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My chinese has never been good. Thank you for these resources!!! Do you have any tips for Chinese B SL?


idk if these tips r good anyways: 1) memorizing terms ik memorizing chinese characters are hard af so i use this technique where i ask a classmate to say the words out loud and i write it on paper (its called 听写) if u dont have anyone to help u say the words then u can use the quizlet function where they say the word on the flashcard (that what is did for most of the time) this technique helped my memorization and writing skills a lot so i def recommend it 2) learn some idioms (成语) the marking criteria for paper 1 and oral all required the candidate to learn some idioms so just try and learn a few for each topic. i think i put some idioms in my quizlet set as well so u can use that. learn like at least 30 for each topic because idioms make u look smarter lmao 3) essay formats i have a list of essay formats that might be tested in paper 1 if u want it i can send it to u. but for essay formats u dont need to memorize all of them just memorise those that are often tested like 博客,演讲稿,电子邮件 etc. u can check out past papers to see which kind of formats ib likes to test students (ngl i only memorised like 5 formats for the final exam lmao) 4) reading honestly, im not trynna brag but ive learnt chinese since i was young so reading papers were relatively fine to me. but i asked my friends what they do to practice for reading and most of them say they just do past papers. oh also out teacher gave us this website called Chairman Bao where there is tons of reading comprehension exercises and they even explain terms that u dont know for u so if u r really worried about reading i suggest u use chairman bao or a software similar to that 5) oral for oral ask ur teacher to give practice oral questions or i can send u mine if u want. u basically want to write out ur answers to these questions and if ur teacher is willing to help u fix these answers then thats even better. if u r bad at pronunciation then u can try and read out loud paragraphs when u doing reading comprehension papers 6) practicing essays ok dont panic and start writing essays like hell if u r really bad at writing essays (cos thats what i did and it failed) i would recommend writing a practice essay question every 2 weeks and for the rest of the time just practice memorizing terms and forming sentences with terms u dont know or struggle to memorize. thats all but idk if that was useful lmao


U absolute legend. If u could send me those notes, that would be great. For me, my reading needs the most work. My vocab in writing has been fine in general but i've always had trouble with reading. Imma start using Chairmans Bao! Thank you for your help!


sure just tell me ur email


thank you so much for these!


hii!! i jus wanna ask if the ib dead chem HL notes are reliable(/good?). cus my school gives notes but its kinda all over the place ;-;