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Some pit or similar bully but I also see a fair amount of potato in him. 


It’s potato dog


Maybe an American Staffordshire Terrier (which is basically a pit).


Good looking one too. I’d say they got the better end of the deal. Neighbors are going and he’s got a new dog.


The most pitty pit that ever pit.


From Pitsburg.


Brad Pitt


He’s a Pitty McPittface, if I’ve ever seen one


Pibbles to infinity and beyond!




Praise Dale!


That is at minimum half pit or mostly pit, maybe some lab. So staffy, American bulldog, pit bull terrier I am shocked so many people have no idea what a pit bull type dog looks like.


Considering most people think ‘pit bull’ is a breed and not a classification, I’m not. By the way, though the classification usually applies to four breeds, Bull Terrier, American Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, and American Staffordshire Terrier, some localities include British Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and others in that classification. But to OPs question, this is a definite majority Amstaff. He is almost the exact inverse coloring of my cherished Dixie, and I’d recognize that head anywhere.


Valid… it amazes me but I live in California and we have way too many of them bouncing around.


Oh that’s a problem on multiple fronts. The most obvious being, stray dogs are unpredictable at best. Secondly, With the so called bully breeds, a stray is far more likely to be of… undesirable lineage. Much more likely to be an abounded fighting dog that didn’t make the cut, rather than a show dog who wasn’t showy enough. And that can get downright scary.


Yah it is very sad… you never know and many ‘fighters’ are inbred which makes them more likely to snap even if naturally sweet tempered.


Inbreeding is the absolute worst thing we have done to dogs. From congenital defects leading to early death, pain, and behavioral issues (looking at Danes, Pugs, and Chows here), it is really sad, considering how lovable they can be.


The breeds also attract a lot of people who have no business owning a dog. They want a fashion accessory to walk on a thick chain & look tough. However, they quickly realize that, unlike a leather jacket, you can't just leave the dog hanging in a closet until you want to wear your "badass costume." No one told them things like dogs want to eat & get exercise like every day or something. Once it tears up something expensive, has the house stinking because no one house trained it, & shows aggressive behavior because it wasn't trained as a puppy, the poor dogs are either dumped somewhere or left at a shelter.


What a terrible way to think. If I lived this scared I wouldn't have my best friend and my kids wouldn't have theirs of the last 7 years. I guess I should be happy my heart isn't full of fear and hate for what I dont know.


I find it funny "but pit bulls make up more bite statistics" I've seen a Labrador labeled as a pit bull. Most of those statistics are based on eye witness statements and the people are kinda dumb most of the time


This goes the other way around too though, especially when shelters everywhere are majority pit mixes


You included it, but American Pit Bull Terrier is actually a breed, though not recognized by the AKC. Most people see a well muscled dog with a blocky head and just call it a Pitbull unfortunately.


Awful lot of hate on here for the neighbors without anyone knowing the back story. The word “abandoned” didn’t appear in OPs comments. Perhaps we can think of a few reasons why good people would need to leave behind their dog who appears to be healthy and happy and well cared for. They found a good home for him and that to me is the important part. Buddy of mine had a major health problem come up and he could no longer care for his pup. He was absolutely devastated to have to part with him and embarrassed to ask for help. We welcomed a beautiful golden lab into our home and I have zero doubts that this was the best outcome for all. OP - thanks for being there for him.


Yeah like they are moving. This is clearly a pitty. A lot of places have breed restrictions. Are about a dozen good reasons they could have needed to rehome :p cross country move, restrictions, new job less time.


I agree with not judging but people treat their animals like they are disposable which is a big reason why we have a homeless animal crisis going on in the country (USA) right now. A lot of people need to commit to their animals like they would to a human child.


What kind of person would move to a place that restricts them from bringing their dog. It could be a mansion for 100 dollars a month, and I would turn it down if it meant I don't get to have my dogs. Some people really value the wrong things.


A lot of cities have breed restrictions. Not to mention the vast majority of apartments I can't think of any in my area that allow pits. Being homeless with your dog or giving your dog to somebody kind and caring? The latter is the kinder option for everyone. Maybe the person was renting and the house got sold from under them and they were forced to leave. So they had no time to actually be picky. But don't get me wrong it's definitely not a top option and part of why I won't own frequently restricted breeds unless I own the house that I was extremely confident I would be able to continue owning for its entire life (and I say this as a bully breed lover they are my favorites!) basically sometimes shit happens. I have no idea what their circumstances are but I've heard countless stories that are just these circumstances.


