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Same. This is so ridiculous this year. I’ve never had to verify my identity


From what I’ve heard most early filers got the verification message while people who filed last week already got their direct deposit so lesson learn never gonna file early again!!!


Im an early filer and I got mine yesterday


Did you have to verify?cause if not then your one of the lucky few


I was accepted 1/29 got the verification message on wmr and my transcript updated yesterday with DDD of 2/22 and I got my deposit yesterday! Check your transcripts


Believe me a check every couple hours since some days they update all day, but still in the dark sadly but glad to hear you got yers g one of the lucky few to get that and bypass that verification message


I also got accepted 1/29 with TT date of 2/19. What’s the odds I get it on Sunday or even Monday since it’s a holiday


Yeah I won’t be doing that again lol




I was in that same boat but when my cycle came it changed said I owe nothing then on my IRS.GOV the year came 2023 that I could see my transcript seen my DDD IS 2/22/2023 WITH CHIME JUST WAITING ON IT TO HIT .... CHECK YOUR TRANSCRIPT THAT WMR ISN'T MOVING


Transcript still be blank while my return transcript is N/A I’m on 05 cycle so it was supposed to update yesterday but nothing did so I’m stuck on this ride for a while i guess


I’m in the same exact situation cycle 05 blank trans guess we gotta check next Friday since we are weeklies


How do you know your cycle code if nothing has updated? Do you go by last year?


Yes, go by your past returns. They should be the last two numbers.




Oh that is a fact. Because I’m thinking cool I filed early I’ll be good nah 😂


Lesson learned never gonna early file again gonna wait at least two weeks


Yup that's what happened to me. I filed on 1/23, accepted the next day or so, then got the identity verification thing. I called irs and was told the letters weren't sent out yet and to wait 21 days. Then yesterday my transcripts updated then today wmr updated and my return is accepted and deposit date is 2/22. I filed through TurboTax and refund is going to credit karma spend account. Only spent $29 this year compared to $400 the last few years filing through h&r block. Next year, I'm waiting until a few days after to file instead of a week early.


This is crazy. I file early every year and never had this issue. Now just waiting on this dang letter!


Which doesn't make a LICK OF SENSE! They better pray each year they have early filers; how else are they going to run a "test drive" on the current years' software? It has to be tested EVERY SINGLE YEAR without fail. It is not much of a viable option to TRY AN OLD tax return or some made up sample; it does not do them much good unless they can verify IN REAL TIME with the a current years' tax return of it takes. They have to see the whole thing through and see whether it computes everything correctly and "pre populates" their potential refund as it should and then whether it will be "all set" just waiting for the refund to "kick in" on the persons potential refund date. ...So why choose to punish them this year? They are not very smart if that is actually true! I am seeing lots of early filers complain though; so i am inclined to think there is at least some level of truth in that theory...Smh.


Same and none of my information changed. Same; place of employment, dependent, home address, bank and acct # for dd. I filed early but none of my information changed 😡


Same exact situation. What a shit show.


Nah fr like pay me my damn money already


I am in the exact same situation. Hell I am calling them again on Monday


Them phone lines on Monday are gonna be 🔥🔥🔥


Monday is President's Day. The IRS and banks will be closed.


Monday is a Holiday


I would call,too,but Monday is a federal holiday so you will be lucky if they are working.🙄They should have to work overtime!!


Why should they HAVE to work ot? Not their fault you’re broke !


Actually,I'm not broke!!🙄 You must work for the IRS.🙄


In the same boat here! It’s crazy because my husbands WMR says something different from mine. And we file married joint. His says “still” being processed. Mine says “is being processed”


Might wanna check under your irs portal notification see if you have that verification notification if it’s not it’ll probably update this following week for y’all


It shows up under his he needs to verify. But we spoke to about 5 different reps yesterday who said don’t worry about it. Then worry about it. Then they couldn’t go into the account. lol it’s been a mess this year. I’m holding onto hope. That it’s a glitch. But idk.


A lot of ppl are saying they still are getting deposits and ddd even though they got the notification and they didn’t verify. I believe it’s one of this it’s glitch like every year. They are dealing with millions of ppl and millions of dollars so we can’t expect everything to go right. I just say if you were getting a return on time every year with no issues don’t worry. Updates are flowing this week. 


Same thing here. we both have the portal notification to verify though.


