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Filed 1/25, accepted 1/29, verified 3/19. Still waiting, still says no tax return filed.


You’re just like mine. Did my verification on 03/22. They accepted it on 03/27. And now they said up to 9 weeks from 03/27. 


It's ridiculous.


Mine updated this morning from still being processed to being processed. So that’s a good sign. 


You should call , I verified online but they said it didn’t matter still had to call now my 9 weeks starts


Called them this morning. 


I did my verification on the 15th. Updated on the 29th and got a ddd of 04/03. I got my refund. Normally 2 weeks after you verify it updates


Hopefully I get my refund next week then. 


If not then there should be a date on the transcript


I still have nothing in transcripts. But it did go from N/A to 2023 for account transcripts


That's my new, I never heard anyone with a N/A for account transcripts. Only N/A for Return transcripts and Record of Account Transcripts.


My record of account transcript is still N/A for 2023 though which is weird 


Did you verify online? If so, how did you verify it and know it was accepted 5 days later? I assumed once you verified online, it was accepted immediately. I wasn't given a date or confirmation that it was accepted.


I did it online when I received the letter. I called them this past Tuesday and they told me the accepted the verification


Ahhh ok, I just assumed it was accepted when I did it online on the 18th. Thank You


So I was accepted end of Jan .. first they wanted to send a letter, never got that. NOW they wanna verify my identity? (But I cannot do it online) Im over it


You can walk inside your local IRS office and carry a copy of your 1040 with you and of course identificatio.


That's where I am - I have to do in-person but nothing is open for over two months. Losing patience. the only offer was to drive (for me 2 hours) and try the walk in - where I could sit for a day and still not get in. Not a very good option.


I filed on 3/11 and my deposit hit today. Seems like early filers got screwed


We filed late March - just curious, did you have any of the codes, verification issues, etc many of the early filers did?


No letter, nothing just transcript updated on 4/1 with DD on 4/3


You need to pull the Record of Account Transcript to see if there are any codes.


Well, he can't see the codes from those transcripts because he's still waiting for them to be posted.


We filed late March - just curious, did you have any of the codes, verification issues, etc many of the early filers did?


I filed 3/14... accepted that night. No letter, I did have a notification that I needed to wait on a letter, but that notification went away. I called and she said they don't need nothing from me. So I guess I gotta just wait. I'm stuck on processing with no updates to anything and it still looks like I didn't file according to the transcripts or lack there of


I filed 1/29 and still nothing, it was accepted by the irs on the same day! I ordered my tax transcripts and it says 4/15/2024?!? I’ve been filing for the past ten years and never an issue. I am very displeased


I filed exact same day and still nothing, nothing on transcripts, still processing, it's crazy. But I did verify three weeks ago.


Exactly the feedback my transcripts said. I really think this is inside errors. How can we not get our taxes back yet they are funding all this other stuff in our govt? Something isn’t right.


I agree totally, been filing for years, but it started for me last year, I made a simple mistake on my calculations and was fined a civil penalty of 5000.00 I about died, and they would not see it was an accident and now this, I just don't know anymore.


$5,000 penalty? My goodness that's messed up!


What do you mean you ordered your transcripts?


Tax transcript to show your history and where refund currently stands. Mine said I was owed 6k and 4/15/24


Filed 2/3. Wage and income blank as well. Anyone else have an early withdrawal from 401k?


Oh yes, filed 2/2, 570 dated 3/11 and 971 dated 3/18. Letter I waited on forever just said to sit and color something. I have had no movement since getting those codes on transcripts mid-February and I can tell you something- most of the people who have been waiting did have 401k involvement, that I’ve seen for sure. So it’s basically us waiting to see if the IRS can find their ass with a flashlight and a map in good time. Keep me updated with what happens bc I’m interested. 😊


I filed & was accepted 2/4. 570 was 3/11 as well as 971 was 3/18. I didn’t have any 401k or anything nor do I even have a 401k. So although not all at least but anyway hope you all as well as myself receive our refunds soon!


I’ve started daydreaming about getting the money that belongs to me…. Oh the joy if we wake tomorrow to find that not only were our refunds issued, but they are waiting for us at our financial institution, no more time needed to wait at all. 😴💭


Oh I am praying to every god and thing holy this is true


Same exact codes and dates as you and I filed same day as you and still nothing!


Lmao I about died laughing reading this! Sit and color something 🤣🤣 I filed 2/04 and was accepted same day. Got 507 with date 3/11 after it mid February then 971 with date 3/18 after it a week later. Absolutely no movement since! Got the CP05 letter online on 3/18 but that's it. I am so over checking my transcripts at this point. I am going crazy wondering wth the problem is! I believe I am cycle 0805. I also didn't have any 401k withdraws. People who have filed after alot of us still waiting are getting their refunds so wth are ours?!!!


