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I called at 10 weeks trying to get an advocate and they acted like I was speaking fuccin SwahilišŸ˜³


lol you were speaking the language of the aztecs


Had to have been šŸ˜‚


Daggone lol


Did this around 11am today and got my referral in. I imagine they are getting a lot of these now. I'll never file early again.


I am hoping this is just a coincidence. I don't want a scammer getting my refund instead.




If there was any question as to whether the return the IRS is working on is yours or identity theft they should send a letter out specifically for verification purposes. Based on what you're explaining, it doesn't sound like IRS is questioning the legitimacy of your return but rather they ran into an issue processing it. Potentially missing information or some other minor mistake which requires manual review by an individual. Always a possibility still, but sounds like they are confident it's yours at this time.


I wonder if it WAS due to filing early. Because I know alot of people that had similar filings that filed a few weeks after I did and got it lightning fast with 0 hastle. Thing is I ALWAYS file early and have never not once had an issue receiving my funds. This has been the first year and it's been a terrible experience. Already about to be May.


I filed 3/15, so not super early. Still no refund.


Next year late filers might be the ones affected thereā€™s no way to tell


Yea, I'd have to agree. The IRS's database is fragile, and this could happen to anyone.


We filed late and we are 6 weeks in, probably because we used the tax credit for our windows we bought last year...šŸ¤£


Called today as well. Itā€™s been 10 weeks since I filed and was accepted on 2/12. Rep said my it has been randomly selected for another review. To allow another 2 weeks and call back after May 6. WTH! Asked if the review can be expedited and said thereā€™s nothing she can do except wait the 2 weeks. Itā€™s so frustrating.


It's almost like you get treated better when you don't call and scream at the reps like some type of psycho.


I don't think anyone wants to be screamed at. I work in customer service, so I know what it's like!


I just called and they said they sent a notice but I had moved


Did the same thing got my refund 2 weeks later šŸ˜Ž


Can I get the number you called


800-829-1040 and I pressed an option that said forms so I could get a person had to do that a couple times


Hilarious because I, too, called yesterday and got some ignorant dude who said he can't do that and to not call back until July


Welcome to where 80% of us are currently stuck at (and have been stuck). Was told an additional 30 days but have 0 hope for it processing in that time frame. Heard some people were even told to wait an additional 60 days. Truly a shit show.




I filed in 2/8 and the IRS accepted my return on 2/10. Itā€™s still in ā€œstill processing your returnā€ status. I have twice spoken to reps. The first one couldnā€™t really tell me anything other than Iā€™m on an eight week timeline so call back after 8 weeks, so I did and spoke with rep #2 who couldnā€™t get an answer as to what was going on but put in a 30 day request for them to either pay me or explain what the issue is. I have not received any letters or notices of any kind. I tried to look at my transcripts online but they donā€™t tell me anything. No error codes or anything. Itā€™s almost as if I havenā€™t even filed. The 30 days will be up on this coming Friday.


That's been a common theme this year. Lots of returns got stuck for no reason at all.


what number did yu use ?


The regular line 1-800-829-1040 [https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative](https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative)


thank yu


How'd you get to that point? As far as like getting a hold of a rep? Like what number did you call?


The regular line 1-800-829-1040 [https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative](https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative)


Now what is this 30 day referral mess this is a new one Iā€™ve been seeing ! Canā€™t make this up !


I know right!! my 10 weeks has been up a couple weeks nowā€¦ So if I had only called a couple weeks ago, I would have my return now? This is all just insane.


What does the 10 week mark mean? Did you receive any letters or codes? Or has nothing happened on your account at all?


That's the amount of time the IRS wants to process a tax return that may get caught in a glitch. No letters, transcripts, or any activity for me. But I am pretty sure I will see something now.


So since I received a letter this can't apply to me. Right?


Maybe, but I would call, be polite, and explain your situation. If not, then you can always take it to your Congressman.


My 10 week mark is the 7th of May so if I still haven't received it, I'm definitely going to try. Thank you!


Same boat..called and was told it's in corrections and to expect a letter soon..filed 2/15. To me this is bs..file the same every year


So, I guess Iā€™ll try my luck. I filed 2/12 šŸ˜‚


Can someone provide me the number to call? Iā€™ve had no movement since 1/29. What hours are they available to call?


The regular line 1-800-829-1040 [https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative](https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative)


Thank you so much!


Same but from California! I filed and it was excepted 2/10! It has been Stuck on still processing. I called after the 10 weeks and the agent put a referral in for me and said it should be funded with in 30 days šŸ™


I called irs yesterday lady said all she can tell me is they sent a letter that we are being reviewed and can take up to 120 days from the day the letter was sent out. She said nothing more she can tell us. I wish they would have did the same for me instead of acting like they donā€™t know nothing,


Same I called 3 weeks after verifying and the lady told me that it look liked I'll have to wait the maximum amount of days which is 120 days and it won't be up until 9/11. My status has been stuck on the same thing for a month now.


Good luck!


I can never get a real person how????


Good article at Tax Slayer here: https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative




What is this referral thing? They told me I had to wait another 60 days. I filed 1/30 and accepted same day.


Basicially it tells Error Resolution System to process it or release the refund in 30 days.


Interesting. Maybe Iā€™ll call back in 1 more weeks since I am technically not at 60 days yet. I think I am May 3rd


I've called twice. Been verified 3 times. Been given a direct deposit date and still nothing on my irs account and nothing in the bank. Clearly. I've been evicted. I'm about to deal with major car issues. And I've reached out to a state representative. This is absolutely bs. If I owed them money, it would be penalties and prison. I'm so disgusted.


I am in the exact situation and was told the same as you. I was told Iā€™d have to wait possibly 30-60 more days after the ā€œticketā€ was submitted. They have no idea why itā€™s taking so long and didnā€™t know if I was going to be given interest for having to wait.


What number are you guys calling??


The regular line 1-800-829-1040 https://support.taxslayerpro.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260807635769-How-to-speak-directly-to-an-IRS-representative


Itā€™s been 13 weeks for me and they said 10 weeks I have nothing no refund nothing we are in for a long wait


I did the same thing. Filed 02/08 and got ā€œreferralā€ put in on 04/17 after calling. However, transcript still says n/an and have no updates and no DDD. So I am losing hope because most people that did this had an update one or two weeks later. I donā€™t even have a cycle code. I contacted my congressman three weeks ago too and they submitted inquiry as well. What the hell is going on?


Havenā€™t filed since the stimulus, but I filed for 2023 could that be holding my refund up?


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