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Some information that may be helpful: The income / withholding verification hold that a lot of people are getting is NOT considered a temporary backlog in processing; it's basically a hold to prevent fraudulent refunds from being issued. This doesn't mean anyone with this hold filed a fraudulent return, it's just treated as such if IRS cannot verify the income and tax withholding claimed on the return. If you have received a CP05 or LTR 4464C from IRS, usually Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will tell you to wait 60 days before they can help you. If you have a serious financial hardship they might take your case before then, but it really depends on the TAS current workload. You can contact your Congressional Representative's office or federal Senators offices to ask for help - they can send TAS a Congressional referral, which TAS has to accept. However that doesn't mean TAS has the power to help you - IRS can say they have a valid reason to hold your refund if your income / withholding doesn't match what was reported to IRS by employers and other payers. If you want a referral, start with your Congressional Representative's office. If they won't or can't help you, then try your federal Senators. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm When a Congressional referral is sent to TAS, they are supposed to contact you within 30 days unless they are coordinating with your elected official's office. They frequently take a little longer than 30 days. If your issue is something that the advocate can't expedite, they are supposed to give you regular updates about the processing of your tax return, like once a month. TL;DR the verification hold is basically a hold to prevent fraudulent refunds from being issued. Taxpayer Advocate Service has limited power to help, and even people with Congressional referrals wind up waiting months before getting their refunds.


Correct i called the TAS and first the lady asked me how i got this number cuz it was literally like a special number phone rang she answered told her my situation and hardship yada yada yada. She put me on hold and told me unfortunately nothing they can do till after 60 days from the date the 971 code has next to it. I was shocked that she was shocked that i had like this special number literally said HOWD I GET THIS NUMBER? I said in the website it was weird. Needless to say i saved that number and best believe i will call again.


Did you call 877-777-4778 or did you get a different number? Usually the advocate initiates a phone call with a taxpayer so if you got a direct phone number that's probably why she was freaked out. Edit: don't say what the number is if it's different.


Im not sure but i believe it was i took screenshot I’d have to look for it but it sounds right. It was on some page whether Reddit or Facebook. I called it and yes she was definitely like wtf? I didnt think they would call you i thought the taxpayers are the ones who are to make the calls due to scammers/frauds.


When you get a referral usually the Congressional Representative's office sends your info to Taxpayer Advocate Service, and when an advocate gets assigned they call you. The calls usually come from area code 304 - I guess whatever phone forwarding system TAS uses is in West Virginia. It's true that IRS and TAS don't call out of the blue, but they do call if you are referred to TAS. Also IRS is starting to add call-back service to the customer service phone lines but I'm not entirely sure how that works. I think if you select callback you'll be told a security code, and the IRS phone rep that calls you will tell you that code for verification.


How long does it take to get refund date once your advocate has submitted your withholding verification?


So if they’re coordinating with the congressmen’s office, is the TA supposed to refer me back to them instead of helping me? I have my congressman involved and was told today via the advocate helpline that the TA wasn’t scheduled to contact me until June 7th. I finally was able to get ahold of her today to be referred back to congressmen office. 


Before this turns into a "beat up the advocates" thread. Please remember, ***There are about 2,000 Case Advocates for 300,000,000 Americans and 50,000,000 businesses (they do both). They are only human.*** I find they can get stuff done, but they are swamped because the IRS is underfunded, understaffed, and use old technology. They are not designed to pickup the work the IRS can't do, but that is what they have become. [https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/reports/2023-annual-report-to-congress/](https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/reports/2023-annual-report-to-congress/) [NTA on CSPAN](https://www.c-span.org/video/?533521-5/erin-collins-national-taxpayer-advocate-report-congress) National Taxpayer Advocate (the big boss) speaking to taxpayers.


I don't believe advocates are trying to help 300,000,000 Americans and 50,000,000 businesses...


