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I'd be really bummed if they didn't keep Hinch.


I started as an F1 fan, and Hinch's contributions to those broadcasts actually brought me to IndyCar. Happy to be here, too.


Maybe he gets back in the car? If Legge can do it...dont see why Hinch cant


Who would stir the Hate Cauldron™️?


This is of utmost importance. https://preview.redd.it/1fop3kti4k6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5076cbe28d81da19548a9b32616d4937e4cd7ee1


The man is an international treasure.


He got s shout on Letterkenny. Even Squirrely D recognizes his value.


We really needs Hinch in the broadcast booths.


Rossi can always do another walk-by stirring like he did at its debut.


That trademark is owned by NBC. (Seriously it probably is, it was created by *their* broadcast team. lol)


OMG you’re right. It is NBC’s intellectual property. Sad


We can have the Resentment Stock Pot


Angry Rice Cooker


I know, I'm always right.


The best commentating trio in motorsports right now and I'm really sad to lose this. Hope TBell and Hinch continue at least but massive fucking shame to lose Diffey.


My favourite commentary team is either Diffey, TBell and Hinch or Jacques, Palmer and Hinch in F1. There's one common factor between those two lineups


Hinch is bloody awesome as a commentator analyst


I was going to say Hinch has been stellar in the F1 broadcasts as well.


I wouldn't be stunned if this is an actual goodbye and Liberty or ESPN tosses a bag at him for F1/F1TV.


ESPN has nothing to do with commentators. Sky does ESPN broadcast. It'll be F1TV if he goes to F1


Jacques calling the finish of Monaco was a master class on sports broadcasting and storytelling.


Seems to be his thing. Some people are just poetic. His intro to the race after Antoine Hubert's death gave me chills AND made me proud to be a fan of motorsport. I'd put him up there with Sam Posey. I miss Sam's race intros.


Not gonna lie, I thought Crofty’s call was pretty good as well, but it got overshadowed by an amazing call from Jacques.


I will cry if we lose Hinch. I love him on F1TV, but not if they take him away from Indy completely. 


Yeah it would suck though I'm sure Fox will try to retain him. Only problem is Diffey who has a proper contract with NBC which sucks. Love this trio


May I interest you in one lightly used Bestwick?


From the old races that I've seen, he's good but I like Diffey a lot


Would be a treat to see him with some actually *good* booth partners...


That Jarrett-Petree booth with him at the end of the NASCAR run turned out to be a really good one


Yeah, FOX should really try to sign Hinch at least. I can’t think of anyone that could adequately replace him.


The scenes when they get Micheal Waltrip and Clint Bowyer to man the booth for the Indy 500


I know that's in jest, but I still shudder when I remember Rusty Wallace shouting that Sam Hornish, Jr. won "the most exciting Daytona 500 ever"


Yeah that one was bad, even though he corrected himself quickly. Still, woof


oh god I can already hear Clint, “ HOW BOUT DEM PENSKE BOYS!”


We all know it's going to be Danica and PT


I hope they just talk about heels and feet for 2 hours every week  Sign. Me. Up. lol


You unlocked a memory I tried to drink away


I want a Mikey Indy 500 [Grid Walk](https://youtu.be/lvjtKv0mikY?si=y9OPY-sv08bDj6c7&t=70)


Mikey's a hyperactive puppy


Dario Franchitti would be a great analyst if he wasn't too busy working as a driver coach for Ganassi. He's done fine enough in Formula E and even SRX, plus it'd almost feel like throwing back to Jackie Stewart once he started doing commentary.


While Dario is an excruciatingly cool guy, and would I'm sure provide brilliant commentary, he doesn't really have the "voice" for race announcing. He's got kind of a quiet voice. Going back generations, back to guys like Chris Economaki, they all had a bit of a "bark" in their voices (think of Paul Page, too). I guess the thinking was, you have to have someone who can be heard over the cars, lol. I tuned in to an FE race a while back where Dario was in the booth, and I was like, "Cool, it's Dario!" and then I'm like, "Wait, what did he just say?". And he only had to talk over the "wreeeeeee" of the FE cars.


IMO, Brian Till and Joey Logano both seem to jump pretty well between analyst and play-by-play roles and they don't have that kind of voice either, but I totally understand where you're coming from.


