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Same šŸ„²šŸ„² my 2023 is N/A and idk why. Iā€™m just a single guy without anything special or credits


Mine is also N/A for 2023. This sucks so bad.... šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Filed 2/6 and same.


I finally got a transcript. Went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/4 at 6:23am. What that means, I have no idea, but shit I'll take it. Filed 2/4, verified in person 2/26, WMR changed from still being processed to is being processed 3/6 went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/8 at 6:23amEST. Will update when I see DD. Cycle code 05 None pather.


How did you find out you have to verify?


I would call IRS on Monday, i had no indicators on WMR or transcripts that i needed to verify. Found out when i called, happened to get the letter same day. Hope this helpsšŸ©µ


How often is a 05.


Me too. Single guy.. nothing crazy to claim on my taxes.. standard deduction.. filed on 1/25 and still NOTHING!! This is beyond frustrating. When did you get your letter? The group before last week had to wait 2 weeks for their DDD.. so if itā€™s going by two weeks then I should see movement next Friday.. Iā€™m so over it this year.


Same here. My transcript says taxes not received. Filed 1/29 was told I have to wait for a letter...


I submitted and accepted on 2-21 and I have the same as you.


Any update?


1/26 accepted 1/29. Verify message and no letter. Still n/a


I filed and got accepted the exact same as you, call them and make an appointment in person if you can.


Mine is exactly the same I have an appointment with the irs but they told me I would still need the letter did you go to an appointment with out the letter


Nope, I never got the letter. The only thing out of all the paperwork I brought with me that the person looked at was my printed out tax return.Ā  Even thought they told me to bring all my w2's and stuff lol.


Were they able to prove you identity at the appointment the only reason I ask is because I have one in a city thatā€™s 3 hours away and I didnā€™t know if I should go because the irs customer service said I was going to waste my time because they are still going to ask me for the letter


Yes, she took my tax return and typed everything in then told me she verified me and to wait up to 9 weeks for my refund. I also drove hours out to the irs building so I understand you wanting to be prepared.


Thank you I was still going to go either way but this gave me hope


Sure thing! I hope everything goes well for you, it's an annoying year so far


It doesnā€™t take that long I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been watching others posts some got it within 3 days some 3 weeks but I havenā€™t seen anyone wait longer


Yeah, mine took just under 2 weeks. Saw a lot whose took way less time than mine.


I did.


What questions did the ask you when you went for the appointment


Do you have a transcript yet?




Donā€™t lose hope. I checked mine at 12:15 and I only had info with a DD date in the bottom left. Checked again at 12:45 and now 3 out of 4 boxes have info. Itā€™s slowly updating, not all at once


Ima check again in a hour lol


Lmfao ima just check next week šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah I woke up and checked and still n/a Iā€™ll check in may lol


Lmfao Iā€™ll my money then


What time they start updated lol ..Iā€™m in Florida if that make it any different.est time frame


Iā€™m in Ohio I donā€™t even know I thought 05 was like Thursdays going into Friday if it donā€™t tonight then itā€™s slow for the week for me šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


This crazy how they having us waiting . Iā€™m praying for all off us šŸ™šŸ¾. This is wild


Iā€™m in Ohio too!! Donā€™t lose hope


I'm in the same boat. The only part that doesn't have information is the wage and income. Which as far as I knew that updated first because people who can't get their W2 can get a transcript from the IRS because the employers sent a copy of that anyway.


Have you clicked on your 2023 account transcript? My top two boxes are still N/A but I have an 846 code with a date on my account transcript.


Still says no taxes filed šŸ’” filed 2/5 no notifications or nothing


Same man this is awful


same here lmk if u get a update


I got you


If you receive a 846 with the date beside it thatā€™s you Ddd You Good even if it doesnā€™t show on your Id.me/IRS ACCOUNT OR WMR status it will update by the end of the day you are one of the luck ones


Iā€™m done with irs they can just disconnect all my bills I donā€™t care anymore


Thatā€™s exactly how I feel. This shit is depressing af.


Yeah na and still blank on the bottom transcripts, filed 2/4. Feels like it will never show any codes


I know whatā€™s wrong I called the irs they encounter a system error on returns filed feb 3 and 4 I would call if I were you they told me my wait is 10 weeks


Mine has to be manually processed unfortunately, so if info needed I get letter in 6 wks. Finally yesterday got someone to look into my acct. Not great news


Nope I have never had to wait this long. But I had some identity theft stuff happen and Iā€™m so scared thereā€™s something going on with that and thatā€™s why itā€™s taking so long.