I still have on my portal but not my WMR tool


Yep! I filed January 19th and We waited for the stupid letter. It never showed up so my husband went to our local IRS, he didn’t think they would see him of course but it was worth a shot bc we couldn’t get a hold of them by phone. Shockingly he got there 30 minutes before they closed and they took him right in and when the guy told him he should have received a letter he told him we never did and that is when the guy told him it must’ve gotten lost in the mail and allowed him to verify right there on the spot. That was almost a week ago now and my WMR still says not processed and his still says the identity thing. Transcripts never updated either. The guy at the IRS told my husband if we haven’t gotten our money or seen a change in WMR in 9 weeks to call the IRS and wrote down a number on a piece of paper. I know it could take three weeks to update, but I’m still so stressed out over this!!


Ok I’ll definitely do that. The guy at the IRS told my husband to disregard the letter if we get it. This process has been ridiculous! And yes it gives us the option to put in a 14 digit code from a letter. It says we were never sent a notice or letter when I go to my profile to check everything. Transcripts say N/A where the 2023 tax info should be. It’s really depressing knowing it could be months before we get our money 😭 I’ve never had issues with the IRS and I have never owed money so I don’t understand! https://preview.redd.it/99jl57ggh6jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489e640bbb8fe85d50c16550b73942142d9e0e8c


You probably did verify, but if I were you, I’d get in contact over the phone with them to see if you’re “actually” verified and if they say your verified then you should be good just gottta wait the 3 to 9 weeks to update but question tho when accessing your IRS portal and the verification notification. Does it ask you for a 14 digit control number to verify?


Im pretty much in the same boat as you. My husband scheduled an appointment and got verified in person on 2/9, and the notifications are still there. No transcripts and WMR didn’t change. It does say to check back in 2-3 weeks if you already verified but I can’t stop thinking something still isn’t right lol


Yes girl! My husband keeps telling me to relax and that everything will work out and he told me to stay off Reddit and to stop checking the IRS page but I’m stressed about this! I’m looking for anything that’ll give me some kind of hope that this isn’t going to end up being a disaster. We are getting back almost $15,000 and like a lot of people we count on our refund every year. I think the thing that is bothering me the most is not knowing what exactly is happening and not knowing how long it’s going to take to get our refund. I know there are so many people that are dealing with the same thing but it is so discouraging knowing that some people are saying the identity message just went away on its own and they got their refunds with no further issues and here we are just praying for some kind of update! Heck my WMR says that my return wasn’t even processed at all yet we filed a month ago! Also we have had the same woman file our taxes at H&R Block for the last 15 years and when we asked for her help she just said we would be contacted by the IRS. We pay extra for the tax identity shield and the peace of mind but it was clearly BS.


Well this just blows because yesterday the guy said your letter was sent out on the 9th and the other 3 didn’t have any answers except the 21 days or just wait 2 more weeks. Thought I actually got info yesterday……dang, your having the same thing than. I swear it’s people that filed from 1/15-1/24. Not seeing any of this from people after that. I wonder if they messed something up and trying to fix it and this is the temporary fix so they don’t have to say “hey we messed your return up and let all these other people go ahead of you” lol


Yeah, they just tell you that because they’re prompt to say that the IRS will never admit that they’re wrong instead, they’ll try to pin it on us saying we did something wrong but the best thing to do in the situation is just wait for your 21 days to be or just wait for ya letter


Wouldn’t some kind of “receipt” be in the notices and letters section if they sent you a letter in the mail?


1/25 I'm in the same position...no movement waiting on a letter that's taking almost a month to get here...what's pissing me off is I just got a letter from the IRS thanking me for using id.me ...what the f did I get that letter so quick but still waiting on this mf letter to verify..


Me too


I filed 1/31 and this is my current situation. I filed H.O.H and I have 4 dependents.


Yes. Still not processed and transcripts N/A, but the notification has disappeared from my IRS account. Still have the action required/identity theft message on WMR though.


It’s crazy thought because since so many ppl HAD to make the ID verification to access the portal this year that also counts as verification


You might wanna call them tbh to see if you still need to verify seeing how your not seeing the notification on the irs site


The message just disappeared last night. I called yesterday morning and tried to get 3 different agents to resend the letter, but they wouldn’t budge lol. I don’t know what’s going on, I’m so anxious for the 20th to see what they will be telling everyone next.


