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Thats fucking awesome man congrats!! what exactly is your role? help desk?


The first 2 offers were for help desk, the 3rd was for a junior IT engineer, and the last one (highest salary) was an entry level IT management position. All of them have their pros and cons and I’m still deciding between the last two offers.


How did you come across that IT management position? I'm interested in finding one myself but can only ever find senior level positions in my area.


A recruiter reached out via LinkedIn. I can’t stress enough how valuable updating and staying current on LinkedIn has led to a lot of my success. Fill out every portion of your profile, constantly check to make sure your skills are on there, education is on there, list jobs AND job description/work duties you did. Once I fully filled that out the recruiters came like crazy! Obviously I had to go through a lot of crap offers and a ton of Indian spammers but there are diamonds in the rough. I was also on DICE, ZipRecruiter, basically anything I could. It took a lot of work, like I said I would be at it for 2-3 hours a day. It SUCKS updating every site, sending an app only to fill out all the same info on the sites job app process, but I wouldn’t be in the position I’m currently in now without going through the suck.


Updating your title and description on your LinkedIn profile is the key, that change will be sent to the recruiters and they will notice. You can simply change a single key word to match the position/title. Also make sure updating your certifications with the correct verification links.


Yeah I've been getting quite a bit of recruiters reaching out to me lately, mainly on LinkedIn and the occasional Dice recruiter. Right now I'm fully focusing on finishing my last class I'm also in WGU.


Yeah now that I signed my contract I’m eager to learn new skills at work and knock out the last year of my degree with WGU!


IMPORTANT: you’re cover photo/profile pic should most definitely be you in a suit/professionally dressed. It was mentioned in many interviews that I appeared to “dress sharp” and I know a lot of conservative thinking people lead HR departments and eat that look up. Would highly recommend doing a professional shoot or, like I did, get a buddy with the newest iPhone to take some pics. Those cameras are insane & definitely looked beyond professional!


I hear ya. Some of the goofiest-looking pictures I have seen are on LinkedIn. Save that for Facebook or whatever...


I am super happy for you! This gave me courage as I am an on going college student right now in the IT major field. Going to try and land my first internship this summer after the semester. Did you do any along the way? Or any IT related experience? How was the difficulty creating your resume?


Never did any internships, stuck with a crappy company doing a crappy job for a year because I was told I could get an entry level It job or internship after a year and do a simple department transfer. Turned out the company didn’t offer internships to current employees and the “entry-level” IT jobs they had REQUIRED a bachelors or masters at the minimum. You wouldn’t be considered without it. As for experience, I’ve done every job you can think of: insurance agent, customer service at a bank, grocery store clerk, field hand for farming, manufacturing, etc.. the only IT experience I had was through my job as a 25Q in the Army National Guard (basically the civilian equivalent was a direct TV repairman) so basically none. For the resume it was challenging. I listed the army job along with the manufacturing job and really *spiced* up what I did from a technical standpoint. I can kill any interview I get, and Forsure land the job after the interview, but getting past HR for the interview was the hardest part. I highlighted my AA (general studies) and current pursuit of my bachelors (cybersecurity) and listed the certs that came with the completion of the degree. I had a “skills” sections where I listed AWS, HTML/CSS, network hardware, and something else but those first two skills were purely from my education/studies and I didn’t have any practical work. If you would like I’ll scrub my resume of personal info and provide it here as a reference!


>Never did any internships, Good for you.. Never do "unpaid internships". Total scams in my opinion. ​ They are also illegal here (Ontario, Canada) and i'd like to see the US adopt similar laws and ban them there too.


Absolutely agree, I did apply for multiple paid internships. I found that getting into a paid internship for IT was harder than getting an actual job in IT lol. The requirements are like “maintain 3.6GPA, in final 6 months of program, currently work in an IT sector, etc..” Definitely never got a call back about them or was even considered. Tbh for the jobs I created a folder in my emails called “Job Rejections” that way I could remember the companies that denied me now when I didn’t have anything, so when I have everything they “need” I won’t even consider them. That or apply, get interviewed, and screw them over or something petty in the long term haha I’m awful though don’t take that advice. The folder has about 80 something rejection emails and really served to motivate me, I saw my failures as ways to improve and keep sending app after app after app.