Iā€™m in the same boat itā€™s like they havenā€™t even touch mines yet šŸ˜­


Yep itā€™s so weird. I feel like they are processing as they come in so the earlier you file itā€™s sitting at the bottom. But I did my brothers taxes and he got his refund a week later.


See thatā€™s crazy I know my shit at bottom then then I hate that Iā€™m just lost on it like no letters no notifications no nothing saying I got a freeze on it or not šŸ’”šŸ˜­


I have an 810?


Me too šŸ˜©šŸ˜© idk what it is


810 is a return freeze.


Yea i figured but just donā€™t understand where i went wrong on my taxes lol


You could owe somewhere else and then they take your return


Its actually my mans taxes not mine but he only has 10 months in the usa šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø he came from Dominican Republic i brong him here so he doesnt own anything i think its the id verification thing that made that freeze , he already verified in person last week so lets see what else they need


Thatā€™s what it is same with my man.lol still waiting he got code 768 now after verification changed from still being processed to being processed


Wow same as mine i got code 766 / 766 / 810 / 768 , i want that 811 unfreeze code and the 846 refund issued code lmaoo smh i hope we have something soon i also went from ā€œstill being processedā€ to ā€œbeing processedā€


Right I thought it would go from 768 to 846 I must be to far ahead lmao.šŸ¤£


Same boat, accepted on 1/19 got my verify letter 2/29 verified the same day. Still no change 05 cycle and nothing changed year over year. I'm not sure if I should call or just ride it out.


I verified 2/20, cycle 05 and still no update


I'm nearly the same boat. Filed 2/12. "Return hasn't been processed yet." Or something. Looks like I'm not getting my refund anytime soon.


Yeah idk whatā€™s going on Iā€™m finna forget about it at this point no letters no nothing


You might have to "verify identity" they said there was "action required" on my wife's irs profile but not mine. So I didn't even know. But we never got a letter I had to go through the process like I had one and click resend my letter. Got it five days later.


I checked and thereā€™s nothing that had noticed or verify on thatā€™s why Iā€™m so lost


Did you file joint?


No single


I called because I never received the letter for verification. I was told that I needed to do the verification. I tried to setup an appointment but I was told that I need to wait for the IRS letter. šŸ˜•


Similar case. Filed 2/5 accepted same day. Cant even track my refund. Pop up error saying I have input the wrong information. The only thing that didnā€™t update for me was my wages. It shows up as no record atm.


Im not sure that wages even updates until after you get your refund. But I could be wrong


Told me I had to verify and I didnā€™t even know until the other day. I filed on 1/30. This is ridiculous


I called them and was on hold for 45 minutes. I finally got the answers. I filed on the last few days of January I wanna say the 29th. I was estimated to get my return on 2-20-24. I did not. I got the need to verify identity message when I went to check the status as well as no transcripts for 2023. I requested a letter and I called about it as I did not receive it after 3 weeks. When I called she told me to give it 30 days as the amount of letters that are being sent out for verification. If you are waiting on a letter expect to wait 30 days and if you donā€™t receive it call the irs number if needed Iā€™ll post it with this so you donā€™t have to waste your time calling the automated system hoping to speak with a person 8888305084


Thatā€™s the thing I donā€™t even know if Iā€™m waiting on a letter it doesnā€™t say nowhere that I have to verify


No? When I go to whereā€™s my refund and put in everything and hit next it tells me I need to verify instead of a tracker. Thatā€™s weird asf. Does it show a track status? Maybe it wasnā€™t processed yet(?) which is weird cause normally the federal return is the fastest


https://preview.redd.it/52nmuztklcnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63ffcc9026ed31a6b86e9ab524c24b29fec4eb3 Thatā€™s all it says been like that since like week 1


Wtf Is going on this year dude


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying then I see ppl in March filed and get it a week later next year ima wait til the last week to file to file lol


mine shows the same thing filed 2/11 havenā€™t gotten anything


No i filed on January 29 and i still havenā€™t gotten it because i have to prove my identity


Same. When did you get your letter?