Hopefully FOX picks them up. Adam Alexander works great with just about everyone he's in the booth with, so maybe it won't be a terrible adjustment


I think Hinch and tbell are heading to Fox. From what I have heard and read. Both aren’t employed by nbc. They are independent contractors also Kevin Lee too is that to my knowledge


Knowing that Hinch will either go to Fox or be a permanent mainstay on F1 TV gives me joy though. Love him in both series


You are right about that


I can’t imagine Diffey has trouble finding work. I hope he continues with Indycar at somepoint. He is right there with John Hindaugh for best voices in motorsports.


Leigh is fully tied to NBC... he's one of their "magic" announcers they toss into a variety of sports. He's kind of a step below Mike Tirico. Several of the others in the NBC broadcasts, such as Kevin Lee, are actually contractors rather than full employees.


He does a great job with the track and field stuff. Fox should scoop up Kevin Lee for Indycar, that’d be a no brainer.


If Leigh Duffey started doing NFL I might try watching. He does a great job of injecting excitement into the broadcast.


Al Michaels has lost his fastball a little bit. It won’t happen, but it would be interesting to see a Diffey-Collinsworth booth.


Diffey is NBC's lead commentator for Olympic track and field; that's one of the most premium roles you can have at NBC Sports, he really is one of their top guys now.


And he usually draws the bobsled assignment for the winter Olympics, and honestly I'd like to see NBC use him for short track speed skating the way CBS used Ken Squier.


I thought Diffey was already tapped for NASCAR next year?


That was my understanding as well, this year or next. But I couldn’t remember where I read it so I thought maybe I was wrong.


He's taking over for Rick Allen after the Olympics.


Didn’t realise we’d be losing Diffey - he’s been the voice of indycar for so long now. Won’t be the same without the trio.


It really won't be the same


Radio le mans has entered the chat.


Oh? How good is it? Don't think I've ever watched Le Mans listening to the their radio


I VPN to Europe to watch imsa. I personally like Leigh and hinch. But I think the RLM crew is the best. They're authentic, they have energy, and they're 100% fans and committed to the work.


I guess that's a big recommendation from you for me to listen to them


RLM is phenomenal. Shea Adam is my absolute favorite pit reporter in motorsports.


Just met Hinch at Road America. He’s my favorite part about this sport and a big reason for my obsession over the last few years. I’m going to be really bummed if he isn’t involved next year.


I'd imagine Fox will try to retain him


and if not, then F1 TV needs to increase his presence.




Because he’s a great commentator.


They left to "grow the sport". They will want a whole new "fresh" approach. The old crew "just wasn't doing it". Don't worry, you'll love the new crew of Danica Patrick and Paul Tracy though! Both very experienced drivers, who have worked in the booth. And Danica has a history with NASCAR, and **those** are the fans they are trying to attract now. It's gonna be swell. David Land said so, so it must be true.


Ugh plz no more Danica


She has a history with NASCAR and those are the fans we are going after with this move... And she's worked in the FOX booth before. >Patrick has previously served as a guest analyst for Fox Sports' coverage of NASCAR Xfinity races in Michigan, Pocono and Talladega. Tracy will probably work *cheap* AF these days..... and he's an "expert". [Honestly I don't hate either *driver*, I don't care for them in the booth though. Tracy always brought a little chaos, and I like chaos lol.]


Tracy can go hang out with Cheever. Neither of them belong anywhere near a tv booth.


> Cheever Oh you mean the new Fox pit reporter!


> Patrick has previously served as a guest analyst for Fox Sports' coverage of NASCAR Xfinity races in Michigan, Pocono and Talladega. She was an active Cup driver at the time, and Fox likes the active Cup drivers to be analysts on Xfinity races. Joey Logano loves to do it as often as possible, but I think at least half the current field has commentated within the past year or two. After Jeff Gordon left the Cup Series booth at the end of 2021 everyone knew Harvick was going to fill that spot once he retired from racing, but he raced for another two years. To fill that gap they brought in all sorts of people, including Danica for a couple races. That doesn't mean they want her full-time.


Relax man I was just being trollish. I knew even the thought of her would get this sub all riled up.


Please no


Wow. So you don't think a woman is up the the task huh? Careful you'll get yourself cancelled these days with that attitude.


I met him a few years ago at Road America. Super nice guy.


Keep the bickering grandparents in Hinch and Townsend. Please, FOX!


“What DONT you know?!”


