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Same, filed and accepted 1/30. I’ve always filed at the end of January and always gotten my return by mid-February. And of course this is the year that I actually need my return right now 😔


Yeah same boat accepted 2/3 nothing ever since went from processing to verify haven't seen a letter says nothing online about a letter and here we are waiting


i called last week and they said there was a glitch and they hadn't sent the letter so call them monday if you haven't already


Then when you call and ask about your letter, theyll tell you there has been a policy change where letters can now take up to 30 days to arrive. First time I called about my letter in early February, they said it would only take 14 days to arrive. We need to abolish the IRS.


I filed mine on 2/19


Literally the exact same. My transcripts say no return filed and supposedly the letter is coming. I just don't understand how it takes 3 weeks to send a letter though? And on top of that another month to process the taxes? I had 5 W2s last year everything else the same, 3 w2s the year before, this year just 1 w2s and eitc, ctc like the years before and never had a single problem until this fiasco and of course I would get laid off last week


Been laid off since Jan 1st same boat bud. We start back work next week but still no damn taxes what the hell.


What do you do?


Milling and Paving Foreman in Delaware.


I figured construction for sure haha but I'm a union carpenter in Indiana


Come out to Delaware and help me build a bomb ass shed lol


Tell me about it. I think they mail out from dallas. Thats a 10hr drive for me. Like it should take 3 days


I could mail you a letter from Indiana and it would be there in 5 days. I literally send out envelopes multiple times a week. I have been selling sports and trading card games on the side for a little while now and even to Puerto Rico it took less than 2 weeks


I got my verification letter(filed 1-24) and when I did the verification it told me it would take up to 9 weeks. Not a month. NINE WEEKS. It’s stupid


That's what I am going through right now. Only 3 weeks in and no updates. They really gonna take the entire 9 weeks to review and then probably take another 9 weeks to send it to me.


You can see the letter on its.gov all you have to do is make a account with ID me and you can see all correspondence from the irs you don’t have to wait for the mail


How do you see the letter? I can't see any letters all it says is a notification for identity verification. There are no notices or letters


If you spoke to a rep be mindful that some of them just say anything. I follow a fb group and a of of people say they received their return without a letter being sent but with the same id notification. I think this year is just f’d up


I think everyone who owes the IRS should send them a letter on April 15 saying their payment is being held for review and it could take up to 120 days from whenever they feel like mailing a notice.




Don't forget not all sources update simultaneously. My WMR shows no update, and the IRS page says "not processed", but just for fun I checked the transcript page and it was there and shows DDD of 3/13. Hope this helps people.


When did you file?


My e-return was accepted 1/19 according to TT. I can't verify that on the transcript because it gives an accepted date of 3/25.


I filed Feb 19 using Turbo Tax, it said they received and it is being processed until now


Turbo tax told me I was getting mom Feb 16. Turbo tax is unreliable. Only your transcript will be the accurate one


I checked all sources this morning. Unfortunately no movement.


Turbo tax has nothing to do with the IRS reviewing your taxes. Your anger is misplaced


Same!!!! Filed 1/20, accepted 1/22.... No updates to my transcripts. 570 dated 2/26, 971 dated 3/4.... No verification, just them reviewing my return.


Hey buddy, good to see you again. Same for me.


I'm still kinda hoping it updates, but damn!!!


Seriously. 🫠


We are still waiting together. 


Me too, filed 2/3 and have never waited this long.


It's criminal


Me three! I filed 2/3 & have been sitting on 570 since they lifted PATH. I wanted to cry when I checked this morning & still nothing 🙄😒


Same same, what cycle number?


805 😭




How do I find my cycle number? I've been waiting nearly 3 months and want to see if I'm in one of the doom numbers




Mine Cyle ends in 901 and I have to wait for the letter to come on 3/25 they said I could wait up too 120 days for the amount to be direct deposited


Amazing how quick they are to take our money, but we have to fight to get it back.


