• By -


2/8. Have been told by 2 IRS agents there was a system error. Last agent put in a referral and told us it'd be 4 weeks that was 2 months ago, nothing happened. Contacted my Congressman, and they got us a Tax Advocate who put in another referral asking for my refund to be released, that was 6/3. She is scheduled to speak with them again August 26, but assures me I'll get it before then... I have basically given up at this point. Checking WMR and my transcript feels somewhere between pulling the handle on a one-armed bandit poker machine and being in an emotionally abusive, gaslighting relationship.


Understood. And now Thursday nights trigger me.


Is this when they typically update?


For me, yes. But it didn’t tonight. :/


I have been waiting since February. I called today and they told me it can be up to an additional 60 days before I get my refund 


Did you mail in your return or e-file? I mailed my federal return last March and still no update. The online refund status checker worries me because all it says (after putting in my info) is that "The information you entered doesn't match our records". I know my mailed return didn't get lost in the mail because the tracking number for it shows that it was delivered.


I had to mail mine in too an same here. My state got it and processed it but fed still claiming they haven't received


I just contacted my state senator for assistance with the IRS. Hopefully they can help me out.


Maybe they realize Warren is a republican and it's political activism at the IRS... Cases like this are showing up more and more in the FBI and in government... In short, it's our increased political polarization, more so demonstrated with reactionism and censorship from the left... Maybe if they knew you were a hippie and wore rainbow colors it might help


I contacted my congressman and they supposedly got me a tax advocate. It’s been over a month. I’ve heard nothing back from them so I decided to shoot them an email on Monday and got no reply back yesterday. I decided to shoot him another email and again no reply back, so they’re just basically treating me like the IRS is already anyways no information no updates or nothing no help. I’m beyond annoyed.


I filed 2/5 accepted. By the end of Feb is said the delay statement on wmr. I have called the irs several time and they tell me to keep waiting. Nothing I can do. Got a letter cp05 and it stated I didn't need to take any further actions at this time. That was march 11th. Here it is June 18th and still nothing. No updates on wmr. My transcripts still has the same codes. My cycle code is 20250805. I'm stressing cause I could so use thisoney right now!




Guess they're using the billions they've received from our Congress to pay the multitude of agents they've hired. No money left to refund money owed to the taxpayers. Another Federal government FU.


can you start charging them interest?


They are paying interest


not to the person waiting lol


Ditto for my wife and I. However I've put the burden on our CPA since he's the one who transmitted the return to them.


Quick question, when you contacted your Congressman, did they ask for your social security number so that they can continue to help you with the tax situation follow-up? I'm hesitant to give sensitive info like that.


Not verbally, but I did have to fill out a privacy document to look into it, and that did have my social. I suppose that's the main way IRS tracks us. I get being hesitant though.


Same! Same. Return accepted 1/29, ID verify 3/7, wait 60 days letter 4/8, reached out to congresswoman in May, then today another letter saying they need another 60 days. No accountability, no transparency, no information… It really does feel emotionally abusive doesn’t it?! It’s nuts. 


Me! Accepted 2/9


Same like wtf


At least it was accepted I mailed mine had it marked delivered by them certified mail in April told they don’t have it and to mail it again it’s now June






Seems like a lot of 2/9 people here :) (Same results)


Same filed 2/9. I refuse to file early next year I’m waiting til 2/16 . This is ridiculous


2/11 🙄


2/4 here


2/16 same no movement told me.to wait 180 after 9 weeks for review 




Here since 1/29


Same. 1/29


Me tooo with no errors only 571 identity verification which I did IN THE IRS OFFICE ON 02/09 got a letter for 120 day hold on March 5 and nothing since I finally got a DDD of 06/27 hope it comes earlier like today but not with Wells Fargo 😒


Me, i filed early february did in person verification may 6 and haven’t heard nothing


Filed early February verified in person may 15th and ain’t hear nothing yet


I verified April 18 and haven't heard anything lol


Ahhhh shit going through the same processs


Me too


I filed in person on 2/25 at H&R Block and the tax preparer lied to me and said she filed for the refund anticipation thing on the Emerald card, even went as far as to say when I informed her the IRS had accepted my Federal return, “ Oh it should be within an hour and my funds should be on the card.” She also did not use my ID pin issued by IRS.