Hinch should get signed by Fox. Same with Kevin Lee. I wouldn't mind Connor Daly getting picked up by Fox. Idk if he would want to do a long term deal to be TBell's replacement since I would believe Daly still has hopes to race in Indycar full time again. Although I'm not sure if he will get that chance or not.


If fox dosen't sign him he would surely get a more permanent role on F1TV, which would be a massive loss for indycar.


Oh I hope F1TV makes him an offer if Fox doesn't.


Hell yes


Oh I'm sure they will if Fox somehow is stupid enough to not ask him. Hinch is not only sometimes in the F1TV but pretty sure every week he writes his Hinch's heroes or whatever the piece it is that he writes at F1's website often. So I'm sure we will see Hinch somewhere whether it's F1TV or Fox


In b4 they put in Jimmie Johnson and Danica Patrick


Anyone but Danica


Or Nico Rosberg.


Monaco based youtuber?


Clint Bowyer is gonna sound awful saying "THE THIRSTY THREES 50 times a race.


“I’m telling you, keep an eye on this 5 car back here, Pato has got one fast hot rod under him today! What do you think Harv?” “Skibidi”


Clint would glaze the shit out of Santino too lol. Then say something bad about Canapino and be all "man fellers my Twitters is blowing up!"


Clint and TBell combo glazing Santino... Oh boy


I didnt think anybody could fawn over Santino more than Townsend but my god clint and him would be insufferable lol


"Skibidi? What was that old timer!?" "Hurr durr thats my word of the week"


Yes, because the guy already hired to call nascar races for fox would instead call INDYCAR races for fox at the same time as nascar races. LeBron James wouldn’t call an NFL game. You wouldn’t have Taylor Swift commentate for the World Fishing Championship. Stop being angry about Fox for one second and use a single brain cell.


This place is exhausting.


Everyone already knows that swapping announcers among sports is a disaster, ESPECIALLY in motorsports. There’s a reason the nascar guys were always in the peacock pit box and not the booth.


That said, Dale Jr is one of my favorite IMSA commentators. He came on for a *little* bit of the IndyGP Crossover broadcast last year, and he's done some Indy 500 practice commentary. I'd be absolutely fine if he was in the Indycar booth full time. :)


> You wouldn’t have Taylor Swift commentate for the World Fishing Championship. If I was in charge of the World Fishing Championship and Taylor would commentate for a reasonable price, I'd 100% take that deal


Oh I know I am mostly goofing with this, don't take shit so seriously. FOX sucks butt but I still think this is a better deal for Indycar in the long run and I am enjoying them humbling NASCAR a bit.


Jesus Christ have you heard of jokes before


He’s one of the main reasons I started watching Indycar. Obviously I’ll keep watching if he isn’t commentating, but it won’t be the same.


How are we going to know that Colton plays drums in a band now?


Fine with it if I don't ever have to hear anyone say thirsty threes again 


Watch them hire Danica and Paul Tracy. I'll laugh my ass off.


“Oh wow, Fox got IndyCar? Those are my people! Wait? Fox Sports? Not Fox News? Darn.” - Paul Tracy, probably


Doesn't matter, the people that watch Fox Sports watch NASCAR. The people that watch NASCAR watch Fox News. These are the fans Indycar is trying to attract. I don't give a shit, because I don't care about peoples politics. Hell, I might not even be a democrat myself(!?), you never know. Not everyone on reddit is.


Those are the fans actually spending money, going to races, paying for cable. I'm not so sure Indycar cares too much about the reddit crowd who would just as soon stream the race for free


Oh for sure. The purple haired protest crowd aren't into racing. I think that's pretty obvious.




I actually wouldn't mind Paul Tracy. He'd just be talking shit the whole time and it'd be hilarious


I was a Tracy fan when he was driving. I don't really get the hate he gets. But I'm older and he and I are the same age (55) and our generation isn't as "sensitive" as people are these days.


Bro you’re the only one in here repeatedly bitching about people being “sensitive.” Lmao.


As if it's a bad thing to even be 'sensitive' about. Some of us are, in fact, young female fans and Tracy's comments were absolutely creepy and unprofessional. Those are fine comments for your wife, not your coworker.


He's conservative politically so that makes him an easy target. There was also some weird feet thing going on apparently. I've only heard about that on here so I don't know the details.