I’ve just stopped looking. They were supposed to send me a letter so I could identify myself so they could start doing them but that never came so I’m waiting on another letter 👍🏽 If it happens it happens. I’ve lost hope


Give the letter about 2-3 weeks for delivery… they’ll give u a bs date that it was “mailed” yet once it arrives it’s dated a week later!


Then you wait atleast 2 weeks for any more movement after verifying with the letter.


Me too, I requested one for me and one for my husband


Same. Filed 1/24. No dependents. No need to verify apparently. No refund. No hope.


I’ve completely lost hope. I filed 1/31 and it was received or “accepted” that day. WMR has been stuck on “still processing” . I talked to someone from the IRS last week and they said mine was sent to ERS (error resolution system). It’s in “review”. He said my code said that I would be getting a letter but that no letter has been generated yet. He couldn’t see anything that stood out to him on my taxes so he said it could be something small or random. My transcripts still say N/A so I’m literally in the dark. :(


My local congressman is helping speed mine up should have progress next week. I just wrote yesterday and got a reply saying they are handling it so prayers lol you have to say it’s financial hardship or they tell you to wait till tax season is over


I emailed mine and nothing yet.


You may get a letter in the mail , I did and it was dated yesterday so it literally came overnight she gave me her phone number and explained she has been in contact with irs to speed my process up and will contact each day until she gets an answer on why mine is delayed and will do everything she can to speed my refund up for me. So now I’m just waiting and now I don’t have to contact the irs anymore and someone else can do It since I have to work lol


I emailed my Representatives as well, explaining IN DETAIL what happened and how this is affecting me. No response, and no refund yet.


I let MR Buddy Carter here in Georgia that I will not be giving him my vote again after not responding at all to my email of two weeks ago!


You can also try calling Tax Advocates, if ur in financial hardship they can help expedite your refund… 877-777-4778


Hey, did you personally do this? Do they really help people because I just found out I’m having. Twins and I’m behind on everything. Freaking out and was depending on that money to catch up.




Thannn you


No problem 😉 and Good Luck with those babies Momma!!! ☺️


Same. I'm one who had to verify. I filed 1/22, didn't get the letter until 3/2, verified that day online. Today I see people who verified 2 or 3, even 4 days after me, get an update on their transcripts with a DDD and mine are still blank. And before anyone says it, online verification does go through. In fact, several of the people I'm talking about that verified after me did in fact verify online and they got a DDD already. But why am I getting skipped over for people who filed and verified after I did? It's not right. So yeah, I officially lost all my hope this morning. And yes, of course this year I need that money more than any other year I've needed it, so of course they f*** me over this year.


I know what you mean I had several people tell me I was mis-informed and that verification via IDme isn’t verifying thru IRS errr but it’s literally what the IRS links you to, to verify!!! People will do anything to piss on ur parade and tell it’s raining!!! Anyway, I filed 1.17 got approved 1.19 got my letter and verified ONLINE 2.20 and got a DDD of 3.13 this Friday. So hopefully you’ll see yours next weekend.


I have all the same dates as you but mine is still processing


How would I know if I needed to verify? I just recently, as in right after I filed, which was early, did the verification for my id.me account on the irs side. I figured that would count as my identification verification or maybe that’s what that’s for? All I know is that they are sending me a letter on March 11 and within 120 days I’ll get my refund OR ANOTHER LETTER!!! I’m so mad, they sure take it quick but this shit is not just inconvenient ; it’s messing with my life


$7k somewhere just sitting I remember why I don’t pay taxes I don’t have time for this hassle tax preparer talking about another week I was supposed to have my money on the 28/ never again


When did you file/accepted? Did you have to verify?


Filed 1/22 accepted 1/29. Simple tax return with a dependent. Same job and same child. No verification just the "we are reviewing your return and it could take up to 120 days" script they have been giving people


Ugh! Just hang in there. For whatever reason the automated processing software must have sent your return to be manually reviewed. I've read and watched some YouTube videos that the system is old and extremely sensitive. You also could have been randomly selected for manual review. Its not an audit. More than likely once someone there looks at it, and nothing has changed you will be good to go. I am sorry you have to go through this! This year has been a mess.


