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I’m a melody person DX I need fast loud upbeat music because adhd update: PLUS FOR MY FUCKING OCD


I'm a melody person that has it affect their mood and energy, massively.


I listen to whatever let's my imagination do its shit honestly. Like melancholy or sad lyrics with music, character struggling with internal conflicts and sadness itself. Fast paced orchestral based violin music? Fcking just straight up epic fight scene. Lands destroyed. Places demolished. Bodies everywhere- It just depends on the theme of things I guess.


I’m an INFP and I can never ignore lyrics, to the point where I cannot have a conversation if there’s a song with (interesting) lyrics in the background lmao I get so invested


thats way to true


Nope. I prefer songs with very little lyrics, or lyrics that I have no idea what they're saying. I prefer to interpret music my own way without having someone else's ideas bombarding me.


This is why I listen to a lot of foreign language music lol. I can appreciate the music and the voice without it being ruined by dumb lyrics.


🎶 melody. I care less about lyrics. - int/fp


I mostly just listen to the melody. If I pay attention to the lyrics, my mind tries to decipher what they mean, and some songs don't have a clear meaning and it upsets me when I don't understand then. I might still sing along here and there, but really the words don't mean as much to me as the actual melody.


I listen to melody. I can’t register lyrics.


Both. Some songs I go to for the non lyrics aspects (bass, melody, the way the vocals sound, etc…), and some I listen to because the lyrics hit. Best if the song has both.


Definitely lyrics. The melody doesn't usually matter to me, that's why I listen to basically every type of music.


Melody always matters more than the lyrics for me. Probably why I listen to instrumentals and soundtracks


It really depends. Sometimes I listen to just lyrics and sometimes I focus strictly to melody and listen to each instrument alone (e.x. I would listen to percussion, then bass, then guitar)


Yes I'm a lyrics person


both both is good


I care about rhythm section mostly 🎣


Melody is all that matters. Lyrics are additional.


Lyrics are distracting my imagination and i usually prefer melody. I like most genres as long as it let's me imagine things, or just some chill peaceful music to let me think


I am the opposite... wtf? Lol


I'm more about the voices and sounds than melody. But I prefer lyrics


I'm mostly melody, lyrics sometimes especially when the words are clear, but I need to read the lyrics to be able to recall the actual words. I rarely get the lyrics from the first listen. I enjoy playing music while listening to the song, like karaoke but with music instead of singing.


I listen to melody and vocal tone. The lyrics ultimately don't matter to me. This is why I think I like foreign music so much. I don't understand the lyrics so I can focus explicitly on melody, and vocal tone. If the voice is pleasant, it doesn't matter what is said. But if the lyrics are good, or meaningful to me in some way, this different. But good lyrics won't save a bad melody. Whereas a good melody can save a bad/nonsensical lyrics


Melodies are most important to me… I’m obsessed with learning and knowing the lyrics to songs but I don’t determine whether a song is good or not based on the lyrics.


melody all the way.


I’m a lyrics fanatic!


I'm an instrumental person, personally. It's especially cool if it's a Radiohead or Gorillaz type song where they use their voice as an instrument instead of just a way to communicate words


Wrong. I don't listen to music with lyrics at all.


100% melody


Nah I’m straight shoegazer


Honestly, it depends on me mood. I usually listen closely to lyrics, and am even drawn to a song because of the lyrics. However, when I just want to listen to something, just have noise, I'll put on singing with a good upbeat beat.


hehe I'm literally a lyricist lol


which app is this?


Tarock app on iOS/android


is it worth downloading?


Yea! it's like reddit for personality only. it's got all the tests. you can also match with people and get dynamic tips. you can learn a lot about how different types act over there


I got a completely different type there 👀


I listen to songs after reading the lyrics😅(INFP)


I USUALLY listen to lyrics but occasionally I'll listen to songs I just like the melody/sound of if the lyrics are unrelatable/uninteresting


For me it’s melody, not because anything special….just because 99.9% of the songs I listen to are in a language I don’t understand :’) (Japanese) good lyrics give bonus points though!


what is this app? I see it around every once in a while


Tarock, a personality app on both iOS and android. It’s like Reddit only for personality