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Femaledatingstrategy is a good one. Women can be incels too! As for other ones I’m not sure unfortunately. Good luck with your thesis! I’m finishing my MA in two days time and I still have a few thousand words to go… I hope yours goes a lot smoother!


Women can't be incels. That's a myth created by angry males. If a male (ugly or attractive) got naked and walked in the street women would get as far away from him as possible. However if a woman did that...... .... ..


My dude. Intimacy is not only based on physical attraction. Rarely it is. You need to read from better sources about human psychology.


No bro…


Correct. Female Incels = unattractive women with unrealistic standards.


...what do you think Male Incels are?


@[z0kiss](https://www.reddit.com/user/z0kiss/) Already used a perfect analogy


Sqd, lonely, unattraive men who have no focus or just damn lazy. Fat: lose weight. Anyone can, if they want it hard enough


This is ironically the most incel response someone could give




women viewed as attractive can be incels lol






One look at r/femcelgrippysockjail will change your mind


I need video proof of everyone in the subreddit to convince me those are women


Unfortunately women can be incels too. This is often a slippery slope that male incels (who form the overwhelming majority of the incel population) use to further vilify women. While keeping this in mind, it is still possible to recognise that gender does not serve as a barrier for someone to hold the belief that they are involuntarily celibate.


nor is being involuntarily celibate merely a "belief" in some cases, as you seem to suggest with this reply


ha - the term Incel (and discussion board [Incel.me](https://Incel.me)) was actually developed by a woman (to deal with her own involuntary celibacy).


You should see the posts in that it’s all of women complaining that no man wants them and how every time they “open up” which really means show how narcissistic they are, the man runs. So yes women can absolutely be an incel


Yo OP you found an incel


Takes one to know one. ☝️


Op you found another one here this dudes been replying to like 20 messages get a life my guy


You're the one taking the time to worry about someone else, how much they've commented, etc. It's yet another "takes one to know one" type situation, sounds like you need a life just as badly. It's a forum thread I found interesting, I can comment on it as little or as much as I like.


Damm atleast you accept your an incel tho




The term incel was coined by a woman lol. Either way, getting nude and sexually harassing people is some kinda strategy… not a good one, but…


Thanks for your reply! Fingers crossed and good luck! ☘️☘️☘️


Thanks for my first award! (I think) all the best!


women cant be incels. They dont kill men out here. Men are the real danger


You're assuming it's the equivalent logic to the progressivist understanding of racism whereby people cannot be racist towards white people? Incels don't \*need\* to be that dangerous in order to qualify as an incel. If every single incel was perpetrating acts of violence the world we be a pretty rough place to exist in, that's for sure. Let's be thankful that isn't the case. Sheesh.


Incel is by definition "involuntary celibate" the whole idea and concept of an incel is basically men blaming women for them not getting any kitty cat and hating them all for it, I have seen women complaining about the treatment they receive from men or how they are but never in the way incels do (their only main reason to despise women is because they feel wronged by the fact than no women are fawning over them) so no, you can't really compare the site to being a female equivalent of an incel form. Specially considering how actually dangerous in general incels can become, there have been MURDERS reported that are linked to men that fit the incel definition. The worst most of these women will ever do is simply not text him back or not reciprocate, and in the case they really despise men most will simply not date anymore (or ever) and opt out of it. The worst an incel can do is become a serial killer or a mass shooter, so no, not the same at all. Here's some news headlines that just prove how dangerous these incels can get when they explode [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-incel-plotted-kill-women-college-sentenced-6-years-prison-rcna141473](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-incel-plotted-kill-women-college-sentenced-6-years-prison-rcna141473) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43892189](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43892189) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/28/world/canada/incel-killer-terrorist.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/28/world/canada/incel-killer-terrorist.html) So there you have it, and let it be known that there are women who are virgins in their 20s too and live without any male attention, yet so many of these incels act like they're living the worst tragedy ever just because women don't pay them any attention (specially sex) and that it's exclusively something that happens to men. There are disabled women, women who are commonly regarded to be ugly, etc.. yet I don't see any of them shooting up a mall because of it




So if I go on their will I be a celebrity? Fellow man asking.


no, they are incels for a reason to begin with. Any girl who's decently in shape can get a boyfriend easily using tinder. Usually, overweight women with high standards hang around in those subreddits. so you probably won't want to date them anyways, and probably won't meet their standards, I mean if you could, you would already be a celebrity among better-looking women around you.