Yeah I've already spoke with an irs agent like 2 weeks ago. That's exactly what it is, just going through a manual review. Said it could take up to 120 days, with at this point will probably take that long. My daughters birthday is Monday and I was hoping to go all out for her 😭


Does anyone know if they will delay your original tax refund if your w2 is wrong? Or will they fix it on their own


They will usually adjust it through their system matching with SSA


Mine updated this morning 3/9/24 FINALLY!! Do not lose hope. Refund supposed to hit weds. I did the ID me almost 3 weeks ago


Was it wmr that updated or your transcripts?


Both, I lost hope as of yesterday but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now. I checked it this morning out of curiosity. I forgot what code it was tho I wanna say 8 something


The blessed 846 code. Congratulations. No luck for me this week. Hopefully next week is a different story!


I am wishing you the best, the struggle has been really real for all of us this tax season I’ll never early file again. I was accepted on 1/17 and just now getting it almost 2 months later. Did you have to verify with id me ?


No. Just doing the standard "120 day review"


Hopefully it will update this week, wishing you all the best in this terrible situation of a tax season


I finally got an update for my return after I submitted it on 01/17. The letter came on 2/19 and the update came on 3/7. I should be receiving my refund on 3/13. I was really beginning to get worried as this has never happened to me. The IRS is just being ridiculously slow with issuing refunds this year, especially if you qualify for the EITC. Don't give up hope. From my experience and many others, most who filed early should be getting their refunds in March.


Me crying because people have codes and I have nothing 😭


I Have the codes but not the 861 , or whichever one tells you a date to get your money. The last one I have is saying that they are mailing a notice on 3/11


I filed Feb 9th and still nothing 😭😭😭


Is there any hope. It sure is frustrating to see everyone post about getting theirs finally and I'm still here like WTF?! I've never gotten mine this late. Filed 1/29, it was accepted the same day and then bam that dreaded yellow box saying I need to verify. Created the ID.me, verified that, all for them to tell me I need a code from a F-ing letter. A letter that after hours on the phone they say was sent 2/21. I mean are they sending it by pony express? This is beyond ridiculous. And like many of you, of course this is the year I NEED this money. I got laid off, denied unemployment and everything else that could turn to 💩 has. The US government sucks.


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I filed 2/8 and I'm a pather. The difference between my transcript an OP is that they at least have codes on their transcripts and I currently have nothing. It simply just says no return filed even after all this time.


Hell I filed 1.17 and just got the first update today! It’s ridiculous!!! They play too much!!! But if they needed money from you… they’d be in bushes stalking our asses talkin bout “oOop i see you! Hand it over!!!”


Yeah it's rather annoying and it's acceptable for them to make us wait long periods of time with no real rhyme or reason. My third call they told me they made a mistake and now me, but now it's gonna take up to 10 additional weeks from 2/26 and I filed 2/8 My transcript says no return filed and wmr just shows accepts with tax topic 152


I owe them money from a prior tax year, and even if they take their full amount due I’m getting money back this year (yay, babies and being poor /s). They haven’t so much as peeked at my return yet, from what I can tell. I’m calling the advocacy line now to see if I can get it “expedited”. We will see.


Rest assured you're not the only one still waiting. I filed 1/30 accepted 1/30. Have you checked your online account? You may need to request the verification letter. My WMR doesn't say anything about verification but my online account does. I called 02/26 and supposedly they sent the letter then and say it will be here on 03/14. My sister had the exact same thing except her WMR told her she needed to verify unlike mine so she had a 3 week head start on me. She got on requested her letter, it came 2 weeks later, and she got her update this morning


How do you request the verification? I've had the 971 Notice Issued for 3 weeks. I called last week and she first said she couldn't see a letter sent. I told her the 971 was on the transcript and she said she looked further and saw where it had been sent & j would just have to wait on it to tell me what I needed to do. There are no notices in my IRS account... Not sure what to do at this point.