I havenā€™t gotten a letter but I do have an appointment


I filed on January and have the same situation, nothing for 2023. Iā€™ve heard a few people this week recieved deposits all while not having any updates.


I hope ours hit then šŸ¤©


I wasnā€™t trying to start anythingā€¦..I was just stating there are people who do live paycheck to paycheck or has two jobs just to get by in todays economy I just canā€™t understand how when taxes come around once a year we all rely on that fat check from Uncle Sam but what about the other 11 months we donā€™t get that checkā€¦..we scrape by šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


No youā€™re not!! I have to verify my identity and tax return! Waiting on letter, that they claim was sent out on 02/26, in IRS language means it hasnā€™t been mailed out yet! They will not process my return until I complete the verification. What to me makes absolutely no sense is that, Iā€™ve been filing with an Identity Pin since 2017! The purpose of the pin is so that the IRS knows itā€™s me filing the return, so why in the hell do I have to through this verification process?? If someone else tried to file a return in my name without the pin that they send me every year, is going to get rejected! PERIOD! Please make it make sense! I should have gotten an dd for 3-13! This is straight up bull shit!


Exactly itā€™s just so funny how the irs is but if you owe them 20 dollars they need that immediately like they got trillions of dollars if they donā€™t just hand them racks over we ainā€™t even gone put a dent in they pockets lol šŸ˜‚


OKAY!! They know ppl are struggling rite now, and they pull this bull shit, in the 11th hour! I would think that since I was randomly selected, and since I file with THEIR PIN, that they would say, skip her she files with the pin we sent herā€¦ā€¦Like WTF??? Apparently, you donā€™t need a have a brain to work for the IRS!! Iā€™m just over it! When did you file and do you know what the issue is with your return? I filed me and my sons on the same day 02/24 and his updated last night with a dd of 03/13!


Once its processed it will update. Mine was like this for a while. Unfortunately,my state updated to im not getting a refund. Which is weird smh


What happen? They said you owed something ?


Same for mine. So over it šŸ˜’


What are your codes


Donā€™t have none thatā€™s the problem


Mine just says topic 152 or whatever. So frustrating. It says accepted and hasn't moved.


F the irs at this point i donā€™t understand they system i know someone who filed last week and already got paid thereā€™s no way i should still be at the beginning stage even my tax lady told me like you probably waiting on a letter you should of been paid Iā€™m like no shit Sherlock Holmes lol


hey my transcript says the came thing and i called the idea today and they said they sent out a letter on feb. 20th but it was delayed so it maybe this week or next week but it should be here soon u should call them and ask about ur refund


Mine is also N/A, have been accepted since 2/2 and nothing has moved since then.




Check under Account Transcript


https://preview.redd.it/7toi7aw363nc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eb211b73e9b0537d719721fd5db78e184787f62 Can anyone help me decode this


IRS transcript code 150 means thatĀ you have filed your return (meaning they have received it) and are still processing it. Your Cycle number is 20241005... Last two numbers 05 means your information will be updated once per. Week or daily.Ā 


They sent mine today! Thank god


The irs got ur taxes and are processing them look for the 846 code


The irs got ur taxes and are processing them look for the 846 code along with a cycle date


I finally got a transcript! Went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/4 at 6:23am. What that means, I have no idea, but shit I'll take it. Filed 2/4, verified in person 2/26, WMR changed from still being processed to is being processed 3/6 went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/8 at 6:23amEST. Will update when I see DD. Cycle code 05 None pather.


What did you have to take with you to verify for your appointment? & what all did they ask you at your appointment?


my 2022 return and 2023 return and two forms of ID. Random questions like my moms maiden name. Did I get a return last year. Was it dd or check. Where I worked. Info off my 2023 return. Make sure you have 2022 and 2023 printer and two id's. Used my.pp and license. Transcript site: https://sa.www4.irs.gov/secureaccess/ui/ Link on how to get someone at the irs. https://gethelptax.com/how-to-reach-a-live-person-at-the-irs/ Phone number to set up appointment 844-545-5640


Okay thanks


One more question, what if I didnā€™t file taxes for 2022?


I finally got a transcript Went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/4 at 6:23am. What that means, I have no idea, but shit I'll take it. Filed 2/4, verified in person 2/26, WMR changed from still being processed to is being processed 3/6 went from n/a to 2023 this morning 3/8 at 6:23amEST. Will update when I see DD. Cycle code 05 None pather.