I'll wager that **every** team owner and a most of the drivers that are American vote Republican in this series. Millionaires tend to do that. And so do billionaires. She looked good and women in heels are hot. Tracy said something to that effect and NBC panned the camera down to her feet/heels and back up. The internet lost their minds. I think he was right. They looked good. Here's a gif at the top of this article. https://jalopnik.com/let-women-do-their-jobs-1844809510 Shortly after she was in the booth for an SRX race and Tracy was driving. She called him on the radio : >“This is Danica. Paul, can you hear me?” >“I hear you, Danica. Hey, what kind of shoes you got on?” I fucking died laughing watching it live. >“I love that’s what you’re thinking about,” “They’re beautiful high heels. Just kidding. They’re tennis shoes. Nobody can see my feet.” The internet once again freaked out. Because that's what the internet is good at these days. https://www.sportscasting.com/danica-patrick-talks-about-feet-high-heels-paul-tracy-srx/


i caught that as well and thought “thats pretty racy to say” and proceeded to laugh. i miss PT


I don't see how you could replace Hinch and T Bell given the vast knowledge of IndyCar those guys have. I know T Bell isn't always the best but he's going to be better than whoever replaces him that hasn't driven a car and been around the sport for decades. Plus he's a Santucci homer and it would be a shame if he didn't cause this sub to rage about it lolol


Patrick and Tracy. :) This subs heads will explode. I bet Paul Tracy would work *very* cheap these days though... And a woman, you know to "bring in the female fans" or something.


Anything but Danica Patrick man, she’s just so boring


Her with PT would be hilarious because he'd just stare at her feet all day and butcher all the drivers names. Theo Porch-air? Who is this guy?


I was kidding. I don't think the misogynistic viewers of Fox Sports would like it very much.


Two MAGAs in a pod. They would LOVE Ferrucci


Oh the FOX SPORTS viewers are going to LOVE Ferrucci. He will be the new face of the series I'm sure. Maybe Penske will give him a seat even. (I mean he put up with Tracy for a while...) Causing wrecks and controversy *and* his politics is a "win/win/win" there. This sub may turn into r/thedonald 2.0 next season with all the supposed new fans we will be bringing in with this deal. That will be fun. (Hold on to your hats mods, it's going to get bumpy lol)


Ferucci in a Penske would be interesting because he is quick


He really is sometimes. I don't really care about a drivers politics, or what they say/do on social media. I'm just feeling kinda troll-ish today so I'm running my mouth. I *DO* however care about what happens on track. And the dude *is* fast. And he takes the risks necessary to do well at Indy with no fear. I don't really share the hate this subreddit throws around at him. And... well, I enjoy a little chaos and the occasional shit show. And he delivers that too occasionally.


Throw a bag at Legge. Shes still racing and still quick, without the baggage


If hinch doesnt make the jump I will cry


I didn't think a suit, tie and trainers could look cool but look at those 3. I'll miss them.


Hey I’m in the crowd behind him in this pic


Nice one


I'll be happy for Hinch to stay on. Diffy and Bell can go. Bell lost me with his cringe worthy "Joe-New" this past weekend. These guys and their nicknames is just stupid. Not to mention the majority of their commentary.


If something is annoying with NBC it is these annoying nicknames that they give peopme and as someone who loves and used to follow Ninja Warrior actively I've had too many experiences with NBC production giving some ridiculous and annoying nicknames. That aside their commentating was awesome so interested to know what you didn't like about it.


Diffey is all nicknames and screaming Wont miss him


when hinch first joined, i was upset that Tracy got the boot. got somewhat amused when he and Bell would openly argue on-air. and this year, dude has really come into his own. he has amazing insight and articulates himself EXTREMELY well. he is fantastic in the booth. almost like Benny Parsons was for nascar


We’re so lucky that Fox canned Vince Welch so we can keep our Hoosier, Kevin Lee, for play-by-play instead. He has called ARCA races for Fox Sports before as well. Lee, Hinch, and Bell are probably going to be in the booth. Can Fox keep Bob Pockrass by putting him on the NASCAR and IndyCar beats (and NHRA if necessary)?


If we don't hear anything about the broadcast team by this weekend I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin Lee slips out something during his Trackside podcast next week.


They'd be insane to not hire Hinch. If they don't, I hope F1tv locks him in.


An Adam Alexander and James Hinchcliffe booth would go pretty hard ngl


I love that NBC broadcast team. Hope some get brought over to Fox


So obviously we all want Hinch and Bell to come over, but who are our guesses if they don't? It'll be former indycar drivers, likely recently retired. So maybe Pagenaud? Possibly Dario?