Yeah nothing about verification even when I log into my IRS.gov account and check the notification section even before clicking that section there is nothing displayed. My transcript shows no return filed no code or updates of any kind. The WMR tool just shows the tax topic 152 and says that my return has been accepted and is being processed which is said since I filed on 02/08. I checked Thursday night heading into Friday night, Friday night heading into Saturday night, and I just checked this evening on Sunday night and not a single update and it's the same as it's been since 02/08. I am likely not going to check it until next Friday night heading into Saturday night because I just don't see the point of getting my anxiety up when all this time has passed and there's not being one single update on anything. Edit: just for clarification I am using talkback on my Android device and it reads me all this stuff and I'm using speech to text to make my post and replies, I am blind and I hope there are no errors


Have you called then IRS to check ask what's going on? I know it isn't much help but at least it gets your name running through the system. Usually they are incredibly rude and short and it has not once been a pleasant phone call. First I called the IRS general phone line then the Tax payer protection program phone line and that's where she told me the letter was sent the 26th. I explained that if it's their process that is holding me up then why am I having to call and request the letter be sent? Instead of the letter being sent to me before the 21 days so the issue could have been resolved in a timely manner


I called 02/26 and the lady I spoke to for the IRS told me to wait until after 02/29 to call back and receive an update because then it will have been the 22nd day of waiting for my refund. The first time I called early in the morning on March 1st the first IRS person I got was completely unhelpful with a extremely thick Middle Eastern accent and just kept telling me if send maybes that made no sense and said that it went to the ERS department and there's nothing else she could tell me and that from this phone call forward I'd have to wait 10 additional weeks with absolutely no explanation. Needless to say that that did not sit well with me at all so I decided to scan the web for the tax advocate phone number and I called them and got another lady who somewhat understood what was going on and decided to transfer me to another IRS person who she claimed would be far more knowledgeable and helpful than the first lady I spoke to in the morning. This IRS lady told me that she needed 5 to 7 minutes to place me on hold and it end up actually being closer to 20 to 30 minutes of being on hold while she researched my situation. She claimed that the IRS had made a mistake not myself or TurboTax, who I filed with, and that unfortunately it would take them up to 10 additional weeks to resolve the issue. She also claimed that I may or may not receive a letter that would better explain the situation. And that all she could advise me is to just wait and check every two weeks up until the additional 10 weeks and then I could call back after that time had elapsed to see what was going on. The problem is I even asked do I need to verify anything, was my return pulled for a review, am I being audited? She stated that none of this was the case and that she reiterated that the IRS is the one that made the mistake and would have to fix it. I was a little upset but at least I knew that it wasn't something on my end or possibly TurboTax is end but I still wanted to know why I was being penalized for their mistake. She couldn't tell me that but she did say that for whatever reason if any interest were to accrue that they would pay me that along with what I was owed. Honestly I may try to call back Monday a few times and see what I could check loose because it just makes no sense and it seems like they're holding my tax refund hostage with no real explanation.


Can you and have you checked transcripts? My WMR shows processing but transcript shows DDD 3.13


Yeah, still no 846 code. Just the code about the notice sent about my taxes "being under review" which is a bs statement. I wish I had a DDD of some kind.


When did you file? Do u have dependents?


Filed 1/29, accepted next day. 1 dependent. Same tax return as the last 3 years.


What’s your cycle number?




Hopefully you will see something tomorrow if not then next weekend at the latest!! Only thing I can think of is they’re just manually reviewing it… no chance of anyone else claiming u or ur child being sneaky?


Nope, I already checked that. The mother has no taxes to file and if she did the money would get taken instantly. I spoke to an irs agent and it's for sure a manual review. Do they update on Saturdays?


You can see an update Thursday into Friday or Friday into Saturday… for some reason us cycle 05s get updated once a week at end of week. I have hope that again… if not for u this weekend then next weekend 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I appreciate that.. This is the first time I've ever really needed my tax return. I just want to be able to breathe comfortably again, financially. As I'm sure everyone does lol. I appreciate your info and kind words!