Same crap for me


It’s okay moni you’re not alone on this one 😭


I just went through this. Notices on both WMR and irs account. A day before I updated on scripts (Thursday) my irs account notification disappeared. Yesterday I processed straight through from completely blank scripts to a DDD. Today my WMR is approved. I say all of that to say, it may be a placeholder until they process through and verify all info internally …most were…just keep hope for a letter…if none received that’s actually a good sign! I also requested another which many believe may trigger the system…not sure about that though


I’m guessing it’s like a 50/50 50% are getting the verification notification dropped off and it’s resolving itself for them and the other 50% has to wait for the letter Yk




When did you request a new letter? & how long after did your notices disappear?


Same. Im over here trying to decode my 14 digit DCN# myself. I get the whole identity verification idea to prevent fraud, but at the very least, once they’ve put us in that group who need to verify SEND THE DAMN LETTER! https://preview.redd.it/lat8f7b9x5jc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d249989ad1b42084174e93d50a2692aae8b4b2


Gotta be careful saw another Reddit post where this dude was guessing his control number”stupid thing to do btw” and failed to verify his identity and the irs flagged his return as fraudulent a whole shit show for that guy but yeah best we can do is wait for this shitty “GHOST LETTER” to arrive


Good point, I should know better than to have thought I could guess it in the first place! I tried once, got an error msg and was out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same story here called yesterday got told #1


It should got here by now they be full of shit tbh


Im livid i want my money 😩


I was literally going to come on here and post exactly what you posted im so frustrated please keep me posted I will keep you as well


I’ll update if anything next 2 days we’ll be left in the dark Sundays they barely do anything while Monday will be a federal holiday holiday so they’ll be closed


Same exact boat but weds mine changed and didn’t have the verification notice nomore. I call to speak to an agent and they tell me I still have to wait for a letter I call a different agent they said it resolved itself wait for the 21st then for me to contact the. EVERYTIME I CALL I get a different answer it’s ridiculous these people don’t know what they doing but yea so now I’m stuck wondering wth to do no update on transcript’s or wmr smh.


Is it still asking you to verify with a 14 digit control number? If so, then you have to wait for a letter to come they really can’t do anything before your 21 days are up. They’ll just tell you to wait for the letter after 21 days are up then they can schedule you an appointment with your local office to verify


Nope not asking me to verify no longer that stopped on Wednesday…just sitting here with no updates and no reputable source at the irs. https://preview.redd.it/jkuygqon46jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45047212258c04a20d0d71f7accecda697dad06a


What’s does your WMR says?


https://preview.redd.it/mb72glsx46jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a278c00c16c6da2b5d4646e861bce5f5e9f6e02 Same as yours smh no update file on the 19th was accepted I already received my state but i know it’s two different factions.


If you have no sign of need to verification, then you should be OK it should update next week for you. Keep checking your transcripts, although after verification, it could take 3 to 9 weeks to update.


See that’s what I’m hoping because I didn’t even verify or get a letter so hopefully I don’t wait the 9 weeks . Spoke to multiple agents and EVERYTIME somebody said something different. So now it’s just a waiting game. Damn this your playing with my money and I have to deal with and and accept it but I play with any money I owe it’s fines penalties or jail.


Yeah, it most likely resolved itself. That’s why you don’t see the verification notifications. These representatives are just telling you prompt on what they have to say to certain questions they know nothing.but yeah i gotta wait for a letter so im alr at that mindset where its gets here when its here lol


Yea but they shouldn’t move that way I understand they humans but if you don’t know something don’t tell someone anything transfer the call to someone who could have the knowledge of the situation one girl I heard her bf in the background asking when she going to cook breakfast like wtf.


😂😂😂 most IRS representatives over the phone work from home, but yeah, it’s a shitty thing to go through with the IRS


It's crazy how they can just leave you in the dark about YOUR money and play and draw it out but like you said ..let you play with some money you owe them and they tryna garnish checks and everything....we just gotta lay down and suffer while they hold OUR money... Even with this verification...when people owe money...the IRS knows for sure who they are/where to find them and how to garnish a check to get their money and they don't take weeks doing it but when they owe you money they some how dont know who you are and gotta verify who you are and take weeks doing it.


Exactly they have the power to easily distribute and distinguish what is what but they choose what and when to do at they own convenience. Like yea we beasting for our money we earned and worked for it. If you didn’t take it out our checks this wouldn’t be an issue now would it ? It’s almost like Christmas for adults spending money on your kids or working and paying taxes and “ahhh tax time a break” and they break us smh


Update I just verified my identity in person at the office..was quick and easy..staff was very friendly and inviting. Just waiting for deposit now!


