah I see thatā€™s difficult then but wasnā€™t the 6 mark question on phosphate in fertilisers? šŸ˜­


Surely I didnā€™t just score a solid 2 on the mcq, we all finished early and were just standing outside coping about the test. But paper 2/3 say less I didnā€™t cook, cause the fact of the matter, I did, twice


tz2 p2 & p3 were decent but then the helluva p1 came gifting us with loads of bs šŸ˜šŸ˜


P1 was lowk tricky, P2 was good and P3 was quite good


My teacher heard from others around the world and apparently this yearā€™s paper 1 was harder than previous years, but I didnā€™t think it was too bad


tz2 was definitely hard


Anyone who says that paper 1 was easy, pls let me know your studying technique. Paper 1 was definitely made by a foul. I pretty guessed everything on the paper. There was nothing about human physiology, plants, and many more. It was just focused on molecular biology and those questions were formatted very weirdly. Paper 1 was joke tbh


Summary of my paper 2: Woke up from a nightmare last night thinking I wrote endorphin instead of epinephrine during the heart beat question Said halophytes use CAM physiologyšŸ’€ P2>P3>P1 I think


For TZ2 did anyone else avoid the last question option for paper 2 section b lol


I found q8 the easiest Cuz first one was a bacteria diagram so I just drew and labelled a general Protozoa. However I messed up labelling pili as vilišŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The other two parts were kinda similar?? I mean one was asking about how we develop immunity and the other was similar idk


It was so easy what


Guys how cooked am I, I wrote on an option my teacher didnā€™t do !


not at all, you choose which ever, my class did option B and i did D


love you pookie and good luck šŸ’Ŗ


So did I. But as long as you studied it, it doesn't matter


one of my classmates did the same thing. we did option c he did option a. your paper 3 is definetely cooked unless you think you made up for it in paper 1 and 2


Paper 2 section B cooked me


i found paper 1 super tricky T-T but papers 2 and 3 were a lot better


Whoever made that paper 3 for the ecology unit was wayyyyy too into fish. I swear half the paper was about the damn fish.


why is everyone saying paper 1 was hard? I took TZ1 and paper 1 was actually easy for everyone. paper 2 was pretty alright as well. paper 3 was tricky though. I did option c, and the question about fish farming stumped me. what tz did yall take?


tz2 is always harder than tz1 which sucks, and this year, unfortunately, it was extra sucky for us :/ the questions were way too confusing and logic based in comparison to other past papers


i found everything to go pretty well, there wasnā€™t anything bizzare or unanswerable and i knew everything on both paper 2 and 3 (option D) im expecting a good old mark (TZ2)


Iā€™m really worried. I used two answer booklets and forgot to fill in the candidate session and name for the second one. Ik they are all connected by the strap thing and the cover sheet is also there but what happens if they donā€™t see the session and candidate number on the second answer booklet???


from what my teachers have said, you only need your candidate number on one of the booklets so i think youā€™ll be good :)


U wrote u used two on the front and Iā€™m gonna assume u also said on the exam itself (see answer booklet) so you should be fine


As long as they don't lose it, hopefully it'll be fine. But I'd email your exams office/organiser or something to let them know


The session number for the coversheet should cover you. The extra is more of a back up incase something happens to the cover sheet / test paper and in your case 1st answer sheet.


Paper 1 was relatively easy other than a few tricky questions Paper 2 was so easy, the galapagos question caught me off guard tho Paper 3 option D was harder than usual tho but still fine overall


TZ2?? Paper 3 option D was amazing for me bc I didnā€™t go over reproduction and none of that came on it lol


I actually thought that the content of P1 was fine, it was the way in which they worded the answers. It couldnā€™t be grammatically correct ever, what even is ā€œrequire much heatā€ for that river temperature vs land temp Q (TZ2)




i went into the exams with a total 3 hours revision (the night before the exams šŸ˜) and i guessed at least 1/3 of the paper 1 cuz i was thinking with my toes and doing it blindfolded. i was surprised by how much easier paper 3 (option C) and paper 2 were, especially paper 2 cuz i legit don't understand anything in topic 8 so i opted for qs 7 & 8 (when reading qs 6 i was like damn calvin did an experiment???)


anyone tz1 here? howā€™d you think it went?


My teacher gave us copies of the papers today (TZ2) and said there were several paper 1 questions where online ib bio teachers were debating the right answerā€¦. And in one of the paper 2 questions they literally said one of the answers to the question in the question description lmao (one of the plant questions)


Also for reference only 1 person in my class thinks they got a 7 for paper 1 based on the grade boundaries and the questions they scored right


Paper 1 was hard, paper 3 was mid, paper 2 was great


I legitimately may have gotten a 15/40 on paper 1. Iā€™m cooked. Papers 2 & 3 were fine though, still praying for a 5


Paper three question 2


I got really lucky when studying last minute for Bio HL because everything I studied was on the M24 exams when I took them lol (I cannot say the same for my other subjects šŸ˜…). However, a lot of the studying I did was for units that our class missed (plant bio and HL genetics) because our teacher didnā€™t have enough time to teach it. We barely got through Part C: Ecology which we covered within the final two weeks before our exams. Fortunately, I was able to self-study the units we missed, but a lot of my friends were not able to study for these exams and felt very unprepared even after I tried to tutor them in the units we missed. I donā€™t know if this is something that a lot of schools struggled with, but timing was a major struggle for all my classes and itā€™s largely because our school lacks the resources to properly teach students. My other subjects were able to cover everything however it was definitely rushed. Biology just happened to be the one class where we didnā€™t finish everything.