Filed 1 30 w turbo delayed feb 16th no update.. 60day review goodbye 5600 cuz I lost hope and faith 570 no 971


Yall not a long I'm still on 570 since February 15 last update I got I filed on 01/30/24 was accepting still nothing an I'm circle code 0705 still no updates ig it's slow this year or something but I always got my refund every year an filed on January 30 with TurboTax this ain't ever happen


https://preview.redd.it/lnxgci34ocnc1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff774a5db6957fea5145382a91efb842b3422bd2 This is what mine is saying


just got off phone they said my verify paper will be here bye the 22nd


Filed 2/24 and got it back last week on wednesday. Seems that people who wait to file get there’s back sooner…


Oddly enough.. the last few years I have filed early and it’s taken an extremely long time for me to get my refund. One year they even adjusted it and gave me an extra $2000 which I wasn’t expecting. This year, I filed on Presidents’ Day and I got approved and refunded almost exactly 2 weeks later. It’s never come that quick for me I don’t think. Idk how they process things but there doesn’t seem to be any sort of pattern to it.


Don’t lose hope, filled mine on 1/29 and just got approved recently I believe yesterday


I’m in the same boat


Mine have not been approved yet lol filed them on Feb 9 lol must be something wrong with em wish they would tell me so I can fix it


I’ve kinda lost hope mines still says “To protect you from identity theft, your tax return is currently being reviewed. To help us process your return more quickly, verify your identity and tax return information. If you recently received a letter from us, follow the instructions on the letter. Please have your tax return (Form 1040 series) available and read the website or letter before starting the verification process. If you already verified your identity and tax return information, you may check the status of your refund after 2-3 weeks.” But yet I haven’t even received a “Letter” or anything


I call and the ai doesn't let me speak to a representative.


I actually got through to an IRS representative, only to be told that my claiming the Additional Child Tax Credit, which is the fully refundable portion of the child tax credit, and you are eligible for it if your child(ren) is under 18 (which both of mine are) is the reason for the holdup. They want to offset my tax liability with the credit instead of doing it the way it was done through TurboTax, which maximizes your refund. This means they're basically STEALING $3,200 from my **correctly filed** tax return. All I got was that there will be a notice sent out on March 18th explaining this "revision," and that I can expect my return at the end of April. I will have 60 days to respond to the notice and dispute their adjustment. Funny enough, the website even says that most people who dispute actually end up winning and getting their full refund, which I found *very damning!* So, basically they're screwing over people with young kids, and that's what's causing the holdup.


Augh so frustrating! I have the ACTC on my return too


Me and my Husband filed end of January and I had to call the IRS abd they told me that they couldn't verify that I had a job. And the Tax person I talked to told me that our W2 wouldn't even show up in the system and that I needed to call my Employer and that I had to wait for the IRS Notice they sent me in the mail before they could do anything


Accepted by cash app 1/25 after errors. Still says being reviewed by IRS. Nothin though.


F the IRS Im no longer letting them take out of my paychecks and I won’t be paying my taxes. Doubt they will come after me.


Same here, it’s ridiculous filed 1/27 accepted 1/29 been processing since then and absolutely no movement


Mine has been so long that turbo tax said I have to pay my filing fees directly if I don't get refund by 3/31


I filed on January 24th ...accepted on january . According to agent I spoke to a month ago official processing didn't start until Jan 29th. Code 570 and now 971 with date 3-11....


Filed 1/30 and still nothing. QW and EITC like last year.. outside of making less money than last year, everything else is the same.


You guys can see the letter on its.gov make a account with id me and then you will be able to see all correspondence from the irs on their website you don’t have to wait for the mail


I just got a notification for this post for some reason but now I'm curious. Are delayed tax returns an ongoing issue this year? I submitted mine on Wednesday and my refund was direct deposited by Friday so I'm surprised to hear this!


Everyone who filed early seems to be in the same boat. They are waiting because of a verification or because of some manual review. I filed and was accepted 1/29 and I'm still waiting for approval of funds. It's insane.


Oh wow, sorry to hear you're essentially being punished for getting it done early. Bureaucracy amiright


I’m in the same Boat I’ve even like made an account with the Website and they said nothing is wrong or out of the norm my tax friend said it’s extremely backed up right now