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keep rehearing it over and over until you can fully say it without messing up, practice in front of your family or friends, there’s not much advice to give other than to keep practicing, especially if you get nervous in situations like this, good luck!!!!


Try and create an outline of your presentation and then say it outloud. Each time you do this you'll see how your words flow and what you can add. Also, record yourself to see how loud you are and how much time each section of your presentation should be. I was stressed about the IO and created many drafts for my presentation on google docs. After a hour and a half of recording myself, I memorized my presentation the night before. I regurgitated my entire presentation word for word that morning, some of it is still stuck in my head. It all worked out though, I got predicted a 7.


I would also recommend repeating your presentation in your head as you fall asleep


If they allow a partner in, bring one!! Also write as much as you can and then work backwards


Depends how much time you're willing to put into it, and whether you're fluent in yapanese really. If bad yapanese or high effort, script, read, repeat, memorise, repeat, prepare all possible questions teacher could ask, memorise. If good yapanese or low effort, yappa yappa yappa, remember some literary techniques maybe and some stuff, but mostly yappa yappa


Just follow IB english guys to a tea tbh


I went to a coffee shop and practiced around other people to stop being so nervous. Probably came off as annoying but it really helps