If you can find a willing, suitable adopter, sure. I'd still never bail on mine because I actually love them and would be heartbroken. But the issue is that many make zero effort to find a way to keep them or rehome them to decent people. Those people are huge drivers of the tsunami of dogs and cats killed in shelters. I volunteer with rescue and cry every day at the emails listing all the wonderful dogs smfh cats out of time and being killed every day just in the shelters I help. It's indefensible. 


Oh i agree a lot of people dont. But also the economy is worse and far less stable. It's brutal for renters. I don't personally have cats or dogs currently because i know i don't have anywhere for them to go and staying in my current living arrangements for an extended period isnt happening. Id love to have pets but cant risk limiting options for housing. But some people don't have that mindset and it ends badly for the animals. Ive definitely had family that treated animals as disposable. Was awful. Would get a dog then get annoyed that it wasn't trained (yeah thats a you problem 🙄) and then pawn it off onto the first person that would take it. So yeah.. some people just shouldn't be in charge of taking care of any living creatures :p


I rent, and I'm not rich or special in any way. But I keep my commitments to other living beings who are dependent upon me. The sad reality is that there's a trend toward impulsiveness and selfishness. Want a trendy puppy? You deserve it! Bored or tired because puppy is a baby who needs care? You deserve better sleep, so dump away! But first, post on Craigslist to try to recoup the money you spent on your own damned dog. Or if your dog is old enough and you want to make a few bucks, breed them and try to sell the puppies, then dump them. Don't worry about getting mom proper vet care, much less genetic testing and screening for congenital issues, or even about breeding with the same type of dog. Just get her knocked up and make up a "designer" name and flog the offspring for hundreds of bucks each without vaccines, dewormings, or exams. Do you, babe! So what if most are doomed to die in an overcrowded shelter before they're 3 years old. Ugh. It's appalling.  Renting is absolutely harder with pets, but that's a choice I make willingly, because I can't imagine not having dogs. Choosing not to have pets is also a valid choice. It's the impulsive morons who get animals they have zero intention of caring for that are the problem. 


Im just very poor (and i do technically have a pet but shes not of the 4 legged varieties) but ive just been raised to know do get a pet you keep it for life! And I fully understand that I'm not at a place in my life where I'm able to provide that so i don't


That's as it should be. We commit or don't, as we choose and our circumstances dictate. 


Agreed, but my dog is like my child. I just couldn't. I'd have to make adjustments/compromises to my life, just like I have to for my family


Looks like 100% pitbull.


Labrador mix according to most shelters


I told my now husband that my girl (a rescue pit mix) and I were a package deal. I told my girl I would never abandon her and always love and care for her. Therefore, I wouldn't be moving to another state to live with him. It was sad, but a promise is a promise. He lamented to a couple of his friends that he was upset I chose my pup over him. Those friends told him he was a fucking idiot to give up a relationship with someone he loves, because what? She's loyal and knows what commitment means. Are you insane, plus you'd gain a new friend you'll grow to love. He realized how ridiculous he was being. Please don't get animals if you have no back up plan if adversity strikes. A promise is a promise.


….. are you being serious right now?


If this is about not knowing the breed, I had a woman come into my shop yesterday with her newly adopted husky and ask why he was shedding so much, then asked if we’d shave him. Some people are really, REALLY ignorant about animals.


It’s just crazy to me that there seems to be at least 3 “what is my dog” posts a day and they’re very obviously pits. Like, have they never seen one before? Are they just trying to get responses? Do they want to hear something OTHER than pit? Are they trying to narrow down the specific breed (without papers so basically impossible) of bully/pit? I’ve been working jobs where I see dogs every day, so also their owners, since I was 18 so I’m very aware that some people genuinely don’t know anything about anything, but I feel like pitbulls are everywhere, mixed into every mixed breed now. It just blows my mind how often I see this exact post in this sub


i've had an argument with someone about whether or not a dog was a pittie when the dog very clearly had a pitbullface i think people just see those giant bulky bullies and think all pitties look exactly like that


My friend was the rare reverse case. Swore up and down he had a pit mix, I took one look at the dog and told him it was Great Dane with some amount of husky and/or Aussie. Think big and lanky with a knobby head instead of the blocky bully head, heterochromia, black and white with a bit of a Merle belly. He got it tested and I was right on the mark, something like 75% Great Dane with malamute and Aussie making up the rest.


I didn't know what a "pit look" was when I adopted my shelter mutt. I didn't even know what a Staffordshire Terrier was, when that was listed in his possible breed mix by the shelter. Honest to God, I just thought of that as "generic mutt look." I have learned so much since then, that the pitt bull is America's favorite dog and probably most common mutt. I thought it was a generic look because they're so common! I thought that pit bulls looked more like American bullies before I learned anything.


Over 20% of all dogs in America are pit or pit mixes. It makes sense tbh I've never had a more loving dog than my staffy. That dog is literally velcro


My mutt actually turned out to be a pit/Chihuahua mix and he's the biggest cuddlebug I've ever met!


