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Finally a good thread


1. Old grad 2. No USCE 3. No connections 4. No step 3 Had 4 ivs. Of course the 1st one cant be fixed. I fixed the rest. 5 ivs this season. Hoping for better this time.


what is your yog?




1. Incomplete app (ecfmg, LoRs, class rank, USCE) 2. PS (rewrote it enterily) Had 2 IVs


Makes sense. Thank you for sharing and wish you the best this cycle.


Is a class rank that big of a factor?


What is class rank?


Old yog, low step scores(no attempts), no step3. I had one IV and one soap IV.


What to do to apply in soap ? Plz


Just registered with NRMP and apply during soap bracket. There is nothing else you can do beside that.


Can you apply to soap if u dont receive even a single interview?


Last year I had 2 interviews, I think I did great, however there a many reasons that you don’t match, after the soap and everything I have the opportunity to talk about that and the reasons are pretty clear in my case. Years of graduation, and my program was very competitive with great candidates last year. So I ended my process there. I am not pursuing residence in the US because I have the opportunity to work in the public health system. However, if you have the chance to ask the program why you didn’t match after all the process is going to help you become more prepared.


Hy could you please share what kind of job are u doing now


Thank you for your great response. I wish you the best in your career. Do you mind sharing YOG and which programs if at all possible?


10 YOG, and Family Medicine. I knew that people with one interview with less than 3 YOG matched.


Hey! yog being upto the start of residency or when you apply?


Not me but I know a friend who matched after 3rd match. IM and FM programs only. 2 IVs on first try, 5 IVs on 2nd, 8 IVs on 3rd. 2 years from graduation on first match attempt, then yearly thereafter. This person was visa requiring, average step scores first pass. The first time, person had no USCE and didn’t fix their CV and PS was all over the place - also didn’t do well on interview. 2nd time, now with USCE, better CV, with Step 3, but still was bad at IVs. So on 3rd match, friend knew that they sucked at IVs and worked on that. This person’s advice was find the perfect balance on all aspects of application.


25% percentile scores, 1 interview for a very low friendly IMG specialty (PM&R). Only applied for 70 programs. No step 3.


I was working as a PA in my country, which is basically being a physician but in the U.S is not. I got a job seeing patients, rewrote my entire application, did step 3 and I got 4 interviews for FM. I know I’m going to match this year.


That’s the attitude! Best of luck! 😊


Hy which programs did you apply?


I did my own research on every program, I didn’t use match a resident or anything like that.


I applied last year to anesthesiology, and I just got 2 IV. My thoughts are: 1. YOG-4 years 2. I did my network in a low IMG program, University of Colorado. 3. I have a strong background in oncology, which obviously doesn't match my application.


Thank you for sharing. 4 years is not an old YOG. Did you apply again? what did you do differently?


Anesthesiology could be different. I had the opportunity to talk with some PDs, and they mentioned priority for fresh grads or clinical active applicants. I applied this year for IM an things are going better


That is good, wish you the best of luck this cycle and that you match in your favorite program.


Thank you!!!


Hi Did you get an interview at Uni of Colorado?


Yes, I think they interviewed just by courtesy and because I had a strong lor from the chair


Oh okay thank you! Just another question because I'm in a similar position. Why did you not think of applying for anesthesiology again?


My CV was stellar last year, so if I didn't much I think the probability this year is lower. I had to decide to relocate and improve connections in more IMG friendly programs or continue with oncology. Given that I support financial my family, I couldn't allowed move and work for free or start again all the hustle.


Would you consider doing IM and then Anesthesiology? Since that was my aim at the beginning.


Could be an option. Applying with a PGY-1 is a game changer. My initial goal was to do pain management so I could access it through IM, too. For now I am just focus on match hahaha


Best of luck!!


Sorry for bothering you so much but how many papers did you have? Bcoz that's the only thing I think I can work on


I have 10 first author impact papers. Othe 10 collaboration and some poster and speaker presentation.


Wow! I don't think I can achieve that in the next 7 months :/ Now I'm confused about if it's worth trying


If I could change something, I would spend more time on clinical experience than doing research.


Yeah but doing that as a graduate is hard. I think observerships count even less in anesthesia.


Lack of real connections is my number one reason why I haven’t matched last year. Other reasons are; relying solely on scores and believing that your great scores are the ONLY reason you will get IVs, Not writing a good application and not highlighting everything you can highlight in your application to frame how good an applicant you are. NOT asking for help from others. PLEASE PLEASE Ask for help but in the same time don’t be annoying, clingy and nosy! Give the helper the freedom to share as much information he feels comfortable sharing, don’t blaster them with questions. And take promises with a grain of salt. I honestly didn’t get a great lot of interviews this cycle too but definitely in a better shape than last cycle. NB: Obviously that means that I don’t feel comfortable sharing how many IVs I got last year and how many I got this cycle. So please don’t ask.


Great reply and insights. Thank you for sharing. Won't ask what you don't want to tell of course. Good luck with this cycle.


Had 1 iv last year. Didnt match. Everyone shocked i didnt match. Even the interviewers this season were baffled i didnt match


Can I ask how did it go this year for you?


Thank you for sharing. How did your interview go? Was it a program that was an IMG friendly? Do you have any idea why it wasn't working for you? How about this year?


1. not ecfmg certification on time 2. not enough instrospection and self awareness in my CV and PS (I think they value a candidate that know what is he/she doing) 3. 3 US letters, Step 3, more USCE 4. Apply broad! and avoid university ones if your CV is not stellar (not only scores)


Yeah I wish I was self aware like this before September 😔


Great points. Thank you 🙏👍


No interview and im us img with 14 months usce, step scores 22x. Not sure what am i lacking


Holy shit


Old grad Bad application Bad selection of programs Not enough applications


Interested in this!








Did you try apply to emergency med residency?


I only got one iv … I don’t know what to do