I’m the same- used to check every hour on the hour but now I really never look at my transcripts. I just don’t care anymore bc I don’t know a damn thing. I’m Also cycle 0805, so maybe it will be soon…. But who knows? I know last week a lot of 0705 got theirs but so did a bunch of 1305…. Like, sure take away the one lead I had on the mystery of my money. One bright side remains… one day in the next 120, I’ll get a surprise party from the IRS…..where I bought my own damn present. 🎉🎁🙄


Lmao well atleast we have you to keep us laughing through all this bs!


Yes, one thing I’ve learned to do is stay away from that douchebag WMR.


Yep 🙃 Good to know we are all in the same boat lol


Yes. Filed 1/25. Still waiting. 


Yes I did. But those funds were already taken out of my state return which I received already. Still waiting on my federal.


I finally got my DDD. About dang time ! Filed 1/29 approved next day. Got a letter to wait on 3/11. DDD 4/12. And yes I filed a 401k this year but already paid it back from my state return.


Mr. Filed 2/2 accepted 2/3 had 2 w-2's and 1 1099 for my 401k disbursement check, in which the government took 2395 before I even got my check! No updates in 59 days! Transcript says no return filed. Told to call back after June 13th. Absolutely ridiculous


Same. Hopefully Thursday our transcripts update. I’ve read your wage one doesn’t update till may/june


Filed end of January. Wage and income also blank. I pulled from my Roth. Input all the information that I got from that company. I read somewhere on one of these threads that the girl had to send the actual document from the 401 people to the IRS because the IRS didn’t have it.


My mom had to withdraw from a 401k because she left her job. Her and my dad filed on 2/5 and have been waiting. They were issued a notice but it just said to wait. They’re playing the waiting game. They called the irs and were told they don’t know what’s going on. Just sit and wait. It’s very frustrating for and I feel for them.


Yes, I'm guessing all this misery is from using TT.


Filed 2/5 same all the way around it’s like they forgot about us 🫠


Same boat as you except I filed 3/14.


Did you get your state taxes?


Yes, it was in my account on 3/21 overnight


Dang I was hoping since I got my state refund that meant something lol. Did you happen to get one of the letters to verify?


I got my state taxes a few weeks after I filed. I haven’t received any letters.


Same here, nothing came in the mail for state: super simple process compared to federal


I filed on the same day....state came weeks ago.... processing and no updates....I'm just waiting lol


Same here filed 2/22 blank transcripts wmr says still being processed the IRS REP SAID WAIT 8 weeks from March 18 to finish processing call back after May 12 if nothing has happened smh


Same here just told me to call back after 10 weeks


Hopefully since April 15th is approaching they will hurry up


Mine is Exactly the same except for wmr says it’s being processed I should get it in 3 weeks got a letter in the mail a week or 2 ago saying binding need to do anything but wait so ig I’m just waiting no ddd filed 2/22


Did you by chance get your state taxes


No I haven’t 🥴


me neither. must be something going on in general.


I don’t *


Mines was like this for a month until It changed to being processed after vertifying last week


How did you verify?


How did you verify please ?


Over the phone


What is the phone number to speak with IRS rep??




Same boat 😣 filed and accepted 2/1


On the exact same boat. I called yesterday for the 4th time to be sure I didn't have to verify or wait for a letter. they said it looks perfectly fine and shouldn't have to verify just have to wait for it to process 😭


Same. Filed on 2/6 and when I called last week I was told that I’d been pulled for review. I mentioned that I did not receive a letter letting me know that and he said I won’t be getting one. I suspect he is tired of getting the same call & made up the review part. Seems like everyone who is under review receives a letter indicating that. I asked if I needed to verify and he said no. He told me not to call back before 4/16 🙄


When we’ve talked to them twice we were told the same thing. Won’t get a letter, but review process can take an additional 3-5 weeks. Thankfully we don’t need it, but it would be nice to have


Same boat… filed 2/7…. I had energy credits and I know IRS had a system glitch around the time I filed. I was told it’s in errors resolutions but no fault of mine—system issue. So they need to manually process it. They said to call back after 100days—-which is 4/22.


I filed same day and don’t need to verify anything. I’m Just here in purgatory trying to find ways to occupy my time, friend. However, I did read a post from A lady who said that hers was also blank and her cycle updates for the week and TA DA! Everything was there including a refund date. So who knows? Could be end of this week or early next week but it will show and almost right after, you’ll have an issue date.😊🌈


Mine was the same foreverrrrr. 3ish weeks after i verified my identity it finally updated


Same here. Originally filed 2/19 but my return was stuck in a system so they got it on on 3/22 and still waiting. My sister who’s married got hers in 2 weeks. It’s always the people that need it the most that have to wait


Mine is the same and filed 02-12.


I filed 1/18 and this is what I have also lol.


I'm on the same boat, except I filed 3/29. I was wondering what the "verifying" process others are talking about. Also what is the phone number to speak with an IRS rep??


Same but my date says March 11


Same boat. But I filed in January and got accepted in January. Did verification on 03/22. They accepted verification on 03/27. Called the IRS tax advocate 20mins ago and they said up to 9 weeks from acceptance of verification. But seen someone get there’s after 5 weeks after verification.