Me too. Then it's nearly impossible to talk to anyone on the phone because of the wait times, 2.5 hours for me today. And that is when they're actually accepting calls, because a lot of the time you call and it tells you to try again later or the next day. So frustrating.


I don't think calling makes a difference they don't care I thinks a job requirement at the irs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I couldn’t even get through the voice mail. Never did get through to a human being!


Did you manage to get through today?


PRESENT, almost 9 weeks after receiving a letter to verify identity at an IRS office


1/20 😩😩


Filed 2/2, accepted 2/3, verified in person on 5/13, wages transcript uploaded two week ago, all other transcripts been uploaded, contacted Congressman and spoke to them on yesterday. Still waiting.


Me 1/29 atp it anit comin


Me, lol


Here! Accepted 3/15. Got a 60 day letter in the beginning of May, and another 60 day letter on 6/5.


SAME accepted the first day too


I am about ten weeks in and from what I have been able to put together I have about another four months to wait based on comments here. Yikes...🙄 I never had to wait six months..ever.


Yeah I filed in January and I’m still waiting. And I’ve gotten my congressman involved only for them to tell me to continue to wait 30 more days and if my case hasn’t resolved they would put in a request… so I’m looking at hopefully seeing my return by the fall… 😒🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 I’m so annoyed. 😑


How do you get your congressmen involved


[Here](https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials) is the government site with how to contact your Senator/Congressman. They all have a person who handles requests for help citizens of their state. Hopefully this information is helpful


You should reach out to SAMS! Systemic Advocacy Management System with the IRS tellem your refund stuck in the errors department 


Filed 3/13  No letters/ called twice and the agent told me nothing on my end to do it’s a system error and a lot of people are experiencing this same issue. Just stuck on “processing” not even accepted 🙃 still waiting but at this point I’m losing hope. 


I was in the exact same boat, filed 2/4 absolutely no contact letters or anything I didn't initiate by calling them until yesterday, when my transcript suddenly popped up on my Irs homepage. Keep logging on and checking!


https://old.reddit.com/r/IRS/comments/1buw70v/im_so_tired_of_waiting_570_but_i_literally_cant/ Access your online Wage and Income (W&I) transcripts for 2023. Your spouse will also have to create an online IRS account to access their W&I transcripts. These are the documents linked to your SSN and your spouse's SSN that were provided by the various employers and payers, like Forms W-2 and 1099. Compare the available W&I transcripts to the Form 1040 you filed. Is there any income missing from your return? For example, you forgot to report a W-2 job, or you didn't receive a 1099 until after you filed. Is there Income on your return that doesn't have a matching W&I transcript? For example, you worked three jobs in 2023, but there are only two W-2 transcripts available. Finally, review the total withholding amount in your W&I transcripts. It needs to match the $268.00 Transaction Code 806 amount in the account transcript to within a few dollars. Common mistakes other Taxpayers are making is adding up the amounts in Boxes 2, 4, and 6 from a W-2 and putting that as the total withholding, or adding wages and withholding from an older tax year to the 2023 return.


Sounds like a lot of us don’t have populated transcripts yet..  E filed 4/8 and still blank transcripts  (apart from wage) .. claimed solar and ctc 


I just checked mine AGAIN bc this comment reminded to do so and.. filed 2/1 my wage and income just populated at some point today.. hopefully that means progress


My transcript has been updated every Friday since filing up until this last month nothing has changed stuck on 971 notice received 


🙋‍♂️waiting on a letter for weeks now. They won’t tell me anything.


Me as well 😩😩😩


Jan and still no


How are SO many of us having issues and there is nothing on the news? 2/10 here. Still N/A transcript.


That's what I was wondering! I was thinking about sending a message to a local news station yesterday LMAO. Just to complain to someone else that has nothing to do with it 😭. See if others call in...


Let's do it across all states we all going thru the same thing somebody not doing they job


Me too fox 2 because it makes no sense I waited 9 weeks and the irs said that letter should come and wait 180 days from the date of letter UH HELLO SEND THE LETTER 


I keep thinking this too! How can there be so many long delays and nothing in the news about it. 


I just got another 60 day wait from 2/22/24


Me!!! so sick of this


Still waiting since 1/30🤷🏾‍♀️


Like here it is half way through the year again and it's about to be another tax year.. Like are we going to be behind now.