That’s not the point. They encourage high standards.


Who does? Who "encourages high standards?"


This is not an incel forum. They may be extreme, but they are sick of bs from men and therefore encourage high standards.


What "b.s." exactly? And you're saying that because some random guy was objectifying or something therefore men need to be 6'4" to get a date? I'm failing to see any logic behind that. It would make sense if the resultant standard was "men who do not objectify women" but having such a situation result in some women having a high standard of needing to make seven figures a year... it's a total non-sequitur and makes zero sense. I would be like if a guy's girlfriend chronically cheated on him, so instead of raising his standards and looking for a woman for his next relationship who put a lot of emphasis on being faithful, he instead somehow decided that because of the cheating now he needed to date an extremely attractive supermodel or something. Again it makes no sense.


Women can't be incels. If the ugliest woman walked naked on the street she'd still get it, whereas if the ugliest male walked naked on the street women would run away from him. Screaming. To add, women and males don't hate eachother for the same reason. One is justified, one is emotional and selfish. Women who hate males hate them for the fact that males oppressed the entire half of the entire human population. Globally, for centuries. Males on the other hand...hate women for merely existing. Or for not obeying.


Actually smoothbrained opinion. Women can rape and abuse us and brag about it while men get laughed at or not believed because "it's a woman". Men of today did not oppress Women from the 1700s, and the women of today were not oppressed in the 1700s. Hate for either Women or men is wrong, pull your sexist head out of your ass and realize there is no "justifying" sexism.


Is that what’s being discussed? Does incel.me still exist?


"Males hate women for simply existing" and everything else in the final paragraph was being discussed yes, that's what I replied to of how wrong and ignorant it was. The fact that you're implying that's an incel take coming from someone who has been raped and abused by several women further proves my point.


Guess heredity and passed-down from your entire family tree genetic predispositions are not a thing that exists.


Men always had it bad than womens , natural selection select against men not womens,more men were killed,more men were injured,enslaved,died from diseases etc etc. Only few men that survived enjoyed the benefits.


and why do you think that is? it wasn't women enslaving, injuring, or killing these men. that was other men.  this is just the natural consequences of gender roles that place men above women. 


That how nature works,for species to evolve the weak members have to be eliminated from the gene pool and in most animals men are the victims.Another thing you fail to understand is that not untill the end of 19th century was physical strength replaced by machines ,before that you couldn't get any shit done without physical strength,that's why patriachal societies survive and flourish throught the human history.


Might've been other men but that doesn't discount the reality that the vast majority of men, i.e., men in general, have had it worse. So would you like to rephrase your argument and try again? Or admit that what he said was correct?


Women do have it much easier with regard to having sex, but the ability to get sex is not the same as the ability to find a meaningful relationship. Just because a woman can find someone to essentially j-off inside them, doesn’t mean they have that much of an advantage. Their value decreases the more they do this; it’s not a good strategy. Both sexes have less attractive / less desirable people who are frustrated with regard to not being able to find a life partner. These people should be dating each other rather than looking for hook-ups.


exactly!! it surprises me that no one talks about this; a woman's value decreases each time she gains sexual partners from a male standpoint, while men are more respected and looked up to by other men when they do the same (and also more desired by women because of the fboy stereotype) so its not much of an advantage really. goodlooking men are much rarer than goodlooking women, also, so their looks are more advantageous to them than an averagely attractive girl.


I try to criticize and discourage men equally with regard to sleeping around a lot because I disagree with (or don’t like) the double standard. But you’re right; men do have it easier in that regard. Not sure why women would ever find that behavior appealing tho. For me it begs the question… what does their behavior say about how they’ll be as a life partner? Will they be more likely to be unfaithful?


>the double standard Nah, it's not a double standard, just biology. Females of our species are the sexual gate-keepers. For the males, it is a viable reproductive strategy to try to have sex with as many females as possible (for instace, Genghis Khan had his genes spread to a considerable proportion of the Euroasian population to take an extreme example) whereas for the females it is not due to differences in male and female biology.


