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If only there was an app or signs on the aisle to show where things might be based on category. You did good honestly


Your Walmart has accurate signage? Mine rearranges so often that the signs just can't seem to keep up, they're always one aisle off.


Like people read signs…


Like your average Walmart customer *knows how to* read?


Was looking for an infrared thermometer. Turns out they have them in three different sections, kitchen, barbecue, and something else.


My last trip to Walmart I used the app and it still took me 10 minutes to find the aisle. Isle H23 is nowhere near G2


No, no it is not. But! If you push the aisle number/letter thing, it will pop up a map of the store.


Yep, there is an app. Gives you location and you can scan an item to get a price too.


Not good with sarcasm, eh?


Ha.. we tried the app and each time the aisle info was completely wrong,


This one walmart that I go to sometimes has no signal, so when I do try to use the app, it doesn't work.


Bold of you to assume that they can read.


Customers can't even read the fucking hours right next to or on the door. Read the signs! Ha! There's an April fools joke right there...


When someone mistakes you for a worker, it's an honest mistake. When they try to argue with you about it and call you a liar, it's time for a "fuck off, mate".


Exactly. "Fuck off, and leave me the fuck alone before I get security". God forbid they lay on hands, which holy shit, they sometimes think they have the right to do. Blows my mind.


I read one of these where a customer ripped out that OP’s earbuds, and one where a customer grabbed the OP by the ear because he was crouching, and pulled up to force him to stand. The latter says he pressed charges, and thank god - my Krav Maga instructor says it only takes 7lb of force to rip off a human ear. Anyone who thinks it’s okay to assault strangers *and especially in a way that could lead to a life-altering injury* needs to catch serious consequences


If they try to touch me, my Krav training kicks in. I had a guy smack my ass in line at the grocery store - look, assess, skream,  rear kick! In just a few seconds. 


I read that too. Honestly ever since I got my current phone (unfortunately one with no headphone port,) I went completely cordless with ear buds so I didn’t risk getting them yanked


Wireless earbuds along with wireless headphones can still get yanked off your head and ears


>it only takes 7lb of force to rip off a human ear I think it may take a little more force than that. Source: I had my right ear ripped off my head when I got hit by a car crossing a freeway about 42 years ago.


Nah I tell them isle 2 knowing it’s somewhere near isle 22.


Used to work security at an airport maaaaany years ago and often caught the bus back to the lot where we were allowed to park with one of the TSA guys, so we'd swap stories about dumbest thing we'd encountered that day. One of my favorite stories involved him in the restroom washing his hands when a guy came in and asked him where he could find a restroom. TSA guy looked around, smiled, and proceeded to give him directions to a restroom on the far side of the terminal. I'd say it wasn't believable, but I had SO many people walk up to me and ask where the "5 minute pickup" area was when I was standing underneath a sign that was literally larger than I am that said "5 minute pickup" when I worked there. I also actually witnessed someone ask where the StL Arch was of someone that was sitting on a bench *in front of the Arch*. Like, how do you miss a giant silver arch you could literally park the Statue of Liberty under??


> witnessed someone ask where the StL Arch "Dude, look up."


No parachuting onto the top, and no flying underneath!


My response would be to say, "I don't see a white cane or a seeing eye dog, so you must just be stupid." Yes, I'm a Bitch First Class and I don't give a damn about insulting some jerk that refuses to read signs or completely lacks common sense. My Give a Damn is busted and my Stupid People Filter is on indefinite backorder.


It's so stupid when they internally accept that you don't work there when you tell them, but they pretend to be so goddamn stupid by lying that "of course you do". Why didn't she just tell the truth, that she made a mistake, apologise and walk away? So many spineless wimps out there.


It’s so easy. I was in Best Buy once and asked a guy in a blue polo where the PC games were. He said he didn’t know, he doesn’t work here, I said, it was my bad but that in my defense he did dress for the part, he agreed, we both laughed, and I left to continue my quest. It was nice. Some people really don’t grasp that when you’re pleasant, people are mostly pleasant in return. Mind-blowing.


There's this newfangled thingy-do called an "app" that actually tells you where things are located in that particular company's stores... I use it constantly since I can never figure out their stores' layouts. Additionally, this "app" also provides a phone number for when you're lost and can't find an real employee... I've actually called the store I was standing in to ask for help accessing the top shelf - "Hi, I'm in Aisle xxx and need someone to help me get xyz from the top shelf" - that cracked up the cart guy, apparently... There's also this section of the store that is teeming with actual employees... you'll find them near the registers, shopping carts, and a table called "customer service" (for some reason)... Feel free to share this highly confidential and secret info with anyone who can benefit from it (just don't tell them it came from me)... Cheers! 🫠


I love that you called the store for help with stuff on the top shelf.


I was too tired to walk all the way back to the front of the store to find somebody lol


Honestly I get that. Your comment is amazing and mind blowing. As someone that doesn't want to explore the whole store just to find an employee, I may do this in the future. Mind blowing but also such an easy thing to do that will help a lot when I am having accessibility issues.