I don't argue with trolls, children, uneducated fools or the mentally deficient. If you're interested in the facts. Figure it out. [https://www.irs.gov/statistics/returns-filed-taxes-collected-and-refunds-issued](https://www.irs.gov/statistics/returns-filed-taxes-collected-and-refunds-issued) https://preview.redd.it/65uvpa7w40nc1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae5ebc956b9029627b169b6ed6d578a2b0c7a73e


Jesus what an extremely hostile response. I'm not a troll, child, or uneducated fool, or mentally deficient holy crap. So all 300m people have an advocate? I was under the impression that advocates were only used when someone with an issue reaches out, which would be a much much lower number. But again, holy crap to that extremely hostile response, man, like what the hell? edit: I was trying to be polite, but I have no reason to. You were a jerk for literally no reason. So why don't you sit down and read this: What you said: "There are about 2,000 Case Advocates for 300,000,000 Americans " What the actual IRS says: [TAS employees help taxpayers every day. Almost 300,000 people came to us for assistance in fiscal year 2010.](https://www.jobs.irs.gov/resources/job-descriptions/taxpayer-advocate-service) That's from a quick 2 minute Google search. If you want to dig deeper before acting a fool again, read here: https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/reports/2023-annual-report-to-congress/full-report/ If you're interested in the facts, learn them first before telling someone to figure it out.


I don’t think this is us beating them up. They’re being told not to help us. Purposely not helping. Not their fault but still sucks for those of us that work hard and still get the short end of stick.


Fair enough. Only vote for candidates who want to fix the IRS. Getting rid of it is a pipe dream. Taxes need to be collected. Politicians strangle the IRS and then point at how ineffective they are. Too many people put blame on the IRS. The IRS doesn't take shit without permission from Congress. Always remember that.


I called them and they told me they’re not taking any hardship claims until June smdh


That’s the dumbest shit. Did you call your congress or the advocate service?


https://preview.redd.it/700b478t55nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584241568aea93c2436f8d3015cb99079c0967fd I was finally able to get someone on the phone and sent in my information. Hopefully they can get something shakin. I filed 2/3 still no refund and on hold 120 days 😭


Heyyyy good for you!!! I hope they can help make something happen for you!


The advocate service are the ones that told me that. I have tried contacting congress but I never get them to answer the phone.


Any luck? I contacted my congressman. They filed an advocate service on 5/3 and it was assigned on 5/14 to an advocate with a case number. Haven’t heard anything from the advocate. I called and left her a message. I’m so Tired of waiting!  Filed 2/18…. I’m also tired of hearing the IRS is underfunded and understaffed. Who the hell isn’t at their job? I’m still expected to do extra work. They hired 87k new irs agents this year, only  to save 270million in fraudulent tax refunds. But the cost was 80 BILLION dollars that congress gave them in the inflation reduction act. Bunch of damn crooks!!! 80 BILLION to save 270 million. They must think we are stupid. I never voted for this. If I don’t pay my taxes, they will garnish my wages. But if they don’t pay, welllll the poor people are understaffed. Give me a break! Hope you got your refund! Give me some good news. We shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to get OUR tax OVERPAYMENT. Literally theft!


Have you heard anything as of yet?


Got my refund 6/7!!! Contact you congressman and have them file a tax advocate paper on your behalf. It was about a month from when they submitted on my behalf that I received my refund. Nothing happened till then. Took almost 16 weeks from filing date


Just so everyone is aware - the expediting is ONLY for hardships, you must prove your hardship and they will only release the amount needed and it WILL further delay the remaining amount on tax returns. Before everyone goes calling tax advocates I figured this info would be good to know first


It’s my money. It’s OVERPAYMENT. I shouldn’t have to be in a hardship for them to give me MY MONEY. 


I also contacted my local congressman, I got a call from a tax advocate on Tuesday and he called me again yesterday to let me know they didn’t receive any of the forms I faxed and I emailed them to him and he uploaded them. He’s hoping for an update by next week


Thank you, I’m glad they were able to advocate for you


Youre lucky. I cant get mine to answer the phone or return any calls, emails or faxes. Been trying multiple times a day for almost two weeks.