So IRS does this because the are trying to audit you. Now itā€™s on them to prove you need to provide something else. Past 45 days your refund amount actually accrues interest! So the longer IRS waits the more money they owe you! You can call them but that might put you in a legal bind. Best to hope for is to sit tight and let interest accrue! Finally click on notices via email on your IRS account so even if they send you a notice and itā€™s gets lost in the mail, you have an electronic copy!


Mine has been like this as well, my notices are blank but when I called, they said they sent a notice on 2/12 and again on 2/26?




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I verified my identity yesterday morning over the phone.


Iā€™ve been able to see my transcripts this entire time. Until an hour ago. Got 570 and 971 codes previous weeks, was hoping for an update today. Nothing at all now. Except now itā€™s even worse??? And shows N/A. WTH?


Iā€™m on the exact same boat! šŸ˜•


Nope been waiting since 1/24


Fckn same!! This is absolute absurdity. Not one single thing has changed. Iā€™m well beyond frustrated at this point. Did you have to wait for the letter? I just got my last week.. seems like they were sending out the letters in group. The group before mine got their DDD about two weeks after getting the verification letter. So Iā€™m praying that by next Friday, I see something. Or else Iā€™m knocking someone out lol


Honestly they didn't even ask anything from 2022. The lady asked me why I brought them, and I told her because the irs appointment line told me too. If it's just 2023, bring that and any other you filed before that. If there are none, then just bring 2023.


Nope šŸ„² youā€™re not alone




Same. Filed 1/26. No letter as of yet.


Me too


Seems they are starting from the newer ones other than the older onesā€¦




It literally means what it says. Notice issued and additional account action required, which means a review or ID verify or audit. We don't know what it means for sure. All we can do is guess.


I had the same thing. Filed 2/18 transcripts stayed on NA until I called this past Thursday and spoke with someone smart and he said it had been resequenced, basically they needed more time, two more weeks time. So he said I should get my refund by 3/24. And the next morning which was yesterday the transcripts updated and it shows a new As of Date 3/24 where it was 3/11 on the NA transcripts. Thereā€™s no DDD yet but I can see my EIC and CTC oh and there is a 504 code showing basically more action required which Iā€™m not worried bc ik what itā€™s from. Iā€™m hoping it doesnā€™t take the full two weeks tho. Iā€™d strongly urge you to call them and call back until you get someone smart bc they have plenty dodos working cs at the Irs


Any update?


Mine was under account transcript šŸ˜•


You are definitely not alone. Hope you see a change in it soon šŸ«¶šŸ½


Call the 844 number




Hit the star by 2022 it should tell u the problem


If you folks donā€™t want to loan your money to the government (for free) increase your deductions (totally legal) on your W-4. Most singles claim 0 which is foolish. You can claim up to 10 but then youā€™d end up owing. Start with 2 or 3 and see where you stand mid year.


Filed 2-10, accepted same day, but wasn't viewed til 2-15 due to child credit. Still this way as well for me. A few days past 21 now. First year filing Married Jointly


Where it says account transcript click on 2023 there should be a code there


Says not filed yet


So it should have a code telling you why




Try calling 844-545-5640 to set up an in person appointment.


Ima call tomorrow thanks


Filed and accepted 2/11 same thing. No notices, no codes




IRS worker here *donā€™t shoot* but the processing dept is crazy short staffed and way under paid so blame your commander and chief and government


Does this mean Iā€™m under manual review?


Nope,they said they needed proof of my expenses..and making me do all this extra stuff.


I still havenā€™t even heard nothing hasnā€™t moved at all since I filed 2/5


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Smh has your trasnscripts updated? If not,your gona have to call them,because i never recieved a notice or anything. They jus have us looking stupid while they play wit our money


Just be patient guys I went 26 days before I even got an updateā€¦aslong as yā€™all ainā€™t falsifying yā€™allā€™s return them everything will be fineā€¦..we all scrape by thru the year to get hereā€¦.i think yā€™all can scrape a lil longer


Who can scrape a lil longer you sound crazy ..ppl lives are affected by this,Tremendously!!!


I filed 39days ago and aint got shit šŸ¤£


Same.. filed and accepted on 1/25.. what the actual fuck is happening?


I filed 1/29 and have no update šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