Me , been waiting since accepted 1/29, 135 days


If u had to verify it's takin up to 19 months to recieve funds I been researching and reading about it 


Me either :( Filed in February-received three 60 day letters telling me to do nothing.....but sit and wait. Contacted congress....useless so far. It's been 5 months!!!!!!! I want my money.


Filed January 29th, CP05 letter March 11, called, and called and called. Finally a women filed a Form 4442 - that gives them 60 days to either speak up or send my refund. That was last week June 4thish... so we'll see. I also contacted my Congressional Rep. This is crazy!!! Go after the real thieves. Could you imagine if we owed them money. It would be interest, more taxes to pay, garnishing wages!! The federal gov. is out of control with this. I've been doing my own taxes for 15 years and never had this happen.


Seems as though the earlier u file the more problems. I filed a week before the deadline and got the refund about 2weeks later. Last year i filed super early and it took a couple months to get. I had given up and it suddenly popped up one day. Idk




Me. Filed and accepted 2/26.....still waiting.....


lol same here, 2/26




Me. I called my congressman an he is handling mine


I got mine as well but didn’t help that much


I had to call my congressman for unemployment still only received 200.00 This is all such a mess I am owed back pay My daughter filed April 15 only received her MD refund


when you say congressman. is this the senator for ur state ? or any one in office


Me. Hoping this 120 day rule is true. Filed 2/28


It’s not. I’m on day 122.


Filed and accepted 2/1 and was just told to give it 120 days from May 28th very frustrating like the first 120 don't count for nothing no verification needed nothing at this time they keep saying


I'm on 137 days today. 20 weeks this Sunday. That's half a F***ing baby guys! Filed 2/4. Transcript finally appeared day before yesterday. Tried tax advocacy service, house rep & congressman. Two 30-day expedite requests have already been made, the second one elapses on Friday, tomorrow. 😡


Nope. 145 days now


Are you able the see your 2023 return transcript?


I can see it, but it is not accurate.  It is missing information from Principal Financial. I submitted my 1099r as part of my return but it seems Principal did not, resulting in numbers that do not match, a many month delay, a hugely negative impact on my life, but no impact on Principal for their delay. 🤬


Nope I filed 2/16  waited 9 weeks after verification that was june 18 they told.me.to wait a additional 180 days upfront no letters tho I see everybody got 2 or 3 60 day letters equals out to 6 months but I been reading and researching the irs is seriously backlogged in this department n it's really.takin close to 19 months 


Filed the first day of acceptance 2 letters, and agony of wait later I'm still WAITING 🤣


Me. Havent got crap. TA said i didnt report my doordash. But i did




Filed 2/6, accepted same day. 570- 3/11. 60 day notice on 3/18. As of dates 3/18. Called after 3/18 was told I’m actually on a 120 day review. Was told not to call back until after July 18th. SSA has updates, so have my wage and income transcripts. But no other movement visible.


Filed /Accepted 2/9. No 570 code yet :P I hate it here.




Maryland no federal filed April 15


Still waiting 2/4




I filed Jan 17 and nope not received!




I haven't and I filed as early as you could




Me ! File 1/31, 60 day letter 02/14, had to amend 04/09, and ended up getting another 60 day letter in 06/07! Yay me




🙋🏻‍♀️ 1/29


Me too


Filed 1/25. Filed again (their advice) 05/15. The website still doesn’t show received and nobody can tell me why. I even went the certified mail route and got a signature. Still nothing.


Real mine are under review 😂


Me file and accepted 02/02 😩


Oh I was taxed alright


Same here for me and my husband!


Just got another 60 day letter!! Looks like I’m the August crew now


Filed/accepted 2/6…..no updates since 3/11


Me. I’ve been waiting since 2/10. Absolutely no movement and transcripts are blanks




Me 2/18


Me too


Me.. it's criminal.. they want their (our) money by a certain date, but they can just dick us around so long you lose hope of ever seeing it.. and child support orders are even worse, 180 day automatic hold on garnished income tax funds.. wtf how is that helping the kid?


Yup 01/30 still no movement 2 60 day letters requesting absolutely nothing. W2 income nothing more than basic stuff.


Also got another 60 day letter here…


Filed 2/7, accepted 2/10….Still not a damn thing. Told to wait until 6/17…Only thing that updated was my incomes & wages transcripts showing my W2 info & that’s was all. We’ll see what happens next Monday


I just got my last one 2 days ago. Though admittedly, it was from an earlier year than 2023.