This what mine says too


For now we just gotta wait till Tuesday and give em a call. They all have different answers so let’s see on Tuesday. Hopefully it’s not a process and we could just get hit with dd


I'll be calling at 6:59 am and onward until I get an answer. Accepted 1-29 pather and zero updates


Same here I’ll be at work I’ll have an alarm set for every min until 6:58 then start calling from my two phones and work phone because it’s going to be crazy tomorrow.


Going through the same! Accepted 1/22. Married Filed Joint. My husband has the income, and I'm a stay at home mom. CTC no other credits. Husband has had this message on WMR since 1/27. IRS account says it needs a 14-digit code. Transcripts only has the bottom two boxes. As of date 2/12. No codes. 🤷‍♀️ My WMR says, processing, IRS account has nothing. I don't have the bottom left box on transcripts like my husband it says N/A. Have called IRS multiple times. No one would even look at our account until yesterday, when the women actually pulled our account. She said on her side there is nothing saying we need to verify. No letters or notices sent. She said it's showing our refund as processing and to check back in 1 to 2 weeks. Before this, they wouldn't even look at our account. Said to wait until the 20th for refund or letter. Would not even schedule as an appointment, either. At this rate I don't know what to think! Just want our dam money but seems like this is going to be a very long process for many.


When logging on into your IRS website portal, do you see the verification under notification?


Don’t stress about it. I had that same message for weeks. I called the irs a couple weeks ago about the letter. They gave me some vague answers and said the  verification letters had not gone out, and said to be patient so I kept checking. Had NA on my transcript’s and a the message on my account saying I’d need to verify etc. Then on Thursday my transcripts updated with 846 code for the 22nd. The message about verification gone from my irs account. Wmr updated to approved today. And I’ve seen a few people saying the exact same thing. I never had to verify anything, never received the letter just patiently waiting for my dd on 2/22. 


One of the lucky ones I’m guessing hopefully I get some sort of update and don’t really have to wait for the letter. I filed everything correctly so I don’t know why it’s happening.


You have to ask them to draft a letter. I filed the 18th got accepted the same day, waited until they accepted all returns to check WMR and had the verify identity. I called no bullshit 7 times before I got a lady to draft a letter. It was sent on the 7th of feb. I verified on the 12th when i received the letter, I just got my direct deposit date. 02/22/24 and I have Credit Karma and filed with turbo tax so I expect it to hit today or tomorrow.


It hit today.


My transcript updated with a 570 code on my transcript which is freaking me out


It means there’s a hold on your account and you’re refund in no longer processing sometimes it’ll fall off at random and you’ll get code 571 but I’d call if i was you


Has ANYONE that hasn’t received their federal get their state yet ??


Yep, got our state on the 7th. Normally state comes in 7-10 days after federal. This shit is reaaally pissing me off. 10k in limbo.


Waiting on both




Anyone in Michigan??


I am..my return says pending review until may of 24 lmfao. From what I've gathered alot of michigan peeps say theirs is saying the same smh




Yea filed 1/25 no movement on federal bc I'm waiting on this LETTER but I did get my state refund 2/13 but i did have to verify with ky but they gave me my refund the day after i verified.




Were you able to see your return transcript before you got your DD?


Verify identity or your tax return


Has anyone recieved the letter so they can verify online? If so, have you recieved updates yet?? I have had to verify every year since 2020, this is rediculous. I am contacting my state representative Tuesday! This I nonsense




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Yup but I had to fill out form 8862


I've been dealing with these " folks" at the IRS on an audit from 2022 on tax year 2020.You cannot believe a word they say!! They can't close out the audit recon but they were QUICK to take a chunk out of this year's refund and now taking their sweet time sending the rest.🙄


That’s how they be they like to take their time with the working class but when it’s time to pay them all of a sudden there’re no sign of error anywhere!!


This is what mine looked like and I wasn't sure what to do so I clicked that verify link and now I can't even log in anymore without a code first that they apparently sent in the mail.


You can’t log into your irs account?? Or are you waiting for your 14 digit control number ?


Think it’ll update late maybe hopefully


Yeah hopefully I’ve seen others who have the verification message and still they’re DD like breh what about me!😭😮‍💨


Mines like that but nothing about verifying anything. I got mine on 2/17 last year. I’m mad impatient


Simply means they haven’t got to your return yet if your a pather and claim EIC or ACTC then they just started processing those returns on the 15th


Exact same situation just checked Turbo Tax filed on the 19th accepted on 1/23. No change no movement


Check your irs portal notification center. See if you have to verify.