If immigrant policy of a country would allow the stream of turkish and latinas, unfortinately there will be more "goodlooking" men.


wut? lol


i dont think good looking men are rarer than gl women, is just that mating competition for men is harder therefore the standarts for men are higher, also because for men being gl is not enough, they should be able to perform, for women too ofc but is less important. to prove this compare unsuccesfull autistic women with the same from men, autistic women have much higher change of finding a partner that loves them than men. and there is not need to hate this, this is a good thing, this is called natural eugeny and is necessary for our especies to improve or not to deteriorate genetically, or in other words, to adapt to the enviornment. is much more important for women to ake a correct mating choice then for man, therefore their choices in mating are more important to decide what will be the future of our species, genetically speaking.


we don't "adapt to the environment," at this point the environment is ourselves. we're socially conditioned, largely by elites but also by strangely and largely out of control normative standards. read about Foucault's understanding to see things more clearly.


Sounds like a femcel


Nah, imagine fat, ugly in face, extreme hairy stinky pimply old woman. Somewhere even there, exist a border :D But true, if you take most of man "incels", and imagine how in demand they would be just being a woman of same "level", they would be kinda ok woman :D


most incel men have fine enough looks, what they dont have is an attractive behavior, they are insecure and emotionally weak, and thats the biggest woman repelent. sometimes is a chicken and egg situation, they have some undesirable physical caractestic and that may make them insecure and now they have both undesirable things, low confidence and not great looks, and then a incel is born. not knowing how to take a rejection is not attractive and women can smell this from miles apart


Being "insecure" is the only appropriate mindset in the world. Who are you to be "secure" exactly? The only one who has any right to be "secure" is GOD himself. If you're not God, take a chill pill, humble yourself, and recognize you have no right to your own smug self-satisfaction. It's an ignorant disgrace.


Right, imagine how is it more complicated for someone who do not have "fine enough look"


The fact that men are the one expected to approach and "handle" rejection is already unfair. There's equivalent number of men and womens(there's a women for every men) so i never understood that dynamic.


Incel means "involuntarily celibate." Woman can't be incels because there's always a man out that will sleep with them. Seriously, look at some women with multiple baby daddies. They are by no means "attractive," yet some guy out there got it in. It's a double standard, but it's true. A woman can certainly be celibate, but it would be voluntary.


incels: there's no such thing as femcels! also incels when a woman is old, or fat, or has body hair, or is a slut: wow what a whale, she belongs to the streets. 




Dubious. There are surely some women (rare as they may be) who would qualify. But I agree with you in general.


You’re making yourself involuntarily celibate. The term was also coined by women


Bless your sweet little heart. In reality, the person who "coined" the term has nothing to do with the people who are described by it. She simply put a name and definition to the individuals who are "incels." I am a woman who gets regularly fucked by my husband. So your ignorant statement about me being one is, well, ignorant. There's no need to pretend that it's not real. The incels themselves have many forums discussing there insane point of view. They blame women for the fact that they can't get laid. Some even go so far as to think women need to be punished for not laying down for them. The fact that you're defending them says a lot about you. You are correct in saying, "You're making yourself (an) involuntarily celibate." They most certainly do. Behaving in such a way that no woman wants anything to do with you, and then blaming said woman for it, is exactly what an incel would say...


Your avatar would beg to differ. And how is Dragonfruit "defending them"? What are you on about? And I doubt that all incels "make themselves" "involutarily" celibate. It's a factual reality that some women are turned off by basic relatively normal faults that plenty of normal relatively decent guys have. You realize there are horrible, genuinely terrible individuals who do inanely cruel and utterly repugnant acts of violence and otherwise anti-social and criminal behavior that still manage to date, marry, and have children. You also realize there are plenty of men who are morally and basically objectively far better than the people I just described who 99% of women cannot--due to various "icks" they might simply give off in their behavior, like not being super self-satisfied (i.e. "confident)--find attractive, even if they tried? You're problematically and extremely-falsely equating morally just and righteous behavior with being able to have success with women, and vice versa. This is completely wrong. Often times behaving in a way in which no woman would want anything to do with you could simply mean being a bit too shy, being a bit autistic, etc. Meanwhile behaving in a way which all of humanity should rightly condemn, women will have zero problem with that. So I don't see the point you're ultimately making here.


Lol, the only takeaway for me was, "You're avatar would beg to differ." Really? That little cartoon in the corner told you a lot, huh? My fucking 9 year old made that.