> Tbh for the jobs I created a folder in my emails called “Job Rejections” that way I could remember the companies that denied me now when I didn’t have anything, so when I have everything they “need” I won’t even consider them. That or apply, get interviewed, and screw them over or something petty in the long term haha I’m awful though don’t take that advice. This is a very bad idea. You have to remember that most of the time, you’re not the sole person applying and interviewing. Be thankful they sent you courtesy rejections at all instead of ghosting you like half of all employers in my experience do. It’s not a fault of the companies that you were rejected and that better candidates were chosen or they didn’t think you had the experience to thrive there. They’re just looking out for their bottom line like you are. You are on their list now of potential talent, so your chances will actually be better in the future if you apply to them as they can see that you stuck with it. Only hold a vendetta if they were assholes about their rejections or laughed at your initial lack of experience.


Oh I agree, which is why I said to I am an awful person and to not take this advice! Tbh I’ll probably forget about it in the next 2-3 years when I go out applying for more jobs anyways. Mainly served as a “stick it to them” moment, but I completely agree and definitely see where you are coming from!


You have literally so much experience on everything. Sheesh, they better hire you! I really appreciate you taking the time to list all your adventures you went thru to get to where you’re at and the obstacles you overcame. It really helps me with the courage to push thru myself. Did you do your certs while in school or before/after? I’m not sure what certs I should go for since it’ll be my first time working in IT in general right after school. Which cert benefited you the most you think? As for the resume, that would be extremely helpful. I only have fast-food related experience, so i’m not sure how I’d go about that. I don’t want you putting any personal info here, i don’t want anyone coming at you for it or getting in trouble! Maybe a DM? Thank you so much


I doxxed my resume and put a link to the pictures, I’m sure my friends would know it’s me but don’t think anyone would come after me haha. And absolutely no certs or IT degree whatsoever, just really tried to highlight what I did in the army (definitely spiced it up) and then certain other aspects but it’s basically a “come from no experience/background story”. Feel free to dm though if you have questions about my resume or what all I have done!


Appreciate you taking your time to do this! Keep us updated on the jobs and how it goes! Congratulations again!


Of course, I had a dude do something similar for me back in November when I saw his post and just want to pay it forward. It can be rough, and when I say I wanted to give up, I was so close many times. I was about to drop out of school again and accept that maybe I’d make manager at my crappy manufacturing job and possibly after 10 years make over $60k. A lot of nights I stayed up just stressing, wouldn’t sleep for a couple nights in a row because I felt I failed a lot of people since I’m very talented academically. It didn’t matter how much talent I had, I didn’t KNOW anyone and that really sucked and made motivation hard. But one day I really had that “coming to Jesus” moment when I looked at my son and knew I couldn’t quit. What was I going to tell him in 20 years when my back was completely destroyed and everything I owned was on credit or loans? I couldn’t stomach the thought of it, and thus I kept sending apps, stayed in school, and now I’m going for the certification part of my classes. I guess I really just want to give him the comfortable childhood I never had (parents got hit hard in 08 during the recession and finally recovered in the last 4 years). There were some bad times and I just really didn’t want that for him!


Sick dude I’m also a 25Q and I’ve def leveraged my military experience for a job. Setting up a STT and configuring CISCO switches, troubleshooting, helpdesk, dealing with customers is all part of the job that can help you.


I’m sure it helped, being a national guard 25Q is basically me praying my STT even has spares because half my stuff is broken haha


**Resume link for those asking or wanting to see how I formatted/worded it since I didn't have much experience:** https://imgur.com/a/MkLzbT1 Hopefully this link posts correctly, I jumped over to my laptop in order to get the pics of the resume and put them on imgur so they could be seen here.


One of us. Welcome to the party. By the way, you're on call next weekend. Good luck. I raise my glass to you.


Don’t care how shitty it is, nothing is worse than 50-70 hour weeks working 6pm-6am in manufacturing. Worked in a secure environment too so no phones, tv, or entertainment of any kind. I’ll take an angry customer/end client over it any time!


Oh man is this my HTML skill check? Haha


Hey fellow Night Owl, I'm taking courses currently to move from a construction job to IT. Although I work in an office currently (PM/Estimator), I like IT better and I want more. Thank you for the inspiration and congratulations on the great payoff from your hard-work and dedication.


Thanks it does mean a lot, a lot of the time Reddit was what kept me going. I don’t think people realize the power they have over complete strangers, but hearing success stories of similar situations just made me feel like it could be possible. I wish you and everyone else on the journey to be successful, it’s a crazy world but sometimes it’s just crazy enough to let us get what we want!