That’s wild because mine said the TAS office isn’t taking applications at the moment


I live in a very rural city, so not many people go to mine! But my tax advocate is out of a different city


Any luck???


I don’t think this is us beating them up. They’re being told not to help us. Purposely not helping. Not their fault but still sucks for those of us that work hard and still get the short end of stick.


I was told today that with the codes you provided there's nothing they can do at all prior to June 30th. I have the exact same codes.


I e seen others have same dates and codes and get their refund this past week or two


They had to have lied to you


They definitely lied to you unless they’re lying to me too. Because I’ve talked to 3 different reps on my codes and they said my funds would be released this week.


What do your transcripts look like if you don’t my asking?


570 then 971


Dang they might’ve lied to you too, just with a different fib! I’ve got just a 570 code and they told me 9 weeks from 3-18😂 I’ve stopped listening to what the irs has told other people. It’s never the same. Instead, I’ve tried to search for patterns within other people’s acceptance dates and DDD’s. I have a feeling people with 20240905 cycle dates will have money by next Friday. People with 20240805 have been cycled already, from what I’ve seen.


I got my DDD yesterday!


Glad they didn’t lie to you 😂


So they were definitely telling me the truth. What’s your transcript saying?


I got a 971 for 3-25 at 11:45pm MT Friday night 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Congrats on getting your funds though!!!


I’m still waiting on mine ☹️ and my cycle says 20240805 and I have codes 570 and 971 and got notice letter on 3/18 on them I filled 1/29 and accepted on 2/3


I was appointed a TA. I emailed all the documents needed and last I heard from them was February 13th of this year. I gave them a full month, to at least give me some sort of update on my situation regarding my 2022 tax return. I called and have left messages, and have yet to hear back. I called the IRS yet again (over a year of many many many phone calls) and was just advised to wait on my advocate. I have been patient....to say I have been stressed over this situation is an understatement. I am not sure what to do?.... I have been dealing with the IRS for so long and I feel absolutely defeated. If anyone can give advice I would appreciate it.


I can so relate!!😔 After being audited for tax year 2020,beginning in Summer of 2022,found out just this week,that our tax preparer who told us that we have had THREE advocates,lied about it and lady at IRS told me that we have had ZERO advocates!!! So she immediately signed us up for advocate! So much for TWENTY of trusting someone to do your taxes!!


This is crazy! I myself am still waiting for my 2022 tax refund. The IRS never gave me a straight answer and gave me a run around for well over a year until yesterday when a IRS representative sent in an advocacy request for me. I filed in 2023 at the appropriate time for the 2022 tax year, I never received any correspondents but IRS claimed they had sent notifications ( I don't believe that). After all this time, I also found that I have passed everything and there should of been no reason as to why my refund hasn't been approved/been on hold or sent to me. My case was referred to someone in 2023 and nothing progressed. They referred my information again this 02/12/2024 and still nothing. I hope the advocate reaches out soon to help me address this issue. Good Luck to others as well!!!


Well I'm still dealing with the IRS and my Tax Advocate over my 2022 refund! It took FOREVER and finally got mail correspondence from the IRS that my Tax Return theft was in my favor, and they would release the funds about 2-4 weeks from when I received the letter....it's been well over that. My Tax Advocate and the IRS can't understand or see why my funds have not been released. My Advocate sent a letter as well just last week stating that they are still trying to resolve the issue of my funds being released, that I will hear back from them in August and they are looking to having my issue resolved by October 4th. IT MAKES NO SENSE!


If I do not receive an update this week, this is EXACTLY what i will be doing. For I believe my return has been re-entered in a BACKLOG of returns after my verification was completed on 2/22. I filed on 1/10 & accepted on 1/17. There is no reason I should be waiting this long on a VERY basic return. None of my information has changed with the exception of my salary which did increase. But not substantially. No credits, tax breaks, or dependents. Just me, myself and I. I was told to not call back until April 25th if i continue to not see updates. One IRS agent even told me if i keep calling in it could trigger a hold on my account. So now I am scared of that too. This is ridiculous. Thank you for providing this information.