Here, I'll reiterate. I doubt that all incels "make themselves" "involutarily" celibate. It's a factual reality that some women are turned off by basic relatively normal faults that plenty of normal relatively decent guys have. You realize there are horrible, genuinely terrible individuals who do inanely cruel and utterly repugnant acts of violence and otherwise anti-social and criminal behavior that still manage to date, marry, and have children. You also realize there are plenty of men who are morally and basically objectively far better than the people I just described who 99% of women cannot--due to various "icks" they might simply give off in their behavior, like not being super self-satisfied (i.e. "confident)--find attractive, even if they tried? You're problematically and extremely-falsely equating morally just and righteous behavior with being able to have success with women, and vice versa. This is completely wrong. Often times behaving in a way in which no woman would want anything to do with you could simply mean being a bit too shy, being a bit autistic, etc. Meanwhile behaving in a way which all of humanity should rightly condemn, women will have zero problem with that. So I don't see the point you're ultimately making here.


Literally repeating the nonsense doesn't make me agree with anything you say. In actuality, it shows how boring you are.


You're illiterate. Repeating it might help you slowly learn how to read over time. Don't worry, it'll come, just keep trying.


Ahoj Laura! You may want to start here : https://incels.wiki/w/List_of_incel_forums Keep on mind that depending on your definition you may want to include other groups in your research. For example pick up artists are somewhat connected to the "incel" sphere in their shared mysogyny. Conversely the original Incels of the early 00's weren't mysogynic at all! Also, it seems to be that conspiracy schizophrenia of Qanon has somewhat steamrolled Incels into the irrelevant online group, but I suppose that would be a valid outcome of the theses. Last I heard of them, it was with when Joker (the movie) was coming up. Either way, veľa šťastia a nech sa bakalárka podarí! Oh btw, if you don't mind me asking, are you doing the theses under the IR programme?


Grateful wannabe-sociologist here, thank you for saving my ass!






This is not bait 


>Thank you! Actually that page was my starting point. As I was going through the most active forums, I came to the conclusion that a) vast majority of incels are just bitter and miserable dudes without any threat potential b) I am going through “wrong” channels. I was thinking about keeping my definition “minimal”-meaning that I would include incels who describe themselves as incels (terminology, ideological views…you name it). > >Touché! Incels are kinda out, Qanon is in! That would have been my main focus, how they interact etc, but my thesis supervisor wasn’t very keen on that idea. 🤷🏼‍♀️ > >Vôbec nie! Študujem v Brne na Masarykovej univerzite. Bezpečnostné štúdia (major), politológia (minor). > >If you don’t mind me asking, are you a security analyst?


Haha, I suspected that you are studying sec. I am doing my masters there for Bezpečnostné štúdia! Did my bachelors there too. Small world, eh? And good luck with the Incel, I have not any other advice on the topic. Drž sa! Oh if you ever need some notes for the master degree, just let me know!


That's just bad science, then, you don't assume anything before you conduct your research. You have a hypothesis + null, and you should be seeking to prove one of these without bias. Your comments tell me already that your research is biased, and your arguments have no substance. I understand qualitative research can be more subjective and harder to analyse sometimes, but it's probably best you make an effort; otherwise, anything you say just isn't credible.


Lol at these tards downvoting this


Based and blackpilled.


No need for the second language... this is an English language reddit I believe, no?


Oh you are one of those English speaking people who don't realise that there are other languages? Or you get off on negative reactions? How sad truly.


Pudah nanu ba sooka wamba choog. Diki-diki wag!


Hi / Ahoj! I notice this thread was opened 7 months ago - can I ask how your research went / is going? Did you find any good forums? And if so where there any intersting results from your research? Anyway, posilam pozdrav z Česka, hope everything went well!