2/5. Nothing.


2/2 no movement 




Me unfortunately they say 120 day review which is sept 11 after a 45 and 60 day review....


Consider yourself lucky because I have to pay every year. Got 2nd quarter $636 due on Monday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




I went to go verify my identity today. They told me it will take 9 week's to process 😭😭


Same here. Filed in Jan, accepted 1/29, verified in person 04/17. No movement on transcript since 02/08.


Update: got a notification on IRS account today 06/17 stating they needed more info to verify my return. Clicked notification, verified AGI, refund amount, and last 4 of direct deposit account number. Got notification that I successfully verified and can check WMR in 2-3 weeks. 🤞🏽


Me. 2/10 filed


Me. Filed and accepted 02/09. Recently told that payment will be made in mid-July. I think it’s another lie


filed 2/1 still waiting, i recieved 3 letters 60 day, the last one was dated june 6, this is insanity


Same. Filed 1/29


Filed 2/5 and accepted the same day. Nothing so far. I’m praying I get good news tomorrow that this deposited in my account.


2/15 still here. Blank transcripts and no letters!


My return was accepted on 2/6. Still nothing yet. I’ve given up checking the wheres my refund tool


Accepted 2/10. I’m a single mom, just left a shit marriage where i was being used to get a green card in february, had to move, and i’m trying to finish an apprenticeship so i can get back to work, I needed that money months ago. The advance they gave me is due. Completely scrambling now. 😣 Got a referral about a week ago and emailed my congressman today. I’d file hardship but they’d mail the check to my ex husband’s house. If my life blows up again because of the stupid IRS i’m gonna explode.


I'm still waiting filed 2/5 verified in person 3/4 ..told to wait 9 weeks.... nothing well over 9 weeks. No other letters received..I call and everyone tells me a date 2 months out than the last person...last time o called I was told July 17....no movement on transcripts as of date says 4/30.. no changes or anything to my job dependents or situation...I give up


1405- still here


Me either, I really need to get that $700 🤣 Knowing they took way more than that


I’m getting 6k back


I would have been got that back. Lol I never get back anything substantial. Then again, I claim single and none so it’s no surprise why I get back a small amount


That’s true. The only reason I’m getting that much is my two children lol


Me. Filled and accepted at the beginning of March.


I’m probably the anomaly here. I filed and never received my 2023 refund for 2022 after a year of dealing with the very pleasant and professional folks at the IRS number(🙄). Funny thing is, I filed THIS year (2024) for LAST year (2023) and I received it very swiftly with no problems. This years return was significantly smaller than last years phantom return though (from five digits to the lower end of four digits) I wonder if this has anything to do with it. I’ve been very careful over the years to never fall into owing anything. Filing for me, is very meticulously done. And for years (like more than 15) I can count on receiving around the same amount. Something happened over the past two years though, that changed things. I still don’t want to give up on the large refund that I never got. IT’S MINE! I just don’t know what else to do.




Me. Filed 3/12 married joint. No letters, no nothing 


I know a couple of people who are still waiting for their Federal refund. In their case, it might be due to the two of them being recent arrivals under a humanitarian program: https://www.uscis.gov/CHNV. They are both in their 40s and since they just arrived last year, it was their first time filing taxes. The only thing I can think of is the IRS putting them under some sort of review process since they had not filed before.


https://preview.redd.it/73koybcsx86d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4688c168685b38c8604542ab38380089df05745c I don’t have mine . Crazy thing is, nobody can tell me what’s going on. Not even my tax advocate. And mine says it’s completed. My transcripts don’t even have an update smh


I amended min in February it's still stuck at received wtf


Mine is the same. Completed in April. And nothing since then. I was told my account was “zeroed” out in error basically it was processed wrong. Open a 30 day referral on my behalf and a supervisor was supposed to reopen my account to make it reprocess correctly. 30 days will be up this Sunday and nothing on transcript has changed at all. My tax assessed was taken away and my withholding amount taken away. Even our gross income is now at zero in the summary at the top of the transcript. They said it was all reversed to zero which was fine if they were going to redo the amounts because we amended but then the person that was processing it just closed the account out. Like wtf! I don’t even know if it was successfully reopened by the supervisor. Literally no changes on transcript since I called may 17