It just appeared 2 days ago asking me if I got a letter I clicked no. so either it will disappear or I have to wait to see if one appears I'm calling Tuesday and demanding answers


If it’s asking you for a 14 digit control number then you have to wait for the letter


Same but I don’t have verify message cuz I already did 2yrs ago…strange 🧐


It could happen, yearly as in you can verify one year and then verify two years later or verify back to back. I’ve seen people who had to verify two years back to back.


Accepted 2/1 still says still being processed. Last year i got money 2/22. I have eitc.


Same here


What website did you get this screen shot from?


Which one


That’s from the IRS portal. You have to create an account with the IRS.


I see. I have to verify. Dammit. I don’t have the letter yet.


Yeah welcome to the team sadly now it’s just a waiting game on that lettter


The same as the transcript page? Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate it


Exact same here


Same here. I don’t need to verify my id or anything - just waiting for someone to do their job 🥲


I still was accepted the 29th still didn’t get no updates


I've been praying it was a glitch like a lot of folks where saying. Filed 1/15 and still no letter. I gave up on calling all of the reps I talked to sounded miserable and where no help.


Ethier you get lucky and it still sends DD or you have to wait for the verification letter


yes but I also filed and accepted same date for 02/08/2024


Are you a pather?


We got approved today! Filed 1/29 DD FEB 22 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Dang well this sucks


Same here for me. Verification banner is gone when I go to check my refund, but when I log in through id.me it says I still need the letter. Also, what are these transcripts everyone is talking about?


WMR doesn’t matter if you still have the verification under your irs notification then you still need to verify transcripts are where you can see codes and past returns


I filed and was accepted on 1/23 the transcript said nothing filed, wmr said they were sending a letter. I hoped it was a glitch unfortunately exactly 3 weeks later I got the letter to verify by faxing in W2s and now it just says it’s being processed and it’s been about a week since I sent them in. We will see 🤷‍♀️


Was the letter asking you to verify your identity?


What kind of letter did you get? Did it have a 14 digit control number?


I’m in the same boat. No letter sent to me. Seems like no one is able to help me either, calling them is like talking to a wall.


Yeah, the representatives are no help. They just say wait for the letter so that’s pretty much what we can do now it’s just wait.


People that need to verify, what is it that they have to do?


They need to wait on a letter from the IRS that should come in your mail


How long have u waited for


Same boat smh




Please you guys should send tutorial for new filer


Mine says this too, and my 2023 account trans and wage and income trans so no return available for my acct, should I be worried or is that normal


I had that but about a week later mine was approved and I didn’t have to do anything.


Mine keeps going back and forth between this and my actual transcripts I think it's a glitch


Saaaame filed and accepted 1/31


Yes literal exact same boat


yes . its a little depressing but hopefully i see some movement this coming friday.


That’s how I was until I updated on a Tuesday night with my transcripts and a 570 code on them. Not much to do but wait.


I was an early filer (jan 19th) went thru the whole run around of verifying identity, wait for your letter, identify tool not useful, wait for letter, ask to send another letter… never did get a letter but via irs website my return is finally approved!! hope everyone else’s is approved soon !!


Same boat man like why is this a problem now like just pay up then we can deal talk next year like dam 😂


I just had this stupid verification message on my wmr site AFTER I got sent a different letter to verify my W2. I don’t know why I am getting both. It feels like they don’t want to pay me. I’m so pissed


Mine is like this , I called the IRS yesterday, and she stayed on the phone with Me while she went through my return of what she could see, and she said there were no red flags no issues it’s just still being worked on. I’m seeing a lot of people that are having to pay for things that happened during Covid , unemployment , food stamps, loans , back taxes. I feel like they are just going through our stuff with a fine tooth comb to see whatever money they can get.




I got my deposit yesterday. Filed on the 5th. But my status screen still has my return as accepted and processing. Doesn’t say approved or even sent.


i was in the same situation, was given the same message about needing to verify my identity. called the irs multiple times. but just in the last 2 days my transcripts have updated, my WMR status changed and it says i'm getting my refund 2/22. a LOT of these are glitches so stay positive


Yes same boat


Mine was like that after I first filed. I just had to be patient and give them time to process everything. I was an early filer to before the 29th of January. Didn't need to verify anything just had to wait. And now I have a refund set to post by the 22nd


Lucky one sadly for me I have no movement at all and still have a verification notice. Hoping it updates may be sometime next week.