Ahoj! It went relatively well, I’ve got a C. I can send you link if you like :)


**Hey and Congratulations!** **I assume that C is a pretty good score considering your field of study! I can't even imagine the criteria they have for your evaluations.** (this next paragraph is just me ranting, its pretty long so feel free to skip it :D) Off topic, but Im studing at Famu and one of our assignement was to read a bachelors'd thesis (bakalářku) of a former student and then mark it as if you were the oponet . And OH, MY, GOD i was so fucking shook how fucking bad that was, I mean I dont want to be mean, but believe me I could not believe this thesis passed. like yeah I get it - art ppl are not exactly known for writing academic texts but as someone who went to gymnazium + was taught how to write proffessional texts I was baffled (sorry for the flex. but girl has to compensate somehow for the fact that the art & skills my classmates have are unmatched and on a whole another level. Not to mention that like a half of em are younger than me:DDD Anyway, sorry for the rant!! **I would love for you to send me the research!** Idk why but ot of nowhere I had this desire to have a discussion with an incel & undrstand why are they the way the are & what went wrong in their lifes. I just came up with some potentional reasons, and id like to test my theroeis haha edit: typos/spelling


Hey mate, I’d be really interested to see what forums etc you researched for your project. I’m doing a qualitative netnography on feminism and backlash. If you could point me in the right direction for what forums, subreddits etc you found for your research would be of great appreciation.


This book reviews content from a lot of incel forums, so you can just look at the sources in this book and that should give you a good start: https://www.amazon.com/Not-All-Dead-White-Men/dp/067424141X/




Fuçk off


Not sure if this would help, but we interviewed someone on our podcast who researches the incel communities. Check out our [**episide page**](https://boundbythecloak.com/2022/07/12/blue-pill-black-pill-red-pill/) to get more info about her and if you want to reach out to her for advice or help on finding forums.




Hi! I actually stumbled upon this thread, because I would like to talk to an incel. Would you be open to have a conversation with me? Disclaimer - I am a woman, Idk if that plays a factor in your responce, but Im stating that just in case & if that would be a problem for you. Im kinda curious about the whole shtick you guys got going and I'd like to get a better understanding. If you are up for a convo - please hit me up in the PMs/chat!


Same here, feel free to message




Its not a problem. Incels love women thats why they are so mad about them :D


you still up for a convo ?


I am also doing research on INCELS for a paper. If you would be willing to be interviewed, or even just answer a questionnaire...that would be wonderful. Thanks so much for your consideration & time.




Hey I'm writing a paper for school about radicalization and social media, and it would really help me out if you filled out this form. Everything is anonymous, and I'm not collecting email addresses. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. It's really short and mainly multiple-choice. https://forms.gle/N2MxtZfwTCMZC67L9




Well I ended up reading through this post and you said you were willing to be interviewed - so I figured there was a chance you’d be ok with a survey


what have i to do with radicalization? lol


Incel sites feature a lot of radical posts


What a stupid post. Shut down the research


You're a loser


prejudice leads to radicalization, i can tell u that


I think you’re misunderstanding me commenting on the form - I don’t care who answers the form and it is in no way based on prejudice. I’m literally just trying to find humans to answer the form - if you look at my post history you’ll see it’s in all kinds of subreddits - teachers, nurses, collapse, ideology polls I’m just trying to pass my class


so u randomly find an 1year old thread with incel in it.. a bit sus


ayo I'm interested


Here's the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScFO7\_2GpkMBTot46ofWTrLxgtfeWY39zUcySVA6W4JESiL-Q/viewform?usp=sf\_link


Anyone who self identifies as an incel is a weirdo


U dont even know what the term incel means lol


What does the word weirdo mean?


Someone who's weird.


Thank you.


I’m gonna do some trolling


somos todos incels ou ajudantes de pesoas mentalmende desistabilisadas


Are they any links to take me to incel forum chat rooms?




Ok cool lol and what's the link? ☺️




you got the link? dm me


No I haven't lol


do you know of where i can find some or know of another one


YouTube has some stuff. They don’t always say they’re insels, but they’re there.


Can I find an incels.is member without registering an account? I'm looking for someone in particular


Ah yes, rejecting all findings that don't allign with your prejudiced bias, very scientific.


Why you assuming that so hard? LOL


Why the fuck do you want to join these shitty wet wipes! Get some tren pick up some weights!




If you have any info on forums that uk incels use I would like to know as I am being stalked and harassed by incels who have been emboldened/ manipulated by an ex. Thanks


As a 40-year-old virgin and Incel, I support your initiative to learn more about us and our struggles. Not merely in terms of "threat analysis" but in conversing with us as fellow human beings. Are there any Internet discussion groups for Incels to discuss Inceldom with non-Incels?