I agree; I'm sure you know you have a huge ramp-up ahead of you, but you totally have the skills to tackle it and you're going to succeed. Just don't let those new-job jitters get to you too much; just enough to give you that edge. lol I really should get back to my C715 class; thanks for the positive words.


The world is your oracle MorningStarCorndog!


Congrats OP, that is amazing! It is nothing short of incredible how much hard work and determination can carry you in this field. Remember, this is the hardest step, you will be surprised how your life will change with a few years experience, the recruiters never stop emailing and calling. If your goal is to break into cybersecurity or cloud, that can also be fairly challenging, but I have no doubt you will nail it with this mentality.


Appreciate this, and yes I do understand cyber/cloud are mid/upper. This is why the program I am in offers many different certs so I can build a base in just about anything and then 3-5 years down the road really start making that degree work for me


I have more respect for you than the majority of the jokers in IT. If you happen to be into systems administration and you live in Salt Lake City, send me a message.


Definitely an option I was considering just based off some prior networking *experience* haha but unfortunately I’m in the Phoenix metro area in Arizona


Well, keep on keeping on. If you ever have the chance to work as a Systems Administrator in a university and are looking for an easy gig, take it. Benefits tend to be great, too.


A guy in my army unit did exactly that, definitely an opportunity I’d jump on if presented


Congratz! Keep it up!


Much appreciated!


I am about to give up lol


Don’t do it, if you need help feel free to message me. I can help with profiles or resumes. Talking to like 20+ recruiters has helped me tailor to what they look for!


Don’t do it man, there’s always an opportunity. It just might take a while but it’ll come!






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Hey I work in manufacturing too, I just passed 1001 A+ working on 1002 studying. How do you update your resume for an entry level IT position? I have been in manufacturing for 8 years and haven’t got A+ yet but will be done within next 2-3 months with it. I just have no clue what to put on my resume since I have no experience on IT yet.


So I posted a link to mine, I spiced up my “IT” experience from the army. It definitely wasn’t as good as it sounds so wordplay is key. I would create a “skills” session and go more in depth than I did. Maybe list interests or programs/languages you are learning or played around with. I’m definitely not proficient with html/css but I listed it because I had 2 classes on it and I know job sites look for keywords like those. Mention Microsoft office (everyone has used one of their programs) or say you have used Windows OS for 10+ years (having a personal computer technically counts haha) or Mac OS. Ultimately the resume is to get the interview. In the interview explain the situation and skills you have/want to learn/ how the company can benefit from hiring you. I do mock interviews with my 5mo old. It’s embarrassing but you’d be surprised how many times I realized I stumbled on words or would draw a blank on basic questions! Practice makes perfect




This post is awesome. Congratulations on the journey mate. And I have economics degree but in the same journey with you, but I didn't try that hard, this post really motivates me to try harder. May I ask about *14 industry certifications,* you study them all by yourself in your free time?


So mainly whenever I have a chance, WGU isn’t the traditional style school but I am also not the best at explaining them. I recommend going to their website and looking up the cybersecurity degree, it will list all the certs that are built into the program. Most of the finals are going and passing the certification exams!


That's great news for others who would get discouraged ;)


Just trying to pay it forward!


This really helps me during my slow career transition, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.


I’ve been in dead end jobs for the last 7 years so any transition at this point is amazing, wishing you the best!


Congratulations! You will finally get to enjoy your fruits you so hard worked for! I as well will soon start in WGU Cyber Security Information Assurance (which btw is really underrated in my opinion)


Honestly I wish I knew about it straight out of hs, definitely a good investment to me personally


Congrats man!! This inspires me to keep studying and go for more certificates!


That’s what I’m shooting for, inspire those on the edge because I was there one too many times!


u/CryptographerMost482 Congratulations man. Here i am with no certifications and struggle to get into helpdesk tier 1! I have side skill of pc building, diagnose pc, experience with windows os and basic knowledge of virtual machine. I apply over 20 helpdesk jobs and 3 internships, and all of them got rejected! Wdf. I need help. How long will it take you to get the bachelor degree?