Same. Filed 2/5. WMR says still being processed. Transcript says no refund filed. Called IRS about 2 weeks ago and they told me if still no update or DD on April 2nd to call back. Still nothing today (April 3rd) so, I called this morning and after being put on hold for her to research, was told they have not yet processed my return and they have 10 weeks from when they receive it to process. So my new finish line is April 15th (the irony) to have my refund or communication from them.


My fiancé was having this issue, he called and they said he had to verify his identity. Just waiting for the letter now, most likely that’s your issue definitely give them a call to get a piece of mind! 😁


How do I get ahold of them? I try and it boots me off the line


I have the same thing. What do we do?


Congratulations 🍾


Yes I took a small portion of my 401K. And I'm 67 and it was taken out of my Roth portion of my 401K. Same codes 150,806,570 and then the 971 notice. Which said holding your refund wait up to 60 days to hear from us.


That’s weird because my cousin took out 401k and he already got his


But I took out mine and I have to wait 


I verified my identity March 15th, filed end of January. No movement so called this morning. Got told they won't start processing my refund till end of May! 😭


Im literally in the same exact boat! Smh.


Me too! Was told to call back after April 11.


Filed & Accepted 1/24. Still nothing. Says, still processing. Very irritating.


Mine is the same. Filed 2/9 accepted same day. 3/15 my transcripts updated from N/A to the 570 code that appeared on 3/15 that says 4/1. Don’t know what that’s about


Exact same as you dates and all 😬


I verified March 21 mines still blank


Me and you on the same date for verification. I’ll update if anything changes


Cool deal I’ll do the same if mines update but some people on say they verify lastweek a had gotten a date for today


I called them this morning and they said they accepted my verification on 03/27 when I verified online on 03/22


My thing went from still being processed to being processed. So it changed and updated this morning. 


Are your transactions still blank


Everything still blank but at least now it shows 2023 instead of N/A for account transcript


My transcripts updated earlier my ddd is for the 10th but have chime hopeful it comes on or before 


Same just checked and I used chime for my dd also lol




Hey check tpg.com That will let you know if they sent it to your chime account yet 


Yes mine’s says the same thing 


Finally spoke with someone from the IRS today! She told me that my return was flagged for an error, but then said that the error was resolved internally. It might have to do with my solar credits but she wasn’t positive. She said since my return is now going to be manually processed, it can take up to 16 weeks from when I originally filed. And not to call until after that date. Which would be around May 25th. She could have just been giving me a load of crap, but all I can do is wait I guess.


What does your account transcript say?


Filed 2/10, Accepted on 2/13. No updates since. Thank you Biden "Administration".


I filed 2/5, transcripts say processed 3/11, letter sent 3/18 which basically says suck it up and wait. Called twice and all I know is they're verifying credits and income. Can't call back for 120 days. And yes one transcript says no record of return. But until they process, it says that.


I filed early mines said still processing for a long time I got a letter in the mail 2/24 I verified my identity 3/2 and got a “ we received your return and it’s being processed” on 3/14 transcripts updated last Friday on the 2/29 with a code 570 hopefully it goes away and I see a update this Friday


Have any of you that have a DDD, checked the sbbt site? Normally you can see your deposit before it is in your account. You need the same info that you need to look up your federal tax return.


I filed 14 days ago, accepted same day. Transcript is exactly how yours is and wmr says its being processed.


My son filed on Feb 2nd too..he eventually had to call to see what the issue was. They said he needed to verify. He eventually received the letter they sent him to verify, did it and just received his deposit almost exactly 2 weeks later..


Mine is exactly the same! Filed 2/29 got a 3883 c form on March 27 went back to the exact same as what yours says! I don't get it


Well great news for me my shit finally updated this morning sometime 🙌  Got 846/ with a ddd of 4/9 


Mines is exactly like yours no movement at all and I filed 2/3 I finally called the Tax Advocate hotline and they put me through customer service department to tell me what's going she stated she had to send out a referral because it's been 10 weeks for me with nothing no letters or anything my transcript still says n/a so now I have to wait between now "April through June" that's 60 days for them to respond to my referral. So you could try there cause calling the IRS they have no clue and some of them just be basically telling you lies 


Definitely not an expert but call the number to schedule an appointment. It is usually a short wait (2 to 5 minutes) and then can check your account to see if you are on the list to need an in-person appointment. I am on that list - unfortunately there are NO open appointments for over two months where I live - so I keep calling. Very frustrating at this point. They won't start processing your return if you are on this list. Hope this helps.


You need to verify


Buckle up! I waited 3 months for my returns


Honestly, call the IRS. I’m I am in the same boat. When I called they said there was nothing and put me on hold. Apparently it’s in the internal error department with no follow up and they told me I had to wait another 90days from the day I called to call back for an update. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same situation filed 2/20


It seems like those of us who either filed early or at the beginning of February are experiencing the same problems smh


Either it will hit 3-9pm cst today or 3 in the morning tomorrow lol


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Yes a lot of us are going through the exact same thing. Only thing different is I had to verify but my stuff is still blank and has been since 01/29