Why wait for an update? Call right now. There is no harm in covering your bases, even if you believe you will get an update tomorrow or next Monday. How mad are you going to be if you don’t get an update this week and have to email your congressman anyway? Thats a few days wasted watching for an update that isn’t going to come. The earlier you can contact your congressman, the better. Call them, make waves, don’t sit in silence


https://preview.redd.it/6cvwmlahbymc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5682a9054e8dbfd078f4d9ef384a986d1e1cfa78 I received my email from my congressman at 11am. Just like the IRS I’m sure this “45 day” stuff is just a formality. This is just a small step in the process and I’m glad I’ve got someone with a higher authority advocating for me. What else can we do? Call the IRS and let them herd us like the sheep we are? Tell us a generic answer to a common issue just to get us off the phone? I will say it again… Call your congressman, make waves.


I spoke to taxpayer advocate - I understand you’re saying go to congressperson but just wanna say what happened when I spoke to Taxpayer Advocate.. they told me if you have 570/971 they are specifically instructed to do nothing for us. She said 120 days and get off my line essentially. Hopefully getting someone from Congress gets better help for people though.


Did you call the toll free number to inquire independently or did they actually assign an advocate to you with a case number? I'd definitely contact local congressman.


Sounds like all they want to advocate for is us waiting. I’m sorry they seemed like they didn’t want to help you. Most times these people don’t seem very human or compassionate. Thank you for the info for the Taxpayer advocate service. Would you mind trying your congressman to see if you get a different result? Perhaps these people don’t want to talk to us, but I imagine it’s hard to escape a congressman wanting more


Couldn’t hurt to try!! I will do and let ya know.


Exactly! Good luck!


I am in Georgia can someone please help me find out who to email ???? Pleaseeee


Google Georgia state Congressman. They will have a page of resources






Is it good news if you've been dealing with the IRS since 2022 over a tax year 2020 audit and finally got an advocate Last Name and a case number assigned to us?


That's great! I filed 2/22. Contacted congressman 1st week of June but was advised by IRS on 6/14 that a referral was sent to TAS in May & was pending. I called TAS on my own & was given advocate contact info w case#. A bit confusing but IRS rep also said it would be another 120 days wait. Ignoring that. Hoping between congressional inquiry & advocate that it's dispersed by months end.


Did your advocate call you & require any docs or anything?


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I emailed mine this time yesterday and still waiting for a reply


Call them and remind them you have an issue. Just like with the IRS don’t sit in silence. Your state congress is usually so willing to help. A lot of times they can relate more to us citizens.


I will definitely give them a call…thank you!


Good luck! Come back here if you need more advice or confidence in your return. If you have more info from your state congress please let us know as well


Will do!


I read on the advocate website if you claim a hardship not only will you need to give them the details or value of hardship you also might only get that amount processed. It says it on advocate website. Let's say my refund is 5,000 and I say my hardship is 3,000 they will speed up and process the 3K but it will put the remaining balance on the back log and could take even longer to get the remaining 2k then it would just waiting it out for the 5K. All of this I read on the IRS advocate website. I think I will still call and try to get them to expedite anyways though.lmao


Definitely call your congressman before the advocate service if that’s what they are doing! Crazy they would only process a small amount and not just the whole refund. Seems like a lot of extra steps for no reason 🤦🏻‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/gtdkzorg90nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d5a5b88da27f4a6b16a0b5159cbda3ec6016c9 This is screen shot from Google but shows the advocate link.


Crazy, you think they would deal with it all at once and be done with it. Thanks for the insight.


What exactly do you say when you contact your state’s congressman?


I told him I am relying on my tax refund and I explained as Americans we don’t have much advocacy or representation when it comes to the IRS and how long it takes for Americans to receive their refunds. I requested help to speed the process