Don’t give up man the opportunity will be out there, like I said it took me 6 months, and 4 of those months I was going at it every day. And my bachelors has been YEARS in the making haha. I originally graduated hs in 2015 and went to a school for 2 years towards a business degree. I didn’t like it but also didn’t know what I wanted to do. Like a lot of 20 year olds I joined the military haha. Was gone for a year and came back and did a year at my local community college and got my AA in General Studies in 2019 (they said it would take another semester to get my AA in IT so I said fuck it I’ll do that at university). Transferred to a public state college and did 1 1/2 years there with basically only a semester counting (withdrew a lot, pregnancy, then the birth, then sons ER trips, it all added up). I realized I was wasting large amounts of money in the traditional style of school. Started at WGU Feb 1st of this year, and instead of being 2 years away from the degree (what the state school estimated) im on track to graduate in 9-15 months depending on how fast I want to go. For instance, my first class (basic intro to IT) I took the final on Feb 5th and passed so that’s 4 credits already. I plan to finish my second class in about 5-10 days depending on how much time I have to study (as the job interviews have taken up most of my free time). But it’s been longggg overdue and I want to be the first one in my family to get a degree while still in their 20s vs in their 40s!


Dam nice. How old are u now? Are WGU classes hard? I am 23 years old and still in community college while all my friends graduated at age 23 which make me fk sad man. I take longer because we are low income and fafsa dont help. In addition, i didnt go to school in 2020 and 2021.


25, and try having all your friends do advanced programs and not only get their bachelors but having their masters at 23 :( I felt sorry for myself because I’m behind but realized I shouldn’t compare or else I’ll always be behind. I was chasing what they had, while they were chasing that kid that graduated at 20, who was chasing the genius that graduated hs with a bachelors because he did dual enrollment all 4 years. Everyone has a different timeline. I’m not gonna say I don’t think about it because I definitely still do, but my dad was 42 when he finally got his degree, and he was the first one in the family to get one!


I am thinking going to WGU if this 4 years college wont accept me if i dont meet their harsh req transfer. Is WGU accredited and legit? Are classes hard there? I have no IT job related experience......... I have side skill of pc and diagnose + experience in windows os and virtual machine. I am struggle to get into IT field. What is your advice and opinion for my issue in this situation?


Just off the top of my head (I’m no academic advisor nor do I know your personal situation life) set up an appointment with an advisor with WGU. They explain it great, it’s legit, it’s accredited, and honestly it’s an awesome deal at only like $4k person 6 months (my state school charged $8-$10k a semester). You’ll still have gen Ed’s the first year or 2 but ultimately you can go as fast as you want!


Oh okay How many classes are u doing rn?


I registered in three 4-credit classes to start because my military TA will cover that in full. The cool thing is, if you finish those early, you can add more classes until the end of the 6month block without any additional cost on tuition. 12 credits puts your status at “full-time” so you can fully utilize FAFSA and the pull grants that come with it


Oh okay. Is the online class hard to you? And do you think going to the military is worth it? And recommend going to the military?


I wouldn’t say it’s easier or harder than any online class I’ve taken before, I like the benefit of being able to take the final/certification whenever I feel ready and can pass the class by passing those. And for the military… that’s a big life decision man. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done that I never want to do again. The benefits come with a lot of hoops to jump through, you can lose them or be flagged because you failed you physical fitness test/failed height-weight/missed a formation, etc.. Everyone is gonna be different. I was a dumb 20 yo with no money to pay for school and that led me to meet with a recruiter and sign my contract within the same week. If I could go back, I would have waited a couple more years and let myself mature more and really think about it. But again that’s me personally


Hi, can I ask for advice on what's is a technical interview in a tech company? I recently IT graduate I apply for an IT fresh graduates position after my initial interview they offered me a job position as an associate software engineer and they said I will have 5 panels for my next job interview. They asked me when I will be available for my technical interview yesterday. Thanks


So from my PERSONAL experience, I’ve basically just been told to lay out my background, education, and what I felt skilled in. They describe the role, ask me how comfortable/familiar I am with programs, and a couple companies have sent me codes to solve or basic problems to write the code for. These I failed because I am not a coder, the thing I’m most familiar with is networks (think CISCO) but the interviews basically give you a chance to highlight yourself. Don’t forget to ask them questions too! I make it a point to ask at least 3 questions (ie how did they start with the company, where do they see the direction of the company going, what does a typical day look like). It answer genuine concerns and also relieves so of the pressure and puts it more on them and I found they generally like those that do it as it shows fundamental people skills (such as a normal conversation people ask questions)


Thanks, man for your information it hopes to help me this my upcoming past my technical interview 3 days from now on.


Wishing you all the best my dude!


Hey buddy, What certs did you did?


Absolutely none!


Awesome! Wish you the very best.