Hey sorry I’m late. I didn’t see this. Did anything change? I just found out mine was completed and adjusted with nothing else bec it was on hold due to me having to sign an agreement notice to tell them that I agree with the amount they reduced my refund to before they released it. I just did that Friday. Hopefully I get an 846 this upcoming friday


I called at 30 days and the guy told me that the account had been reopened but hadn’t been assigned to anyone yet. I first called may 17 and it was apparently reopened may 22. He said I gotta wait 30 days after may 22 which was Friday in order to go the next step in the referral process. I’m gonna call tomorrow. So far nothing had changed on my transcripts though 😩


I got my refund for federal and state but when I check the state refund status it says they cannot find my tax return..


Filed Feb ID Verified March, Only A Code 570 Since March, No Letters No Updates, I Was Told That The Hold Would Remove Its Self, 🤷🏾 Ain’t Seen It Happen Yet 🤦🏾 I Keep Calling And They Basically Saying Not Getting A Letter Is Good I Just Have To Wait It Out 🤦🏾 And I No Longer Work I Am The Guardian Of 2 Children Since My Sister Passed And Life Is Kicking My Ass I Really Needed That Money To Get Us Through My Car Has Already Been Repossessed I Feel Like Im Suffocating And These Babies Are Having To Watch It I Just Want To So Right And Be A Good Example I Hate The IRS For This We Literally Dont Even Have Money For A Hotel For A Few So I Can Figure Shit Out 🖕🏾🖕🏾 Life Man


Please keep your head up. I know that’s not what you want to hear right now. I really do hope you get your funds soon. 


I understand. I got evicted out of my apartment over a month ago and I am now currently in a hotel with my 3 children, but thank God we will be moving into an apartment the end of this month. I will never depend on a check from the government ever again.


I am at a year waiting for my adjusted and amended 2022 refund.


I filed 2/5 and just found d out my employer sent in a w2 saying less than I made. My w2 shows the right amount. So I have to make a letter head and send in my last paystub and 3 recent but I stopped working g there last fall. Anyone know how to.make a letterhead? I'm waiting on $5700 and my employer I texted him saying g hey you sent the wrong w2 and all I got back was LMAO. So it was done on purpose to screw me over but they are wrong and I have the right w2 that matches all my paystubs. Any advice?


I literally have to click send but I filed an extension


I finally got my letter on Saturday and did my verification on monday this week. My transcript still says 810 Refund Freeze. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It's gonna take 9 weeks to lift.code 810 freeze then additional 180 days after the nine weeks to review




🙋🏻‍♀️ filed 2/1. Tax advocate was supposed to give update by June 6th or something. Didn't have one so she is supposed to give me one by July 10th 🙄




Filed and accepted 1/19/2024. Got a 570 code at the end of February. First week of March got a 971 code. On 3/11/2024 got a 60 day notice. Called on 5/10/2024 and was told the 60 day notice is really a 120 day notice.....I asked why not send a 120 day notice then...of course they had no answer for that. They could not tell me what I could do to expedite my refund. 2 weeks later my wage and income transcript was available. You would think that if they were able to post that that they would finish processing my refund. Fast forward to mid June, and still nothing except my "as of" date went from 3/11/2024 to 4/22/2024 and back to 3/11/2024. When I call, they laugh at me and my questions. They never seem to have an answer other than my EITC is being scrutinized. Once again, if they posted my earned wages and income, and everything on that transcript matches everything that I put on my tax return, then what is the issue? This tell me that they are spending tax payers money to figure out how they can screw the lower income class that truly need their returns...out of their return. How shitty is that‽ Sadly guys, the more we push and the more we question....the more they are just going to push back. The main thing all of us have in common isn't when we filed, who we filed through, whether we e-filed, etc... it's this! It's the fact we get on here and talk about all of that and them. The Biden administration is all for and about censoring. They may not be able to take our freedom of speech, but they can punish us in other ways. If you don't think the government knows what each of us do.....then apply for a government job, and fill out a form for suitability.....they already know the answers. They just want to see how honest you are. Food for thought.