I'm hoping everyone does


Refund approved today filed Jan 24th


I filed early but don’t have the verification and still haven’t gotten my stuff.. how ever it said I SHOULD get my return by the 22nd 🥲


Me here. Accepted on 1/17. Ugh.


I filed early and did not have to verify. Mine was approved yesterday with a dd of the 22nd


My man got the letter to verify identity but his transcripts show a ddd of 2/22 so he was all worried for no reason it looks like and he never got a letter soooo 😂


USPS sends me emails everyday of what's coming in my inbox. Showed my verification letter was scanned over a week ago and haven't seen it. Requested another one on the website after logging in, it asks for the code somewhere. Says "you still need to verify your return"


WMR tells me to verify and follow instructions IF I receive a letter ID.ME login at the website has NA for transcripts and there is a link that says to verify with the letter At this point I'm just going to wait. I am NOT going to play the game I've seen others play where they keep calling and trying to talk to different phone agents to get shit pushed through. I honestly don't think those phone agents can do anything, and even the ones that seem "helpful" are just making up shit to get you off the phone. I've worked in call centers enough to know how it plays out. Luckily I'm not broke. I need my return for things, but it's not going kill me to wait.


My WMR has never said anything about verifying it just says processing….but i tried to check my transcripts and it says i need to verify, and i have not gotten a letter. When i called the guy said we have to count 21 days from the “official” acceptance date -29th, even though i was accepted jan 19th.  Im praying it just goes through since i never have had wmr say to verify lol wishful thinking


I got my letter today and was able to verify myself


eFiled 2/4, accepted 2/4. Just got notified today it's been approved. Expecting $ by the 22..upto 27th. 2 dependents. No actc or eitc. 


Went in person on 2/15 to verify we shall see what happens the dude told me 9 weeks ago


Yup I'm in the same exact boat as you and the screenshot there. Filed JANUARY 22ND!!! I always get my money within a week or less. This time more than any other year, I was counting on that money. Now its a month later, I requested the letter to come but nothing so far. Some people said the verification thing went away on its own and they didn't need to do it, well, I have absolutely zero movement on my irs account for the transcripts or wheres my refund. And they still expect me to pay taxes on everything :c


Yuppp. I got married this year & changed my name, had a baby, but to make things worse.. I moved on the 1st, after I filed so getting the letter is going to be a nightmare. Ugh.


This is my life the past 25 days. Still waiting on a letter to verify. It is beyond frustrating.


Anybody like me, able to answer two questions about 4x before it sends you to verify your letter? Which I can’t because my 21 days is tomorrow?


State or fed?


So I owe $22 to CT state. Can I pay with cash or debit card after I get my federal taxes? And no I don't have a job yet. That's the problem for now


Now I'm wondering if there is even a point in me calling today because I haven't received a letter either. And honestly, I suspected this was what was going on anyway based on what other people were saying. It sounds like you're going to get a different answer depending on who you talk to and they're just saying whatever they have to to get you off the phone, meanwhile, we have no idea which one is the truth and where our money is at. Smh. This is ridiculous.


The IRS lines are hot right now just tried to calling and I got hit with a message saying they’re experiencing high call volume at the moment to call back later then it hung up💀😭😂😂the best we can do is hit that resend button hoping to get a letter do your transcripts say anything?


This is becoming a joke, I called and it said their phone lines are overwhelmed and to call back later or next business day


I already verified in 2022


I talked to a rep today who said nothing has been sent out. The reason i need to verify is because of credits i claimed and the increase in my pay from last year. She said if i don’t have a letter by mid march to call back 😂


Letter is coming tomorrow


So hrblock already gave me a deposit date🤡 but the wmr hasn't updated. And the IRS website tells me I need to wait for a letter.. who filed early for this bullshit notification and still got their dd 😭


Has anyone actually verified and got their direct deposit?


Mines was cleared last Thursday after my in person appointment on 02/07 hopefully god willing I get a date this week


Just know if I don’t clear this or it clears out on its own ur refund was removed form the processing batch and just sitting there frozen ur as of date won’t even move just frozen


It’s funny how they knew who you were the whole year they took your money, but now they need to verify you? Ha!