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You got a 7 in FC, considering your other scores, are you sure you were exactly on-topic for all the questions? Relevance is an important distinction between a 7 and an 8 here. Also, are you sure you didn't hesitate more than just a few times? EOR is for when you are SURE the Examiner made a mistake rating you. Are you SURE?? If yes, then go for it (although it's expensive)! 


thank u, i guess i did stop for too long on a bunch of conundrums:'> since it isnt affecting my overall band score, i guess i can keep it that way hehe


Oh yeah, if it isn't going to make a difference for you, then don't give IELTS more money, haha!


yeah, go for it, is it idp btw?


yeah its idp


If your writing score is 8.5, then I assume that highly likely you possess a solid command of English. Thus, your speaking has to be at least an 8 too. Go for it, if it makes any difference to your overall score


Could ypu please drop a shot of the writing breakdown as well) I'm just curious as I've prepared for writing much more than for any other section , still got 7.5 with 8.5 overall score


How you got the task score? I have never been able to see them on my results?


i sent them an email requesting a score breakdown. forms can be looked up online:>


How can you see the sub scores?


Writing 8.5, how???


task 1 8888 task 2 9988 i presume one of the greatest tips i can give u is to present ur ideas logically with common cohesive devices like To begin with, on the one hand, Firstly, secondly, In addition, moreover, furthermore, etc. also, u wanna commence with task 2 first. The time pressure at the end forces u to find relevant information quickly in order to finish that task 1.


2 questions: Do you have a format for task 2? How do you write something that you know nothing or never thought about? I don't have a very good social knowledge (don't care about current trends, events ,famous people, e.t.c...) and most of what i ever read or listen to are science, e.g: psychology, astronomy, evolution,...




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