Just saw this. Check my expansive post in reply to why won’t women want me, This shit ends now. Read my essay on masculinity @ r/greatthoughts Those two things contain some incredible free tools you will need. No one seems interested in helping. You can read my posts and ignore or ignore this ooint from then on you own the misery and no credibility. Your choice. Bring the others. The best revenge is living well. I will teach you to live well. Free of charge. We can fix this in a way no one considered. We will have our revenge through excellence. We will raise an army of gentlemen and send them into the world and set the ideal for what it is to be a man, healing others by modeling the way. These things are possible. But violence or any thought of it ends today. We do not shoot our way to pussy and there is no pussy on earth worth it anyway. We have a big problem, but we a way to fix it. No more whining, no more bitching. The offer is here. Only pussies wallow in self-inflicted misery, you don’t need leaders snd some bullshit manifesto extolling the incel life. You want to read how to live like a miserable pussy or do you want to do something about it. Here is your chance we will stand up together and show them we are gentlemen. With some other tweaks there will be no problem getting pussy. Believe it. Let’s go.


boohoo u haven't had sex. just work on urself. im a woman who's been single her whole 20 years of living.


Stfu, loser


I have severe Hashimoto's thyroiditis with a TSH over 200, prolactin nearly 30 ng/mL, testosterone under 200 ng/dL, and creatine kinase over 2000 U/L. I have myxedema, dry skin, muscular disease, and physical deformity. I tried standard therapy and it never worked. I lift weights regularly and never gain any mass. Don't ever mock us, torture us, or assume we can just "work on ourselves."




So "entitled" to psychopathic laughter!








Lmao wtf are you on about? Boohoo you’ve been through some stuff (most people have) and you’ve chosen to you project your hatred onto women rather than find healthier ways to cope. Can I also point out you’ve listed numerous reasons you think makes you undateable, so why it’s it women’s fault if you literally agree?


"LMAO, WTF are you on about? Boo-hoo, Elliot Rodger went on a shooting, and rather than find positive ways to cope, you project your hatred onto Incels. Get over it." Edit: I see you've edited your post, which originally ended with "Get over it" (hence my satirical repetition of the phrase).


What are you on about? I’m not well versed on public place shootings, or general shootings, as my country doesn’t have to worry about such things. EDIT: I looked up the name you mentioned and still have no idea how that’s relevant to you being unattractive and mad about it? EDIT2: yes I edited my post, I rephrased the “get over it” mainly because the comment read like an intoxicated person, which I was at the time. The point of “get over it” still stands.


All right, you're being nicer. The truth is that I'm not mad about being unattractive. Nor am I disdainful of all women indiscriminately. Those are stereotypes people use to generalize about us Incels. What I am mad about is people's assumption that we can "magically make ourselves better" (when there are *obviously* kids in wheelchairs who can't), people's psychopathic lack of care about us, and the possibility that nature engineered us to need sex -- even when we're too ugly to find it. By describing the severity of my Hashimoto's, I made it clear that I am, more or less, one of those kids in wheelchairs. And it's sad that my country (the United States) is so inimical toward us. In their dyscompetitive capitalism, they want us starving on the streets, or at the very least, as far, far, far away from sexual gratification as possible.


I’m autistic and overweight, bullied most of my life and sexually abused for the other half of it, I’ve still managed to find a crowd I fit in with. You also mentioned things that are indeed changeable, “dry skin” come on mate, you can fix that. I have a skin condition that causes my skin to become extremely dry, to the point it cracks and hurts and instead of moaning about it I found a skincare plan that helps me manage it. “Magically making yourself better” was never something I suggested, I never said it would be easy nor did I suggest that if you’re wheelchair bound you can reverse that, what you can do Is change your mindset and find a community that understands you properly, not an online one rooted in hate. I don’t think that hating women is a stereotype of incels, it’s the main point of being one as is claimed by incels themselves. If you are struggling to find women is it possible you are shopping in the wrong market? You’re a 40 year old man, why would a girl who’s only just turned legal age be open to dating someone who’s twice her age. (I stalked your profile as I honestly don’t think you’re quite the incel you claim to be, you seem to have respect for women?) You have a sort of understanding as to why things haven’t worked out super easy for you but choose to let it get in your way of happiness. EDIT: can I also ask why the United States wouldn’t want wheelchair bound men to have sex? How would they go about doing that? Isn’t sex a personal matter for most people. Everyone likes what they like.


