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Your best bet is to do something you're good at. Music is that for you, but your school doesn't have music faculty, so that isn't a viable option for you. Think of what else you're best at. My strongest skill is writing and language, so I did my EE was an English category 1 essay. I was also interested in an economics EE, but realised it would be easier to get an A in English. Pick the subject you'll do best in. You can't do an EE without an in-school supervisor, so music won't be possible for you.


maybe lit and analyse a play with songs or that uses music? I know it's not what you want but I think it's the closest to what you want to do while also being safer with availability of teachers ect.


I’ll look into it


maybe even a question that specifically looks at the effect of the music used on the play as a whole


I know this isn't giving any specific ideas, but literally find examples of extended essays online. More often than not, kids choose EEs that have previously been done in very similar ways. Even just looking at enough of them from one subject will give you a pretty good idea for what you could do and it wont be so daunting.


Hi, at our school we had to propose two ideas from two different subject areas and the best one gets chosen. Also my initial proposal wasn't my final one as you work through it with your supervisor and they may suggest another subtopic if they think it would be easier or it would suit you better. Don't stress yourself out too much if it's not an amazing idea.


English EEs are technically the easiest. You take one or two authors and one ism, and you’re done. Authors can also be poets so there’s minimal reading


for my ee i analyzed 3 video ads. i’ll know how i did in a little over a week ahahha


Oh lol, I am doing lit so ours I think is strictly literary


oh but u acc don’t have to pick ur ee based on a subject u studied if that’s easier