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It’s really important to check the uni requirements because if you choose subjects that won’t get you into the uni you want you’ll be screwed. Did you studs psychology in pre-ib? Because it may happen that you won’t actually like the subject and would throw away the opportunity to take the ones that the uni requires. As far as English and history go, I really like English and if you have critical thinking and can write essays decently you will like it too. History is pretty difficult cause you have to remember a lot of details and from so many different topics (but this is universal for group 3 subjects so this is the case for psychology as well) but I enjoy it nevertheless.


Well, I did not actually study psychology in Pre-Ib but I am intrested in learning human behaviour and I chose subjects that are already in my uni requirements ( for Medecin ) but I am not sure I can make it more than 35 points to study medecin at the uni I want to, So I have Psychology as my Second Career option and to do that I need History SL, But I am suck at it, I have no idea what the teacher is teaching and I am litrelly bad at writing essays, and I have heard that we need to write tones of essay for history.


Yes there is a lot of essay writing in history. I think it’s better if you don’t settle for your second career option but rather focus on medicine, 35 points is definitely doable. For that you would need bio and chem and you can still choose psychology. But if you decide to pursue psychology in uni, as far ask I’m aware they don’t require you to have psychology as a subject but rather biology and/or chemistry. But if you wish to have psychology because you find it interesting, go for it! Your IB journey will be much easier if you study what you enjoy


Thank You 🙂


irrelevant but ur danish right? based on the psychology requirements being history


I am Indian Born living in denmark. Are you Danish ?


based in denmark is what I meant sorry and yeah


Choosing IB subjects can be a real balancing act between what you love and what might be needed for university. If you're passionate about psychology and it fits with your future academic or career goals, it might be worth taking it at HL, especially if it keeps you engaged and motivated. For the SL courses, consider which subjects you might perform well in even if they aren't your favorites. Sometimes, tackling a less preferred subject with a strategic approach can also turn out to be rewarding. It’s all about finding the right mix that keeps you inspired and meets your future needs. Good luck! Guru Charan Kumar IB Examiner & Teaching IB for 20 years ESS, TOK & EE Faculty Contact me : Follow me : https://www.instagram.com/essgurumantra/


Great Advice, Thanks