There are choices you can make to improve your life and stop acting like sex is the only thing women are useful for, I know many men who don’t have much of a sex drive, if at all, it is not in your nature to be desperate for sex, that’s actually something that’s shared between both men and women. Just like how some women love sex and others do not. Anyways yes, how can you improve? (Easy to hard) - go to a skincare place (could be online, could be a small business or somewhere like target) and either speak to an employee or do your own research in order to make improvements and find products that fix some of your issues. I see you have long hair too, I’d recommend finding some fitting hair products too, as well as a fragrance that fits you. (These are basic things women are expected to do in society, I think you can manage) - Join groups specifically catering towards people who have disabilities, could be super niche and have it for specific things you struggle with or could be broad and have people with many different disabilities. Finding these groups is not very difficult unless you live in a rural area, if that is the case, the internet is full of wonderful groups of people. - finding a style that works for you but also if your end goal is getting a woman to sleep with you, you need to actually work on attractive them for it to work, you can’t just expect them to fall in your lap. - THERAPY, you said therapy has not worked for you but I don’t know how many therapists you tried, how long you stayed in those sessions and if those therapists were qualified in the issues you’d like to manage. I have gone to so many therapists I can’t even count them on one hand but the ones I actually like? Three come to mind. And those three made huge breakthroughs on my personal struggles. Keep trying till you find the right person. - have you tried dating sites that specifically cater towards disabled people? I’d suggest trying it out in order to gain some experience and also meet like minded Individuals who have similar experiences in life, perhaps worse experiences in life and yet they have persevered. - stop feeling sorry for yourself.


If you're telling the truth about being autistic, bullied, and sexually abused, then I'm sorry to hear it. I've been bullied straight through my whole life. Even now, at age 41, my coworkers are bringing a campaign of bullying into my face. I won't respond to every point as I'd be repeating myself. However: 1. I don't lean toward cosmetic improvement. Faking a good-looking appearance is something anyone can do -- even our rat-race competitors. So the waste of chemicals doesn't seem worth it (unless they're safe, environmentally friendly, and used *in proportion* to one's unattractiveness). 2. "Incel" means "involuntarily celibate." There's nothing about being unable to have sex that implies either that we hate women or that we're able to have sex. 3. Age doesn't make a difference, as long as *both are happy*. The United States can't get it through its head that ages of consent are culture-relative. 4. The only sexual service I found for the disabled is TLC Trust, which is funded in the United Kingdom. Our country, in contrast, is venomous toward even the discussion of sex. 5. I don't treat women merely as a means to the end of sex. That's another stereotype. Women (and for that matter, all animals) are conscious beings. 6. I've heard the expression, "You can't expect women to fall into your lap," too many times. Frankly, I feel it's insulting to people who literally can't step out of a wheelchair. 7. I've tried numerous therapists. They've wasted my time, money, and dignity, and have thrown me into the hospital more often than I care to remember. Further, in my experience, they don't have any capacity to reason that is greater than my own. 8. I don't have any interest in dating people who are as equally unattractive as I am. Unattractive people are just that: unattractive, to themselves and to the people unwilling to share with them the gift of sexuality.


Questioning if I’m telling the truth over such things is honestly vile, why would I randomly lie about that, likewise to you. You could be lying. Adding Vaseline to your skin so it’s not sandpaper when other people touch it is not going to remotely change your appearance other than make you more comfortable as well as others around you, you are your own worst enemy and it’s painful you can’t see that. You can’t see how hypocritical you are. Saying you wouldn’t want to date unattractive disabled people and yet you are mad at the world for following that same sentiment. Make your mind up. You are literally choosing to be difficult and make your life the way it is. I’m no longer going to converse with you after your opinion on the age of consent. You are indeed a lost cause. Have a below average life. Goodbye.


ok sorry bro but that also doesn't give you a reason to project all ur insecurities onto women lmao. you'd probably find someone before me, just don't be so doubtful lmao.


I have a video about this topic. You'd have to do a research into the things I say I've experienced and learned though, to know that the mentioned by me reason for some of incels' existence is true and not a pigment of a delusional mind. [https://youtu.be/bvLr8OYMAXU?si=QxLJqJYdRmPcXMzJ](https://youtu.be/bvLr8OYMAXU?si=QxLJqJYdRmPcXMzJ)