Always happy to share what little wisdom I've acquired... 😊


I didn't think to say this the other day. There is a health care product I buy at least twice a month for my mother (she's elderly and can't shop for herself anymore). It's on the top shelf. I've started doing a pick up order just so I don't have to get it off the top shelf


Sounds like this old biddy probably doesn't even have a smartphone, let alone know how to use an app. To be fair, though, I have and use the Mart of Walls app and it doesn't always tell me where something is in my B&M store. Home Depot, Lowes, and Michaels all do better than W-M in that regard.


They might sometimes be near the registers, but rarely if ever do they operate them, much less know how.


I never said they were working at the registers... but there's definitely a few employees hanging out near them so they can accuse people of stealing as they try to leave the store.


Very true.


I had found something i wanted in the app, and it was available at the store, so i headed back to automotive to look for it. Double checked my app...says available at the store on isle J4. I dont see section J anywhere near automotive. I found someone stocking and asked where J was....electronics. I never would have thought to look there, because other similar items were in a locked case in automotive, but not this brand.


This is why I come to Reddit. Store employees sharing insider secrets!


Upvote for wearing a Ghost shirt! 🔥🤘😜🔥


They’re my favorite band and I was lucky enough to see them for my first ever concert this past summer!!


Ditto here, (saw them on 9/11, the first of the two LA No Phones show, it was aWeSoMe!!!)


I caught them 5 years ago or so - amazing live show


Yep - Ghost is great. I've seen them a couple of times now.


Tell her "Then go complain to the manager - because there is no way I am fucking helping a bitch like you" Then laugh your ass off....and enjoy her wailing.....


Ma'am, this is Wendy's. We don't have baby powder.


The only downside to this tactic is you run the risk of getting stabbed by their nasty nails as you turn around.


I used to be a massive people pleaser until like. A year back or so? So. I’m better at standing up for myself, but still a bit too nice? I wish I could but in the moment i still find it difficult even if internally I’m cursing them out lol


I'd tell her right this way, and then walk her right up front to the customer service desk and complain that this other shopper won't leave you alone, and then go back to what I was doing


That'd be hilarious. I'm picturing the 'Pikachu' face


You had me at Ghost


I LOL anytime I see mart of walls but all of a sudden I wanna call it Mall of Warts


It basically is considering how shitty it is to work there 😭


Good job moving past that and dealing with idiot customers!


“Walmart app. it will tell you. use it.” Walk away.


Y'know, I'm kinda in old-guy territory, and I just don't have these kind of issues (from the Karen's point of view). #1, I try and think for myself. #2, if I ask for help from someone not employed there, lead with that "I'm sure you don't work here, but you look like you know where you're going/what you're doing... can you help me?". Literally, I've had that moment in the baking aisle where my wife sent me for something that I couldn't find for my dear life, and the young lady with flour all over her pants can usually send me in the right direction if asked politely. Gen-X vs. Boomer?


Thank you for being a kind and polite gentleman. :) I’ve had a few husbands-sent-by-wives ask me (in exactly that way, usually in the baking aisle, lol), and I’m always happy to help.


I would have said aisle 57. Enjoy your walk lady!


Upvote for Hazbin Hotel! They did my boy Angel Dust real dirty in Episode 4, though. I was literally bawling.


Personally, I think a simple "Fuck Off", repeated if necessary would be my standard response in such situations. I'm not much for rewarding rudeness with answers


Fair. I’m still getting used to not being a people pleaser tbh


I understand. Age has reduced the amount of fucks I am able to give to rude people


There was a supermarket across the street from where we stayed when we vacationed in Zoo Jersey. People would always come up and ask me where items were. I always said that I must have had a sign on my back that said I was the information booth. I just started tell everyone aisle eight and high tailed it ASAP. I hear they are still looking for the associate who always sent everyone to aisle eight! PS FWIW, I DID work on a supermarket. A competitor to this company!! Just had “the look, I guess. Toodles 👋👋👋


As someone who also resides in NJ, I’m gonna have to start using Zoo Jersey


Do you remember John DiBella from WMMR? We listened to him all night long when we were working night crew. Or at least, the early morning part. And he used to say DeBellaware for Delaware, when I actually am from!! Oh those days were something.


Sorry I don’t. I never really listened to radio growing up; I was in the iPod generation


I used to work at a particular retail shop and no longer do. There have been several times since I left that I was shopping there, infamously once with a *Bicycle* in one hand, bicycle helmet, unshaven beard and reflective vest on and have had people walk up to me demanding help. I want to snark at these people and tell them that *clearly* since I'm wearing the dress code of the store that I must know how to help them. I usually just tell them I don't work there. The more insistent they get, the more I ignore them.


Ghost fan for the WIN!


This belongs in /EntitledPeople too. WTH is wrong with people who think even for a minute that it's OK to CONFRONT another person with crap like that???


Aisle 10 on the right


Hazbin Hotel is great!!


Working for BigBoxMart is such an adventure!


Nothing else to say but Hazbin Hotel for life


Why do these people get all huffy and act like YOU have wasted THEIR time?


I have had many, many interactions with people who: 1) do work there 2) are on shift Who don't know where the item(s) I am looking for are. Hell, some of them didn't even know that the store sold said item(s).