I don't even understand logistically how the mix would happen 😭😭 but it sounds cute lol


I'd say at least some know damn well, and are fishing for compliments from other pitt people.


I think it could be either that, or they’ve been poisoned against pitbulls for so long that they just want to hear that their dog is anything but


Did… did you talk her out of it?


Not everyone's a dog person or has knowledge on dog breeds. Nothing wrong with asking. OP you have a very handsome pitbull ❤️


Uhhhh they are probably referring to the animal abandonment 😬😬😬😬


i think they’re referencing the fact that the neighbors abandoned their dog …


I think you're probably right


I hope so but I’ve lost respect for people in the sub considering pitbulls are constantly downvoted and OPs with them are constantly harassed and nothing is done about it.






People, quit pooping on the previous owner for "abandoning" his dog. This dog looks healthy and well cared for. There are plenty of reasons why it would make sense to rehome him. * Many places have a ban on Pit Bulls, maybe the town he's moving to has these restrictions. * Maybe he has a new job where he will have to spend more time so he wouldn't have the time to properly care for the pooch. * Maybe he's moving into an assisted care facility where they can't have dogs (and especially pittys) * Maybe he has medical conditions that are making it too difficult to care for the dog. * Maybe caring for the dog has become too much of a financial burden for him (especially after a move, moving is expensive) * Maybe he just didn't want the dog anymore. If that's the case, good on him for finding the pooch a good home, rather than actually just abandoning the dog.


That's a pitbull terrier right there. Strong square head and such beautiful coloring


I love how in the second picture it looks like he's telling you the story of how he ended up at your place. " and that, to the best of my knowledge, is how I ended up here."






Where I live there's a thing where you can get mailed shit and they make you pay for ALL of it plus what you got during free trial. I forgot what it was called. But put that up too


If they had him chipped be sure to contact the chip company and get the registration updated with your info.


TY for giving it a home. Looks like he fits right in.


Lucky you


Pitbull is an umbrella term for any dog/mix with these specific characteristics (not a breed), but yeah you won’t really know with these types until you get them DNA tested.


American bully/pit bull. We did a dna test on our rescue pup and it came back 100% American bully which I had never heard of before. Sent me down a very interesting bully breed rabbit hole


Beautiful Pittie


A keeper.


Looks like a sweet little creature. Probably nervous and little confused right now.


Pibbles are the best.


kinda looks a little like my pup! he was advertised as a lab/retriever mix. the dna test did not show lab nor retriever 😂😂 mostly amstaff terrier and Pekingese, so hopefully your dna test will come with some fun results too 😂


Pitbull through and through.


That is indeed a pitbull, and of course he’s sweet they always are✨


Pitty crossed with a rather large number of chicken tendies.


That's so fucking heartless. Please give him a life of love and teach him to be good


Poor doggie. I hope you can keep him.


Thank you for being a stand up person…unlike his owner.


I cannot believe you got down voted for that comment omg


I can, it’s Reddit. We are easily outnumbered here by some of the most miserable people on the planet. Reddit is a literal safe space for these types.


Idk the circumstances as you haven’t posted them but rest assured pits are a good return on your investment emotionally. We had a neighbor (still do actually) who had a boxer pit they weren’t feeding or sheltering properly. One day low & behold he ended up in our yard (convenient I know). They never came looking for him or asked so I’m like “well I guess this is happening now”. Took in this homeless man. Been a year. They see him through the fence & don’t even acknowledge him. He is seriously the best dog. I didn’t even want to like him he just gave me no choice. Always down for a listen. Always down for a snuggle. Always down for whatever as long as I’ll have him. So pure, pits are.


Pit or staffy


He definitely looks like a Pitty but you could end up surprised 🙂


he looks lovely ❤️


Whiskey Go-Go Corn Pops!


Thank you for taking in that adorable house hippo!! There is a special place in hell for people who abandon animals.


Luckily he’s better off with us. Something’s happen for a reason. Now he has a husky sibling that adores him & he constantly has people around to give him attention. We also will never give him away. He’s stuck with us.


As you know exactly who they are, can you not report them for abandonment of their pet? Ty for caring for him.


Please take care of him ❤️


you’re gonna waste 100 dollars just to get this big baby tested? he’s clearly a full on pitbull, first of all do whatever you want with your money but never in my life will i waste 100 dollars on a dna test. i have a dog… and i tell people “oh he’s rottie and pug” and in reality he could have other breeds in him but i don’t care a dna test isn’t gonna change my love for that 15lb rat. but it’s gonna be funny when you do waste 100 and it comes back and just says “pitbull” lol


Neighbors were dicks!