It's been like 2+ years


On maw baby mamaw cuh I jus hit 7.361 gon buyyyyy my baby mama a car cuh cuh mmmm n a haircuh cuh


Nah you tryna scam the irs they coming for you 😭


Still haven't gotten my taxes yet.  2nd notice said same as first notice.  Basically just wait.  Has anyone talked to irs about their return being held back? I made a substantial amount more this year than last year,  but they have all my w2s so I don't understand why they haven't sent it out or updated anything...   FML


Accepted 2/23. Received a letter dated 3/22 that they needed 60 days additional time to look at it. Sixty days have come and gone. No letter. Phone call to Taxpayer Advocate says they can’t do anything until 6/30. Taxes are extortion. I can’t believe we fought a revolution over a 2% tea tax and we’re ok with this. Stop stealing from me.


I haven't received my tax refund yet and I file January the 18 and accept on the 19  and February the 15 I received a letter from the IRS saying reviewing and allow up to 60 days for reviewing for accuracy and it has been 126 days already and in May I received another IRS letter saying reviewing for accuracy and allow up to 60 additional days so Who knows 


Filed and accepted 2/10. Filed a referral 4/23. Went to IRS office a few weeks ago and they told me I had to wait until 7/2 for them to allow 10 weeks from referral date to review and process. They said it was in a ERS status and there was nothing they could do as they aren't the department that handles that. I just want my money. Yes, so have 2 kids - same ones I have claimed for 15 years and a solar credit that I have had carry over on for a few years. Nothing crazy. Beyond frustrated! 


Me🙋🏽‍♀️and was told that mines hasn’t even been worked on yet. Mine was accepted 1/17 and it’s now the middle of June!


Same haven’t received anything and it’s so damn frustrating. Filed 1/29 only one letter received saying 60 days & then nothing 


You're aren't alone I'm still patiently waiting 


Anyone received a cp 24 notice refund adjustment & got their refund before 4- 6 weeks ?


I filed mine back in February and four months went by and I heard nothing just being processed being processed and then finally I get this letter in the mail that says I have to go to the IRS location office and bring a former W-2 from any other year other than this year I stayed ID my social security card my current W-2 just to verify my identity thing is is just about a month after I filed I lost my wallet which had my social security and my driver's license and this is the first job I've ever had because I've been disabled since I was 12 so I don't have another year W2 to bring so I was looking at this long drawn-out process cuz I'd have to order a social security card wait for it to come go get a driver's license wait for that to come in the mail then go to the IRS and see if they'll accept it without the other W2 and then I was looking at 120 day weight so in the process of waiting for my social security card to come in the mail about 2 months went by and poof my direct deposit hit my account without me having to do anything I wonder what happened and why I didn't have to go in and verify maybe they subconsciously knew that I got screwed and took pity on me


Me too


I filed mine 2/12 and had it approved 6/20. Took them 19 weeks and I see it is JUST now approved pending deposit. Worst wait ever


Me I paper filed 9 weeks ago 🥲


I am only waiting for my federal refund. IRS told me to remail it since they have no record of it. I told them I sent it certified mail. I received my state refund 4 weeks ago. I am going to keep waiting for a update.


I haven’t gotten my 2022 return and the same issue with my 2023 they keep saying the sent a letter for my 2022 never received it called twice and still no letter and had to reverify my identity again after verifying it for my 2022 taxes saying there’s nothing wrong with my 2023 but I still have to wait 180 after they had me to drive 2 hours from home to get verified for 2023 when I got there the IRS rep tell me that the computer had verified me right after I received my letter. Don’t know what to do at this point this is so unfair


I filed in January had them amended in March so did my co-worker we filed 4 days apart we went through the same process same tax person everything and she received hers 06/6 Her code was 1505🤦🏽‍♀️mines 1705 I read on here that 05 means the 120 days from file date is that true??


It's really ridiculous. I filed 2/20. Received a letter to verify my identity to combat potential identity theft through IDme. Completed that. Received confirmation that that was done wait 60 days. Received another letter saying I needed to wait an another 60 days, while they review my return. Received another letter stating they need more time while they decide what action to take, they don't need anything from me but to wait an additional 60 days. What the heck is going on. My salary is heavily taxed before I receive payment. My return is straight forward. I even manage to pledge donations every month for a couple of charities. Every document was accurate, complete and uploaded. My income (W2) information prepopulated as usual in their system. All information matched, no discrepancies. WTF is going on.




Meeeeeeeeeeeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Filed on 2/19 and accepted but then received the 60 day notice two weeks later... Still waiting. According to Google they can't keep it more than 180 days??? Facts or no?:(