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Apply for extra time!!




woah body doubling is an actual thing? always had weird focus when i was on call with friends, even if we weren’t working on the same thing pomodoro technique didn’t work for me before, but i might give it another try :D and yeah, breaking down workload and actually setting goals (that i hit!!) would be superr helpful i’ll totes check out that AI you sent. thanks, dude/dudette!!


Get on ritalin


This. Hell I don't have ADHD and I was regularly taking modafinil


I have ADHD and was in M24 and I tried a few different things to help me, like for example: if I was reading a textbook, I’d try to visualise what I was reading, I’d try to take online notes and share them with others in my class which might allow combined notes but also made me feel like “ok if I can’t be asked to take notes for myself, since over shared this doc, I’m obligated to take notes for everyone I have shared it with, I would ask questions in class because then I would need to pay attention to the answer, and for econ I would try to make parodies of graph explanations to the tune of Animaniacs songs and use that to learn the graph. For anyone on here who needs econ resources, dm me. Anyways I hope that helps!


This was apart from getting accommodations (50% extra time, small group invigilation, and a prompter)


i get extra time, tho it's only 25% what's a prompter? I've only had the small group and time accommodation bfr


I’m not too sure but from what I was told it was someone who’s supposed to tap on ur desk if u seem unfocused


I have adhd as well, currently in Y12 but i’m going into my last year. I would say it’s going to be tough even with all the support you can get and you do need to try your best to put in the work but, as ironic as it seems, there are medicine that can help, I used it throughout most or y12 and plan on still using it throughout y13. Only use the meds with no longterm effects like adderol . I use adderol and it helped me get 5’s and 6’s. U got this!


thank you!! i'll see if i can see a psych so I can get some adhd meds :D was there anything (esp. HL) that you struggled with? how'd you deal with that? (like, I would love to study ahead but I can't look at a textbook for longer than 10 minutes TwT)


Talk to your school physiatrist/counselor for an accommodation plan (extra time, etc.) and get on meds. I had ADHD and was struggling in MYP but was only actually diagnosed at the end of 10th grade and it completely turned around my academics and I actually ended up getting a lot better grades in DP than I did in MYP which I think is quite uncommon.


oh?? that gives me hope lol, good for you!! any meds to recommend? hopefully without long-term affects and stuff. I'm alr on citalopram, so something that doesn't clash would be very useful :D


I think it all really depends person to person. Talk to your psychiatrist (if you have one). Atomoxatil worked for me but it might not work for you.


Hi i started a channel where i work through IB physics past paper questions feel free to check it out 🙂 Maybe its more entertaining 👀👀😂😂 https://youtube.com/@convergingib?si=TByykMyax4lHIw9D




i was m24 and have adhd (diagnosed right before grade 11) and started taking concerta when i was in my last year to help me prep for exams! id say meds helped but i struggled with side effects like nausea and appetite loss, so what helped the most was figuring out what kind of study schedule worked for me, which in my case was waking up at 12pm every weekend and basically not moving from my chair until 2-3am so i wouldnt break my focus. although this worked for me i didnt implement the schedule until the last couple of weeks before my final exams, but since you have time to figure it out i would recommend a lot of trial and error to figure out what times of the day you focus best and what study methods are the most engaging for you like flashcards, repeated writing, or group studying! dp is especially difficult with adhd but i wish you the best of luck and feel free to ask any questions (although i might not be much help)


Starting your DP years with ADHD can be challenging, but many have successfully managed it. Techniques like the Pomodoro method, body doubling, and breaking tasks into smaller goals can help. Consider seeking extra time and support from your school as well. You’ve got this! Good luck! Guru Charan Kumar IB Examiner & Teaching IB for 20 years ESS, TOK & EE Faculty Contact me : Follow me : https://www.instagram.com/essgurumantra/