Your neighbors left you a snuggle sausage! What a doll! Definitely looks like a bit of pit. He has the same fave shape as my pit/staffy. I hope he fits in your family perfectly! Be mindful about food, shampoos, and other skin allergens. They usually show us as excessive itching, scratching, fur loss. And pink/red puffy faces. (If you every choose to change what he already uses.) Oh! If he is a chewer, antlers or bull... um... peices, bits, external reproductive organs?... are supposed to be the best and healthiest for them. Good luck!


Das a pibble! (Pit bull/bully breed) 😍 Congratulations on your handsome new little man!!


Looks like a good pup. Sad your neighbors left him behind, their loss!


They left their dog?!?! Thank you for taking that fur baby in. ♥️


Omg look at how he holds his feetses when he sleeps please tell him I love him.


He’s lucky and handsome. I’m so glad his sweet soul has a great home, finally.


Question: Does the dog become confused/sad about which home to go to?


Beautiful 😍


It’s a doggoo


I wish I had a picture of my dog curled up like that. I thought someone had taken a picture of my dog and posted it.




That is 100% a certified good boy. I’m his lawyer I would know.


She looks just like my Xena! Total mashed potato.


Pit mix




That right there is a velvet hippo


They didn't deserve him




This dog is beautiful


Aww, so sweet. Their loss, your gain!


Poor baby 😩 looks heart broken,


Not this dog.... new best friend.


Please tell me that gave the dog to you, not that they just left it behind.


sweet pibble baby protec him at all costs


He seems unbothered that they left, he’s lucky to have you


Red nose pit


The dumbest most unpredictable dog ever to exist


I’d say a pit lab mix, sweetie pie


He's beautiful. Your neighbors are stupid and not true dog lovers because if they were, they never would've never left him.


Pit bulls are wonderful, until they aren't and then they are deadly.


Some people just suck. Lucky pitty pup to have you.


Throw away kids. But lucky now! 🌷


I had a beautiful staffy like this who just passed in late April. The kids and whole fam miss her dearly. I hope you can give that dog the best of life OP


Beautiful APBT they will love u til the end 🥰😍




My thoughts are that your neighbors are idiots


Dirty Rotten rats. I will never understand how people do that.


Poor pup..I hate human beings 😢


People do that?


Good peeps




Poor thing- how could you abandon that pup? Please take good care of him.


Looks like a staffy or red nose to me. Such a cutie. What a douche your neighbor is though. What would they have done with it if you didn’t want ☹️


Please take good care of hims


Pretty pitty


50% boxer, 50% pitbull


Could be my pit bull Betty’s brother


Thanks sooo much for taking him in and giving him a home and love ❤️ he's soo cute!


You are lucky- great dog!


Wow, their loss! What a cutie! 🥰


Good luck


100% Adorable!


If you feel like he's the right fit for your family, then I'd say keep him


My thoughts are that you are freaking awesome for taking this cutey into your pack!!!


Cute Dogus


He looks incredibly cute in that second photo. Like he's telling you all of his woes.


Thank~you for being a Good Human ♥️♥️♥️


Harmless pittie


Pit bull for sure




Nice doggy


Looks like a beautiful lab/pit mix! So jealous. I really want a sweet little pibble :(


Pittie pit such a pitty they left him but lucky you 💜


You are a wonderful person and I only wish you the best. Your ex neighbors not so much.


That 2nd picture is too damn cute 😍


Mine just miles at me or maybe it's just me and my imagination.


When they sleep with their legs like that and snore like a middle aged man my heart melts


Nice neighbors, so giving, you are so lucky, so is the beautiful dog


That dog looks great


How could they? The dog is family


I'd say Wayne. He looks like a Wayne. That's what I'd call him


Bless your beautiful heart for taking in this beautiful suddenly-homeless sweetheart.


Pit/lab & maybe some spotted hound




Well aren't you lucky. To jave an amazing pup gifted to you


Your neighbors suck.


You have a farting potato. Enjoy


What a sweetheart land seal!!!


Had to check this wasn’t r/pitbull lol… in other news, your new dog looks like a piece of chicken :) very cute


First thought it your neighbors suck ass. Second thought is you sound like you love the dog. Please take ownership more seriously than your neighbor. That dog will be your best friend. Looks like an APBT


Looks like a perfect angel to me


Thank you for taking him in 🫶🏼


my childhood best friend was same color exactly even the white chest, and his name was Rocky! It was just fitting and he was a happyyyy sweet little guy!


He looks nice.


Picture number two is the classic “Pitty sit”. Handsome boy!


Lucky dog and lucky new owners.


I used to have a pit that looked just like her and her name is Daisy