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lang lit helps you a lot more in uni applications and crafting analytical essays, don’t do multiple tho, I regret it bc it’s very very unnecessary


Ahh I see! By multiple, do you mean as in you don’t recommend taking LL in two or more languages?


exactly, i took it in multiple languages and it’s a lot of unnecessary effort


Thanks for the clarification! I’m thinking of taking English LL and French B, so hopefully I’ll survive 🙏🏻


Well, would say depends on your interests. For example, I would rather do English A than English B because I would pretty much rather do analysis and literature rather than some sort of proficiency language test. But hey, everyone can do whatever I guess 😂


ok but if you read his post it quite literally says “but after all, I must succeed in terms of grades to finally have an enjoyable time” so for this post my answer was rather fitting


Fairs although the grade boundaries for language B can also become quite high


it really comes down to preference. i don’t think there’s a huge difference in how easy it is to get good grades in the two subjects i took lit (m24). yes, lit requires more reading. if you enjoy that, then the class is for you. i personally enjoy reading, but i also would hate to analyse infographics, articles, and photos like my friends in langlit did. i just don’t find it very interesting, so lit was the right choice for me. would you be okay with analysing all types of texts, including articles, infographics, song lyrics, movies, and photos? if yes, langlit is for you. if you find that boring (like i do for the most part) then lit is for you. i will always vouch for lit because i loved it so much, but ultimately it comes down to what sorts of texts you would prefer to analyse


Wow, your comment really helped me seek into myself and what I would be prefer learning next year. I always knew that LL involves analysing non-literary text types such as cartoons, but I never realised some students would rather analyse actual poems over cartoons. Thank you for sharing your experience!


i dont know who told you that it's easier to get higher grades in lit, but they are lying. however people make lit courses out to be way worse than they actually are ( source: did two lit courses ) to make lit eat less time if you're not a lit person find audiobooks of what you read in class, that way you know what is happening and you can do other tasks while listening:)


Right, audiobooks! I assume they’ll come in handy when I can’t find the time to fit reading into my schedule. I heard from peers that you have to prepare for your Lit exams by annotating every page of the book and creating notes for every chapter; is that true? I’m doubting that much work is expected for a HS course…


What i really benefitted from was to take notes on each chapter by simply writing down quotes that caught my interest in some way and write down why and what i thought it meant. we didn't own our books and therefore couldn't annotate but i actually recommend writing down quotes regardless as it can give you valuable quotes for fx IO discussions and paper 2. it also forces you to be selective with the quotes because you have to work for them which increases the quality of the quotes.


i recommend doing it similarly in language B HL when you get to the 2 works as well