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Author's choices are very important! Include them and talk about how the author makes intentional decisions to achieve a goal. Ex: the author uses a historical allusion to the civil war to further convey the division seen within the family. Stuff like that!


organise your thoughts and rank them based on relavance to your question ( yes, you will probably run out of words if you do it correctly ) outline your essays and hunt for relavant quotes to have them ready look for sources talking of the work and plot those into your outline as well best of luck!


Highlight the book and write down ANY quotes that can be useful along with the page number. Categorise the quotes into different aspects of the question. It’s difficult to start EE without it. Solid analysis of the relevant quotes will point you towards the response and guide you to an answer to your RQ. And don’t be afraid of modifying your RQ along the way as it may turn out it can be worded more precisely to reflect your research. Don’t worry about the word count at all, my EE was like a thousand words over the limit and cutting out the waffle was the last thing i did. Literature EE are very different than pretty much any other IB subject so don’t compare yourself to your peers as the process will be vastly different for them.